
191 lines
6.6 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "../Game_local.h"
#include "BotThreadData.h"
#include "BotAI_Main.h"
This is just a simple debug "hud" - printing the different values of a bot's AI onto my hud area, so that I can
see what they're thinking about.
void idBotAI::SetupDebugHud() {
if ( botInfo->justSpawned || botInfo->classType == NOCLASS || botInfo->team == NOTEAM ) {
if ( aiState == LTG ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "LTG";
} else if ( aiState == NBG ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "NBG";
} else if ( aiState == COMBAT ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "COM";
} else if ( aiState == VLTG ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "VBG";
} else if ( aiState == VCOMBAT ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "COM";
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiState = "???";
botUcmd-> = -1;
if ( aiState == LTG ) {
botUcmd-> = ltgTarget;
} else if ( aiState == NBG ) {
botUcmd-> = nbgTarget;
botUcmd->debugInfo.enemy = enemy;
if ( enemy != -1 ) {
idVec3 vec = botWorld->clientInfo[ enemy ].origin - botInfo->origin;
botUcmd->debugInfo.entDist = vec.LengthFast();
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.entDist = -1.0f;
if ( routeNode == NULL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.routeNum = -1;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.routeNum = routeNode->num;
if ( botVehiclePathList.Num() > 0 ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.vehicleNodeNum = botVehiclePathList[ botVehiclePathList.Num() - 1 ].node->num;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.vehicleNodeNum = -1;
botUcmd->debugInfo.aiNode = lastAINode;
botUcmd->debugInfo.moveNode = lastMoveNode;
botUcmd->debugInfo.actionNumber = actionNum;
botUcmd->debugInfo.botClientNum = botNum;
botUcmd->debugInfo.tacticalActionNum = tacticalActionNum;
if ( botVehicleInfo == NULL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aasAreaNum = botInfo->areaNum;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.aasAreaNum = botInfo->areaNumVehicle;
if ( nextMissionUpdateTime > botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time ) {
nextMissionUpdateTime = botWorld->gameLocalInfo.time + 1000;
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalTypeTarget = botUcmd->;
if ( Client_IsCriticalForCurrentObj( botNum, -1.0f ) ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = DO_OBJECTIVE;
} else if ( aiState == COMBAT || aiState == VCOMBAT ) {
if ( ClientIsValid( enemy, -1 ) ) {
const clientInfo_t& player = botWorld->clientInfo[ enemy ];
if ( player.proxyInfo.entNum == botWorld->botGoalInfo.botGoal_MCP_VehicleNum && botWorld->botGoalInfo.botGoal_MCP_VehicleNum != -1 ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = ATTACK_MCP;
} else if ( aiState == LTG ) {
if ( ltgType == DEFENSE_CAMP_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = DEFEND_AREA;
} else if ( ltgType == MINE_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = PLANT_MINES;
} else if ( ltgType == FDA_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GRAB_FORWARD_SPAWN;
if ( Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalTypeTarget = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->spawnControllerEntityNum;
} else if ( ltgType == DROP_DEPLOYABLE_GOAL ) {
if ( botInfo->classType == COVERTOPS ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_DEPLOY_RADAR;
} else if ( botInfo->classType == FIELDOPS ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_DEPLOY_FIRESUPPORT;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_DEPLOY_DEPLOYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == DESTROY_DEPLOYABLE_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_DESTROY_DEPLOYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == HACK_DEPLOYABLE_GOAL ) {
deployableInfo_t deployable;
if ( GetDeployableInfo( false, ltgTarget, deployable ) ) {
if ( deployable.type == AIT ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_HACK_SHIELD;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_HACK_DEPLOYABLE;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GO_HACK_DEPLOYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == STEAL_SPAWN_GOAL ) {
if ( botInfo->classType != COVERTOPS ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = LIBERATE_FORWARD_SPAWN;
if ( Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalTypeTarget = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->spawnControllerEntityNum;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = LIBERATE_FORWARD_SPAWN_COVERTOPS;
if ( Bot_CheckActionIsValid( actionNum ) ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalTypeTarget = botThreadData.botActions[ actionNum ]->spawnControllerEntityNum;
} else if ( ltgType == STEAL_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = GRAB_CARRYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == DELIVER_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = DELIVER_CARRYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == RECOVER_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = RETURN_CARRYABLE;
} else if ( ltgType == FIX_MCP ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = REPAIR_MCP_GOAL;
} else if ( ltgType == HUNT_GOAL ) {
if ( ClientIsValid( ltgTarget, -1 ) ) {
const clientInfo_t& player = botWorld->clientInfo[ ltgTarget ];
if ( player.proxyInfo.entNum != CLIENT_HAS_NO_VEHICLE ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = DESTROY_VEHICLE;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = KILL_PLAYER;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = KILL_PLAYER;
} else if ( ltgType == MINOR_BUILD_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = CONTRUCT_TOWER;
} else if ( ltgType == MINOR_BUILD_MG ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = CONSTRUCT_MG_NEST;
} else if ( ltgType == FIRESUPPORT_CAMP_GOAL ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = SEND_FIRESUPPORT;
} else if ( aiState == NBG ) {
if ( nbgType == REVIVE_TEAMMATE || nbgType == TK_REVIVE_TEAMMATE ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = REVIVE_SOMEONE;
} else if ( nbgType == SUPPLY_TEAMMATE ) {
if ( botInfo->classType == MEDIC ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = HEAL_SOMEONE;
} else {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = SUPPLY_AMMO;
} else if ( nbgType == CREATE_SPAWNHOST ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = SPAWNHOST_BODY;
} else if ( nbgType == DESTORY_SPAWNHOST ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = DESTROY_STROGG_SPAWNHOST;
} else if ( nbgType == STALK_VICTIM ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = KILL_PLAYER;
} else if ( nbgType == FIX_DEPLOYABLE ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = REPAIR_DEPLOYABLE;
} else if ( nbgType == FIX_VEHICLE ) {
botUcmd->debugInfo.botGoalType = REPAIR_VEHICLE;