
430 lines
10 KiB

object projectile_charge : projectile_armable {
void preinit();
void destroy();
void syncFields();
void vSetOwner( entity other );
void vSetNewTarget( entity target );
void vOnEndGame();
float OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p );
void DoExplodeEffect( entity collisionEnt );
float FindObjectives();
void GiveDisarmBonus( entity p );
void DoRadiusDamage();
void OnDisarmed( entity p );
void OnArmed( entity p );
void OnUnbind();
void SoundThread();
boolean IsCharge();
void UpdateGUI( entity armee );
void vOnTargetDestroyed();
float vGetFuseRemaining();
float vGetFuseLength();
entity vGetCurrentTarget();
boolean vDecayBody() { return true; }
void PlaceGlowThread();
void vOnContextDisarm( entity p );
float disarmProficiency;
entity owner;
entity armer;
entity bindTarget;
float disableRadius;
float disableTime;
float explodeTime;
task disarmTask;
entity objectiveTarget;
float guiHandle;
flashpoint_obj flashpoint;
void projectile_charge::preinit() {
ScheduleFizzle( getFloatKeyWithDefault( "fizzle_time", 30 ) );
explodeTime = GetGlobalFloat( "charge_explode_time" );
disarmProficiency = GetProficiency( getKey( "prof_disarm" ) );
disableRadius = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "disable_radius", 512 );
disableTime = getFloatKeyWithDefault( "disable_time", 30 );
guiHandle = GUI_INVALID;
thread PlaceGlowThread();
stuck = true;
void projectile_charge::syncFields() {
syncBroadcast( "bindTarget" );
syncBroadcast( "objectiveTarget" );
syncBroadcast( "owner" );
void projectile_charge::destroy() {
if ( disarmTask != $null_entity ) {;
if ( owner == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponChargePercent", 0 );
stopEffect( "fx_unarmed_glow" );
stopEffect( "fx_glow" );
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
player p = owner;
if ( p != $null_entity ) {
p.setPlayerChargeArmed( false, self ); //mal: if we fizzled, or blew up, clear out our owners tracker.
if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
delete flashpoint;
sys.killThread( "UpdateGUI_" + getName() );
sys.killThread( "SoundThread_" + getName() );
void projectile_charge::UpdateGUI( entity armee ) {
float length = vGetFuseLength();
if( length <= 0 ) {
// Gordon: Not sure why this is being done like this, it could easily be fire and forget
float value;
player p = owner;
float timeLeft;
boolean updateGui;
while( true ) {
value = 1.0 - ( vGetFuseRemaining() / length );
if( value >= 1.0f ) {
updateGui = false;
if ( p != $null_entity ) {
if ( p == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_FRIEND ) {
float armeeClass = p.getPlayerClass();
if ( armeeClass == g_playerClassSoldier || armeeClass == g_playerClassAggressor ) {
updateGui = true;
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponChargePercent", value );
if ( !updateGui ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponChargePercent", 0 );
if ( guiHandle != GUI_INVALID ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( guiHandle, "charge.timeLeft", vGetFuseRemaining() );
void projectile_charge::vSetOwner( entity other ) {
owner = other;
float projectile_charge::FindObjectives() {
return entitiesOfCollection( "hetrigger" );
void projectile_charge::OnArmed( entity p ) {
armer = p;
ProjectileArmable_OnArmed( p );
if ( sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
thread SoundThread();
thread UpdateGUI( p );
ScheduleExplosion( explodeTime, MS_EXPLODED );
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
player playerEnt = p;
if ( playerEnt != $null_entity ) {
playerEnt.setPlayerChargeArmed( true, self ); //mal: this charge is armed. Code elsewhere will notify the bots if its a noteworthy arming event.
// alert nearby entities
float count;
float i;
entity ent;
count = FindObjectives();
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
ent = getBoundsCacheEntity( i );
if ( self.touches( ent, 0 ) ) {
if ( bindTarget != ent.vGetCurrentTarget() ) {
if ( ent.vChargePlaced( self, armer ) ) {
objectiveTarget = ent.vGetCurrentTarget();
if ( getGameTeam() == gdfTeam ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarm_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
} else {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarm_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
if ( objectiveTarget != $null_entity ) {
disarmTask = taskManager.allocEntityTask( GetPlayerTask( getKey( "task_defuse" ) ), self );
void projectile_charge::OnUnbind() {
if( armingEntity == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) { // Gordon: I don't really get what this is meant to do
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponChargePercent", 0 );
stopEffect( "fx_unarmed_glow" );
stopEffect( "fx_glow" );
void projectile_charge::GiveDisarmBonus( entity p ) {
float useDisarmProficiency = disarmProficiency;
if ( objectiveTarget != $null_entity ) {
objectiveTarget.vChargeDisarmed( self, p );
useDisarmProficiency = objectiveTarget.vGetDisarmProficiency();
if ( useDisarmProficiency != -1 ) {
if ( getEntityAllegiance( p ) == TA_ENEMY ) {
p.giveProficiency( useDisarmProficiency, 1.f, disarmTask, "disarmed charge" );
void projectile_charge::OnDisarmed( entity p ) {
GiveDisarmBonus( p );
ProjectileArmable_OnDisarmed( p );
if ( bindTarget.vIsDestructibleObjective() ) {
if ( getGameTeam() == gdfTeam ) {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarmed_strogg" ), stroggTeam );
} else {
objManager.PlaySound( getKey( "snd_disarmed_gdf" ), gdfTeam );
if ( owner == sys.getLocalPlayer() ) {
sys.setGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "gameHud.weaponChargePercent", 0 );
if ( !sys.isClient() ) {
if ( disarmTask != $null_entity ) {;
stopEffect( "fx_glow" );
float projectile_charge::OnUpdateCrosshairInfo( entity p ) {
if ( !sys.doClientSideStuff() ) {
return 1.f;
float allegiance = getEntityAllegiance( p );
vector color = GetAllegianceColor( allegiance );
float distance = chGetDistance();
float range = InchesToMetres( distance );
float health = getHealth();
chSetNumLines( 0 );
float index;
team_base team;
if ( p != $null_entity ) {
float code = GetActivateCode( p, distance );
if ( code != AK_NONE && p.vHasActionItem( code ) ) {
index = chAddLine();
chSetLineMaterial( index, p.vGetActionIcon( code ) );
chSetLineType( index, CI_IMAGE );
chSetLineSize( index, 64, 64 );
chSetLineColor( index, g_colorWhite, 0.9f );
CheckContextToolTip( allegiance, code, p );
handle nameHandle = sys.localizeString( getKey( "task_name" ) );
if ( objectiveTarget != $null_entity ) {
string objName = objectiveTarget.getKey( "charge_name" );
if ( objName != "" ) {
nameHandle = sys.localizeString( objName );
index = chAddLine();
chSetLineTextIndex( index, nameHandle );
chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );
if( range <= 100 ) {
index = chAddLine();
chSetLineText( index, G_BuildRangeStr( range ) );
chSetLineColor( index, color, 1.f );
chSetLineType( index, CI_TEXT );
chSetLineSize( index, 0, 0 );
return 1.f;
void projectile_charge::DoRadiusDamage() {
if ( splashDamageIndex != -1 ) {
float power = 1.f;
sys.applyRadiusDamage( getWorldOrigin(), self, armer, radiusDamageIgnoreEntity, self, splashDamageIndex, power, 1.f );
void projectile_charge::DoExplodeEffect( entity collisionEnt ) {
if ( objectiveTarget != $null_entity ) {
objectiveTarget.vChargeExploded( self, armer );
ScheduleRemoval( 0.5f );
boolean projectile_charge::IsCharge() {
return true;
void projectile_charge::vSetNewTarget( entity target ) {
bindTarget = target;
void projectile_charge::SoundThread() {
stopEffect( "fx_unarmed_glow" );
sys.wait( startSound( "snd_armed", SND_WEAPON_SIG ) );
if ( IsCharge() ) {
// find a good position for the light
vector lStart = getWorldOrigin() + getWorldAxis( 0 );
vector lEnd = getWorldOrigin() + getWorldAxis( 0 ) * 50.0f;
float frac = sys.tracePoint( lStart, lEnd, CONTENTS_SOLID, self );
playOriginEffect( "fx_glow", "", lStart + ( lEnd - lStart ) * frac * 0.95f, vec3_up, 1 );
sys.wait( 24.f );
stopEffect( "fx_glow" );
while ( true ) {
playOriginEffect( "fx_glow", "", lStart + ( lEnd - lStart ) * frac * 0.95f, vec3_up, 1 );
sys.wait( 0.5f );
killEffect( "fx_glow" );
void projectile_charge::vOnTargetDestroyed() {
float projectile_charge::vGetFuseRemaining() {
return explodeTime - ( sys.getTime() - armTime );
float projectile_charge::vGetFuseLength() {
return explodeTime;
entity projectile_charge::vGetCurrentTarget() {
return objectiveTarget;
void projectile_charge::PlaceGlowThread() {
while ( true ) {
if ( getWorldOrigin() != vec3_origin ) {
sys.wait( 1.0f );
vector lStart = getWorldOrigin() + getWorldAxis( 0 );
vector lEnd = getWorldOrigin() + getWorldAxis( 0 ) * 50.0f;
float frac = sys.tracePoint( lStart, lEnd, CONTENTS_SOLID, self );
playOriginEffect( "fx_unarmed_glow", "", lStart + ( lEnd - lStart ) * frac * 0.95f, vec3_up, 1 );
void projectile_charge::vOnContextDisarm( entity p ) {
player local = sys.getLocalViewPlayer();
if ( local == $null_entity || p == $null_entity ) {
if ( objectiveTarget == $null_entity ) {
if ( flashpoint != $null ) {
delete flashpoint;
flashpoint = new flashpoint_obj;
flashpoint.SetOwner( self );
flashpoint.SetMaterial( getKey( "mtr_icon_flash" ) );
void projectile_charge::vOnEndGame() {
stopEffect( "fx_unarmed_glow" );
stopEffect( "fx_glow" );