renderBinding grass_times { vector { 0 } } /* * The grass shader used by the stuff system, does sine wave wind and grass positioning */ renderProgram stuff/grass { program vertex arb { <% # This is not position invariant! TEMP r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r7, r9, vert, scale, normal, normalMod; PARAM mat[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; PARAM taylor = { -0.16666666666666666666666666666667, 0.0083333333333333333333333333333333, -0.0001984126984126984126984126984127, 2.7557319223985890652557319223986e-6 }; PARAM waveDistortx = { 30, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; PARAM waveDistortz = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; PARAM waveDistorty = { 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; PARAM waveDirx = { 0.001, 0.0, 0, 0 }; PARAM waveDiry = { 0.001,-0.001, 0, 0 }; PARAM waveSpeed = { 0.3, 0.6, 0.7, 1.4 }; PARAM piVector = {4.0, 1.5707963267948966192313216916398, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795, 6.283185307179586476925286766559 }; PARAM lightingWaveScale = { 0.35, 0.10, 0.10, 0.03 }; PARAM lightingScaleBias = { 0.6, 0.7, 0.2, 0.0 }; # Put the stuff on it's final spot MOV vert, $positionAttrib; # Calculate arguments for the sines MUL r0, waveDirx, vert; # use vertex pos x as inputs to sinusoidal warp MAD r0, waveDiry, vert, r0; # use vertex pos y as inputs to sinusoidal warp ADD r0, $grass_times.x, r0; # add time to animate them FRC r0, r0; # wrap to 0-1 interval SUB r0, r0, 0.5; # subtract 0.5 MUL r1, r0, piVector.w; # *=2pi, means coords now range from(-pi to pi) # Calculate powers MUL r2, r1, r1; # (wave vec)^2 MUL r3, r2, r1; # (wave vec)^3 MUL r5, r3, r2; # (wave vec)^5 MUL r7, r5, r2; # (wave vec)^7 #MUL r9, r7, r2; # (wave vec)^9 # Approx sin with taylor coeffs MAD r0, r3, taylor.x, r1; #(wave vec) - ((wave vec)^3)/3! MAD r0, r5, taylor.y, r0; # + ((wave vec)^5)/5! MAD r0, r7, taylor.z, r0; # - ((wave vec)^7)/7! #MAD r0, r9, taylor.w, r0; # - ((wave vec)^9)/9! # Every componenst of r0 contains the sin of a different argument # sum them together to get the final offset value DP4 r3.x, r0, waveDistortx; DP4 r3.y, r0, waveDistorty; # Calculate the amount of warping MUL r4.xy, r3, $colorAttrib.w; MOV r4.z, 0; # Displace the vertex MOV r2.w, 1; ADD, r4, vert;# add sinusoidal warping to grass position MAD normal, r3, $grass_times.w, $normalAttrib; DP3 normal.w, normal, normal; RSQ normal.w, normal.w; MUL normal, normal, normal.w; # do atmosphereing #seTemplate atmosphere_ARB< r2, r1 > #MUL scale, scale, r1.x; #MUL scale, scale, r1.x; ##boost fog fade a bit # Put it in projection space DP4 result.position.x, r2, mat[0]; DP4 result.position.y, r2, mat[1]; DP4 result.position.z, r2, mat[2]; DP4 result.position.w, r2, mat[3]; # Output texcoords & light contribution MOV result.texcoord[0], $texCoordAttrib; MOV result.texcoord[1], normal; # normal map for ambient cubemap lookup DP3 r2, normal, $sunDirection; # dot normal,sun MAD r2, r2, 0.5, 0.5; MUL, r2, $sunColor; # multiply with sunlight color (WARNING: if the lightscale is to high this will get clamped to 0..1!) MOV result.color.secondary, $colorAttrib; # vertex color SUB r0, $positionAttrib, $viewOrigin; DP3 scale, r0, r0; MUL scale, scale, $stuffParameters.w; RSQ scale.x, scale.x; RCP scale.x, scale.x; SLT r0, $foliageHackDistance.x, scale.x; MAD scale.x, scale.x, $stuffParameters.y, -$stuffParameters.z; SUB scale.x, 1, scale.x; MUL result.color.w, scale.x, r0.x; # for fading TEMP R1,R2; SUB R2, $positionAttrib, $viewOrigin; DP3 R1.x, R2, R2; RSQ R1.y, R1.x; MUL R1.x, R1.y, R1.x; MAD result.texcoord[2].x, R1.x, $fogDepths.z, $fogDepths.w; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP r0, r1; TEX r0, fragment.texcoord[0], $diffuseMap, 2D; # use kill instead of alpha testing, this should theoretically be faster but also # it means we can blend using a different alpha than the alpha we test against... # # Acutal benchmarks reveal kill is actually a very big bottleneck in this shader # but alpha testing has a similar cost, it's probably early z-culling or whatever # related stuff that causes this. # Optimizing other parts of the shader seems useless only the kill and the # dependencies seem to change the render time, hiding the kill dependencies # between other instructions (to hide pipeline latency) seems to make no # noticeable difference SUB r1.a, r0, 0.5; KIL r1.a; TEX r1, fragment.texcoord[1], $ambientCubeMap, CUBE; MUL r1, r1, $ambientBrightness; MUL r0.rgb, r0, fragment.color.secondary; # diffuse color ADD r1, r1, fragment.color; # add ambient and sun MUL result.color, r0, r1; # final color MUL result.color.a, r0.a, fragment.color.a; # distance scaled alpha %> } } renderProgram stuff/grass_alphatestarb { program vertex reference stuff/grass program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP r0, r1; TEMP r3; MUL r3, fragment.position, 0.0625; TEX r1, fragment.texcoord[1], $ambientCubeMap, CUBE; TEMP noise; TEX noise, r3, $noiseMap, 2D; SLT noise.w, noise.w, fragment.color.a; #KIL -noise.w; #alphaout.a; TEX r0, fragment.texcoord[0], $diffuseMap, 2D; MUL r1.w, noise.w, r0.w; # use kill instead of alpha testing, this should theoretically be faster but also # it means we can blend using a different alpha than the alpha we test against... # # Acutal benchmarks reveal kill is actually a very big bottleneck in this shader # but alpha testing has a similar cost, it's probably early z-culling or whatever # related stuff that causes this. # Optimizing other parts of the shader seems useless only the kill and the # dependencies seem to change the render time, hiding the kill dependencies # between other instructions (to hide pipeline latency) seems to make no # noticeable difference SUB r3, r1, 0.4; KIL r3.a; MUL r1, r1, $ambientBrightness; MUL r0.rgb, r0, fragment.color.secondary; # diffuse color ADD r1, r1, fragment.color; # add ambient and sun MUL result.color, r0, r1; # final color MUL result.color.a, r0.a, 1.15; #MOV result.color.rgb, noise.w; # distance scaled alpha %> } } renderProgram stuff/grass_alphatestcg { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 norm : $normalAttrib; float2 diff : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 diff : TEXCOORD0; float3 norm : TEXCOORD1; float4 color0 : COLOR; float4 color1 : COLOR1; }; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs o; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.diff *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif o.color0 = 1; o.color1 = 1; o.norm = indata.norm; o.diff = indata.diff; return o; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 pos : WPOS; float2 diff : TEXCOORD0; float3 norm : TEXCOORD1; float fog : TEXCOORD2; float4 color0 : COLOR; float4 color1 : COLOR1; }; samplerCUBE ambientMap : $ambientCubeMap; sampler2D noiseMap : $noiseMap; sampler2D diffuseMap : $diffuseMap; float4 ambientBrightness : $ambientBrightness; float4 fogColor : $fogColor; float4 fragment(VsOutputs indata) : COLOR { float4 noise = tex2D( noiseMap, indata.diff * 3 ); if ( indata.color0.w < noise.w ) { discard; } float4 diff = tex2D( diffuseMap, indata.diff ); if ( diff.w < 0.4 ) { discard; } float3 amb = texCUBE( ambientMap, indata.norm ).rgb * ambientBrightness.rgb + indata.color0.rgb; diff.rgb *= indata.color1.rgb; diff.rgb *= amb; diff.a *= 1.15f; return float4( lerp( diff.rgb, fogColor.rgb, indata.fog ), diff.a ); } %> } } renderProgram stuff/grass_alphatest { program vertex reference stuff/grass program fragment reference stuff/grass_alphatestcg }