
442 lines
14 KiB

$template _cvar_slider_synced_int( CVarParm )
events {
onCreate {
position = gui.getCVarInt( #CVarParm );
onCVarChanged #CVarParm {
position = gui.getCVarInt( #CVarParm );
$template _cvar_synced_bool( CVarParm )
events {
onCreate {
checked = gui.getCVarBool( #CVarParm ) != false;
onCVarChanged #CVarParm {
checked = gui.getCVarBool( #CVarParm ) != false;
$template _cvar_slider_synced_int( CVarParm )
events {
onCreate {
position = gui.getCVarInt( #CVarParm );
onCVarChanged #CVarParm {
position = gui.getCVarInt( #CVarParm );
onNamedEvent "onApply" {
gui.setCVarInt( #CVarParm, position );
$template _cvar_synced_bool( CVarParm )
events {
onCreate {
checked = gui.getCVarBool( #CVarParm ) != false;
onNamedEvent "onApply" {
gui.setCVarBool( #CVarParm, checked );
onCVarChanged #CVarParm {
checked = gui.getCVarBool( #CVarParm ) != false;
_label_localized( PlayCompDifficulty, localize( "guis/mainmenu/difficulty" ), 0, 0, 100, 16, COLOR_WHITE )
properties {
vec2 textAlignment = TA_LEFT, TA_VCENTER;
_dropdown( PlayCompBotSkills, localize( "guis/mainmenu/skillsettings" ), 8, 0, 150, _fill_to_right_of( lytPlayComp ), $evalfloat( BUTTON_HEIGHT * 7 ), "right" )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | WF_AUTO_SIZE_HEIGHT;
float showAdvanced = false;
float updating = false;
float aimSkill;
float skill;
float tutorialMode = false;
float index;
events {
onCreate {
insertColumn( toWStr( "<width = 100%>" ), 0, 0 ); // Name
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/training'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 5, index, 0 );
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/easy'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 0, index, 0 );
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/medium'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 1, index, 0 );
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/hard'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 2, index, 0 );
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/expert'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 3, index, 0 );
index = insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/custom'>" ), -1, 0 );
setItemDataInt( 4, index, 0 );
currentSelection = findItemDataInt( gui.getCVarInt( "bot_uiSkill" ), 0 );
onCVarChanged "bot_uiSkill" {
if( updating == false ) {
currentSelection = findItemDataInt( gui.getCVarInt( "bot_uiSkill" ), 0 );
postNamedEvent( "onSelected" );
onNamedEvent "onShow" {
showAdvanced = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) == 4 );
tutorialMode = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) == 5 );
onNamedEvent "onSelected" {
showAdvanced = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) == 4 );
tutorialMode = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) == 5 );
if( showAdvanced ) {
if( ) {
if( admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots uiSkill " + toString( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ), 0 ) + _newline );
} else {
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_uiSkill", getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) );
if( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) == 3 ) {
aimSkill = 3;
skill = 2;
} else {
aimSkill = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) );
skill = immediate( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) );
updating = true;
if( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) < 4 ) {
gui.lstPlayCompBotWeaponSkill.currentSelection = immediate( aimSkill );
gui.lstPlayCompBotTacticalSkill.currentSelection = immediate( skill );
if( tutorialMode ) {
skill = 3;
if( ) {
if( admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots uiSkill " + toString( getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ), 0 ) + _newline );
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots skill " + toString( skill, 0 ) + _newline );
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots aimSkill " + toString( aimSkill, 0 ) + _newline );
} else {
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_uiSkill", getItemDataInt( currentSelection, 0, 0 ) );
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_skill", skill );
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_aimSkill", aimSkill );
updating = false;
_dropdown( PlayCompBotWeaponSkill, localize( "guis/mainmenu/botweaponskill" ), 8, 0, 150, _fill_to_right_of( lytPlayComp ), $evalfloat( BUTTON_HEIGHT * 7 ), "right" )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | WF_AUTO_SIZE_HEIGHT;
events {
onCreate {
insertColumn( toWStr( "<width = 100%>" ), 0, 0 ); // Name
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/easy'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/medium'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/hard'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/expert'>" ), -1, 0 );
currentSelection = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_aimSkill" );
onCVarChanged "bot_aimSkill" {
currentSelection = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_aimSkill" );
onNamedEvent "onSelected" {
if( currentSelection >= 0 ) {
if( ) {
if( admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots aimSkill " + toString( currentSelection, 0 ) + _newline );
} else {
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_aimSkill", currentSelection );
properties {
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced && gui.lstPlayCompBotTacticalSkill.tutorial == false;
_dropdown( PlayCompBotTacticalSkill, localize( "guis/mainmenu/bottacticalskill" ), 8, 0, 150, _fill_to_right_of( lytPlayComp ), $evalfloat( BUTTON_HEIGHT * 7 ), "right" )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | WF_AUTO_SIZE_HEIGHT;
float tutorial = false;
events {
onCreate {
insertColumn( toWStr( "<width = 100%>" ), 0, 0 ); // Name
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/easy'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/normal'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/expert'>" ), -1, 0 );
insertItem( toWStr( "<loc = 'guis/mainmenu/training'>" ), -1, 0 );
currentSelection = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_skill" );
onCVarChanged "bot_skill" {
currentSelection = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_skill" );
tutorial = immediate( currentSelection == 3 );
onNamedEvent "onShow" {
tutorial = immediate( currentSelection == 3 );
onNamedEvent "onSelected" {
tutorial = immediate( currentSelection == 3 );
if( currentSelection >= 0 ) {
if( ) {
if( admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots skill " + toString( currentSelection, 0 ) + _newline );
} else {
gui.setCVarInt( "bot_skill", currentSelection );
properties {
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced;
_check( PlayComp_CompleteObjectives, localize( "guis/mainmenu/botscompleteobjectives" ), 8, 0, 120 )
_cvar_synced_bool( bot_doObjectives )
#ifndef IN_GAME_BOTS
properties {
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced;
events {
onNamedEvent "onAction" {
if( ) {
if( admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots doObjectives " + toString( checked, 0 ) + _newline );
} else {
gui.setCVarBool( "bot_doObjectives", checked );
_label_localized( PlayCompNumBots, localize( "guis/mainmenu/numberofplayers" ), 0, 0, 100, 16, COLOR_WHITE )
_label_localized( PlayCompNumBots, localize( "guis/admin/players" ), 0, 0, 100, 16, COLOR_WHITE )
properties {
vec2 textAlignment = TA_LEFT, TA_VCENTER;
#ifndef IN_GAME_BOTS
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced;
_slider( PlayComp_TotalNumBots, localize( "guis/mainmenu/total" ), 8, 0, -1, maxBots, 150, 100 )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | SF_INTEGER_SNAP;
float maxBots = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_minClientsMax" );
#ifndef IN_GAME_BOTS
float visible = false;
vec2 range = 16, 16;
float position = 16;
rect rect = 0, 0, 0, 0;
float allowEvents = false;
_cvar_slider_synced_int( bot_minClients )
events {
onPostDraw {
if( position == -1 ) {
drawLocalizedText( gui.disabledText, "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", "1,1,1,0.5", 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
drawText( toWStr( toString( position, 0 ) + "/" + toString( range.y, 0 ) ), "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", COLOR_WHITE, 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
onCVarChanged "bot_minClientsMax" {
maxBots = gui.getCVarInt( "bot_minClientsMax" );
onEndScroll {
if( && admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots minClients " + toString( position, 0 ) + _newline );
gui.sldPlayComp_NumStroggBots.postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
gui.sldPlayComp_NumGDFBots.postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onMouseUpGutter {
if( && admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots minClients " + toString( position, 0 ) + _newline );
// ensure that the cvars are synced after any changes
gui.sldPlayComp_NumStroggBots.postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
gui.sldPlayComp_NumGDFBots.postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onQueryTooltip {
tooltipText = localizeArgs( "guis/mainmenu/tooltips/botminclients" );
_slider( PlayComp_NumStroggBots, localize( "game/strogg" ), 8, 0, -1, gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position, 150, 100 )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | SF_INTEGER_SNAP;
#ifndef IN_GAME_BOTS
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced;
_cvar_slider_synced_int( bot_uiNumStrogg )
events {
onPostDraw {
if( position == -1 ) {
drawLocalizedText( gui.noLimitText, "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", "1,1,1,0.5", 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
drawText( toWStr( toString( position, 0 ) + "/" + toString( range.y, 0 ) ), "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", COLOR_WHITE, 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
drawText( toWStr( toString( position, 0 ) ), "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", COLOR_WHITE, 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
onPropertyChanged "range.y" {
position = min( position, range.y );
if( position < -1 ) {
position = -1;
onPropertyChanged "gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position" {
range.y = gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position;
onPropertyChanged "gui.sldPlayComp_NumGDFBots.position" "range.y" {
position = immediate( min( position, min( gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position, gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position - gui.sldPlayComp_NumGDFBots.position ) ) );
if( position < -1 ) {
position = -1;
onEndScroll {
postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onMouseUpGutter {
postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onNamedEvent "applyAdmin" {
if( && admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots numStrogg " + toString( position, 0 ) + _newline );
onQueryTooltip {
tooltipText = localizeArgs( "guis/mainmenu/tooltips/teamminclients" );
_slider( PlayComp_NumGDFBots, localize( "game/gdf" ), 8, 0, -1, gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position, 150, 100 )
properties {
float flags = immediate( flags ) | SF_INTEGER_SNAP;
#ifndef IN_GAME_BOTS
float visible = gui.lstPlayCompBotSkills.showAdvanced;
_cvar_slider_synced_int( bot_uiNumGDF )
events {
onPostDraw {
if( position == -1 ) {
drawLocalizedText( gui.noLimitText, "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", "1,1,1,0.5", 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
drawText( toWStr( toString( position, 0 ) + "/" + toString( range.y, 0 ) ), "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", COLOR_WHITE, 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
drawText( toWStr( toString( position, 0 ) ), "absoluteRect.x + absoluteRect.w + 5, absoluteRect.y, 24, absoluteRect.h", COLOR_WHITE, 12, DTF_SINGLELINE | DTF_LEFT | DTF_VCENTER );
onPropertyChanged "range.y" {
position = min( position, range.y );
if( position < -1 ) {
position = -1;
onPropertyChanged "gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position" {
range.y = gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position;
onPropertyChanged "gui.sldPlayComp_NumStroggBots.position" {
position = immediate( min( position, min( gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position, gui.sldPlayComp_TotalNumBots.position - gui.sldPlayComp_NumStroggBots.position ) ) );
if( position < -1 ) {
position = -1;
onEndScroll {
postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onMouseUpGutter {
postNamedEvent( "applyAdmin" );
onNamedEvent "applyAdmin" {
if( && admin.canAdjustBots ) {
gui.consoleCommand( "admin adjustBots numGDF " + toString( position, 0 ) + _newline );
onQueryTooltip {
tooltipText = localizeArgs( "guis/mainmenu/tooltips/teamminclients" );