
245 lines
12 KiB

bot entities
entityDef bot_action {
"editor_color" "0 0 0"
"editor_mins" "-24 -24 0"
"editor_maxs" "24 24 82"
"editor_usage" "A hint to indicate to the bots where/what particular goal/behavior can be done at this location."
"editor_var active" "Does this action start the map out active or inactive?"
"editor_var activeForever" "Once activated, does this action stay on forever? If true - wont be turned off in scipt, unless done so directly."
"editor_var vehicleType" "What vehicle type, if any, can bot use to reach/complete this goal."
"editor_var groupID" "The action group this action belongs to. Allows the turning on/off of multiple actions in the script."
"editor_var validClasses" "The player class types that can do this action. 0 = ANYONE, 1 = SOLDIER, 2 = MEDIC, 4 = ENGINEER, 8 = FIELDOPS, 16 = COVERTOPS."
"editor_var actionTime" "How long, in seconds, a bot should do this action once reached. EX: you want the bot to camp here for 30 seconds, set to 30."
"editor_var posture" "The bot's stance when it reaches this action. 0 = PRONE, 1 = CROUCH, 2 = STAND, 3 = randomly STAND or CROUCH."
"editor_var humanGoal" "The goal that human bots can do here. Its legal to have an action that has different strogg/human goals. Check manual for goal numbers"
"editor_var stroggGoal" "The goal that strogg bots can do here. Its legal to have an action that has different strogg/human goals. Check manual for goal numbers"
"editor_var targetRouteID" "Any route starts that have a routeID number that matches this, can be used by the bot."
"editor_var radius" "The radius of this action - determines how close the bot has to be to this action point before it considers it reached."
"editor_var VOChat" "They type of chat the bot should say if he selects this action as his goal. Check the manual for chat numbers"
"editor_var teamOwner" "Which team owns this action. Used for forward spawn points. -1 = NOTEAM, 0 = GDF, 1 = STROGG"
"editor_var deployableType" "What kind of deployable you want spawned here. Obviously only used for deployable actions. 0 = No deployable"
"editor_var disguiseSafe" "Should a covert in disguise do this enemy team goal? Only applies to camps and roams. 0 = No, 1 = Yes. Yes by default."
"editor_var weaponType" "What kind of weapon should a bot have to do this action? Only applies to infantry camp actions. -1 = Doesn't matter, 0 = GPMG/Hyperblaster, 1 = RL. Default is -1."
"editor_var leanDir" "Is this action a good place to lean from? Default = -1, which is no leaning. Only works for camp actions. 0 = lean right, 1 = lean left."
"editor_var blindFire" "Should the bot blindly fire its firesupport? Only used for fire support hints. Default = 0, which is no blind firing."
"editor_var priority" "By default, if an enemy is near an objective action ( plant, hack, build, etc ), bots nearby will stop what they're doing and try to protect that action. Set this to 0 for objective actions you dont want the bots to worry about. Default = 1 ( action is a priority )."
"editor_var requiresVehicle" "If set to 1, the bots wont do this action unless they can find a vehicle of vehicleType. Default is 0."
"editor_var noHack" "If set to 1, the bots wont try to hack any deployable inside this action's radius. Default is 0 = bots hack all actions. This is useful if you have deployables inside a base that would be dangerous for the other team to hack."
"spawnclass" "idBotAction"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_FixedSize"
"radius" "120"
"teamOwner" "-1" // NOTEAM owns this action
"active" "0" // off by default
"activeForever" "0" // not active forever by default
"groupID" "0" // group id 0 by default
"validClasses" "0" // anyone can do this action
"actionTime" "30" // default to 30 seconds
"posture" "2" // stand by default while doing this action
"humanGoal" "-1" // this is a NULL action by default
"stroggGoal" "-1" // this is a NULL action by default
"vehicleType" "-1" // no vehicle by default.
"targetRouteID" "-1" // no routes by default
"VOChat" "-1" // NULL_CHAT by default
"deployableType" "0" // no deployable by default.
"disguiseSafe" "1" // true by default
"weaponType" "-1" // no particular weapon by default.
"leanDir" "-1" // no leaning at this action.
"blindFire" "0" // no blind firing at target by default.
"priority" "1" // this action is a priority by default.
"requiresVehicle" "0" // by default this action doesn't require a vehicle.
"noHack" "0" // by default this deployable/action is hackable.
entityDef bot_action_target {
"editor_color" "0 1 .5"
"editor_mins" "-24 -24 0"
"editor_maxs" "24 24 82"
"editor_usage" "An action target. ex: for camp actions, this would indicate a place for a bot to look to while camped. Check the manual for more possible uses."
"editor_var target" "The bot action this target points to. This entity can only point to bot_action entities!"
"editor_var radius" "The radius of this target."
"spawnclass" "idBotAction"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_FixedSize"
"radius" "70"
entityDef bot_action_bbox {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_material" "textures/common/botaction"
"editor_usage" "A hint to indicate the area of the bot action goal that can be done at this location."
"editor_var target" "The bot action this bbox points to. This entity can only point to bot_action entities!"
"spawnclass" "idBotAction_BBox"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity"
entityDef bot_route_start {
"editor_color" "1 1 .5"
"editor_mins" "-24 -24 0"
"editor_maxs" "24 24 82"
"editor_usage" "The start of an route chain."
"editor_var target" "The bot route this route node points to. This entity can only point to bot_route_link entities!"
"editor_var targetRouteID" "Any actions that have a routeID number that matches this, will use this route. This is a useful way to group a bunch of actions together with one route"
"editor_var active" "Does this route start out active?"
"editor_var radius" "The radius of this target."
"editor_var team" "Which team can use this route. -1 = ANYTEAM, 0 = GDF 1 = STROGG. Default is ANYTEAM"
"spawnclass" "idBotRoute"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_FixedSize"
"radius" "120"
"active" "1"
"team" "-1"
"targetRouteID" "-1"
entityDef bot_route_link {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-24 -24 0"
"editor_maxs" "24 24 82"
"editor_usage" "A link in a route chain. Check the manual for more possible uses."
"editor_var target" "The route link this target points to. This entity can only point to other bot_route_link entities!"
"editor_var radius" "The radius of this target."
"editor_var active" "Does this route start out active?"
"editor_var team" "Which team can use this route. -1 = ANYTEAM, 0 = GDF 1 = STROGG. Default is ANYTEAM"
"spawnclass" "idBotRoute"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_FixedSize"
"radius" "120"
"active" "1"
"team" "-1"
entityDef trigger_mcp_bot {
"editor_color" ".5 .5 .5"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_material" "textures/common/trigmulti" //mal_TODO: change this texture!
"editor_usage" "A trigger brush that will trigger an event in the map script system, allowing you to control the bots offense/defense choices."
"editor_var actionGroupOff" "The action group you want to turn off"
"editor_var actionGroupOn" "The action group you want to turn on"
"spawnclass" "sdScriptEntity"
"scriptobject" "bot_mcp_trigger"
"actionGroupOff" "-1"
"actionGroupOn" "-1"
"option_wants_touch" "1"
entityDef bot_dynamic_obstacle {
"editor_color" "0 1 1"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
"editor_material" "textures/common/dynamicobstacle"
"editor_usage" "A dynamic obstacle that will be used by the bots. Try to make the obstacle box axis aligned if possible"
"spawnclass" "idBotObstacle"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity"
entityDef bot_reachability {
"editor_color" "0 1 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 80"
"editor_usage" "An entity that forces a reachability between two areas, useful for jumps and teleporters. point it at another bot_reachability"
"editor_var target" "The destination bot_reachability"
"editor_var traveltime" "100 is 1 second"
"editor_var traveltype" "type of navigation required to follow this reachability. walk, walkoffledge, walkoffbarrier, barrierjump, jump, ladder, teleport."
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_Reachability"
"expandAAS" "1"
entityDef bot_reachability_target {
"editor_color" "0 1 1"
"editor_mins" "-4 -4 0"
"editor_maxs" "4 4 8"
"editor_usage" "Target for a bot_reachability entity"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_Reachability_Target"
"expandAAS" "1"
entityDef bot_locationremap {
"editor_usage" "used for plant HE objectives, contain the exact area where explosive charge origin can be placed, must target bot_locationremap_target"
"editor_var target" "The HE plant location - target to a bot_locationremap_target"
"editor_material" "textures/common/location_remap"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_LocationRemap"
entityDef bot_locationremap_target {
"editor_color" "1 0 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 80"
"editor_usage" "bot position for diffusing - place in valid AAS area for bot to effectively diffuse HE charge"
"editor_var target" "The AAS location to use for diffusing"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_LocationRemap_Target"
"radius" "0"
entityDef func_aasobstacle {
"spawnclass" "idAASObstacleEntity"
"editor_color" ".8 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "? ? ?"
"editor_maxs" "? ? ?"
"editor_usage" "Obstacle in the AAS that can be turned on and off by triggering it."
"editor_material" "textures/common/aasobstacle"
"editor_bool start_on" "set to 1 to disabled the areas when the map loads."
"editor_var team" "The team this obstacle affects. 0 = GDF, 1 = STROGG, 2 = both teams. Default = 2."
"expandAAS" "1"
entityDef bot_vehicle_pathnode {
"editor_color" "0 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-24 -24 0"
"editor_maxs" "24 24 82"
"editor_usage" "A hint to indicate to the bots where roads and the best paths for ground vehicles are."
"editor_var active" "Does this action start the map out active or inactive?"
"editor_var vehicleType" "What vehicle type, if any, can bot use on this path."
"editor_var radius" "The radius of this action - determines how close the bot has to be to this action point before it considers it reached."
"editor_var team" "What team can use this pathnode. 0 = GDF 1 = STROGG 2 = ANYTEAM. Default is ANYTEAM"
"spawnclass" "idBotAction_Vehicle_Node"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_BotEntity_FixedSize"
"radius" "70"
"active" "0" // off by default
"team" "2" // any team can use by default