#include "tooltips.include" #include "templates/tooltips.include" toolTip tip_item_landmine_limit { alwaysPlay length 3 // sound played in script //sound "sounds/ui/main/cannot" text "game/tt/too_many_mines" } toolTip mounted_weapon_already_in_use { length 5 sound "sounds/ui/main/bad" text "game/tt/weapon_emplacement_in_use" } toolTip mounted_weapon_player_invalid { length 5 sound "sounds/ui/main/bad" text "game/tt/weapon_emplacement_cant_use" } toolTip vote_vehicle_driver_backup { length 15 text "game/tt/vehicle_driver_backup" } toolTip fireteam_initial_create { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_create" } toolTip fireteam_initial_join { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_join" } toolTip fireteam_invite { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_join_specific" } toolTip fireteam_propose { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_request_add" } toolTip fireteam_request { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_request_join" } toolTip fireteam_createfortask { length 15 text "game/tt/fire_team_request_create" } toolTip fireteam_become_leader { text "game/tt/fire_team_become_leader" alwaysPlay } toolTip unbalanced_teams_switch { length 15 text "game/tt/unbalanced_teams_switch" } toolTip task_need_leave_team { length 15 text "game/tt/task_need_leave_team" } toolTip task_need_abandon_task { length 15 text "game/tt/task_need_abandon_task" } toolTip generic_weapon_reload { text "game/tt/intro/generic/reload_weapon" sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" locationIndex TOOLTIP_POSITION_AMMO_BAR } toolTip generic_weapon_fire { text "game/tt/intro/generic/fire_shoot_item" sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" } toolTip generic_weapon_grenade_fire { text "game/tt/intro/generic/fire_throw_item" sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" } toolTip generic_weapon_ironsights { text "game/tt/intro/generic/ironsights_2" sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" } toolTip generic_deploy_intro_1 { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_intro_1" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_intro_1/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_intro_2 { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_intro_2" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_intro_2/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_start { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_start" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_start/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_rotate { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_rotate" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_rotate/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_start_fieldops { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_start" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_start/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_rotate_fieldops { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_rotate" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_rotate/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_start_covertops { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_start" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_start/info" } toolTip generic_deploy_rotate_covertops { singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength text "game/tt/intro/generic/deploy_rotate" sound "sounds/tooltips/generic_deploy_rotate/info" } toolTip generic_weapon_heat { text "game/tt/intro/generic/heat" sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" } toolTip teamkill_complaint { text "game/tt/teamkill/complaint" length 15 } toolTip amt_destroyed_missile { length 5 maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength singlePlayerToolTip text "game/tt/amt_destroyed_missile" sound "sounds/tooltips/amt_destroyed_missile/info" } toolTip amt_destroyed_missile_gdf { length 5 maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength singlePlayerToolTip text "game/tt/amt_destroyed_missile_gdf" sound "sounds/tooltips/amt_destroyed_missile_gdf/info" } toolTip amt_destroyed_missile_strogg { length 5 maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength singlePlayerToolTip text "game/tt/amt_destroyed_missile_strogg" sound "sounds/tooltips/amt_destroyed_missile_strogg/info" } toolTip prone_failed { sound "sounds/ui/main/bad" alwaysPlay text "game/tt/cannot_prone" } toolTip game_noobjective_warmup { maxPlayCount 5 nextShowDelay 10 sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" text "game/tt/noobjective_warmup" } toolTip stroytransfer_failed { alwaysPlay nextShowDelay 10 sound "sounds/ui/main/bad" text "game/tt/stroytransfer_failed" } toolTip killed_by_mine { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip useSoundLength maxPlayCount 2 sound "sounds/tooltips/killed_by_mine/info" text "game/tt/killed_by_mine" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip spawnhosting_me { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/spawnhosting_me/info" text "game/tt/spawnhosting_me" } toolTip possessing_me_gdf { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/possessing_me_gdf/info" text "game/tt/possessing_me_gdf" } toolTip possessing_me_strogg { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/possessing_me_strogg/info" text "game/tt/possessing_me_strogg" } toolTip killed_by_disguised_gdf { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/killed_by_disguised_gdf/info" text "game/tt/killed_by_disguised_gdf" } toolTip killed_by_disguised_strogg { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/killed_by_disguised_strogg/info" text "game/tt/killed_by_disguised_strogg" } toolTip low_ammo_gdf { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/low_ammo_gdf/info" text "game/tt/low_ammo_gdf" } toolTip low_ammo_strogg { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/low_ammo_strogg/info" text "game/tt/low_ammo_strogg" } toolTip low_health_gdf { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/low_health_gdf/info" text "game/tt/low_health_gdf" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip low_health_strogg { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/low_health_strogg/info" text "game/tt/low_health_strogg" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip player_parachute_gdf { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 1 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/player_parachute_gdf/info" text "game/tt/intro/team/gdf/parachute" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_parachute_use" onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip player_parachute_strogg { length 8 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 1 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/player_parachute_strogg/info" text "game/tt/intro/team/strogg/parachute" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_parachute_use" onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip revive_player_gdf { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/revive_player_gdf/info" text "game/tt/revive_player_gdf" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "revive_player_gdf" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/defibrillator" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip heal_player_gdf { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/heal_player_gdf/info" text "game/tt/heal_player_gdf" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/items/healthpack" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_1" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip supply_player_strogg { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/supply_player_strogg/info" text "game/tt/supply_player_strogg" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/items/stroyentcells" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_0" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip revive_player_strogg { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/revive_player_strogg/info" text "game/tt/revive_player_strogg" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "revive_player_strogg" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/spike_meditech" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_1" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip unconscious_gdf { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/unconscious_gdf/info" text "game/tt/unconscious_gdf" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime 70 guiEvent "hl_timer" onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip unconscious_strogg { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/unconscious_strogg/info" text "game/tt/unconscious_strogg" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime 70 guiEvent "hl_timer" onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip constructor_defuse_charge { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/constructor_defuse_charge/info" text "game/tt/constructor_defuse_charge" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 waypointHighlight "constructor_defuse_charge" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/repair_drone" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip engineer_deploy_mines { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/engineer_deploy_mines/info" text "game/tt/engineer_deploy_mines" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/items/landmine" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_0" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip engineer_construct_mission { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/engineer_construct_mission/info" text "game/tt/engineer_construct_mission" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "engineer_construct_mission" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/pliers" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip covertops_deploy_radar { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/covertops_deploy_radar/info" text "game/tt/covertops_deploy_radar" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/ranger" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip covertops_hack_deployable { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/covertops_hack_deployable/info" text "game/tt/covertops_hack_deployable" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "covertops_hack_deployable" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/pliers_hack" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_3" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip engineer_defuse_charge { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/engineer_defuse_charge/info" text "game/tt/engineer_defuse_charge" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 waypointHighlight "engineer_defuse_charge" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/pliers" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip engineer_deploy_turret { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/engineer_deploy_turret/info" text "game/tt/engineer_deploy_turret" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/engineer" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_1" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip fieldops_deploy_firesupport { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/fieldops_deploy_firesupport/info" text "game/tt/fieldops_deploy_firesupport" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/fieldops" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_3" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip soldier_destroy { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/soldier_destroy/info" text "game/tt/soldier_destroy" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "soldier_destroy" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/items/he_charge" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_0" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip constructor_deploy_mines { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/constructor_deploy_mines/info" text "game/tt/constructor_deploy_mines" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/items/landmine_strogg" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_0" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip constructor_construct_mission { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/constructor_construct_mission/info" text "game/tt/constructor_construct_mission" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 waypointHighlight "constructor_construct_mission" onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/repair_drone" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip aggressor_destroy { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/aggressor_destroy/info" text "game/tt/aggressor_destroy" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 6 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "aggressor_destroy" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/items/plasma_charge" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_0" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip constructor_deploy_turret { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/constructor_deploy_turret/info" text "game/tt/constructor_deploy_turret" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/constructor" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_1" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip infiltrator_deploy_radar { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/infiltrator_deploy_radar/info" text "game/tt/infiltrator_deploy_radar" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/infiltrator" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_2" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip oppressor_deploy_firesupport { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/oppressor_deploy_firesupport/info" text "game/tt/oppressor_deploy_firesupport" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 showInventory "inventory/tools/deploytool/oppressor" onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_inv_3" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip infiltrator_hack { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/infiltrator_hack/info" text "game/tt/infiltrator_hack" timeline { unpauseWeaponSlot 5 onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime 0 waypointHighlight "infiltrator_hack" onTime 40 showInventory "inventory/tools/spike_infiltrator" onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_inv_3" onTime end unpause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end hideInventory } } toolTip capture_spawn { length 10 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/capture_spawn/info" text "game/tt/capture_spawn" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime 0 waypointHighlight "capture_spawn" onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime end unpause } } toolTip liberate_spawn { length 10 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/liberate_spawn/info" text "game/tt/liberate_spawn" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime 0 waypointHighlight "liberate_spawn" onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime end unpause } } toolTip carryable_steal { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength lookAtObjective sound "sounds/tooltips/carryable_steal/info" text "game/tt/carryable_steal" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip carryable_deliver { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/carryable_deliver/info" text "game/tt/carryable_deliver" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime 0 lookAtTask onTime end unpause } } toolTip psi_deployed { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/psi_deployed/info" text "game/tt/psi_deployed" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_compass" onTime end guiEvent "" } } toolTip radar_deployed { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/radar_deployed/info" text "game/tt/radar_deployed" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_compass" onTime end guiEvent "" } } toolTip lockon_decoy_tooltip { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/lockon_decoy_tooltip/info" text "game/tt/lockon_decoy_tooltip" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip new_mission { length 8 nextShowDelay 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/new_mission/info" text "game/tt/new_mission" lookAtObjective timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_mis_system" onTime 10 pause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_information { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_information/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_information" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime 40 guiEvent "hl_tip" onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_critical_class_gdf { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_critical_class/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_critical_class" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_objective_module" onTime end guiEvent "" } } toolTip tooltip_critical_class_strogg { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_critical_class/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_critical_class" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_objective_module" onTime end guiEvent "" } } toolTip tooltip_introductory1 { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 1 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_introductory1/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_introductory1" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_introductory2 { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 1 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_introductory2/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_introductory2" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_introductory3 { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 1 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_introductory3/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_introductory3" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } // This tooltip will only be shown briefly in warmup if the local player hasn't pressed // f3, as the "press f3 to become ready" is hardcoded into the GUI. toolTip tooltip_warmup_not_ready { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_warmup_not_ready/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_warmup_not_ready" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_tip" onTime end guiEvent "" } } toolTip tooltip_explain_objectives { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_explain_objectives/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_explain_objectives" timeline { onTime 0 guiEvent "hl_objective_module" onTime 0 pause onTime end guiEvent "" onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_area22 { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_area22/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_area22" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_ark { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_ark/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_ark" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_canyon { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_canyon/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_canyon" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_island { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_island/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_island" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_outskirts { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_outskirts/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_outskirts" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_quarry { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_quarry/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_quarry" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_refinery { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_refinery/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_refinery" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_salvage { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_salvage/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_salvage" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_sewer { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_sewer/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_sewer" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_slipgate { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_slipgate/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_slipgate" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_valley { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_valley/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_valley" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } toolTip tooltip_volcano { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip maxPlayCount 2 useSoundLength sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_volcano/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_volcano" timeline { onTime 0 pause onTime end unpause } } // regular tooltips toolTip low_ammo_gdf_self { length 4 maxPlayCount 2 sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" text "game/tt/low_ammo_gdf_self" } toolTip low_ammo_strogg_self { length 4 maxPlayCount 2 sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" text "game/tt/low_ammo_strogg_self" } toolTip low_health_gdf_self { length 4 maxPlayCount 2 sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" text "game/tt/low_health_gdf_self" } toolTip low_health_strogg_self { length 4 maxPlayCount 2 sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral" text "game/tt/low_health_strogg_self" } toolTip tooltip_lookat_objective { length 10 singlePlayerToolTip alwaysPlay useSoundLength lookAtObjective sound "sounds/tooltips/tooltip_explain_objectives/info" text "game/tt/tooltip_explain_objectives" timeline { onTime 10 pause onTime 60 guiEvent "hl_objective_module" onTime end unpause } }