
535 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __GAME_H__
#define __GAME_H__
Public game interface with methods to run the game.
#include "../sound/SoundShader.h"
#include "../renderer/Material.h"
#include "../framework/UsercmdGen.h"
#include "../framework/Session.h"
#include "../framework/async/NetworkSystem.h"
#include "../framework/async/AllowFailureReason.h"
#include "../framework/async/AsyncUpdates.h"
#include "../framework/CmdSystem.h"
#include "../game/botai/BotAI_Debug.h"
class idEntity;
class idRenderWorld;
class idSoundWorld;
struct usercmd_s;
class sdUserInterfaceLocal;
struct trace_t;
class idSoundEmitter;
class rvClientMoveable;
class sdKeyCommand;
class idKey;
class sdLogitechLCDSystem;
class usercmd_t;
// bdube: forward reference
class rvClientEffect;
class rvBSEManager;
struct clientNetworkAddress_t;
class sdUserInterface;
enum allowReply_t {
ALLOW_BADPASS, // core will prompt for password and connect again
ALLOW_NOTYET, // core will wait with transmitted message
ALLOW_NO // core will abort with transmitted message
enum userMapChangeResult_e {
UMCR_ERROR, // failed to load the desired campaign/map
UMCR_CONTINUE, // continue the map loading process
UMCR_STOP, // do nothing (useful for pure restarts)
class idGame {
virtual ~idGame() {}
// Initialize the game for the first time.
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
// Shut down the entire game.
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Sets the user info for a client.
// The game can modify the user info in the returned dictionary pointer, server will forward back.
virtual bool ValidateUserInfo( int clientNum, idDict& userInfo ) = 0;
virtual void UserInfoChanged( int clientNum ) = 0;
// Sets the serverinfo at map loads and when it changes.
virtual void SetServerInfo( const idDict &serverInfo ) = 0;
// Loads a map and spawns all the entities.
virtual void InitFromNewMap( const char *mapName, idRenderWorld *renderWorld, idSoundWorld *soundWorld, bool isServer, bool isClient, int randSeed, int startTime, bool isUserChange ) = 0;
// Shut down the current map.
virtual void MapShutdown( void ) = 0;
// Caches media referenced from in key/value pairs in the given dictionary.
virtual void CacheDictionaryMedia( const idDict& dict ) = 0;
virtual void FinishBuild( void ) = 0;
// Spawns the player entity to be used by the client.
virtual void SpawnPlayer( int clientNum, bool isBot ) = 0;
// Runs a game frame, may return a session command for level changing, etc
virtual void RunFrame( const usercmd_t* clientCmds, int elapsedTime ) = 0;
// Makes rendering and sound system calls to display for a given clientNum.
virtual bool Draw() = 0;
// Makes 2D rendering system calls to display for a given clientNum.
virtual bool Draw2D() = 0;
virtual bool HandleGuiEvent( const sdSysEvent* event ) = 0;
// Server is shutting down
virtual void OnServerShutdown( void ) = 0;
// Early check to deny connect.
virtual allowReply_t ServerAllowClient( int numClients, int numBots, const clientNetworkAddress_t& address, const sdNetClientId& netClientId, const char *guid, const char *password, allowFailureReason_t& reason ) = 0;
virtual allowReply_t RepeaterAllowClient( int numViewers, int maxViewers, const clientNetworkAddress_t& address, const sdNetClientId& netClientId, const char *guid, const char *password, allowFailureReason_t& reason, bool isRepeater ) = 0;
// Connects a client.
virtual void ServerClientConnect( int clientNum ) = 0;
// Spawns the player entity to be used by the client.
virtual void ServerClientBegin( int clientNum, bool isBot ) = 0;
virtual void RepeaterClientBegin( int clientNum ) = 0;
virtual void SetClientNum( int clientNum, bool server ) = 0;
// Disconnects a client and removes the player entity from the game.
virtual void ServerClientDisconnect( int clientNum ) = 0;
virtual void RepeaterClientDisconnect( int clientNum ) = 0;
// Writes initial reliable messages a client needs to receive when first joining the game.
virtual void ServerWriteInitialReliableMessages( int clientNum ) = 0;
virtual void RepeaterWriteInitialReliableMessages( int clientNum ) = 0;
// Writes a snapshot of the server game state for the given client.
virtual void ServerWriteSnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence, idBitMsg &msg, idBitMsg &ucmdmsg ) = 0;
virtual void RepeaterWriteSnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence, idBitMsg &msg, idBitMsg &ucmdmsg, const repeaterUserOrigin_t& userOrigin, bool clientIsRepeater ) = 0;
// Patches the network entity states at the server with a snapshot for the given client.
virtual bool ServerApplySnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence ) = 0;
virtual bool RepeaterApplySnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence ) = 0;
// Processes a reliable message from a client.
virtual void ServerProcessReliableMessage( int clientNum, const idBitMsg &msg ) = 0;
virtual void RepeaterProcessReliableMessage( int clientNum, const idBitMsg &msg ) = 0;
// Reads a snapshot and updates the client game state.
virtual bool ClientReadSnapshot( int sequence, const int gameFrame, const int gameTime, const int numDuplicatedUsercmds, const int aheadOfServer, const idBitMsg &msg, const idBitMsg &ucmdmsg ) = 0;
// Patches the network entity states at the client with a snapshot.
virtual bool ClientApplySnapshot( int sequence ) = 0;
// Processes a reliable message from the server.
virtual void ClientProcessReliableMessage( const idBitMsg& msg ) = 0;
// Runs prediction on entities at the client.
virtual void ClientPrediction( const usercmd_t *clientCmds, const usercmd_t* demoCmd ) = 0;
virtual void OnSnapshotHitch( int snapshotTime ) = 0;
virtual void OnClientDisconnected( void ) = 0;
// Update the view to prepare for an extra draw (com_unlockFPS)
virtual void ClientUpdateView( const usercmd_t &cmd, int timeLeft ) = 0;
// Writes current network info to a file (used as initial state for demo playback).
virtual void WriteClientNetworkInfo( idFile* file ) = 0;
// Reads current network info from a file (used as initial state for demo playback).
virtual void ReadClientNetworkInfo( idFile* file ) = 0;
virtual void WriteUserInfo( idBitMsg& msg, const idDict& info ) = 0;
virtual void ReadUserInfo( const idBitMsg& msg, idDict& info ) = 0;
virtual void PacifierUpdate() = 0;
virtual void UpdateLevelLoadScreen( const wchar_t* status ) = 0;
virtual bool KeyMove( char forward, char right, char up, usercmd_t& cmd ) = 0;
virtual void ControllerMove( bool doGameCallback, const int numControllers, const int* controllerNumbers,
const float** controllerAxis, idVec3& viewAngles, usercmd_t& cmd ) = 0;
virtual void MouseMove( const idVec3& angleBase, idVec3& angleDelta ) = 0;
virtual bool GetSensitivity( float& scaleX, float& scaleY ) = 0;
virtual void UsercommandCallback( usercmd_t& cmd ) = 0;
virtual void ShowLevelLoadScreen( const char* mapName ) = 0;
virtual void HideLevelLoadScreen( void ) = 0;
virtual void BeginLevelLoad() = 0;
virtual void EndLevelLoad() = 0;
virtual void ShowMainMenu() = 0;
virtual void HideMainMenu() = 0;
virtual bool IsMainMenuActive() = 0;
virtual void DrawMainMenu() = 0;
virtual void DrawLoadScreen() = 0;
virtual void DrawPureWaitScreen() = 0;
virtual void DrawSystemUI() = 0;
virtual void GuiFrameEvents( bool outOfSequence ) = 0;
virtual class sdUserInterfaceManager* GetUIManager() = 0;
virtual void MessageBox( msgBoxType_t type, const wchar_t* message, const sdDeclLocStr* title ) = 0;
virtual void CloseMessageBox() = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateAvailability( updateAvailability_t type ) = 0;
virtual guiUpdateResponse_t GetUpdateResponse() = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateState( updateState_t state ) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateProgress( float percent ) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateFromServer( bool fromServer ) = 0;
virtual void AddSystemNotification( const wchar_t* text ) = 0;
virtual void SetUpdateMessage( const wchar_t* text ) = 0;
virtual bool ClientsOnSameTeam( int clientNum1, int clientNum2, voiceMode_t mode ) = 0;
virtual bool AllowClientAudio( int clientNum1, voiceMode_t mode ) = 0;
// jscott: for the effects system
virtual void StartViewEffect( int type, float time, float scale ) = 0;
virtual rvClientEffect* PlayEffect( const int effectHandle, const idVec3& color, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, bool loop = false, const idVec3& endOrigin = vec3_origin, float distanceOffset = 0.0f ) = 0;
virtual void GetPlayerView( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis, float& fovx ) = 0;
virtual void Translation( trace_t& trace, const idVec3 &source, const idVec3 &dest, const idTraceModel &trm, int clipMask ) = 0;
virtual void TracePoint( trace_t& trace, const idVec3 &source, const idVec3 &dest, int clipMask ) = 0;
virtual rvClientMoveable* SpawnClientMoveable( const char* name, int lifetime, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, const idVec3& velocity, const idVec3& angular_velocity, int effectSet = 0 ) = 0;
virtual userMapChangeResult_e OnUserStartMap( const char* text, idStr& reason, idStr& mapName ) = 0;
virtual void ArgCompletion_StartGame( const idCmdArgs& args, argCompletionCallback_t callback ) = 0;
virtual void RunFrame() = 0;
virtual void CreateStatusResponseDict( const idDict& serverInfo, idDict& statusResponseDict ) = 0;
virtual int GetProbeTime() const = 0;
virtual byte GetProbeState() const = 0;
virtual void WriteExtendedProbeData( idBitMsg& msg ) = 0;
virtual void MemDump( const char* fileName ) = 0;
virtual void MemDumpCompressed( const char *fileName, memoryGroupType_t memGroup, memorySortType_t memSort, int sortCallStack, int numFrames, bool xlFriendly ) = 0;
virtual void MemDumpPerClass( const char* fileName ) = 0;
virtual void OnInputInit( void ) = 0;
virtual void OnInputShutdown( void ) = 0;
virtual void OnLanguageInit( void ) = 0;
virtual void OnLanguageShutdown( void ) = 0;
virtual sdKeyCommand* Translate( const idKey& key ) = 0;
virtual usercmdbuttonType_t SetupBinding( const char* binding, int& action ) = 0;
virtual void HandleLocalImpulse( int action, bool down ) = 0;
virtual int GetBotFPS( void ) const = 0;
virtual botDebugInfo_t GetBotDebugInfo( int clientNum ) = 0;
virtual bool GetRandomBotName( int clientNum, idStr& botName ) = 0;
virtual void DrawLCD( sdLogitechLCDSystem* lcd ) = 0;
virtual void AddChatLine( const wchar_t* text ) = 0;
virtual bool DownloadRequest( const char *IP, const char *guid, const char *paks, char urls[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) = 0;
// return true to allow download from the built-in http server
virtual bool HTTPRequest( const char *IP, const char *file, bool isGamePak ) = 0;
// Set the repeater state; engine will call this with true for isRepeater if this is a repeater
virtual void SetRepeaterState( bool isRepeater ) = 0;
extern idGame * game;
Public game interface with methods for in-game editing.
class idSoundShader;
typedef struct {
idSoundEmitter * referenceSound; // this is the interface to the sound system, created
// with idSoundWorld::AllocSoundEmitter() when needed
idVec3 origin;
int listenerId; // SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND only plays if == listenerId from PlaceListener
// no spatialization will be performed if == listenerID
const idSoundShader * shader; // this really shouldn't be here, it is a holdover from single channel behavior
float diversity; // 0.0 to 1.0 value used to select which
// samples in a multi-sample list from the shader are used
bool waitfortrigger; // don't start it at spawn time
soundShaderParms_t parms; // override volume, flags, etc
} refSound_t;
enum {
class idEntity;
class idMD5Anim;
// bdube: more forward declarations
class idProgram;
class idInterpreter;
struct renderEntity_t;
struct renderLight_t;
class idRenderModel;
class sdUserInterfaceScope;
struct guiScope_t {
guiScope_t( const char* name_ = "", sdUserInterfaceScope* scope_ = NULL ) : name( name_ ), scope( scope_ ) {}
const char* name;
sdUserInterfaceScope* scope;
// FIXME: this interface needs to be reworked but it properly separates code for the time being
class idGameEdit {
virtual ~idGameEdit( void ) {}
// These are the canonical idDict to parameter parsing routines used by both the game and tools.
virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRenderLight( const idDict& args, renderLight_t& renderLight );
virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity( const idDict& args, renderEntity_t& renderEntity );
virtual void ParseSpawnArgsToRefSound( const idDict& args, refSound_t& refSound );
// This refreshes all the flags and GUIs and stuff
virtual void RefreshRenderEntity( const idDict& args, renderEntity_t& renderEntity );
// This cleans up a render entity
virtual void DestroyRenderEntity( renderEntity_t& renderEntity );
// Animation system calls for non-game based skeletal rendering.
virtual idRenderModel * ANIM_GetModelFromEntityDef( const char *classname );
virtual const idVec3 &ANIM_GetModelOffsetFromEntityDef( const idDict *args );
virtual idRenderModel * ANIM_GetModelFromEntityDef( const idDict *args );
virtual idRenderModel * ANIM_GetModelFromName( const char *modelName );
virtual const idMD5Anim * ANIM_GetAnimFromEntityDef( const idDict *args );
virtual int ANIM_GetNumAnimsFromEntityDef( const idDict *args );
virtual const char * ANIM_GetAnimNameFromEntityDef( const idDict *args, int animNum );
virtual const idMD5Anim * ANIM_GetAnim( const char *fileName );
virtual int ANIM_GetLength( const idMD5Anim *anim );
virtual int ANIM_GetNumFrames( const idMD5Anim *anim );
virtual void ANIM_CreateAnimFrame( const idRenderModel *model, const idMD5Anim *anim, int numJoints, idJointMat *frame, int time, const idVec3 &offset, bool remove_origin_offset );
virtual idRenderModel * ANIM_CreateMeshForAnim( idRenderModel *model, const idDict& args, bool remove_origin_offset );
virtual void ANIM_GetFrameBounds( const idMD5Anim *anim, idBounds& bounds, int frame, int cyclecount );
// Articulated Figure calls for AF editor and Radiant.
virtual bool AF_SpawnEntity( const char *fileName );
virtual void AF_UpdateEntities( const char *fileName );
virtual void AF_UndoChanges( void );
virtual idRenderModel * AF_CreateMesh( const idDict &args, idVec3 &meshOrigin, idMat3 &meshAxis, bool &poseIsSet );
// Entity selection.
virtual void ClearEntitySelection( void );
virtual int GetSelectedEntities( idEntity *list[], int max );
virtual int GetSelectedEntitiesByName( idStr *list[], int max );
virtual void AddSelectedEntity( idEntity *ent );
virtual void RemoveSelectedEntity( idEntity *ent );
// Selection methods
virtual void TriggerSelected();
// Entity defs and spawning.
virtual const idDict * FindEntityDefDict( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) const;
virtual void SpawnEntityDef( const idDict &args, idEntity **ent );
virtual idEntity * FindEntity( const char *name ) const;
virtual const char * GetUniqueEntityName( const char *classname ) const;
// Entity methods.
virtual void EntityGetOrigin( idEntity *ent, idVec3 &org ) const;
virtual void EntityGetAxis( idEntity *ent, idMat3 &axis ) const;
virtual void EntitySetOrigin( idEntity *ent, const idVec3 &org );
virtual void EntitySetAxis( idEntity *ent, const idMat3 &axis );
virtual void EntityTranslate( idEntity *ent, const idVec3 &org );
virtual const idDict * EntityGetSpawnArgs( idEntity *ent ) const;
virtual void EntityUpdateChangeableSpawnArgs( idEntity *ent, const idDict *dict );
virtual void EntityChangeSpawnArgs( idEntity *ent, const idDict *newArgs );
virtual void EntityUpdateVisuals( idEntity *ent );
virtual void EntitySetModel( idEntity *ent, const char *val );
virtual void EntityStopSound( idEntity *ent );
virtual void EntityDelete( idEntity *ent );
virtual void EntitySetColor( idEntity *ent, const idVec3 color );
virtual int EntityToSafeId( idEntity* ent ) const;
virtual idEntity * EntityFromSafeId( int safeID ) const;
virtual idEntity * EntityFromIndex( int index ) const;
// Player methods.
virtual bool PlayerIsValid() const;
virtual void PlayerGetOrigin( idVec3 &org ) const;
virtual void PlayerGetAxis( idMat3 &axis ) const;
virtual void PlayerGetViewAngles( idAngles &angles ) const;
virtual void PlayerGetEyePosition( idVec3 &org ) const;
// bdube: new game edit stuff
virtual bool PlayerTraceFromEye ( trace_t &results, float length, int contentMask );
// Effect methods
virtual void EffectRefreshTemplate ( int effectTemplate ) const;
// Flare methods
virtual void FlareUpdate( const idDict& args, renderEntity_t& renderEntity, const struct renderView_s* renderView );
// Common editing functions
virtual int GetGameTime ( int *previous = NULL ) const;
virtual void SetGameTime ( int time ) const;
virtual bool TracePoint ( trace_t& results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int contentMask ) const;
// In game map editing support.
virtual const idDict * MapGetEntityDict( const char *name ) const;
virtual void MapSave( const char *path = NULL ) const;
virtual void MapSaveClass( const char *path, const char* classname ) const;
virtual void MapSetEntityKeyVal( const char *name, const char *key, const char *val ) const ;
virtual void MapCopyDictToEntity( const char *name, const idDict *dict ) const;
virtual int MapGetUniqueMatchingKeyVals( const char *key, const char *list[], const int max ) const;
virtual void MapAddEntity( const idDict *dict ) const;
virtual int MapGetEntitiesMatchingClassWithString( const char *classname, const char *list[], const int max, const char* matchKey = NULL, const char *matchValue = NULL ) const;
virtual void MapRemoveEntity( const char *name ) const;
virtual void MapEntityTranslate( const char *name, const idVec3 &v ) const;
virtual idRenderWorld* GetRenderWorld() const;
virtual const char* MapGetName() const;
virtual void KillClass( const char* classname );
// UI info
virtual int NumUserInterfaceScopes() const;
virtual const guiScope_t& GetScope( int index );
extern idGameEdit * gameEdit;
Game API.
const int GAME_API_VERSION = 1008;
const int GAME_API_VERSION = 8;
class idNetworkSystem;
class idRenderSystem;
class sdDeviceContext;
class idSoundSystem;
class idRenderModelManager;
class idDeclManager;
//class idAASFileManager;
class idCollisionModelManager;
class idCmdSystem;
class sdNetService;
class sdAdManager;
class sdKeyInputManager;
class idAASFileManager;
class sdNotificationSystem;
class sdGraphManager;
#ifdef _XENON
class LiveService;
struct gameImport_t {
int version; // API version
idSys* sys; // non-portable system services
idCommon* common; // common
idCmdSystem* cmdSystem; // console command system
idCVarSystem* cvarSystem; // console variable system
idFileSystem* fileSystem; // file system
idNetworkSystem* networkSystem; // network system
idRenderSystem* renderSystem; // render system
sdDeviceContext* deviceContext; // render system
idSoundSystem* soundSystem; // sound system
idRenderModelManager* renderModelManager; // render model manager
idDeclManager* declManager; // declaration manager
idCollisionModelManager* collisionModelManager; // collision model manager
idAASFileManager* AASFileManager;
rvBSEManager* bse; // effects system
#ifndef _XENON
sdNetService* networkService; // online services
sdAdManager* adManager;
sdKeyInputManager* keyInputManager;
sdNotificationSystem* notificationSystem;
idStrPool* globalKeys;
idStrPool* globalValues;
stringDataAllocator_t* stringAllocator;
wideStringDataAllocator_t* wideStringAllocator;
sdGraphManager* graphManager;
struct gameExport_t{
int version; // API version
idGame * game; // interface to run the game
idGameEdit * gameEdit; // interface for in-game editing
extern "C" {
typedef gameExport_t * (*GetGameAPI_t)( gameImport_t *import );
#endif /* !__GAME_H__ */