
885 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "BotAI_Main.h"
#include "BotAI_Actions.h"
#include "BotAI_Routes.h"
#include "BotAI_Obstacles.h"
#include "../misc/PlayerBody.h"
#include "Bot_Common.h"
#define MAIN_GUN 0
#define PISTOL_SLOT 1
#define GUN_SLOT 2
#define GRENADE_SLOT 3
#define MAX_CHARGES 2 //mal: the max number of charges that will be tracked for each client, at any one time.
#define MAX_ITEMS 8 //mal: the max number of health/ammo/supply packs we will track per client, at any one time.
#define MAX_KILLS 4 //mal: the max number of kills we'll keep track of.
#define MAX_VEHICLES 32 //mal: the max number of vehicles we'll keep track of. //FIXME: is this enough??!
#define MAX_CHATS 64 //mal: the max number of chats the bots will track and react to.
#define MAX_SPAWNHOSTS 20 //mal: the max number of spawnhosts the bots will track and use.
#define MAX_GRENADES 4
#define MAX_MINES 3
#define MAX_TEAMS 2
#define MAX_SHIELDS 4
#define MAX_TARGET_TIME 10000
#define BOT_THINK_DELAY_TIME ( bot_threadMaxFrameDelay.GetInteger() * USERCMD_MSEC ) //mal: how long the delay could be with the bots thinking with the threading system.
#define VEHICLE_BOX_EXPAND 50.0f
#define NORMAL_BOX_EXPAND 25.0f
#define BOT_CROSSHAIR_DIST 30.0f
#define HALF_PLAYER_BBOX 16.0f
#define NORMAL_PLAYER_BBOX 32.0f
enum gameMapNames_t {
struct teamUsesSpawn_t {
bool teamUsesSpawn;
int percentage;
struct actorMissionInfo_t {
bool hasBriefedPlayer;
bool forwardSpawnIsAllowed;
bool setup;
bool deployableStageIsActive;
bool playerNeedsFinalBriefing;
bool playerIsOnFinalMission;
bool setupBotNames;
bool hasEnteredActorNode;
int chatPauseTime;
int actionNumber;
int targetClientNum;
int actorClientNum;
int goalPauseTime;
struct teamMineInfo_t {
bool isPriority;
struct gameLocalInfo_t {
bool inWarmup;
bool inEndGame;
bool heroMode; //mal: is the game in hero mode - can update at will!
bool botsUseTKRevive;
bool botsCanStrafeJump;
bool botsUseVehicles;
bool botsUseAirVehicles;
bool botsStayInVehicles;
bool botsSillyWarmup;
bool botsIgnoreGoals;
bool botsUseSpawnHosts;
bool botsUseUniforms;
bool botsUseDeployables;
bool botsUseMines;
bool debugBots;
bool debugObstacleAvoidance;
bool friendlyFireOn;
bool botsPaused;
bool debugBotWeapons;
bool botKnifeOnly;
bool debugPersonalVehicles;
bool debugAltRoutes;
bool botsCanSuicide;
bool botsCanDecayObstacles;
bool botsSleep;
bool teamStroggHasHuman;
bool teamGDFHasHuman;
bool gameIsBotMatch;
bool botsDoObjsInTrainingMode;
int botFollowPlayer;
int botIgnoreEnemies;
int time;
int botSkill;
int botAimSkill;
int numClients;
int nextGDFRespawnTime;
int nextStroggRespawnTime;
int botPauseInVehicleTime;
int botTrainingModeObjDelayTime;
//mal: timers
int energyTimerTime; // points to the time it takes to recharge the charge bar
int bombTimerTime; // points to the time it takes to plant a bomb
int fireSupportTimerTime; // points to the time it takes to launch fire support
int deviceTimerTime; // landmines, etc.
int supplyTimerTime; // health/ammo packs
int deployTimerTime; // deployables
//mal: constants
int chargeExplodeTime; // how long until a HE/Plasma charge explodes
int gameTimeInMinutes;
float maxVehicleHeight;
float crouchViewHeight;
float proneViewHeight;
float normalViewHeight;
teamUsesSpawn_t teamUsesSpawnInfo[ MAX_TEAMS ];
teamMineInfo_t teamMineInfo[ MAX_TEAMS ];
playerTeamTypes_t winningTeam;
gameMapNames_t gameMap;
struct playerBodiesInfo_t {//mal: all values set at the end of idGameLocal::RunFrame
bool isValid;
bool uniformStolen;
bool isSpawnHost;
bool isSpawnHostAble;
bool isSelectedAsSpawn;
int bodyOwnerClientNum;
int bodyNum;
int areaNum; //mal: what area of the AAS this body is in.
int spawnID;
playerTeamTypes_t bodyTeam;
idVec3 bodyOrigin;
struct spawnHostInfo_t {
bool areaChecked;
int entNum;
int spawnID;
int areaNum;
idVec3 origin;
struct covertToolInfo_t { //mal: flyer hives/third eye cameras
bool clientIsUsing; //mal: is the client currently looking thru this tool? Always true for hives atm.
int entNum;
int spawnID;
float xySpeed;
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
struct forceShieldInfo_t {
int entNum;
int spawnID;
idVec3 origin;
struct smokeBombInfo_t {
int entNum;
int spawnID;
int birthTime;
float xySpeed;
idVec3 origin;
struct stroyBombInfo_t {
int entNum;
int spawnID;
float xySpeed;
idVec3 origin;
struct gameAbilities_t { //mal: track unlockable abilities that affect how/if the bots do their job.
bool fasterMedicCharge;
bool grenadeLauncher;
bool stroggCovertNoFootSteps;
bool stroggAdrenaline;
bool gdfAdrenaline;
bool stroggRepairDrone;
bool gdfStealthToRadar;
bool selfArmingMines;
int rank;
#define TARGET_SSM 2
struct artyAttackInfo_t {
int birthTime;
int deathTime;
int type;
float radius;
idVec3 origin;
struct scriptHandlers_t {
qhandle_t chargeTimer; //mal: a handle to the player's charge bar
qhandle_t bombTimer; //mal: a handle to the player's charge bar
qhandle_t fireSupportTimer;
qhandle_t deviceTimer;
qhandle_t supplyTimer;
qhandle_t deployTimer;
//mal_TODO: add more here as needed!
enum botVehicleWeaponInfo_t { //mal: these are the different types of weapons that are available to the bots while in a vehicle.
MINIGUN, // hyperblaster too
TANK_GUN, // SBC and the like. Titans, Desecrators, and goliaths all have this.
struct weaponInfo_t { //mal_TODO: keep adding more info for weapons, as its needed, ALSO - setup where this are placed
bool primaryWeaponNeedsUpdate;
bool isReady; //mal: is in the up and ready to fire position
bool primaryWeapHasAmmo; //mal: does the weapon in this bank have ammo?
bool sideArmHasAmmo;
bool primaryWeapNeedsAmmo; //mal: does our main gun need ammo?
bool isIronSightsEnabled;
bool isScopeUp;
bool primaryWeapClipEmpty;
bool hasNadeAmmo;
bool isReloading; //mal: is the client busy reloading their weapon?
bool isFiringWeap; //mal: is this client firing their weapon?
bool primaryWeapNeedsReload; //mal: does our main gun need a reload?
bool hasAmmoForReload;
bool hasNadeLauncher;
int grenadeFuseStart; //mal: the timer on the bots nade. -1 if bot has no active nade
plantedMineInfo_t landMines[ MAX_MINES ];
grenadeInfo_t grenades[ MAX_GRENADES ];
playerWeaponTypes_t weapon; //mal: set in idWeapon::GetWeaponDef - current weapon client has
playerWeaponTypes_t primaryWeapon; //mal: set in idWeapon::GetWeaponDef - this is the "main" gun for this client
airstrikeInfo_t airStrikeInfo;
covertToolInfo_t covertToolInfo;
artyAttackInfo_t artyAttackInfo;
struct carryableObjInfo_t {
bool onGround; //mal: is the docs/brain/gold/flag/parts/etc on the ground.
int entNum;
int spawnID;
int areaNum;
int carrierEntNum; // if exists
int parentActionNum;
playerTeamTypes_t ownerTeam;
idVec3 origin;
struct clientProxyInfo_t {
bool weaponIsReady; //mal: is the current weapon ready?'
bool clientChangedSeats; //mal: did the client move seats in the vehicle recently?
bool hasTurretWeapon;
int time; //mal: how long since the player entered this vehicle
int entNum; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
float boostCharge; //mal: for vehicles with limited boost charge.
botVehicleWeaponInfo_t weapon; //mal: does the seat the bots in atm have a weapon available?
idVec3 weaponOrigin;
idMat3 weaponAxis;
struct gameNeededClassInfo_t {
int numCriticalClass;
playerClassTypes_t criticalClass;
playerClassTypes_t donatingClass;
struct teamRetreatInfo_t {
int retreatTime;
struct botGoalInfo_t { //mal_TODO: keep adding more info for goals, as its needed, ALSO - setup where these are placed
bool objOnGround; //mal: is the docs/key/gold/whatever on the ground ATM?
bool mapHasMCPGoal;
bool team_GDF_AttackDeployables;
bool team_STROGG_AttackDeployables;
bool gameIsOnFinalObjective;
bool isTrainingMap;
int deliverActionNumber;
int mapHasMCPGoalTime;
int team_GDF_PrimaryAction;
int team_GDF_SecondaryAction;
int team_STROGG_PrimaryAction;
int team_STROGG_SecondaryAction;
int botGoal_MCP_VehicleNum;
float botSightDist;
gameNeededClassInfo_t teamNeededClassInfo[ MAX_TEAMS ];
teamRetreatInfo_t teamRetreatInfo[ MAX_TEAMS ];
playerTeamTypes_t attackingTeam;
playerClassTypes_t team_GDF_criticalClass; //mal: the critical class currently, so bots know who to escort, defend, etc for the GDF.
playerClassTypes_t team_STROGG_criticalClass; //mal: the critical class currently, so bots know who to escort, defend, etc for the Strogg.
sdSafeArray< carryableObjInfo_t, MAX_CARRYABLES > carryableObjs;
struct clientInfo_t {
bool inGame; //mal: set true in idPlayer::Spawn, set false in idGameLocal::ServerClientDisconnect
bool isTryingToMove;
bool hasCrosshairHint; //mal: set in idPlayer::GetCrosshairInfo - just checks if bot has a crosshair hint
bool revived; //mal: set in idPlayer::SpawnToPoint
bool justSpawned; //mal: set in idPlayer::SpawnToPoint
bool inLimbo; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool isPanting; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool hasGroundContact; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool hasJumped; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool inWater; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool wantsVehicle;
bool hasRepairDroneInWorld;
bool isTeleporting;
bool usingMountedGPMG;
bool isNoTarget; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool onLadder; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool isInRadar; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool needsParachute; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool isBot; //mal: set in idGameLocal::SpawnPlayer
bool enemyHasLockon; //mal: does an enemy have a locked on us - if we're in a vehicle or turret of some kind.
bool isCamper;
bool inPlayZone; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - is the player in a valid play zone?
bool targetLocked; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - is our target locked on?
bool isMovingForward; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool isLeaning; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool isDisguised; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool inEnemyTerritory; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
bool hasTeleporterInWorld;
bool isActor; //mal: this client is an actor, presenting info to the player.
int briefingTime;
int resetState; //mal: should the bot reset its AI, and how much of a priority is it to reset?
int touchingItemTime; //mal: set in idItem::OnTouch - is this client touching an item? Useful for finding spies!
int friendsInArea; //mal: set in idBotAI::RunFrame
int enemiesInArea; //mal: set in idBotAI::RunFrame
int disguisedClient; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - client bot is disguised to look like.
int tkReviveTime;
int lastOwnedVehicleSpawnID;
int lastOwnedVehicleTime;
int classChargeUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think -
int supplyChargeUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - supply packs
int bombChargeUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - HE charges
int fireSupportChargedUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - arty and airstrikes
int deviceChargeUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - landmines, etc.
int deployChargeUsed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - deployables.
int mountedGPMGEntNum;
int escortSpawnID;
int escortRequestTime;
int lastRoadKillTime;
int spawnID;
int spawnHostEntNum;
int killTargetNum; //mal: keep track of entities that have been marked for death
int killTargetSpawnID;
int killTargetUpdateTime;
bool killTargetNeedsChat;
int pickupRequestTime;
int pickupTargetSpawnID;
int commandRequestTime;
bool commandRequestChatSent;
int spawnHostTargetSpawnID;
int repairTargetNum; //mal: keep track of entities that have been marked for repair
int repairTargetSpawnID;
int repairTargetUpdateTime;
bool repairTargetNeedsChat;
int deployDelayTime; //mal: how long til we can try to drop a new deployable.
int targetLockEntNum; //mal: set in idPlayer::SetTargetEntity - this will be set whether client has target lock or not.
int spectatorCounter;
int targetLockTime;
int spawnTime; //mal: set in idPlayer::SpawnToPoint
int lastKilledTime; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - when client last died.
int health; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
int maxHealth; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
int lastAttacker; //mal: set in idPlayer::Pain - who last attacked this client
int lastAttackerTime; //mal: set in idPlayer::Pain - when this client was last attacked
int lastAttackClient; //mal: set in idPlayer::Pain - who we last attacked
int lastAttackClientTime; //mal: set in idPlayer::Pain - when we last attacked them
int lastAttackedEntity; //mal: last entity ( deployables, etc ), we attacked.
int lastAttackedEntityTime; //mal: last entity attacked time.
int areaNum; //mal: set in idBotThread::RunFrame - what AAS area this client is in.
int areaNumVehicle;
int invulnerableEndTime; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - is this client invulnerable ( i.e. just spawned)?
int crouchCounter; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - how long has this player been crouching.
int killCounter; //mal: cycles thru the list of "kills".
int favoriteKill; //mal: set in idPlayer::UpdatePlayerKills - the client we love to kill!
int chatDelay;
int covertWarningTime;
int lastChatTime[ MAX_CHATS ]; //mal: when did this client last chat
int lastThanksTime;
int lastClassChangeTime;
int lastWeapChangedTime;
int myHero; //mal: client who gave this bot health/ammo recently.
int mySavior; //mal: client who revived us recently
int killsSinceSpawn; //mal: how many ppl have I killed since being spawned?
int backPedalTime;
int missionEntNum; //mal: entity number of the entity we have a mission for
int supplyCrateRequestTime; //mal: when this client last requested a supply crate.
int lastShieldDroppedTime;
float xySpeed; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
clientProxyInfo_t proxyInfo;
weaponInfo_t weapInfo; //mal: the state of this clients weapon
playerTeamTypes_t team; //mal: set in idPlayer::SetGameTeam
playerClassTypes_t classType; //mal: set in sdInventory::SetPlayerClass
playerClassTypes_t cachedClassType;
scriptHandlers_t scriptHandler; //mal: used to get certain, hard to get, script only stuff.
botPostureFlags_t posture; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
killedPlayersInfo_t kills[ MAX_KILLS ];
supplyPackInfo_t packs[ MAX_ITEMS ];
supplyPackInfo_t supplyCrate;
gameAbilities_t abilities;
forceShieldInfo_t forceShields[ MAX_SHIELDS ];
idVec3 altitude;
idVec3 origin; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think
idVec3 oldOrigin;
idVec3 aasOrigin;
idVec3 aasVehicleOrigin;
idVec3 gpmgOrigin;
idVec3 viewOrigin; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - a copy of idPlayer:: origin + eyeOffset
idAngles viewAngles; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - a copy of idPlayer::viewAngles
idMat3 viewAxis; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - a copy of idPlayer::viewAxis
idMat3 bodyAxis;
idBounds localBounds; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - a copy of the players bbox
idBounds absBounds; //mal: set in idPlayer::Think - a copy of the players bbox
struct botCommands_t {
bool enterVehicle; // impulse cmd
bool exitVehicle;
bool reload; // impulse cmd
bool ackJustSpawned;
bool ackReset;
bool ackSeatChange;
bool dropDisguise;
bool shoveClient;
bool droppingSupplyCrate;
bool attack; // mal: normal cmds
bool zoom;
bool activate;
bool activateHeld; // hold down the activate key
bool altAttackOn;
bool altAttackOff;
bool destroySupplyCrate;
bool altFire;
bool launchPacks; // specific to health/ammo packs
bool switchAwayFromSniperRifle;
bool topHat;
bool enterSiegeMode;
bool exitSiegeMode;
bool honkHorn;
bool launchDecoys;
bool launchDecoysNow;
bool useTankAim; // if true, use the Titan's aiming code to look at this location.
bool isBlocked;
bool lookUp; // these 2 are just used by bots resupplying themselves.
bool lookDown;
bool throwNade; // looks up just a bit if bot throws nade/airstrike/violater.
bool suicide; // bots wants to end it all.
bool constantFire; // we want the bot to fire constantly
bool hasNoGoals; // a special flag that lets the waypointer know the bot has no goals yet, so the bots are just gonna take a smoke break.
bool hasMedicInFOV; // if dead, does this client have a medic in their view?
bool becomeDriver;
bool becomeGunner;
bool godMode;
bool switchVehicleWeap;
bool actorBriefedPlayer;
bool actorSurrenderStatus;
bool actorIsBriefingPlayer;
bool actorHasEnteredActorNode;
struct botDeployInfo_t {
int deployableType;
int actionNumber; //mal: for debugging.
idVec3 location;
idVec3 aimPoint;
struct botLocationRemap_t {
idBox bbox;
idVec3 target;
struct botAreaChange_t {
idBounds bounds;
int areaFlags;
int travelFlags;
bool set;
struct botReachChange_t {
idStr name;
int travelFlags;
bool set;
struct botAIOutput_t {
botTurnTypes_t turnType; //mal: should the bot turn to its viewAngle goal right away, aim, or just move to angles slowly?
botChatTypes_t desiredChat; //mal: what the bot would like to be saying
bool desiredChatForced;
int actionEntityNum; //mal: entity the bot is trying to interact with - could be a player, flag, vehicle, etc.
int actionEntitySpawnID;
int ackRepairForClient;
int ackKillForClient;
int tkReviveTime;
int decayObstacleSpawnID;
botDeployInfo_t deployInfo;
idVec3 moveGoal; //mal: area the bot is heading to.
idVec3 moveGoal2; //mal: for jumps, hal strafing, etc - where its heading after it reaches moveGoal.
botViewTypes_t viewType; // type of bot view to use, defines which of the variables below are actually used
int viewEntityNum; //mal: entity the bot is trying to look at - could be vehicle, a flag, an enemy, etc.
idAngles moveViewAngles; //mal: where the bot would like to be looking - can be independent of movement direction.
idVec3 moveViewOrigin; //mal: only used for vehicles - a point in space the bot wants to look at. The vehicle itself will find the angles.
botCommands_t botCmds; //mal: the user cmds the bot would like to execute this frame.
weaponBankTypes_t idealWeaponSlot; //mal: the weapon this bot would like to have in its hands.
playerWeaponTypes_t idealWeaponNum; // the specific weapon the bot wants to use.
botMoveFlags_t moveFlag; //mal: crouch, sprint, run, walk, etc.
botMoveTypes_t specialMoveType;
botMoveTypes_t moveType; //mal: mostly used for combat, but can be used for jumping, etc.
botDebugInfo_t debugInfo;
struct sharedWorldState_t {
sdSafeArray< clientInfo_t, MAX_CLIENTS > clientInfo; //mal: store info for all the clients.
sdSafeArray< playerBodiesInfo_t, MAX_PLAYERBODIES > playerBodies; // store info about all the dead bodies in the world.
sdSafeArray< spawnHostInfo_t, MAX_SPAWNHOSTS > spawnHosts;
gameLocalInfo_t gameLocalInfo; // store info about the current game
botGoalInfo_t botGoalInfo;
sdSafeArray< proxyInfo_t, MAX_VEHICLES > vehicleInfo;
sdSafeArray< deployableInfo_t, MAX_DEPLOYABLES > deployableInfo;
sdSafeArray< smokeBombInfo_t, MAX_CLIENTS > smokeGrenades;
sdSafeArray< plantedChargeInfo_t, MAX_CLIENT_CHARGES > chargeInfo; //mal: its possible for one client to 2 charges in the world.
sdSafeArray< stroyBombInfo_t, MAX_STROYBOMBS > stroyBombs;
struct sharedOutputState_t {
sdSafeArray< botAIOutput_t, MAX_CLIENTS > botOutput;
class idBotThreadData {
public: // the following routines are called from the game thread
void LoadMap( const char* mapName, int randSeed );
void InitAAS( const idMapFile *mapFile );
int NumAAS() const;
idAAS * GetAAS( int num ) const;
idAAS * GetAAS( const char *name ) const;
void ShowAASStats() const;
int FindActionByName( const char *actionName );
int FindActionByOrigin( const botActionGoals_t actionType, const idVec3& origin, bool activeOnly );
int FindRouteByName( const char *routeName );
void CheckCrossHairInfo( idEntity *bot, sdCrosshairInfo &botCrossHairInfo );
int FindDeclIndexForDeployable( const playerTeamTypes_t team, int deployableNum );
bool RequestDeployableAtLocation( int clientNum, bool& needPause );
void InitClientInfo( int clientNum, bool resetAll, bool leaving );
void UpdateState();
void DebugOutput();
void LoadBotNames();
void LoadTrainingBotNames();
void TrainingThink();
void CheckCurrentChatRequests();
void FindBotToBeActor();
bool MapHasAnActor();
bool DestroyClientDeployable( int clientNum );
void CheckTargetLockInfo( int clientNum, float& boundsScale );
int GetBotSkill() { return GetBotWorldState()->gameLocalInfo.botSkill; }
int GetBotAimSkill() { return GetBotWorldState()->gameLocalInfo.botAimSkill; }
void UpdateClientAbilities( int clientNum, int rankLevel );
void VehicleRouteThink( bool setup, int& routeActionNumber, const idVec3& vehicleOrg );
void Clear( bool clearAll );
void FindCurrentWeaponInVehicle( idPlayer *player, sdTransport* transport ); //mal: find which weapon is currently available to the bot in a vehicle position.
void SetCurrentGameWorldState();
void SetCurrentGameOutputState();
static void Cmd_KillAllBots_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
static void Cmd_ResetAllBots_f( const idCmdArgs & args );
void ManageBotClassesOnSmallServer();
bool ServerHasHumans();
bool ActionIsLinkedToAction( int curActionNum, int testActionNum );
bool CheckActionIsValid( int actionNumber );
sharedWorldState_t * GetGameWorldState() { return gameWorldState; }
const sharedOutputState_t * GetGameOutputState() const { return gameOutputState; }
void VOChat( const botChatTypes_t chatType, int clientNum, bool forceChat );
void UpdateChats( int clientNum, const sdDeclQuickChat* quickChat );
void LoadActions( const idMapFile *mapFile );
void LoadRoutes( const idMapFile *mapFile );
void Init();
void ResetClientsInfo();
void SetupBotInfo( int clientNum );
float GetVehicleTargetOffset( const playerVehicleTypes_t vehicleType );
void ChangeBotName( idPlayer* bot );
static bool FindRandomBotName( int clientNum, idStr& botName );
int GetNumClassOnTeam( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam, const playerClassTypes_t classType );
int GetNumBotsInServer( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
bool TeamHasHumans( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
void ResetBotAI( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
int GetNumClientsOnTeam( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
int GetNumBotsOnTeam( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
int GetNumWeaponsOnTeam( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam, const playerWeaponTypes_t weapType );
int GetNumTeamBotsSpawningAtRearBase( const playerTeamTypes_t playerTeam );
void CheckBotSpawnLocation( idPlayer* player );
void DeactivateBadMapActions();
int FindHeavyVehicleNearLocation( idPlayer* player, const idVec3& org, float range );
int FindDeliverActionNumber();
bool IsThreadingEnabled() const { return threadingEnabled; }
int GetThreadMinFrameDelay() const { return threadMinFrameDelay; }
int GetThreadMaxFrameDelay() const { return threadMaxFrameDelay; }
bool AllowDebugData() const { return !threadingEnabled && bot_debug.GetBool(); }
bool PlayerIsBeingBriefed();
int FindActionByTypeForLocation( const idVec3& loc, const botActionGoals_t& obj, const playerTeamTypes_t& team );
bool IsActionsLoaded() { return actionsLoaded; }
bool IsForwardSpawnsChecked() { return forwardSpawnsChecked; }
bool ClientIsValid( int clientNum );
void ResetBotsInfo();
void ClearClientBoundEntities( int clientNum );
void DrawNumbers();
void DrawRearSpawns();
void DrawActionPaths();
void DrawActions(); //mal: displays the map's actions - useful for debugging!
void DrawDefuseHints();
void DrawDynamicObstacles();
void DrawActionNumber( int actionNumber, const idMat3& viewAxis, bool drawAllInfo );
int GetBotFPS() const { return botFPS; }
botDebugInfo_t GetBotDebugInfo( int clientNum );
void RemoveBot( int entityNumber );
bool CheckIfClientsInGameYet();
void EnableArea( const idBounds &bounds, int areaFlags, int team, bool enable );
void EnableReachability( const char *name, int team, bool enable );
bool BuildObstacleList( idObstacleAvoidance &obstacleAvoidance, const idVec3 &origin, const int areaNum, bool inVehicle ) const;
public: // the following routines are called from the bot thread
void RunFrame();
void CheckBotClassSpread();
void DeleteBots();
void ApplyPendingAreaChanges();
void ApplyPendingReachabilityChanges();
void DisableAASAreaInLocation( int aasType, const idVec3& location );
int GetDeployableActionNumber( idList< int >& deployableActions, const idVec3& deployableOrigin, const playerTeamTypes_t deployableTeam, int deployableType );
void OnPlayerKilled( int clientNum );
const idClipModel* GetVehicleTestBounds( const playerVehicleTypes_t vehicleType );
void SetCurrentBotWorldState();
void SetCurrentBotOutputState();
const sharedWorldState_t * GetBotWorldState() const { return botWorldState; }
sharedOutputState_t * GetBotOutputState() { return botOutputState; }
void Printf( const char *fmt, ... );
void Warning( const char *fmt, ... );
// aasType is either AAS_PLAYER or AAS_VEHICLE
int Nav_GetAreaNum( int aasType, const idVec3 & origin );
int Nav_GetAreaNumAndOrigin( int aasType, const idVec3& origin, idVec3& aasOrigin );
bool Nav_IsDirectPath( int aasType, const playerTeamTypes_t& playerTeam, int areaNum, const idVec3 & start, const idVec3 & end );
bool RemapLocation( idVec3 &origin ) const;
bool EntityIsExplosiveCharge( int entNum, bool armedOnly, const playerTeamTypes_t& ignoreTeam );
idList< idAAS* > aasList; // area system
idStrList aasNames;
idClip * clip;
idRandom random;
idList<idBotActions*> botActions;
idList<idBotRoutes*> botRoutes;
idList<idBotObstacle*> botObstacles;
idList<botLocationRemap_t*> botLocationRemap;
idBotNodeGraph botVehicleNodes;
idHashIndex actionHash; // hash table to quickly find actions by name
idHashIndex routeHash; // hash table to quickly find routes by name
idBotAI * bots[ MAX_CLIENTS ];
idStrList botNames;
idStrList trainingGDFBotNames;
idStrList trainingSTROGGBotNames;
idList< int > mcpRoutes;
actorMissionInfo_t actorMissionInfo;
bool teamsSwapedRecently;
int ignoreActionNumber;
bool threadingEnabled;
bool actionsLoaded;
bool forwardSpawnsChecked;
sharedWorldState_t worldStateBuffer[BOT_THREAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
sharedOutputState_t outputStateBuffer[BOT_THREAD_BUFFER_SIZE];
int currentWorldState;
int currentOutputState;
sharedWorldState_t * gameWorldState;
sharedOutputState_t * gameOutputState;
sharedWorldState_t * botWorldState;
sharedOutputState_t * botOutputState;
idBotAI * removedBotAIs;
idList<botAreaChange_t> pendingAreaChanges;
idList<botReachChange_t> pendingReachChanges;
idClipModel* personalVehicleClipModel; // icarus and husky
idClipModel* genericVehicleClipModel; // everything but goliath
idClipModel* goliathVehicleClipModel; //
int threadMinFrameDelay;
int threadMaxFrameDelay;
int botFPS;
int nextBotClassUpdateTime;
int packUpdateTime;
int nextDeployableUpdateTime;
int lastCmdDeclinedChatTime;
int nextChatUpdateTime;
int lastWeapChangedTime;
bool checkedLastMapStageCovertWeapons;
void AddActionToHash( const char *actionName, int actionNum );
void AddRouteToHash( const char *routeName, int routeNum );
void DynamicEntity_Think(); //mal: run thru all the tracked dynamic entities, and update their info.
extern idBotThreadData botThreadData;
#endif /* !__BOTTHREADDATA_H__ */