
2010 lines
63 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../Game_local.h"
#include "../ContentMask.h"
#include "BotThreadData.h"
#include "BotAI_Main.h"
This is the bot's long term goal thinking when he is in a vehicle.
bool idBotAI::Run_VLTG_Node() {
//mal: first, lets check if we should be running a different node....
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.inWarmup && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botsSillyWarmup != false ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_Warmup_Node;
return false;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.inEndGame ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_Intermission_Node;
return false;
if ( ClientIsDead( botNum ) ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Enter_Run_Dead_Node;
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo == NULL ) { //mal: if we're not in a vehicle anymore, run our on-foot thinking
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == MCP && botVehicleInfo->isDeployed ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI || botVehicleInfo->type == HORNET ) && botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum > -1 && botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) {
const clientInfo_t& pilot = botWorld->clientInfo[ botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum ];
if ( pilot.isBot ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == MCP && botVehicleInfo->isImmobilized && !botVehicleInfo->isEMPed ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == MCP && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.heroMode && TeamHasHuman( botInfo->team ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == HUSKY || botVehicleInfo->type == BADGER || botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS || botVehicleInfo->type == HOG ) && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY ) {
if ( Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() != -1 ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_IgnoreVehicle( botVehicleInfo->entNum, 15000 );
return false;
int deployableEnemy = Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack();
if ( Bot_IsInHeavyAttackVehicle() && deployableEnemy != -1 && V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE != NULL && !botVehicleInfo->isAirborneVehicle ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
} else if ( deployableEnemy != vLTGTarget ) { //mal: OK, so we're attacking a deployable, so lets make sure its the RIGHT kind in this situation.
deployableInfo_t deployableInfo;
GetDeployableInfo( false, vLTGTarget, deployableInfo );
if ( deployableInfo.entNum != 0 ) {
if ( deployableInfo.enemyEntNum != botNum && deployableInfo.enemyEntNum != botVehicleInfo->entNum ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY ) {
if ( Bot_IsInHeavyAttackVehicle() && V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE != NULL && vLTGType != V_TRAVEL_GOAL && deployableEnemy == -1 && vLTGType != V_DESTROY_DEPLOYABLE && vLTGType != V_GOTO_REVIVE_MATE ) {
int botDeployableTarget = Bot_HasDeployableTargetGoals( false );
if ( botDeployableTarget != -1 ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( timeTilAttackEnemy != -1 && timeTilAttackEnemy < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time && enemy != -1 ) {
Bot_SetTimeOnTarget( true );
V_ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_VCombat_Node;
return false;
if ( Bot_CheckHumanRequestingTransport() && Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() == -1 ) { //mal: if we've offered to give someone a ride, lets wait here for a second. NOT if under attack!
return true;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type != MCP && Bot_CheckForHumanNearByWhoMayWantRide() && Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() == -1 ) {
if ( vehicleCheckForPossibleHumanPassengerChatTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
Bot_AddDelayedChat( botNum, NEED_LIFT, 1 );
botUcmd->botCmds.honkHorn = true;
vehicleCheckForPossibleHumanPassengerChatTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 10000;
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, FULL_STOP ); //hit the brakes!
return true;
if ( V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE == NULL && botExitTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == MCP && vLTGType != V_DRIVE_MCP && vLTGType != V_DRIVE_MCP_ROUTE ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
botUcmd->botCmds.ackSeatChange = true;
aiState = VLTG;
if ( V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE != NULL ) {
CallFuncPtr( V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE ); //mal: run the bot's current Long Term Goal think node
if ( botUcmd->botCmds.exitVehicle == false ) {
if ( botInfo->classType == MEDIC && vLTGType != V_GOTO_REVIVE_MATE ) { //mal: medics will have NBG in the vehicle think nodes.
if ( vLTGType != V_STOP_VEHICLE ) {
if ( botInfo->classType == ENGINEER && ( ( botVehicleInfo->health < ( botVehicleInfo->maxHealth / 2 ) && botVehicleInfo->type != MCP && !( botVehicleInfo->flags & AIR ) ) || ( botVehicleInfo->type == MCP && botVehicleInfo->isImmobilized ) || botVehicleInfo->damagedPartsCount > 0 ) && enemy == -1 && !botVehicleInfo->inWater && ( botVehicleInfo->hasGroundContact || botVehicleInfo->type == DESECRATOR ) ) {
if ( !Client_IsCriticalForCurrentObj( botNum, -1.0f ) && !VehicleIsIgnored( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum ) /* && !Bot_IsInHeavyAttackVehicle() */ ) {
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_StopVehicle; //mal: engs will jump out of own vehicle and fix it.
botWantsVehicleBackTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 15000;
if ( botVehicleInfo->damagedPartsCount > 0 ) { //mal: vehicle is damaged. No way to tell if its major or minor, so just bail out.
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_StopVehicle;
if ( enemy <= -1 ) {
} else {
// assert( false ); //mal: panic!
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == PLATYPUS && botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == botNum && botVehicleInfo->xyspeed < WALKING_SPEED ) {
if ( ( botVehiclePathList.Num() == 0 && vLTGPauseTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) || ( botVehicleInfo->hasGroundContact == true && botVehicleInfo->inWater == false ) ) {
if ( botPathFailedCounter > MAX_PATH_FAILED_COUNT ) {
return true;
This is the bot's combat thinking when he is in a vehicle.
bool idBotAI::Run_VCombat_Node() {
proxyInfo_t enemyVehicleInfo;
trace_t tr;
idVec3 end;
if ( ClientIsDead( enemy ) || !ClientIsValid( enemy, enemySpawnID ) ) {
if ( !Bot_VehicleFindEnemy() ) {
V_ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_VLTG_Node;
return false;
const clientInfo_t& playerInfo = botWorld->clientInfo[ enemy ];
if ( playerInfo.proxyInfo.entNum != CLIENT_HAS_NO_VEHICLE ) {
GetVehicleInfo( playerInfo.proxyInfo.entNum, enemyVehicleInfo );
if ( enemyVehicleInfo.type == MCP && enemyVehicleInfo.isImmobilized && enemyVehicleInfo.driverEntNum == enemy ) {
if ( !Bot_VehicleFindEnemy() ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->damagedPartsCount > 1 ) { //mal: vehicle is too damamged to drive, so get out of it.
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type != BUFFALO && Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() != -1 && ( ( botVehicleInfo->flags & ARMOR ) || botVehicleInfo->type > ICARUS ) ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, true );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == BADGER || botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS || botVehicleInfo->type == HOG ) && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY && botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == botNum ) {
if ( Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() != -1 ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_IgnoreVehicle( botVehicleInfo->entNum, 15000 );
return false;
if ( !enemyInfo.enemyVisible && enemyInfo.enemyLastVisTime + 9000 < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time && !chasingEnemy ) {
if ( !Bot_VehicleFindEnemy() ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( !vehicleEnemyWasInheritedFromFootCombat ) {
if ( playerInfo.proxyInfo.entNum == CLIENT_HAS_NO_VEHICLE && enemyInfo.enemyDist > ENEMY_VEHICLE_SIGHT_DIST && !ClientHasObj( enemy ) && !ClientIsDefusingOurTeamCharge( enemy ) ) { //mal: we wont bother with ppl on foot too much
if ( !Bot_VehicleFindEnemy() ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( playerInfo.proxyInfo.entNum != CLIENT_HAS_NO_VEHICLE && enemyInfo.enemyDist > ENEMY_VEHICLE_SIGHT_DIST ) {
if ( ( !enemyVehicleInfo.isAirborneVehicle && !botVehicleInfo->isAirborneVehicle ) && !ClientHasObj( enemy ) || botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill == BOT_SKILL_EASY ) { //nal: if enemy far away, leave him alone.
if ( !Bot_VehicleFindEnemy() ) {
Bot_ResetState( true, false );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS ) {
return true;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.clientChangedSeats ) { //mal: bot was been booted out of his seat - update and see what our new status is.
vehicleUpdateTime = 0;
botUcmd->botCmds.ackSeatChange = true;
aiState = VCOMBAT;
Bot_CheckForDangers( true );
if ( ClientIsValid( enemy, -1 ) ) {
CallFuncPtr( VEHICLE_COMBAT_AI_SUB_NODE ); //mal: run the bot's current combat think node
Bot_VehicleFindBetterEnemy(); //mal: the last thing to run
return true;
The bot is in a vehicle, and wants to move to a location on the map.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_RoamGoal() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.time + 3000 > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
if ( !( botVehicleInfo->flags & PERSONAL ) && botVehicleInfo->hasFreeSeat ) {
int matesInArea = ClientsInArea( botNum, botInfo->origin, 1200.0f, botInfo->team, NOCLASS, false, false, false, true, true );
if ( matesInArea > 0 ) {
vLTGPauseTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botPauseInVehicleTime * 1000 );
if ( TeamHumanNearLocation( botInfo->team, botInfo->origin, 1200.0f, true, NOCLASS, true, true ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.honkHorn = true; //mal: honk our horn to get the humans attention.
vLTGChat = true;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_RoamGoal;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 60000;
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
lastAINode = "Vehicle Roam Goal";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_RoamGoal() {
botMoveTypes_t moveType = NULLMOVETYPE;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->active ) { //mal: action got turned off
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time < vLTGPauseTime ) { //mal: since bot code takes a frame or two to update, make sure still have a free seat before chat and wait....
if ( botVehicleInfo->hasFreeSeat ) {
botMoveTypes_t moveType = ( botVehicleInfo->type > ICARUS ) ? LAND : FULL_STOP;
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, moveType );
if ( vLTGChat ) {
Bot_AddDelayedChat( botNum, NEED_LIFT, 1 );
vLTGChat = false;
} else {
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
vLTGChat = false;
return true;
idVec3 vec = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->origin - botInfo->origin;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type > ICARUS ) {
vec[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
float dist = vec.LengthSqr();
int matesInArea = VehiclesInArea( botNum, botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetActionOrigin(), botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetRadius(), botInfo->team, false, botVehicleInfo->entNum );
if ( matesInArea > 0 && dist < Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetRadius() + 950.0f ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( dist > Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->radius ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec3_zero, -1, actionNum );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI || botVehicleInfo->type == HORNET ) && botVehicleInfo->forwardSpeed > 500.0f ) {
if ( dist < Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->radius + HORNET_SLOWDOWN_DIST ) ) {
moveType = AIR_COAST;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, ( dist > Square( 500.0f ) ) ? SPRINT : RUN, moveType );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: reached our roam goal, so just leave.
return true;
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_GotoReviveMate() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_GotoReviveMate;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 25000; //mal: 25 seconds to revive this guy!
vLTGOrigin = botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].origin;
vLTGOrigin[ 2 ] += 24.0f; //mal: raise the origin up a bit, to make it easier to trace for.
vLTGReached = false;
Bot_FindParkingSpotAoundLocaction( vLTGOrigin );
lastAINode = "Vehicle Reviving Mate";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_GotoReviveMate() {
float dist;
idVec3 vec;
if ( !ClientIsValid( vLTGTarget, vLTGTargetSpawnID ) ) { //mal: client disconnected/got kicked/went spec, etc.
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, MEDIC_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
const clientInfo_t& playerInfo = botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ];
if ( playerInfo.inLimbo || > 0 ) { //mal: hes gone jim or hes already revived/respawned! Do something else
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( playerInfo.areaNum == 0 ) {
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, MEDIC_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false; //mal: one of us somehow got in a invalid area - so forget getting them and do something else.
vec = vLTGOrigin - botInfo->origin;
dist = vec.LengthSqr();
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: some human took over control of my vehicle - so can't revive!
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else if ( dist < Square( MEDIC_RANGE ) && !botVehicleInfo->inWater && botVehicleInfo->inPlayZone ) {
Bot_ExitVehicle(); //mal: we're close enough and its safe, we can jump out and still revive.
} else {
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, MEDIC_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: we're just gonnna ignore this client and do something else....
return false;
if ( dist > Square( 600.0f ) && !vLTGReached ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vLTGOrigin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, MEDIC_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this client for some reason - ignore him for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
vLTGReached = true; //mal: once we reach our goal point, don't come back here again!
if ( botInfo->xySpeed > 50.0f && !botVehicleInfo->bbox.IntersectsBounds( botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].absBounds ) ) {
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, FULL_STOP ); //hit the brakes!
Bot_LookAtLocation( vLTGOrigin, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
} else {
Bot_MoveToGoal( vLTGOrigin, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE ); //mal: dont park on top of the player we're trying to revive!
return true;
The bot is in a vehicle, and wants to move to a location on the map.
The bot won't look for gunners/passengers because he has somewhere important to go to ( which is similiar to human behavior ).
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_TravelGoal() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_TravelGoal;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 120000;
lastAINode = "Vehicle Travel Goal";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_TravelGoal() {
float dist;
float minimumDist = ( botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS ) ? 700.0f : 500.0f;
idVec3 vec;
idVec3 goalOrigin;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botThreadData.AllowDebugData() && bot_debugActionGoalNumber.GetInteger() == actionNum ) {
goto debugSkipChecks;
if ( !botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->active ) { //mal: action got turned off
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or leave. We have a goal we want to do.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
goalOrigin = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetActionOrigin();
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS ) {
if ( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetStroggObj() == ACTION_STEAL || botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetStroggObj() == ACTION_DELIVER ) {
if ( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTargets[ 0 ].inuse ) {
goalOrigin = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTargets[ 0 ].origin;
vec = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->origin - botInfo->origin;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type >= ICARUS ) {
vec[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
dist = vec.LengthSqr();
if ( dist > Square( minimumDist ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( goalOrigin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( botAAS.hasReachedVehicleNodeGoal && botVehicleInfo->type < ICARUS ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_IgnoreVehicle( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum, 15000 );
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_LTG_Node;
return true;
if ( botAAS.hasPath == false && botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_IgnoreVehicle( botVehicleInfo->entNum, 15000 );
ignoreIcarusTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + IGNORE_ICARUS_TIME;
return false;
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI || botVehicleInfo->type == HORNET ) && botVehicleInfo->forwardSpeed > HORNET_TOOFAST_SPEED ) { //mal: ugly special case hack, because hornet is so twitchy.
if ( dist < Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->radius + HORNET_SLOWDOWN_DIST ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.isBlocked = true;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, ( dist > Square( 500.0f ) ) ? SPRINT : RUN, ( dist < Square( 500.0f ) && botInfo->xySpeed > RUNNING_SPEED ) ? HAND_BRAKE : NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS && !botInfo->hasGroundContact ) { //mal: land before we bail out.
return true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_IgnoreVehicle( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum, 15000 );
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == ICARUS ) {
ignoreIcarusTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + IGNORE_ICARUS_TIME;
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_LTG_Node;
return true;
The bot is in a vehicle riding along with someone he wants to escort/protect.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_RideWithMate() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + FOLLOW_MATE_TIMELIMIT;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_RideWithMate;
lastAINode = "Ride With Teammate";
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_RideWithMate() {
if ( !ClientIsValid( vLTGTarget, vLTGTargetSpawnID ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].proxyInfo.entNum == CLIENT_HAS_NO_VEHICLE ) { //mal: our escort target left our ride, see if hes important enough to follow!
if ( !Bot_IsInHeavyAttackVehicle() && ( Client_IsCriticalForCurrentObj( vLTGTarget, 3000.0f ) || ClientHasObj( vLTGTarget ) ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
ltgTarget = vLTGTarget;
ltgTargetSpawnID = botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].spawnID;
ROOT_AI_NODE = &idBotAI::Run_LTG_Node;
LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::Enter_LTG_FollowMate;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_PickBestVehiclePosition(); //mal: lets us move into the gunners seat, if it becomes available ( like on the badger ).
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON && botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner == false && botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver == false ) {
if ( !Client_IsCriticalForCurrentObj( vLTGTarget, -1.0f ) && !ClientHasObj( vLTGTarget ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == botNum ) { //mal: we're in the drivers seat now, take control!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( Bot_WithObjShouldLeaveVehicle() || Bot_WhoIsCriticalForCurrentObjShouldLeaveVehicle() ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
The bots wants to stop/land vehicle NOW! Could be for a variety of reasons.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_StopVehicle() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + BOT_INFINITY;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_StopVehicle;
lastAINode = "Stopping Vehicle";
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum && botInfo->classType == ENGINEER ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum > -1 && botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) {
const clientInfo_t& player = botWorld->clientInfo[ botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum ];
if ( !player.isBot ) {
Bot_AddDelayedChat( botNum, STOP_WILL_FIX_RIDE, 1 );
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_StopVehicle() {
idVec3 vec;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type < ICARUS ) {
if ( botInfo->xySpeed > WALKING_SPEED ) {
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, HAND_BRAKE );
} else {
} else {
if ( botInfo->xySpeed > WALKING_SPEED || !botVehicleInfo->hasGroundContact ) {
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, LAND );
} else {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
The bot is in a vehicle, and wants to camp a location on the map.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_CampGoal() {
vLTGChat = false;
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.time + 3000 > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
if ( !( botVehicleInfo->flags & PERSONAL ) && botVehicleInfo->hasFreeSeat ) {
int matesInArea = ClientsInArea( botNum, botInfo->origin, 1200.0f, botInfo->team, NOCLASS, false, false, false, true, true );
if ( matesInArea > 0 ) {
vLTGPauseTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botPauseInVehicleTime * 1000 );
if ( TeamHumanNearLocation( botInfo->team, botInfo->origin, 1200.0f, true, NOCLASS, true, true ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.honkHorn = true; //mal: honk our horn to get the humans attention.
vLTGChat = true;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_CampGoal;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 60000;
ResetRandomLook(); //mal: start out looking this far at random targets
vLTGReached = false;
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
lastAINode = "Vehicle Camp Goal";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_CampGoal() {
int i;
int k = 0;
int randomChance = 97;
int linkedTargets[ MAX_LINKACTIONS ];
float dist;
botMoveTypes_t moveType = NULLMOVETYPE;
idVec3 vec;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->active ) { //mal: action got turned off
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time < vLTGPauseTime ) { //mal: since bot code takes a frame or two to update, make sure still have a free seat before chat and wait....
if ( botVehicleInfo->hasFreeSeat ) {
botMoveTypes_t moveType = ( botVehicleInfo->type > ICARUS ) ? LAND : FULL_STOP;
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, moveType );
if ( vLTGChat ) {
Bot_AddDelayedChat( botNum, NEED_LIFT, 1 );
vLTGChat = false;
} else {
vLTGPauseTime = 0;
vLTGChat = false;
return true;
vec = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->origin - botInfo->origin;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type > ICARUS ) {
vec[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
dist = vec.LengthSqr();
int matesInArea = VehiclesInArea( botNum, botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetActionOrigin(), botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetRadius(), botInfo->team, false, botVehicleInfo->entNum );
if ( matesInArea > 0 && dist < Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetRadius() + 950.0f ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( dist > Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->radius ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec3_zero, -1, actionNum );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI || botVehicleInfo->type == HORNET ) && botVehicleInfo->forwardSpeed > 500.0f ) {
if ( dist < Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->radius + HORNET_SLOWDOWN_DIST ) ) {
moveType = AIR_COAST;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, ( dist > Square( 500.0f ) ) ? SPRINT : RUN, moveType );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
if ( botVehicleInfo->isAirborneVehicle ) { //mal: air vehicles just treat this as a roam.
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( vec3_zero, vec3_zero, NULLMOVEFLAG, FULL_STOP );
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > randomChance || vLTGReached == false ) {
if ( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTargets[ 0 ].inuse != false ) { //mal: if the first target action == false, they all must, so skip
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LINKACTIONS; i++ ) {
if ( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTargets[ i ].inuse != false ) {
linkedTargets[ k++ ] = i;
i = botThreadData.random.RandomInt( k );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTargets[ i ].origin, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot.
} else {
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot.
if ( !vLTGReached ) {
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + ( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->actionTimeInSeconds * 1000 ); //mal: timelimit is specified by action itself!
vLTGReached = true;
return true;
The bot is in the MCP, taking it to the outpost.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_DriveMCPToGoal() {
lastAINode = "Drive MCP Goal";
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_DriveMCPToGoal() {
idVec3 vec;
if ( !Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->active ) { //mal: action got turned off - shouldn't happen
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
if ( !ignoreMCPRouteAction ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->actionRouteNumber != ACTION_NULL && !ActionIsIgnored( botVehicleInfo->actionRouteNumber ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
if ( botVehicleInfo->isImmobilized && !botVehicleInfo->isEMPed ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
vec = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->origin - botVehicleInfo->origin;
float distSqr = vec.LengthSqr();
if ( distSqr > Square( MCP_PARKED_DIST ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec3_zero, -1, actionNum );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) { //mal: this better NEVER happen! If so, something is really messed up!
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false ); //mal: Its possible MCP is out of bounds, in which case it should self-destruct soon.
assert( false );
return false;
if ( distSqr < Square( 500.0f ) ) { //mal: start slowing down as approach our goal.
botUcmd->specialMoveType = SLOWMOVE;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: reached the outpost! Now leave, and let the MCP deploy.
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return true;
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_GroundVehicleDestroyDeployable() {
vLTGTimer = 0;
vLTGTimer2 = 0;
vLTGMoveTimer = 0;
vLTGVisTimer = 0;
vLTGSightTime = 0;
vLTGDriveTime = 0;
vLTGReached = false; //mal: goliath will do alternating checks from his viewOrigin, and weap origin, to verify the target is visible.
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 120000;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_GroundVehicleDestroyDeployable;
lastAINode = "Destroy Deployable";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_GroundVehicleDestroyDeployable() {
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
return false;
float attackDist = WEAPON_LOCK_DIST;
deployableInfo_t deployable;
botMoveFlags_t vehicleMove = RUN;
if ( !GetDeployableInfo( false, vLTGTarget, deployable ) ) { //mal: doesn't exist anymore.
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
return false;
if ( botInfo->team != botWorld->botGoalInfo.attackingTeam || deployable.type != APT ) {
if ( < ( deployable.maxHealth / DEPLOYABLE_DISABLED_PERCENT ) ) { //mal: its dead ( enough ).
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
return false;
bool isVisible = true;
idVec3 vec = deployable.origin - botInfo->origin;
float distSqr = vec.LengthSqr();
int minimumSightTime = ( botVehicleInfo->type == GOLIATH ) ? 50 : 5;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == HOG ) {
isVisible = false;
if ( distSqr < Square( 1500.0f ) ) { //mal: if we're close, lets ram it!
botUcmd->actionEntityNum = deployable.entNum; //mal: dont avoid this entity!
botUcmd->actionEntitySpawnID = deployable.spawnID;
} else if ( distSqr > Square( attackDist ) ) {
isVisible = false;
vLTGVisTimer = 0;
} else {
trace_t tr;
idVec3 botOrigin = botInfo->viewOrigin;
idVec3 vec = deployable.origin;
vec.z += ( deployable.bbox[ 1 ][ 2 ] - deployable.bbox[ 0 ][ 2 ] ) * Bot_GetDeployableOffSet( deployable.type );
if ( botVehicleInfo->canRotateInPlace && vLTGReached ) {
botOrigin = botInfo->proxyInfo.weaponOrigin;
} else if ( botVehicleInfo->type == TROJAN ) {
botOrigin = botVehicleInfo->origin;
botOrigin.z += ( botVehicleInfo->bbox[ 1 ][ 2 ] - botVehicleInfo->bbox[ 0 ][ 2 ] ) * 0.90f;
vLTGReached = !vLTGReached;
botThreadData.clip->TracePointExt( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS tr, botOrigin, vec, BOT_VISIBILITY_TRACE_MASK, GetGameEntity( botNum ), GetGameEntity( botVehicleInfo->entNum ) );
if ( botThreadData.AllowDebugData() ) {
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorLtBlue, botOrigin, vec );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.c.entityNum != deployable.entNum ) {
isVisible = false;
vLTGVisTimer = 0;
} else {
if ( !isVisible || ( botVehicleInfo->canRotateInPlace && vLTGVisTimer < minimumSightTime ) || vLTGDriveTime > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or leave.
if ( vLTGMoveTimer < 300 ) { //mal: someones blocking us, wait for a bit to have them clear out of the way, else just leave this node.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
return false;
vLTGSightTime = 0;
idVec3 moveGoal = deployable.origin;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == GOLIATH && distSqr > Square( 512.0f ) ) {
botUcmd->actionEntityNum = deployable.entNum;
botUcmd->actionEntitySpawnID = deployable.spawnID;
bool canRamDeployable = false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == HOG ) {
canRamDeployable = botThreadData.Nav_IsDirectPath( AAS_VEHICLE, botInfo->team, botInfo->areaNumVehicle, botVehicleInfo->origin, moveGoal );
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == HOG && canRamDeployable && InFrontOfVehicle( botVehicleInfo->entNum, moveGoal, true ) ) {
idBox deployableBox = idBox( deployable.bbox, deployable.origin, deployable.axis );
idBox botBox = idBox( botVehicleInfo->bbox, botVehicleInfo->origin, botVehicleInfo->axis );
if ( !deployableBox.IntersectsBox( botBox ) ) {
Bot_MoveToGoal( deployableBox.GetCenter(), vec3_zero, SPRINT_ATTACK, NULLMOVETYPE ); //mal: Prepare for ramming speed! Ram them until they're dead, or we are....
Bot_LookAtLocation( deployableBox.GetCenter(), SMOOTH_TURN );
} else {
if ( vLTGTimer2 < 50 ) {
Bot_MoveToGoal( deployableBox.GetCenter(), vec3_zero, SPRINT_ATTACK, NULLMOVETYPE ); //mal: Prepare for ramming speed! Ram them until they're dead, or we are....
Bot_LookAtLocation( deployableBox.GetCenter(), SMOOTH_TURN );
} else {
Bot_IgnoreDeployable( deployable.entNum, 10000 ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
} else {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( moveGoal, -1, ACTION_NULL, false );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreDeployable( deployable.entNum, 15000 ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, vehicleMove, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
if ( vLTGSightTime == 0 ) {
vLTGSightTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time;
if ( vLTGSightTime + 5000 < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time && ( botInfo->lastAttackedEntity != deployable.entNum || botInfo->lastAttackedEntityTime + 5000 < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) ) {
vLTGDriveTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 2000;
switch( botVehicleInfo->type ) {
case TITAN:
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == MINIGUN ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
case TROJAN:
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == botNum ) {
if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botVehicleInfo->entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON ) {
if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botVehicleInfo->entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == MINIGUN ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
vec = deployable.origin;
vec.z += ( deployable.bbox[ 1 ][ 2 ] - deployable.bbox[ 0 ][ 2 ] ) * Bot_GetDeployableOffSet( deployable.type );
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN );
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == TITAN ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.useTankAim = true;
if ( vLTGTimer == 0 ) {
vLTGTimer = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + ( ( botVehicleInfo->canRotateInPlace && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botAimSkill > 0 ) ? 1100 : 500 ); //mal: low skill tanks do snap shots, that will usually miss.
if ( vLTGTimer < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.attack = true;
return true;
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_AircraftDestroyDeployable() {
vLTGTimer = 0;
vLTGMoveTimer = 0;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 120000;
rocketTime = 0;
vLTGMoveActionGoal = ACTION_NULL;
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_AircraftDestroyDeployable;
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon != LAW ) { //mal: always make sure to have LAW ready to fire.
botUcmd->botCmds.switchVehicleWeap = true;
vLTGDistFoundDeployable = 0.0f;
vLTGUseAltAttackPointOnDeployable = false;
vLTGAttackDeployableCounter = 0;
vLTGKeepMovingTime = 0;
lastAINode = "Destroy Deployable";
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_AircraftDestroyDeployable() {
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
deployableInfo_t deployable;
if ( !GetDeployableInfo( false, vLTGTarget, deployable ) ) { //mal: doesn't exist anymore.
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botInfo->team != botWorld->botGoalInfo.attackingTeam || deployable.type != APT ) { //mal: when on the attack - destroy APTS - since they are the biggest threat to our mates.
if ( < ( deployable.maxHealth / DEPLOYABLE_DISABLED_PERCENT ) ) { //mal: its dead ( enough ).
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
bool isVisible = true;
idVec3 vec = deployable.origin - botInfo->origin;
if ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI ) {
vec.z = 0.0f;
float distSqr = vec.LengthSqr();
idVec3 deployableOrigin = deployable.origin;
deployableOrigin.z += DEPLOYABLE_ORIGIN_OFFSET;
if ( distSqr > Square( WEAPON_LOCK_DIST ) ) {
isVisible = false;
} else {
trace_t tr;
botThreadData.clip->TracePointExt( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS tr, botVehicleInfo->origin, deployableOrigin, MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX | MASK_VEHICLESOLID | CONTENTS_FORCEFIELD, GetGameEntity( botNum ), GetGameEntity( botVehicleInfo->entNum ) );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.c.entityNum != deployable.entNum ) {
isVisible = false;
if ( !isVisible ) {
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or leave.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( deployable.origin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
vLTGDistFoundDeployable = 0.0f;
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreDeployable( deployable.entNum, 5000 ); //mal: no valid path to this deployable for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
bool overRideLook = false;
float desiredRange = WEAPON_LOCK_DIST;
float tooCloseRange = ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI ) ? 3500.0f : 4500.0f;
if ( vLTGDistFoundDeployable == 0.0f ) {
vLTGDistFoundDeployable = distSqr;
if ( vLTGDistFoundDeployable <= Square( tooCloseRange ) && vLTGMoveTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: deployable could be hidden by buildings ( like on Ark ), so give us a chance to take a few shots when find it.
if ( vLTGAttackDeployableCounter > 1 ) { //mal: we've tried 2 times to hit this deployable, so now try something different.
vLTGUseAltAttackPointOnDeployable = true;
//mal: pick whats our best weapon
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == LAW ) {
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weaponIsReady == false && rocketTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY ) { //mal: use rockets if LAW outta charge
rocketTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 2000;
botUcmd->botCmds.switchVehicleWeap = true;
} else {
if ( rocketTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.switchVehicleWeap = true;
//mal: now use the weapon we picked.
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == LAW ) {
if ( botInfo->targetLocked ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.attack = true;
} else {
idVec3 dir = deployable.origin - botVehicleInfo->origin;
if ( dir * botVehicleInfo->axis[ 0 ] > 0.95f ) { //mal: we have them in our sights - FIRE!
botUcmd->botCmds.attack = true;
//mal: we're too close, so manuever around and fire.
if ( distSqr < Square( tooCloseRange ) && vLTGMoveTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
int actionNumber = ACTION_NULL;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill != BOT_SKILL_DEMO ) {
actionNumber = Bot_FindNearbySafeActionToMoveToward( botInfo->origin, desiredRange, vLTGUseAltAttackPointOnDeployable );
if ( actionNumber != ACTION_NULL ) {
vLTGMoveActionGoal = actionNumber;
vLTGMoveTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 10000;
vLTGMoveTooCloseRange = tooCloseRange + ( ( botVehicleInfo->type == ANANSI ) ? 4500.0f : 3000.0f );
} else {
int n = botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 3 );
if ( n == 0 ) {
vLTGMoveDir = BACK;
} else if ( n == 1 ) {
vLTGMoveDir = RIGHT;
} else {
vLTGMoveDir = LEFT;
vLTGMoveTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 5000;
vLTGMoveTooCloseRange = tooCloseRange;
if ( vLTGMoveTime > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
if ( distSqr > Square( vLTGMoveTooCloseRange ) ) { //mal: we're far enough away to get a shot - attack.
vLTGMoveTime = 0;
vLTGMoveActionGoal = ACTION_NULL;
overRideLook = true;
if ( vLTGMoveTime > 0 ) {
if ( vLTGMoveActionGoal != ACTION_NULL ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec3_zero, -1, vLTGMoveActionGoal );
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY && botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill != BOT_SKILL_DEMO && botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > 95 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.launchDecoysNow = true; //mal: we're exposing our flank, so fire some decoys to cover our move.
} else {
vec = deployableOrigin;
if ( vLTGMoveDir == BACK ) {
vec += ( -tooCloseRange * botVehicleInfo->axis[ 0 ] );
} else if ( vLTGMoveDir == RIGHT ) {
vec += ( tooCloseRange * ( botVehicleInfo->axis[ 1 ] * -1 ) );
} else if ( vLTGMoveDir == LEFT ) {
vec += ( -tooCloseRange * ( botVehicleInfo->axis[ 1 ] * -1 ) );
if ( botVehicleInfo->type != ANANSI ) {
vec.z = botVehicleInfo->origin.z;
aasTrace_t trace;
botAAS.aas->Trace( trace, botInfo->aasVehicleOrigin, vec );
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0f ) {
vLTGMoveTime = 0;
vLTGMoveActionGoal = ACTION_NULL;
return true;
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
vLTGMoveTime = 0;
vLTGMoveActionGoal = ACTION_NULL;
return true;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
if ( distSqr > Square( desiredRange ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( deployableOrigin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreDeployable( deployable.entNum, 5000 ); //mal: no valid path for some reason - ignore for a while
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
if ( InFrontOfVehicle( botVehicleInfo->entNum, deployableOrigin ) || overRideLook ) {
Bot_LookAtEntity( deployable.entNum, SMOOTH_TURN );
} else {
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
} else {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( deployableOrigin, -1, ACTION_NULL ); //mal: still want to take into account obstacles, so do a move check.
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreDeployable( deployable.entNum, 5000 ); //mal: no valid path for some reason - ignore for a while
return false;
botMoveTypes_t defaultMoveType = AIR_BRAKE;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.botSkill > BOT_SKILL_EASY && Bot_VehicleIsUnderAVTAttack() != -1 || Bot_CheckIfEnemyHasUsInTheirSightsWhenInAirVehicle() || Bot_CheckEnemyHasLockOn( -1, true ) || vLTGKeepMovingTime > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: do a bombing run if someone is shooting at us!
defaultMoveType = NULLMOVETYPE;
if ( vLTGKeepMovingTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
vLTGKeepMovingTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + FLYER_AVOID_DANGER_TIME;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, ( botAAS.obstacleNum == -1 ) ? defaultMoveType : NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtEntity( deployable.entNum, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
The bot is in a vehicle, and wants to move to a origin on the map. Only used currently for special case scripting.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_TravelToGoalOrigin() {
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_TravelToGoalOrigin;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 60000;
lastAINode = "Vehicle Origin Goal";
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_TravelToGoalOrigin() {
float dist;
idVec3 vec;
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.gameMap == SLIPGATE ) {
Bot_ExitVehicle(); //mal: if we can't reach slipgate - need to leave vehicle
return false;
if ( botWorld->gameLocalInfo.gameMap == SLIPGATE ) { //mal: special case for slipgate. See if we got to the other side of the slipgate.
if ( botVehicleInfo->origin.x > SLIPGATE_DIVIDING_PLANE_X_VALUE ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
vec = vLTGOrigin - botInfo->origin;
dist = vec.LengthSqr();
float closeEnoughDist = ( vLTGTargetType == MCP_GOAL ) ? 750.0f : GOAL_ORIGIN_DIST;
botMoveTypes_t botMoveType = ( vLTGTargetType == MCP_GOAL ) ? NULLMOVETYPE : IGNORE_ALTITUDE;
if ( dist > Square( closeEnoughDist ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vLTGOrigin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, ( dist > Square( 500.0f ) ) ? SPRINT : RUN, botMoveType );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: reached our roam goal, so just leave.
if ( vLTGTargetType == MCP_GOAL ) {
return true;
The bot is in the MCP, taking it to a route action goal.
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_DriveMCPToRouteGoal() {
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_DriveMCPToRouteGoal;
lastAINode = "MCP Route Goal";
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_DriveMCPToRouteGoal() {
idVec3 vec;
if ( !Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->active ) { //mal: action got turned off - shouldn't happen
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
if ( botVehicleInfo->isImmobilized && !botVehicleInfo->isEMPed ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
Bot_ExitVehicle( false );
return false;
vec = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->origin - botVehicleInfo->origin;
float distSqr = vec.LengthSqr();
if ( distSqr > Square( botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->GetRadius() ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( vec3_zero, -1, actionNum );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) { //mal: this better NEVER happen! If so, something is really messed up!
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME ); //mal: no valid path to this action for some reason - ignore it for a while
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
assert( false );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: reached the route goal! Now, lets move on to the MCP outpost.
Bot_IgnoreAction( actionNum, ACTION_IGNORE_TIME );
return true;
bool idBotAI::Enter_VLTG_HuntGoal() {
V_LTG_AI_SUB_NODE = &idBotAI::VLTG_HuntGoal;
vLTGTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 120000;
lastAINode = "Vehicle Hunt Goal";
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
return true;
bool idBotAI::VLTG_HuntGoal() {
if ( vLTGTime < botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) { //mal: times up - leave!
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, CLIENT_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( !ClientIsValid( vLTGTarget, vLTGTargetSpawnID ) ){
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum != botNum ) { //mal: if someone moved us out of our seat, either take over the vehicle, or just hang out. We're just looking for trouble anyhow.
if ( botVehicleInfo->driverEntNum == -1 ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeDriver = true;
} else if ( VehicleHasGunnerSeatOpen( botInfo->proxyInfo.entNum ) ) {
botUcmd->botCmds.becomeGunner = true;
} else {
if ( botInfo->proxyInfo.weapon == NULL_VEHICLE_WEAPON ) {
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
} else {
int deployableTargetToKill = Bot_CheckForDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner();
if ( deployableTargetToKill != -1 ) {
Bot_AttackDeployableTargetsWhileVehicleGunner( deployableTargetToKill );
} else {
vLTGDeployableTargetAttackTime = 0;
vLTGDeployableTarget = -1;
if ( botThreadData.random.RandomInt( 100 ) > RANDOMLY_LOOK_AROUND_WHILE_VEHICLE_GUNNER_CHANCE ) {
idVec3 vec;
if ( Bot_RandomLook( vec ) ) {
Bot_LookAtLocation( vec, SMOOTH_TURN ); //randomly look around, for enemies and whatnot. If we're not in a vehicle that lets us look around, this will be pointless.
return true;
idVec3 vec = botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].origin - botInfo->origin;
float distSqr = vec.LengthSqr();
if ( distSqr > Square( 750.0f ) || ( botVehicleInfo->type < ICARUS && botVehiclePathList.Num() > 0 ) ) {
Bot_SetupVehicleMove( botWorld->clientInfo[ vLTGTarget ].origin, -1, ACTION_NULL );
if ( MoveIsInvalid() ) {
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, CLIENT_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true );
return false;
Bot_MoveToGoal( botAAS.path.moveGoal, vec3_zero, ( distSqr > Square( 500.0f ) ) ? SPRINT : RUN, NULLMOVETYPE );
Bot_LookAtLocation( botAAS.path.viewGoal, SMOOTH_TURN );
return true;
Bot_IgnoreClient( vLTGTarget, CLIENT_IGNORE_TIME );
Bot_ExitVehicleAINode( true ); //mal: reached our roam goal, so just leave.
return true;