
82 lines
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renderprogram game/railgunScope {
program vertex arb { <%
OPTION ARB_position_invariant ;
TEMP scalar, R0;
SUB scalar.y, $colorAttrib.x, 0.5;
SLT R0.x, scalar.y, 0;
ADD R0.y, 1, -R0.x;
# if < 0, use extended range, else use initial range
MUL R0.z, R0.y, $parameters.x;
MUL R0.w, R0.y, $parameters.y;
MAD R0.z, R0.x, $parameters.z, R0.z;
MAD R0.w, R0.x, $parameters.w, R0.w;
# calculate scalar
MUL scalar.x, 2, scalar.y;
ABS scalar.x, scalar.x;
ADD scalar.y, 1, -scalar.x;
MUL scalar.x, R0.x, scalar.x;
MAD scalar.x, R0.y, scalar.y, scalar.x;
MAD result.texcoord.x, scalar.x, R0.w, R0.z;
ADD result.texcoord.y, $colorAttrib.x, -0.01; # cut-off epsilon for effect
%> }
program fragment arb { <%
OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest;
PARAM consts = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 };
PARAM scale = { 0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 1.0 };
TEMP R0, R1, texcoord;
TEMP clean, blur;
# calculate the screen texcoord in the 0.0 to 1.0 range
MUL texcoord, fragment.position, $currentRenderTexelSize.zwzw;
# ensure scaling from center of screen
ADD texcoord.xy, texcoord, consts.z;
RCP R1.a, fragment.texcoord.x;
MOV R0.a, fragment.texcoord.x;
MUL R0.rg, R0.a, texcoord;
FRC R0.rg, R0;
ABS R1.y, R1.a;
MUL R1.rg, R0, R1.y;
CMP R0.rg, texcoord, consts.r, consts.g;
CMP R0.rg, -R0, -R1, R1;
ADD R0.rg, -R0, texcoord;
MAD R0.rg, R1.a, consts.b, R0;
# check cut-off
CMP R0, fragment.texcoord.y, texcoord, R0;
# move back
ADD R0.xy, R0, -consts.b;
# scale by the screen adjust
MUL texcoord, R0, $currentRenderTexelSize.xyzy;
TEX R0, texcoord, $currentRender, RECT;
# grayscale factor
DP3 R1, R0, scale;
LRP clean, $parameters2.x, R0, R1;
# post processing
MUL R0, 0.25, texcoord;
TEX blur, R0, $map, RECT;
MUL R0, blur, $postGlareParameters.y;
MAD R0, clean, $postGlareParameters.x, R0;
DP3 R1.x, R0, scale;
ADD R0, R0, -R1.x;
MAD R0, $postSaturationContrast.x, R0, R1.x;
ADD R0, R0, -0.5;
MAD R1, $postSaturationContrast.y, R0, 0.5;
MUL R1, R1, $postTint;
MUL result.color, R1, $diffuseColor;
%> }