// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc. // #ifndef __MATH_RANDOM_H__ #define __MATH_RANDOM_H__ /* =============================================================================== Random number generator =============================================================================== */ class idRandom { public: idRandom( int seed = 0 ); void SetSeed( int seed ); int GetSeed( void ) const; int RandomInt( void ); // random integer in the range [0, MAX_RAND] int RandomInt( int maxValue ); // random integer in the range [0, maxValue[ float RandomFloat( void ); // random number in the range [0.0f, 1.0f[ float CRandomFloat( void ); // random number in the range [-1.0f, 1.0f[ idVec3 RandomVectorInCone( float halfOpeningAngle ); //Random vector in the cone with angle 2 * halfOpeningAngle centered around the z-axis idVec3 RandomVectorInCone( idVec3 dir, float halfOpeningAngle ); static const int MAX_RAND = 0x7fff; static idRandom &StaticRandom( void ) { return staticRandom; } private: static idRandom staticRandom; int seed; }; ID_INLINE idRandom::idRandom( int seed ) { this->seed = seed; } ID_INLINE void idRandom::SetSeed( int seed ) { this->seed = seed; } ID_INLINE int idRandom::GetSeed( void ) const { return seed; } ID_INLINE int idRandom::RandomInt( void ) { seed = 69069 * seed + 1; return ( seed & idRandom::MAX_RAND ); } ID_INLINE int idRandom::RandomInt( int maxValue ) { if ( maxValue == 0 ) { return 0; // avoid divide by zero error } return RandomInt() % maxValue; } ID_INLINE float idRandom::RandomFloat( void ) { return ( RandomInt() / ( float )( idRandom::MAX_RAND + 1 ) ); } ID_INLINE float idRandom::CRandomFloat( void ) { return ( 2.0f * ( RandomFloat() - 0.5f ) ); } /* =============================================================================== Random number generator =============================================================================== */ class idRandom2 { public: idRandom2( unsigned long seed = 0 ); void SetSeed( unsigned long seed ); unsigned long GetSeed( void ) const; int RandomInt( void ); // random integer in the range [0, MAX_RAND] int RandomInt( int maxValue ); // random integer in the range [0, maxValue[ float RandomFloat( void ); // random number in the range [0.0f, 1.0f[ float CRandomFloat( void ); // random number in the range [-1.0f, 1.0f[ static const int MAX_RAND = 0x7fff; private: unsigned long seed; static const unsigned long IEEE_ONE = 0x3f800000; static const unsigned long IEEE_MASK = 0x007fffff; }; ID_INLINE idRandom2::idRandom2( unsigned long seed ) { this->seed = seed; } ID_INLINE void idRandom2::SetSeed( unsigned long seed ) { this->seed = seed; } ID_INLINE unsigned long idRandom2::GetSeed( void ) const { return seed; } ID_INLINE int idRandom2::RandomInt( void ) { seed = 1664525L * seed + 1013904223L; return ( (int) seed & idRandom2::MAX_RAND ); } ID_INLINE int idRandom2::RandomInt( int maxValue ) { if ( maxValue == 0 ) { return 0; // avoid divide by zero error } return ( RandomInt() >> ( 16 - idMath::BitsForInteger( maxValue ) ) ) % maxValue; } ID_INLINE float idRandom2::RandomFloat( void ) { unsigned long i; seed = 1664525L * seed + 1013904223L; i = idRandom2::IEEE_ONE | ( seed & idRandom2::IEEE_MASK ); return ( ( *(float *)&i ) - 1.0f ); } ID_INLINE float idRandom2::CRandomFloat( void ) { unsigned long i; seed = 1664525L * seed + 1013904223L; i = idRandom2::IEEE_ONE | ( seed & idRandom2::IEEE_MASK ); return ( 2.0f * ( *(float *)&i ) - 3.0f ); } #endif /* !__MATH_RANDOM_H__ */