////ARK//// material stuff/ark/ark_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, time, time, 0.005 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/ark/ark_stuff.tga alphatest 0.5 vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/ark/ark_stuff_02 { twosided nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/ark/ark_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } ////AREA22//// material stuff/area22/area22_stuff { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.005 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/area22/area22_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/area22/area22_rubbish { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/area22/area22_stuff.tga alphatest 0.5 vertexcolor } } material stuff/area22/area22_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/area22/area22_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/area22/area22_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////CANYON//// material stuff/canyon/canyon_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { writeDepth alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest grass_times time * 0.15, 0.015, time, 0.0025 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/canyon/canyon_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/canyon/canyon_rubbish { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/canyon/canyon_stuff.tga alphatest 0.5 vertexcolor } } material stuff/canyon/canyon_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/canyon/canyon_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/canyon/canyon_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////ISLAND//// material stuff/island/island_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.001, 4, 0.001 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/island/island_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/island/island_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/island/island_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/island/island_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////OUTSKIRTS//// material stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { writeDepth alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest grass_times time * 0.4, 0.004, time, 0.0025 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff_02 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap picmip -1 texturesheets/outskirts/interior1_d.tga specularmap picmip -2 texturesheets/outskirts/interior1_s.tga bumpmap picmip -1 texturesheets/outskirts/interior1_local.tga vertexcolor } } material stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff_03 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap picmip -1 texturesheets/outskirts/industrial_detail_d.tga specularmap picmip -2 texturesheets/outskirts/industrial_detail_s.tga bumpmap picmip -1 texturesheets/outskirts/industrial_detail_local.tga vertexcolor } } material stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff_04 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/outskirts/outskirts_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } ////QUARRY//// material stuff/quarry/quarry_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.001, 4, 0.005 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/quarry/quarry_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/quarry/quarry_stuff_02 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/quarry/quarry_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material stuff/quarry/quarry_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/quarry/quarry_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/quarry/quarry_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////REFINERY//// material stuff/refinery/refinery_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * -0.25, 0.015, time, 0.001 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/refinery/refinery_stuff.tga //maskalpha vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/refinery/refinery_stuff_02 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/refinery/refinery_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.5 vertexcolor } } ////SALVAGE//// material stuff/salvage/salvage_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.25, 0.001, 4, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/salvage/salvage_stuff.tga alphatest 0.2 vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/salvage/salvage_stuff_02 { twosided nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/salvage/salvage_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material stuff/salvage/salvage_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/salvage/salvage_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/salvage/salvage_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////SEWER//// material stuff/sewer/sewer_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.5, 0.001, 4, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/sewer/sewer_stuff.tga //maskalpha vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } ////SLIPGATE//// material stuff/slipgate/slipgate_stuff_01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.001 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/slipgate/slipgate_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/slipgate/slipgate_stuff_02 { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/slipgate/slipgate_stuff.tga alphaTest 0.5 vertexcolor } } material stuff/slipgate/slipgate_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffusemap stuff/slipgate/slipgate_rocks.tga vertexcolor } } ////VALLEY//// material stuff/valley/valley_stuff { twoSided nonsolid sort decal noshadows { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/valley/valley_stuff.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/valley/valley_rubbish { sort decal nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap clamp picmipmin -1 stuff/valley/valley_stuff.tga alphatest 0.5 vertexcolor } } material stuff/valley/valley_rocks { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/valley/valley_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/valley/valley_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////VOLCANO//// material stuff/volcano/volcano_stuff_01 { nonsolid noshadows { diffuseMap stuff/volcano/volcano_rocks.tga bumpMap picmip -1 stuff/volcano/volcano_rocks_local.tga vertexcolor diffuseDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga bumpDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_local.tga specDetailMap textures/detail/bump/concrete_detail01_d.tga detailMult 4,2,0,0 } } ////MISCELLANEOUS//// material stuff/foliage/asian/asian_foliage { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp models/vegetation/trees/asian/asiantree_01_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/snow/snow_foliage_xxx { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/snow/snow_foliage { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, time, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_d.tga alphatest 0.5 vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/valley/valley_foliage { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/valley/valley_foliage.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/temperate/grasses_x { twoSided nonsolid noshadows translucent { program interaction/foliage diffusemap stuff/foliage/temperate/weeds01.tga alphaTest 0.25 vertexcolor } } material stuff/foliage/temperate/weeds { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/temperate/weeds01.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/temperate/grasses { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/temperate/weeds01.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/hedgegrass { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/hedgegrass.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } // -------------- // canyon grasses // -------------- material stuff/foliage/desert/bush_low { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/desert/bush_low.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/desert/catail_bush01 { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/desert/catail_bush01.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } /************** tree *************/ material models/mapobjects/tree/bark1 { noShadows diffusemap textures/foliage/bark01_d.tga bumpmap textures/foliage/bark01_local.tga } material models/mapobjects/tree/leaves2 { qer_editorimage models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_d.tga twoSided nonsolid noshadows translucent // noSelfShadow { program interaction/foliage diffusemap models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_d.tga bumpmap models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material models/mapobjects/tree/branches { qer_editorimage models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_noleaves_local.tga twoSided nonsolid noshadows translucent { diffusemap models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_noleaves_d.tga bumpmap models/mapobjects/tree/linden_branch_noleaves_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material stuff/foliage/grassclump001 { //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/grassclump001_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/foliage/grassclump001_dry { twoSided //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_dry_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/grassclump001_dry_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/foliage/grassclump001_short { twoSided //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_short_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/grassclump001_short_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/foliage/grass_sml001_dry { twoSided //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/grass_sml001_dry_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/foliage/grassclump002 { twoSided //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/grassclump002_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } material stuff/foliage/grassclump003 { twoSided nonsolid noshadows translucent { blend diffusemap map stuff/foliage/grassclump003_d.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material stuff/foliage/agave { bumpmap stuff/foliage/agave_local.tga diffusemap stuff/foliage/agave_d.tga specularmap stuff/foliage/agave_s.tga } material stuff/foliage/desertplant { twoSided //qer_editorimage stuff/foliage/grassclump001_d.tga nonsolid //noshadows sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap stuff/foliage/desertplant_d.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform } /* material stuff/pointspritetest { nonsolid { //blend blend alphaTest 0.5 ignoreAlphaTest //No this doesn't ignore the previous alpha test it only forces doom to skip some internal stuff vertexProgram pointsprites.vfp vertexParm 0 time * 0.25 vertexParmBinding 1 viewOrigin vertexParm 2 sun_x, sun_y, sun_z vertexParm 3 sun_r * lightscale, sun_g * lightscale, sun_b * lightscale vertexParm 4 stuff_lod, 1 / ( stuff_far - stuff_lod ) //map stuff/foliage/grassclump_ps.tga //vertexColor fragmentProgram pointsprites.vfp fragmentMap 0 stuff/foliage/grassclump_ps.tga fragmentMap 1 _ambientCubemap } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! } */ material stuff/leaf { nonsolid { blend blend map stuff/foliage/leaf.tga //vertexColor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! } material stuff/rock_sandy { qer_editorimage textures/rock/rockface02d_sandy_d.tga noshadows // noselfshadow { diffusemap stuff/rocks/rockface02d_d.tga bumpmap textures/rock/sharprock1_local.tga vertexcolor } } material stuff/rock_grey { qer_editorimage textures/rock/rock_moorland3.tga noshadows // noselfshadow { diffusemap textures/rock/rock_moorland3.tga bumpmap textures/rock/sharprock1_local.tga vertexcolor } } material stuff_rock_green { qer_editorimage textures/rock/rocks_green.tga noshadows // noselfshadow { diffusemap textures/rock/rocks_green.tga bumpmap textures/rock/sharprock1_local.tga vertexcolor } } material leaves_dist { qer_editorimage textures/leaves/leaves_do.tga noshadows // noselfshadow { diffusemap textures/leaves/leaves_do.tga bumpmap textures/leaves/leaves_do_local.tga alphaTest 0.7 vertexcolor } } //FOR VALLEY - OLD (TO BE REMOVED EVENTUALLY) material stuff/litter/litter01 { sort decal twosided nonsolid // noselfshadow { diffusemap stuff/litter/litter01_d.tga specularmap stuff/litter/litter01_s.tga bumpmap stuff/litter/litter01_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } material stuff/grass/grass_and_weeds { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/grass/grass_and_weeds.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided } material stuff/twigs/twigs { twosided nonsolid // noselfshadow { diffusemap stuff/twigs/twigs_d.tga bumpmap stuff/twigs/twigs_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } //////// //SNOW STUFF material stuff/foliage/snow/twigs { twosided nonsolid // noselfshadow { diffusemap clamp stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_d.tga bumpmap stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } // this diffuce may need clamp addign to it material stuff/foliage/snow/mudpuddle { twosided nonsolid useTemplate templates/windowglass_mask < stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_d.tga, stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_local.tga, stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_mask.tga, 2, 1.0, 0.3 > } material stuff/foliage/snow/stones { nonsolid // noselfshadow { diffusemap clamp stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_d.tga bumpmap stuff/foliage/snow/twigs_local.tga alphaTest 0.25 } } ///////////// material stuff/grass/flowers01 { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { useTemplate material/foliage_translucent_stage< "stuff/grass/flowers01_d.tga", "stuff/grass/flowers01_transluceny.tga", "stuff/grass/flowers01_local.tga", "stuff/grass/flowers01_s.tga", "1.0", // translucency multiplier "0.7", "0.9", "0.7" // light scattering rgb > useTemplate wind/animatematrix< 0.15, 0.001 > } } // FOR ISLAND /////////////////////////////////////// // // DRIFTWOOD // /////////////////////////////////////// material stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile1 { qer_editorimage stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile1.tga noshadows // noselfshadow nonsolid { diffusemap stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile1.tga } } material stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile2 { qer_editorimage stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile2.tga noshadows // noselfshadow nonsolid { diffusemap stuff/driftwood/driftwood_tile2.tga } } material stuff/driftwood/driftwood_stumpend { qer_editorimage stuff/driftwood/driftwood_stumpend.tga noshadows // noselfshadow nonsolid { diffusemap stuff/driftwood/driftwood_stumpend.tga } } ////////DESERT///////// material stuff/foliage/desert/desert_stuff { twoSided nonsolid sort decal { alphatocoverage program stuff/grass_alphatest writeDepth grass_times time * 0.14, 0.015, time, 0.01 diffuseMap clamp stuff/foliage/desert/desert_stuff01.tga vertexcolor } translucent // this goes AFTER the stages or it will be disabled by the shader parsing! deform clusterTransform twoSided }