
666 lines
16 KiB

vehicleDef hornet {
engineSoundDef {
sound "snd_hover" // sound shader
low -5000 // starting speed of mover units/sec
high 0 // end speed of mover units/sec
volumeMin -5 // volume @ FadeIn in dB (default -25)
volumeMax -2 // volume @ FadeOut in dB (default 0)
fadeIn 0 // fade in @ speed (low + fadeIn)
fadeOut 0 // fade out @ speed (high - fadeOut)
lowFrequency 1 // freq multiplier @ low + frequencyChangeStart
highFrequency 1 // freq multiplier @ high + frequencyChangeStop
frequencyChangeStart 0 // pitch change starts @ low + frequencyChangeStart
frequencyChangeStop 0 // pitch change ends @ low + frequencyChangeStop
engineSoundDef {
sound "snd_engine_start" // sound shader
low -5000 // starting speed of mover units/sec
high 0 // end speed of mover units/sec
volumeMin -7 // volume @ FadeIn in dB (default -25)
volumeMax -3 // volume @ FadeOut in dB (default 0)
fadeIn 0 // fade in @ speed (low + fadeIn)
fadeOut 0 // fade out @ speed (high - fadeOut)
lowFrequency 2 // freq multiplier @ low + frequencyChangeStart
highFrequency 2 // freq multiplier @ high + frequencyChangeStop
frequencyChangeStart 0 // pitch change starts @ low + frequencyChangeStart
frequencyChangeStop 0 // pitch change ends @ low + frequencyChangeStop
// Forward
engineSoundDef {
sound "snd_engine_start" // sound shader
low 0 // starting speed of mover units/sec
high 5000 // end speed of mover units/sec
volumeMin -5 // volume @ FadeIn in dB (default -25)
volumeMax -2 // volume @ FadeOut in dB (default 0)
fadeIn 0 // fade in @ speed (low + fadeIn)
fadeOut 0 // fade out @ speed (high - fadeOut)
lowFrequency 2 // freq multiplier @ low + frequencyChangeStart
highFrequency 6 // freq multiplier @ high + frequencyChangeStop
frequencyChangeStart 0 // pitch change starts @ low + frequencyChangeStart
frequencyChangeStop 2000 // pitch change ends @ low + frequencyChangeStop
engineSoundDef {
sound "snd_hover" // sound shader
low 0 // starting speed of mover units/sec
high 5000 // end speed of mover units/sec
volumeMin -5 // volume @ FadeIn in dB (default -25)
volumeMax -2 // volume @ FadeOut in dB (default 0)
fadeIn 0 // fade in @ speed (low + fadeIn)
fadeOut 0 // fade out @ speed (high - fadeOut)
lowFrequency 1 // freq multiplier @ low + frequencyChangeStart
highFrequency 3 // freq multiplier @ high + frequencyChangeStop
frequencyChangeStart 0 // pitch change starts @ low + frequencyChangeStart
frequencyChangeStop 2000 // pitch change ends @ low + frequencyChangeStop
// main body
part {
"mins" "-185 -130 96"
"maxs" "100 130 230"
"mass" "3000"
"health" "-1"
"contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4"
// front body
part {
"mins" "100 -50 80"
"maxs" "230 50 200"
"mass" "1000"
"health" "-1"
"contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4"
// hurtzone to stop players penetrating the vehicle
hurtzone {
"mins" "-180 -140 16"
"maxs" "140 140 96"
rotor {
"health" "-1"
"joint" "main"
"rotortype" "main"
"lift" "1000"
"cyclicPitchRate" "500000"
"cyclicBankRate" "200000"
// dead zone
"maxPitchDeflect" "5"
"maxYawDeflect" "5"
rotor {
"health" "-1"
"joint" "rear"
"rotortype" "tail"
"lift" "-8000000"
"z_offset" "-64"
suspension {
"joint" "rear_right_leg_placement"
"startJoint" "rear_right_leg_1"
"suspension" "vehicle_hornet_rear_right_suspension"
"radius" "6"
"suspensionKCompress" "500000"
"suspensionDamping" "500"
"suspensionVelocityScale" "12"
"contactFriction" "0.9 0.9 0"
"aggressiveDampening" "1"
suspension {
"joint" "rear_left_leg_placement"
"startJoint" "rear_left_leg_1"
"suspension" "vehicle_hornet_rear_left_suspension"
"radius" "6"
"suspensionKCompress" "500000"
"suspensionDamping" "500"
"suspensionVelocityScale" "12"
"contactFriction" "0.9 0.9 0"
"aggressiveDampening" "1"
suspension {
"joint" "front_left_leg_placement"
"startJoint" "front_left_leg_1"
"suspension" "vehicle_hornet_front_left_suspension"
"radius" "6"
"suspensionKCompress" "500000"
"suspensionDamping" "500"
"suspensionVelocityScale" "12"
"contactFriction" "0.9 0.9 0"
"aggressiveDampening" "1"
suspension {
"joint" "front_right_leg_placement"
"startJoint" "front_right_leg_1"
"suspension" "vehicle_hornet_front_right_suspension"
"radius" "6"
"suspensionKCompress" "500000"
"suspensionDamping" "500"
"suspensionVelocityScale" "12"
"contactFriction" "0.9 0.9 0"
"aggressiveDampening" "1"
positionDef {
name "guis/vehicles/hornet_driver"
hudname "guis/vehicles/hornet_driver"
data {
"max_view_offset" "0"
"view_offset_rate" "30"
"joint_attach" "nose"
"player_anim" "VehicleHornetPilot"
"show_player" "0"
"cockpit" "main"
"stat_name" "hornet_driver"
"joint_icon" "carrier_driver"
// first-person + cockpit
view {
eyeJoint "camera"
sensitivityPitch "m_helicopterPitch"
sensitivityYaw "m_helicopterYaw"
sensitivityPitchScale "m_helicopterPitchScale"
sensitivityYawScale "m_helicopterYawScale"
dampCopyFactor ( 0 0 0 )
dampSpeed 0.1
foliageDepthHack 100
clamp pitch {
min -50
max 40
clamp yaw {
min -40
max 40
view {
eyeJoint "main"
sensitivityPitch "m_helicopterPitch"
sensitivityYaw "m_helicopterYaw"
sensitivityPitchScale "m_helicopterPitchScale"
sensitivityYawScale "m_helicopterYawScale"
cameraDistance 600
cameraHeight 200
cameraFocusHeight 200
dampCopyFactor ( 0 0 0 )
dampSpeed 0.1
clamp pitch {
min -60
max 60
weapon {
weapon "vehicle_hornet_weapon2"
type "sdVehicleWeaponLocked"
weapon {
weapon "vehicle_hornet_weapon1"
type "sdVehicleWeaponLocked"
// these two IK thingies serve to keep the weapon aim accurate regardless
// of the animations that are affecting the different joints
ik {
type "sdVehicleJointAimer"
parms {
"joint" "missile_1"
"weapon" "plasmacannon"
"weapon2" "strockets"
clamp yaw {
min -8
max 8
clamp pitch {
min -8
max 8
ik {
type "sdVehicleJointAimer"
parms {
"joint" "missile_2"
"weapon" "plasmacannon"
"weapon2" "strockets"
clamp yaw {
min -8
max 8
clamp pitch {
min -8
max 8
positionDef {
name "guis/vehicles/hornet_gunner"
hudname "guis/vehicles/hornet_gunner"
data {
"cockpit" "gunner"
"stat_name" "hornet_gunner"
"joint_icon" "carrier_gunner1"
view {
type "freepivot"
eyeJoint "gun_cam"
cameraDistance 0
cameraHeight 0
dampCopyFactor ( 0 0 0 )
dampSpeed 0.1
clamp pitch {
min 0
max 65
view {
eyeJoint "gun_cam"
dampCopyFactor ( 0 0 0 )
dampSpeed 0.1
cameraDistance 600
cameraHeight 150
clamp pitch {
min 0
max 65
weapon {
weapon "vehicle_hornet_weapon3"
type "sdVehicleWeaponFixedMinigun"
exitDef {
joint "rear_right_exit"
exitDef {
joint "rear_left_exit"
thruster {
"direction" "1 0 0"
"origin" "-6 64 152"
"force" "400000"
"reverse_scale" "0.1"
"name" "left_thruster"
thruster {
"direction" "1 0 0"
"origin" "-6 -64 152"
"force" "400000"
"reverse_scale" "0.1"
"name" "right_thruster"
vtol {
"joint" "front_left_thruster_1"
"elbowJoint" "front_left_thruster_2"
"effectJoint" "front_left_thruster_effects"
"shoulderBounds" "-30 30"
"elbowBounds" "-30 30"
"effect" "fx_engines"
"elbowAngleScale" "1"
"shoulderAngleScale" "-1"
vtol {
"joint" "front_right_thruster_1"
"elbowJoint" "front_right_thruster_2"
"effectJoint" "front_right_thruster_effects"
"shoulderBounds" "-30 30"
"elbowBounds" "-30 30"
"effect" "fx_engines"
"elbowAngleScale" "-1"
"shoulderAngleScale" "-1"
vtol {
"joint" "rear_left_thruster_1"
"elbowJoint" "rear_left_thruster_2"
"effectJoint" "rear_left_thruster_effects"
"shoulderBounds" "-30 30"
"elbowBounds" "-30 30"
"effect" "fx_engines"
"elbowAngleScale" "1"
"shoulderAngleScale" "-1"
vtol {
"joint" "rear_right_thruster_1"
"elbowJoint" "rear_right_thruster_2"
"effectJoint" "rear_right_thruster_effects"
"shoulderBounds" "-30 30"
"elbowBounds" "-30 30"
"effect" "fx_engines"
"elbowAngleScale" "-1"
"shoulderAngleScale" "-1"
simplePart {
"name" "front_left_leg"
"joint" "front_left_leg_1"
"def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hornet_front_left_leg"
"health" "0"
simplePart {
"name" "main body"
"joint" "main"
"def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hornet_main"
"health" "0"
"flip_master" "1"
"flip_power" "30"
simplePart {
"name" "cockpit"
"joint" "cockpit"
"def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hornet_cockpit"
"health" "0"
simplePart {
"name" "rockets1"
"joint" "main"
"def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hornet_rocket1"
"health" "0"
simplePart {
"name" "rockets2"
"joint" "main"
"def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hornet_rocket2"
"health" "0"
cockpit main {
"def_cockpit" "vehicle_hornet_cockpit"
"scriptobject" "vehicle_basic_cockpit"
cockpit gunner {
"def_cockpit" "vehicle_hornet_cockpit_gunner"
"scriptobject" "vehicle_gpmg_cockpit"
entityDef part_vehicle_hornet_front_left_leg {
useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts <
"500 1000 1000"
"gravity" "700"
"priority" "0"
entityDef part_vehicle_hornet_main {
useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts <
"0 0 2000",
"0 10 20",
"fx_firstbounce" "effects/vehicles/anansi_explosion_impact"
"gravity" "600"
"priority" "3"
entityDef part_vehicle_hornet_cockpit {
useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts <
"2000 0 2000",
"10 10 10",
"gravity" "700"
"priority" "2"
entityDef part_vehicle_hornet_rocket1 {
useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts <
"1000 -300 1000",
"-20 0 0"
"gravity" "600"
"priority" "1"
entityDef part_vehicle_hornet_rocket2 {
useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts <
"1000 300 1000",
"0 20 0",
"gravity" "600"
"priority" "0"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_rear_right_suspension {
"type" "2jointleg"
"joint" "rear_right_leg_3"
"joint_knee" "rear_right_leg_2"
"joint_hip" "rear_right_leg_1"
"dir_hip" "1 0 0"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_rear_left_suspension {
"type" "2jointleg"
"joint" "rear_left_leg_3"
"joint_knee" "rear_left_leg_2"
"joint_hip" "rear_left_leg_1"
"dir_hip" "1 0 0"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_front_right_suspension {
"type" "2jointleg"
"joint" "front_right_leg_3"
"joint_knee" "front_right_leg_2"
"joint_hip" "front_right_leg_1"
//k"dir_hip" "-0.79367033 -0.71986699 -0.024760315"
"dir_hip" "-1 1 0"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_front_left_suspension {
"type" "2jointleg"
"joint" "front_left_leg_3"
"joint_knee" "front_left_leg_2"
"joint_hip" "front_left_leg_1"
//"dir_hip" "-0.79367033 0.71986699 -0.024760315"
"dir_hip" "-1 -1 0"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_weapon1 {
"gunName" "game/weapons/plasma_cannon"
"weapon_name" "plasmacannon"
"charge_max" "10"
"charge_per_use" "21"
"overheat_penalty" "2"
"use_heat_bar" "1"
"weapon1_muzzle" "missile_1"
"muzzle_left" "missile_1"
"muzzle_right" "missile_2"
"muzzle_flash" "fx_cannon_muzzle"
"muzzle_flash_local" "fx_cannon_muzzle_local"
"muzzle_sound" "fx_cannon_fire"
"muzzle_sound_local" "fx_cannon_fire_local"
"canaim_joint_1" "missile_1"
"canaim_joint_2" "missile_2"
"feedback" "0"
"velocity" "4000 0 0"
"fire_rate" "0.5"
"spread" "0"
"scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_cannon_twin"
"def_projectile" "projectile_plasmacannon_small"
"crosshair" "explosive"
// "no_tophat_crosshair" "1"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_weapon2 {
"gunName" "game/weapons/strockets"
"weapon_name" "strockets"
"charge_max" "2"
"charge_per_use" "100"
"overheat_penalty" "0"
"use_heat_bar" "0"
"lock_enabled" "1"
"lock_distance" "8192"
"lock_filter" "target_lock_filter"
"lock_clamp_pitch_min" "-50"
"lock_clamp_pitch_max" "40"
"lock_clamp_yaw_min" "-40"
"lock_clamp_yaw_max" "40"
"snd_target_locking" "sounds/weapons/misc/target_track_short"
"snd_target_locked" "sounds/weapons/misc/target_lock"
"weapon1_muzzle" "missile_1"
"weapon2_muzzle" "missile_2"
"canaim_joint_1" "missile_1"
"canaim_joint_2" "missile_2"
"missile_pos0" "missile_1"
"missile_pos1" "missile_2"
"muzzle_flash" "fx_strockets_muzzle"
"muzzle_sound" "fx_cannon_fire"
"muzzle_sound_local" "fx_cannon_fire_local"
"velocity" "1000 0 0"
"fire_rate" "2"
"scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_law"
"def_projectile" "projectile_strocket"
"requires_consent" "1"
// "no_tophat_crosshair" "1"
"crosshair" "explosive"
"num_missiles" "2"
stringMap vehicle_hornet_weapon3 {
"gunName" "game/weapons/hyperblaster"
"weapon_name" "hyperblaster"
"surface_name" "gunarm2_mesh, gunarm1_mesh, gunarm_base"
"charge_max" "10"
"charge_per_use" "2"
"overheat_penalty" "1"
"use_heat_bar" "1"
"weapon1_muzzle" "gun_muzzle"
"gunJointYaw" "gunbase"
"gunJointPitch" "gunarm2"
"invert_pitch" "1"
"muzzle" "gun_muzzle"
"muzzle_tracer" "fx_hyperblaster_tracer"
"muzzle_flash" "fx_hyperblaster_muzzle"
"muzzle_sound" "fx_hyperblaster_fire"
"muzzle_sound_local" "fx_hyperblaster_fire"
"velocity" "1 0 0"
"fire_rate" "0.08"
"spread" "1"
"scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_gpmg"
"def_projectile" "projectile_hyperblaster_hornet"
"client_projectile" "projectile_hyperblaster_hornet"
"requires_consent" "1"
"crosshair" "nospread"