
480 lines
18 KiB

entityDef func_group {
"editor_color" "0 0 0"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Used to group brushes together just for editor convenience. They are turned into normal brushes by the utilities."
entityDef func_splinemover {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Entity which stores a spline path."
"spawnclass" "idSplinePath"
entityDef func_rotating {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Generic rotating entity. It will rotate around the Z axis by default. Targeting entity will cause it to start or stop rotating."
"editor_bool start_on" "set to 1 to rotate when spawned."
"editor_bool x_axis" "set to 1 to rotate around x-axis."
"editor_bool y_axis" "set to 1 to rotate around y-axis."
"editor_var speed" "determines how fast it moves."
"editor_var dmg" "damage to inflict when blocked."
"spawnclass" "idRotater"
"x_axis" "0"
"y_axis" "0"
"speed" "100"
"dmg" "2"
"start_on" "1"
entityDef func_bobbing {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Generic bobbing entity. It will bob on the Z axis by default."
"editor_bool x_axis" "set to 1 to rotate around x-axis."
"editor_bool y_axis" "set to 1 to rotate around y-axis."
"editor_var height" "amplitude of bob."
"editor_var speed" "seconds to complete a bob cycle."
"editor_var phase" "the 0.0 to 1.0 offset in the cycle to start at."
"editor_var dmg" "damage to inflict when blocked."
"editor_snd snd_open" "sound to play when opening."
"editor_snd snd_close" "sound to play when closing."
"editor_snd snd_opened" "looping sound for it's opened state."
"spawnclass" "idBobber"
"x_axis" "0"
"y_axis" "0"
"height" "32"
"speed" "4"
"phase" "0"
"dmg" "2"
entityDef func_pendulum {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Pendulums always swing north / south on unrotated models. Add an angles field to the model to allow rotation in other directions."
"editor_usage1" "Pendulum frequency is a physical constant based on the length of the beam and gravity."
"editor_var freq" "If set, overrides frequency basic on beam length and forces a specific frequency."
"editor_var speed" "the number of degrees each way the pendulum swings."
"editor_var phase" "the 0.0 to 1.0 offset in the cycle to start at."
"editor_var dmg" "damage to inflict when blocked."
"editor_snd snd_open" "sound to play when opening."
"editor_snd snd_close" "sound to play when closing."
"editor_snd snd_opened" "looping sound for it's opened state."
"spawnclass" "idPendulum"
"speed" "30"
"phase" "0"
"dmg" "2"
entityDef func_plat {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_mover" "1"
"editor_usage" "Standard Quake-style platform."
"editor_bool no_touch" "the plat should not be triggered by the player touching it, only by another trigger."
"editor_var lip" "protrusion above rest position."
"editor_var height" "total height of movement, defaults to model height."
"editor_var speed" "speed to move up and down at."
"editor_var dmg" "damage to inflict when blocked."
"editor_snd snd_open" "sound to play when opening."
"editor_snd snd_close" "sound to play when closing."
"editor_snd snd_opened" "looping sound for it's opened state."
"spawnclass" "idPlat"
"no_touch" "0"
"lip" "8"
"speed" "200"
"dmg" "2"
entityDef func_activator {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_usage" "Non-displayed entity used to activate triggers when it touches them. Bind to a mover to"
"editor_usage1" "have the mover activate a triggers as it moves. When target by triggers, activating the"
"editor_usage2" "trigger will toggle the activator on and off. Activator will disable itself when it activates a trigger."
"editor_bool start_off" "set to 1 to have it spawn disabled. Activator will disable itself when it activates a trigger."
"editor_bool stay_on" "to prevent activator from disabling itself."
"spawnclass" "idActivator"
"start_off" "0"
"stay_on" "0"
entityDef func_door {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_mover" "1"
"editor_usage" "Door."
"editor_bool no_touch" "the door should not be triggered by the player touching it, only by another trigger. in multiplayer, this door can't be shot to open."
"editor_var angle" "determines the opening direction.(DEPRECATED)"
"editor_var movedir" "determines the opening direction. if set, 'angle' determines orientation.(DEPRECATED)"
"editor_var speed" "movement speed. (DEPRECATED)"
"editor_var time" "movement time in seconds. overrides speed. used for doors that move different distances, but still need to be synced."
"editor_bool wait" "wait before returning (-1 = never return)."
"editor_bool toggle" "wait at each position until triggered again."
"editor_var lip" "lip remaining at end of move.(DEPRECATED)"
"editor_var health" "if set, the door must be shot open."
"editor_var triggersize" "sets the amount the trigger extends from the door."
"editor_snd snd_locked" "sound to play if door is locked and player approaches."
"editor_snd snd_open" "sound to play when opening."
"editor_snd snd_close" "sound to play when closing."
"editor_snd snd_opened" "looping sound for it's opened state."
"editor_var move_delta" "xyz of delta for the door to move when triggered. By default, this is relative to the door's axis. Overrides movedir, lip and angle keys."
"editor_var move_absolute" "when 1, move_delta is interpreted in world space, rather than entity space. Does nothing if move_delta is not also defined."
"editor_bool reverse_on_block" "when set to 1, the door will reverse back to its previous state if it gets blocked. if not it will wait until the obstruction is removed"
"compiler_makevalueunique group" "1"
"spawnclass" "idDoor"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_Door"
"groupmaster" "1"
"no_touch" "0"
"angle" "0"
"speed" "100"
"wait" "3"
"lip" "8"
"health" "0"
"triggersize" "60"
"snd_close" "entity_door_close"
"snd_open" "entity_door_open"
"snd_opened" "entity_door_opened"
"snd_locked" "entity_door_locked"
"snd_unlocked" "entity_door_unlocked"
"reverse_on_block" "1"
"scriptObject" "door"
"option_write_bind" "1"
"maxVisDist" "8192"
entityDef func_door_slave {
"inherit" "func_door"
"groupmaster" "0"
entityDef func_door_gdf {
"inherit" "func_door"
"scriptObject" "teamDoor"
"team" "gdf"
"groupmaster" "1"
"pickable" "1"
"option_crosshair_interface" "1"
"option_interactive_interface" "1"
"task_hack" "infiltrator_hack_door"
"mtr_icon_flash" "hud/icons/missionsystem/tsk_hack"
"icon_sort_cm_flash_icon" "-103"
entityDef func_door_gdf_slave {
"inherit" "func_door_slave"
entityDef func_door_gdf_breakable {
"inherit" "func_door_gdf"
entityDef func_door_strogg {
"inherit" "func_door"
"scriptObject" "teamDoor"
"team" "strogg"
"groupmaster" "1"
"pickable" "1"
"option_crosshair_interface" "1"
"option_interactive_interface" "1"
"task_hack" "covertops_hack_door"
entityDef func_door_strogg_slave {
"inherit" "func_door_slave"
entityDef func_door_strogg_breakable {
"inherit" "func_door_strogg"
entityDef func_door_switch {
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Switch to manually open and close doors"
"editor_var target" "the door entity to control"
"editor_bool start_open" "door will start open if this is set to one, otherwise it will start closed"
"spawnclass" "sdScriptEntity"
"scriptObject" "door_switch"
"gui" "guis/game/func_door_switch"
"option_network_interface" "1"
"option_gui_interface" "1"
entityDef func_static {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "A brush model that just sits there, doing nothing. Can be used for conditional walls and models."
"editor_usage1" "When triggered, toggles between visible and hidden (see hide). Entity is non-solid when hidden."
"editor_bool solid" "whether the object should be solid or not."
"editor_bool hide" "whether the object should be visible when spawned. you need to set a value for triggering on/off to work"
"editor_bool disableClip" "whether the object should start with the clipping diabled - equivalent to calling forceDisableClip from script on spawn"
"editor_gui gui" "gui attached to this entity"
"editor_gui gui2" "a second gui attached to this entity"
"editor_gui gui3" "a second gui attached to this entity"
"editor_callback gui" "decl://gui"
"editor_callback gui2" "decl://gui"
"editor_callback gui3" "decl://gui"
"editor_var model" "model to use for this item. if blank, a model is generated from the entity's brushwork"
"editor_callback model" "model://models"
"editor_bool gui_noninteractive" "any gui attached will not be interactive"
"editor_bool noclipmodel" "0 by default. Sets whether or not to generate a collision model for an ASE/LWO func_static at level load. (Set to 1 for stuff the player can't interact with. This will save memory.)"
"editor_bool inline" "If true, turn the model into map geometry at dmap time"
"editor_bool pushIntoConnectedOutsideAreas" "If true, the model will only be visible in the area its origin is in, as well as connected outside areas"
"editor_bool noScriptObject" "1 by default. Set to 0 for dynamic in-game entities you need to change state in script"
"editor_bool networkSync" "If true, send entity state information over the network to ensure clients see it change"
"editor_var sun_ascension" "when the sun is under this angle, the entity will be visible"
"spawnclass" "idStaticEntity"
"solid" "1"
"noclipmodel" "0"
"noscriptobject" "1"
"maxVisDist" "8192"
entityDef func_forcefield {
"editor_color" "1 .5 .3"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Force field."
"editor_var target" "Target entity. If set the force field is uniform in the direction of the target, the magnitude of the force equals the distance to the target."
"editor_var uniform" "3D force vector. If set the force field is uniform, magnitude of the force equals the length of the vector."
"editor_var explosion" "Magnitude of explosive force. If set the field exerts a repelling force from the entity origin."
"editor_var implosion" "Magnitude of implosive force. If set the field exerts a force that gravitates to the entity origin."
"editor_var randomTorque" "Amount of random torque added to objects inside or touching the force field."
"editor_bool applyForce" "If set apply a force."
"editor_bool applyVelocity" "If set apply a velocity."
"editor_bool applyImpulse" "If set apply an impulse."
"editor_bool playerOnly" "Force field only works for players."
"editor_bool monsterOnly" "Force field only works for monsters."
"editor_bool start_on" "By default the force field is off until activated. If 'start_on' is set to '1' the force field starts on."
"editor_var wait" "If unequal zero the force field automatically switches back to the previous state (on/off) after 'wait' seconds."
"spawnclass" "idForceField"
"randomTorque" "0"
"start_on" "0"
entityDef func_cameraview {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_usage" "Simple Camera view, apply a rotation matrix, angle or target it at a target_null."
"editor_var cameraTarget" "target entity to render view from, point this at self to view from this position."
"editor_var fov" "fov - defaults to 90"
"editor_var trigger" "if set to 1, when triggered will set the view to this camera, when triggered again will set the view back to normal"
"editor_bool ignore_enemies" "If not set, when camera is activated, any active monsters that have an enemy but are not marked with 'cinematic' will be removed."
"spawnclass" "idCameraView"
entityDef func_animate {
"editor_color" "1 .5 .3"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_usage" "Object that changes animation when triggered."
"editor_var anim" "anim to play when triggered. (unless 'num_anims' is set)"
"editor_var start_anim" "anim to play when first spawned. anim will loop until triggered."
"editor_var num_anims" "the number of anims to play in sequence. trigger entity to start next anim. set anims using 'anim1', 'anim2', 'anim3', etc. Triggers targets when done playing animl."
"editor_var blend_in" "how long to transition from the start_anim to the triggered anim."
"editor_var wait" "how long to wait before auto activating. -1 means only activate when triggered."
"editor_var cycle" "how many times to play the animation after being triggered (use -1 for infinite)."
"editor_bool remove" "set to 1 to remove object when animation finishes."
"editor_var target" "all entities with a matching name will be used after anim plays."
"editor_bool hide" "if 1, object remains hidden until triggered. doesn't work when 'start_anim' is set."
"editor_var sound_bone" "Bone to play sounds from."
"editor_var loop_last_anim" "Loops the last anim when 'num_anims' is set. the next trigger will cause the entity to hide, or be removed if 'remove' is set."
"editor_var auto_advance" "When 'num_anims' is set, won't wait to be triggered between each anim."
"spawnclass" "idAnimated"
"blend_in" "0"
"cycle" "1"
"wait" "-1"
"pose_frame" "1"
"sound_bone" "origin"
entityDef func_fx {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"editor_usage" "Spawns an effect when triggered."
"editor_var fx" "the .effects file to spawn when triggered"
"editor_var loop" "loop on or off"
"editor_var start_on" "If 1, will play effects before it is triggered."
"spawnclass" "sdScriptEntity"
"scriptobject" "synced_effect"
"option_no_sync" "1"
"editor_callback fx" "decl://effect"
entityDef func_synced_fx {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"editor_usage" "Spawns an effect when triggered."
"editor_var fx" "the .effects file to spawn when triggered"
"editor_var loop" "loop on or off"
"editor_var start_on" "If 1, will play effects before it is triggered."
"spawnclass" "sdScriptEntity"
"scriptobject" "synced_effect"
"option_network_interface" "1"
"loop" "0"
"start_on" "1"
"editor_callback fx" "decl://effect"
entityDef func_elevator {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Elevators move to predefined floors and activate door teams based on floor number."
"editor_usage1" "Use the default elevator gui to control them"
"editor_usage2" "Repeat floor1_ height and door info with floor2_ etc.. for as many floors as you want."
"editor_var move_speed" "world units per second to move between floors, use this or move_time"
"editor_var move_time" "time in seconds to move between floors"
"editor_var accel_time" "time in seconds to accelerate"
"editor_var decel_time" "time in seconds to decelerate"
"editor_snd snd_accel" "sound to play when elevator starts moving."
"editor_snd snd_move" "sound to play when elevator is moving."
"editor_snd snd_decel" "sound to play when elevator stops moving."
"editor_var innerdoor" "door name for interior doors, these will move automatically with the elevator."
"editor_var floorPos_1" "origin of first floor"
"editor_var floorDoor_1" "door name for floor 1 exterior door"
"editor_var floor" "floor number to start on 1 through.. number of floors"
"editor_var pauseOnFloor" "floor to pause on before opening doors"
"editor_var pauseTime" "time to pause if pauseOnFloor is defined"
"editor_var statusgui" "entity name to update floor info, can use statusgui2..3..4..etc. for multiple updates. if appended with _num it will target an optional specific gui number on the entity this is handy for models with multiple guis."
"snd_accel" "entity_door_accel"
"snd_decel" "entity_door_decel"
"snd_move" "entity_door_move"
"spawnclass" "idElevator"
entityDef func_riser {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_usage" "Simply rises or falls when triggered."
"editor_var time" "how many seconds to complete the movement"
"editor_var hide" "start off hidden"
"editor_var solid" "set to zero to make non-solid"
"editor_var height" "how much to move ( use negative to move down )"
"spawnclass" "idRiser"
"time" "5"
"height" "32"
entityDef func_flare {
"spawnclass" "sdMiscFlare"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_Flare"
"editor_color" "0.5 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_usage" "Spawns a special effect when triggered."
"editor_var width" "Width"
"editor_var height" "Height"
"editor_var depth" "Depth"
"editor_var end_width" "End Width"
"editor_var end_height" "End Height"
"editor_var slices" "Number of Slices"
"editor_var material" "Render Material"
"editor_callback material" "decl://materials"
entityDef func_ladder {
"spawnclass" "sdLadderEntity"
"editor_color" "0.5 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "? ? ?"
"editor_maxs" "? ? ?"
"expandAAS" "1"