// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc. // #include "precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #if defined( _DEBUG ) && !defined( ID_REDIRECT_NEWDELETE ) #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #include "AF.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "anim/Anim.h" #include "../decllib/declAF.h" /* =============================================================================== Articulated figure controller. =============================================================================== */ #define ARTICULATED_FIGURE_ANIM "af_pose" #define POSE_BOUNDS_EXPANSION 5.0f /* ================ idAF::idAF ================ */ idAF::idAF( void ) { self = NULL; animator = NULL; modifiedAnim = 0; baseOrigin.Zero(); baseAxis.Identity(); poseTime = -1; restStartTime = -1; isLoaded = false; isActive = false; hasBindConstraints = false; } /* ================ idAF::~idAF ================ */ idAF::~idAF( void ) { } /* ================ idAF::UpdateAnimation ================ */ bool idAF::UpdateAnimation( void ) { int i; idVec3 origin, renderOrigin, bodyOrigin; idMat3 axis, renderAxis, bodyAxis; renderEntity_t *renderEntity; if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return false; } if ( !IsActive() ) { return false; } renderEntity = self->GetRenderEntity(); if ( !renderEntity ) { return false; } if ( physicsObj.IsAtRest() ) { if ( restStartTime == physicsObj.GetRestStartTime() ) { return false; } restStartTime = physicsObj.GetRestStartTime(); } // get the render position origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin( 0 ); axis = physicsObj.GetAxis( 0 ); renderAxis = baseAxis.Transpose() * axis; renderOrigin = origin - baseOrigin * renderAxis; // create an animation frame which reflects the current pose of the articulated figure animator->InitAFPose(); for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { // check for the origin joint if ( jointMods[i].jointHandle == 0 ) { continue; } bodyOrigin = physicsObj.GetOrigin( jointMods[i].bodyId ); bodyAxis = physicsObj.GetAxis( jointMods[i].bodyId ); axis = jointMods[i].jointBodyAxis.Transpose() * ( bodyAxis * renderAxis.Transpose() ); origin = ( bodyOrigin - jointMods[i].jointBodyOrigin * axis - renderOrigin ) * renderAxis.Transpose(); animator->SetAFPoseJointMod( jointMods[i].jointHandle, jointMods[i].jointMod, axis, origin ); } animator->FinishAFPose( modifiedAnim, GetBounds().Expand( POSE_BOUNDS_EXPANSION ), gameLocal.time ); animator->SetAFPoseBlendWeight( 1.0f ); return true; } /* ================ idAF::GetBounds returns bounds for the current pose ================ */ idBounds idAF::GetBounds( void ) const { int i; idAFBody *body; idVec3 origin, entityOrigin; idMat3 axis, entityAxis; idBounds bounds, b; bounds.Clear(); // get model base transform origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin( 0 ); axis = physicsObj.GetAxis( 0 ); entityAxis = baseAxis.Transpose() * axis; entityOrigin = origin - baseOrigin * entityAxis; // get bounds relative to base for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( jointMods[i].bodyId ); origin = ( body->GetWorldOrigin() - entityOrigin ) * entityAxis.Transpose(); axis = body->GetWorldAxis() * entityAxis.Transpose(); b.FromTransformedBounds( body->GetClipModel()->GetBounds(), origin, axis ); bounds += b; } return bounds; } /* ================ idAF::SetupPose Transforms the articulated figure to match the current animation pose of the given entity. ================ */ void idAF::SetupPose( idEntity *ent, int time ) { int i; idAFBody *body; idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; idAnimator *animatorPtr; renderEntity_t *renderEntity; if ( !IsLoaded() || !ent ) { return; } animatorPtr = ent->GetAnimator(); if ( !animatorPtr ) { return; } renderEntity = ent->GetRenderEntity(); if ( !renderEntity ) { return; } // if the animation is driven by the physics if ( self->GetPhysics() == &physicsObj ) { return; } // if the pose was already updated this frame if ( poseTime == time ) { return; } poseTime = time; for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( jointMods[i].bodyId ); animatorPtr->GetJointTransform( jointMods[i].jointHandle, time, origin, axis ); body->SetWorldOrigin( renderEntity->origin + ( origin + jointMods[i].jointBodyOrigin * axis ) * renderEntity->axis ); body->SetWorldAxis( jointMods[i].jointBodyAxis * axis * renderEntity->axis ); } if ( isActive ) { physicsObj.UpdateClipModels(); } } /* ================ idAF::ChangePose Change the articulated figure to match the current animation pose of the given entity and set the velocity relative to the previous pose. ================ */ void idAF::ChangePose( idEntity *ent, int time ) { int i; float invDelta; idAFBody *body; idVec3 origin, lastOrigin; idMat3 axis; idAnimator *animatorPtr; renderEntity_t *renderEntity; if ( !IsLoaded() || !ent ) { return; } animatorPtr = ent->GetAnimator(); if ( !animatorPtr ) { return; } renderEntity = ent->GetRenderEntity(); if ( !renderEntity ) { return; } // if the animation is driven by the physics if ( self->GetPhysics() == &physicsObj ) { return; } // if the pose was already updated this frame if ( poseTime == time ) { return; } invDelta = 1.0f / MS2SEC( time - poseTime ); poseTime = time; for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( jointMods[i].bodyId ); animatorPtr->GetJointTransform( jointMods[i].jointHandle, time, origin, axis ); lastOrigin = body->GetWorldOrigin(); body->SetWorldOrigin( renderEntity->origin + ( origin + jointMods[i].jointBodyOrigin * axis ) * renderEntity->axis ); body->SetWorldAxis( jointMods[i].jointBodyAxis * axis * renderEntity->axis ); body->SetLinearVelocity( ( body->GetWorldOrigin() - lastOrigin ) * invDelta ); } physicsObj.UpdateClipModels(); } /* ================ idAF::EntitiesTouchingAF ================ */ int idAF::EntitiesTouchingAF( afTouch_t touchList[ MAX_GENTITIES ] ) const { int i, j, numClipModels; idAFBody *body; const idClipModel *cm; const idClipModel *clipModels[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; int numTouching; if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return 0; } numTouching = 0; numClipModels = gameLocal.clip.ClipModelsTouchingBounds( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS physicsObj.GetAbsBounds(), -1, clipModels, MAX_GENTITIES, self ); for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( jointMods[i].bodyId ); for ( j = 0; j < numClipModels; j++ ) { cm = clipModels[j]; if ( !cm || !cm->IsTraceModel() ) { continue; } if ( !body->GetClipModel()->GetAbsBounds().IntersectsBounds( cm->GetAbsBounds() ) ) { continue; } if ( gameLocal.clip.ContentsModel( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS body->GetWorldOrigin(), body->GetClipModel(), body->GetWorldAxis(), -1, cm, cm->GetOrigin(), cm->GetAxis() ) ) { touchList[ numTouching ].touchedByBody = body; touchList[ numTouching ].touchedClipModel = cm; touchList[ numTouching ].touchedEnt = cm->GetEntity(); numTouching++; clipModels[j] = NULL; } } } return numTouching; } /* ================ idAF::BodyForClipModelId ================ */ int idAF::BodyForClipModelId( int id ) const { if ( id >= 0 ) { return id; } else { id = CLIPMODEL_ID_TO_JOINT_HANDLE( id ); if ( id < jointBody.Num() ) { return jointBody[id]; } else { return 0; } } } /* ================ idAF::GetPhysicsToVisualTransform ================ */ void idAF::GetPhysicsToVisualTransform( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) const { origin = - baseOrigin; axis = baseAxis.Transpose(); } /* ================ idAF::GetImpactInfo ================ */ void idAF::GetImpactInfo( idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, impactInfo_t *info ) { SetupPose( self, gameLocal.time ); physicsObj.GetImpactInfo( BodyForClipModelId( id ), point, info ); } /* ================ idAF::ApplyImpulse ================ */ void idAF::ApplyImpulse( idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &impulse ) { SetupPose( self, gameLocal.time ); physicsObj.ApplyImpulse( BodyForClipModelId( id ), point, impulse ); } /* ================ idAF::AddForce ================ */ void idAF::AddForce( idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &force ) { SetupPose( self, gameLocal.time ); physicsObj.AddForce( BodyForClipModelId( id ), point, force ); } /* ================ idAF::AddBody Adds a body. ================ */ void idAF::AddBody( idAFBody *body, const idJointMat *joints, const char *jointName, const AFJointModType_t mod ) { int index; jointHandle_t handle; idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; handle = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( handle == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Error( "idAF for entity '%s' at (%s) modifies unknown joint '%s'", self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), jointName ); } assert( handle < animator->NumJoints() ); origin = joints[ handle ].ToVec3(); axis = joints[ handle ].ToMat3(); index = jointMods.Num(); jointMods.SetNum( index + 1, false ); jointMods[index].bodyId = physicsObj.GetBodyId( body ); jointMods[index].jointHandle = handle; jointMods[index].jointMod = mod; jointMods[index].jointBodyOrigin = ( body->GetWorldOrigin() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); jointMods[index].jointBodyAxis = body->GetWorldAxis() * axis.Transpose(); } /* ================ idAF::SetBase Sets the base body. ================ */ void idAF::SetBase( idAFBody *body, const idJointMat *joints ) { physicsObj.ForceBodyId( body, 0 ); baseOrigin = body->GetWorldOrigin(); baseAxis = body->GetWorldAxis(); AddBody( body, joints, animator->GetJointName( animator->GetFirstChild( "origin" ) ), AF_JOINTMOD_AXIS ); } /* ================ idAF::LoadBody ================ */ bool idAF::LoadBody( const idDeclAF_Body *fb, const idJointMat *joints ) { int id, i; float length, mass; idTraceModel trm; idClipModel *clip; idAFBody *body; idMat3 axis, inertiaTensor; idVec3 centerOfMass, origin; idBounds bounds; idList jointList; origin = fb->origin.ToVec3(); axis = fb->angles.ToMat3(); bounds[0] = fb->v1.ToVec3(); bounds[1] = fb->v2.ToVec3(); switch( fb->modelType ) { case TRM_BOX: { trm.SetupBox( bounds ); break; } case TRM_OCTAHEDRON: { trm.SetupOctahedron( bounds ); break; } case TRM_DODECAHEDRON: { trm.SetupDodecahedron( bounds ); break; } case TRM_CYLINDER: { trm.SetupCylinder( bounds, fb->numSides ); break; } case TRM_CONE: { // place the apex at the origin bounds[0].z -= bounds[1].z; bounds[1].z = 0.0f; trm.SetupCone( bounds, fb->numSides ); break; } case TRM_BONE: { // direction of bone axis[2] = fb->v2.ToVec3() - fb->v1.ToVec3(); length = axis[2].Normalize(); // axis of bone trace model axis[2].NormalVectors( axis[0], axis[1] ); axis[1] = -axis[1]; // create trace model to cover the bone idVec3 halfBounds( fb->width * 0.5f, fb->width * 0.5f, length * 0.5f ); trm.SetupBox( idBounds( -halfBounds, halfBounds ) ); // old way uses a tetrahedron kind of thing, but it doesn't even come close to covering the render model :( // trm.SetupBone( length, fb->width ); break; } default: assert( 0 ); break; } trm.GetMassProperties( 1.0f, mass, centerOfMass, inertiaTensor ); trm.Translate( -centerOfMass ); origin += centerOfMass * axis; body = physicsObj.GetBody( fb->name ); if ( body ) { clip = body->GetClipModel(); if ( !clip->IsEqual( trm ) ) { clip = new idClipModel( trm, false ); clip->SetContents( fb->contents ); clip->Link( gameLocal.clip, self, 0, origin, axis ); body->SetClipModel( clip ); } clip->SetContents( fb->contents ); body->SetDensity( fb->density, fb->inertiaScale ); body->SetWorldOrigin( origin ); body->SetWorldAxis( axis ); id = physicsObj.GetBodyId( body ); } else { clip = new idClipModel( trm, false ); clip->SetContents( fb->contents ); clip->Link( gameLocal.clip, self, 0, origin, axis ); body = new idAFBody( fb->name, clip, fb->density ); if ( fb->inertiaScale != mat3_identity ) { body->SetDensity( fb->density, fb->inertiaScale ); } id = physicsObj.AddBody( body ); } if ( fb->linearFriction != -1.0f ) { body->SetFriction( fb->linearFriction, fb->angularFriction, fb->contactFriction ); } body->SetClipMask( fb->clipMask ); body->SetSelfCollision( fb->selfCollision ); if ( fb->jointName == "origin" ) { SetBase( body, joints ); } else { AFJointModType_t mod; if ( fb->jointMod == DECLAF_JOINTMOD_AXIS ) { mod = AF_JOINTMOD_AXIS; } else if ( fb->jointMod == DECLAF_JOINTMOD_ORIGIN ) { mod = AF_JOINTMOD_ORIGIN; } else if ( fb->jointMod == DECLAF_JOINTMOD_BOTH ) { mod = AF_JOINTMOD_BOTH; } else { mod = AF_JOINTMOD_AXIS; } AddBody( body, joints, fb->jointName, mod ); } if ( fb->frictionDirection.ToVec3() != vec3_origin ) { body->SetFrictionDirection( fb->frictionDirection.ToVec3() ); } if ( fb->contactMotorDirection.ToVec3() != vec3_origin ) { body->SetContactMotorDirection( fb->contactMotorDirection.ToVec3() ); } // update table to find the nearest articulated figure body for a joint of the skeletal model animator->GetJointList( fb->containedJoints, jointList ); for( i = 0; i < jointList.Num(); i++ ) { if ( jointBody[ jointList[ i ] ] != -1 ) { gameLocal.Warning( "%s: joint '%s' is already contained by body '%s'", name.c_str(), animator->GetJointName( (jointHandle_t)jointList[i] ), physicsObj.GetBody( jointBody[ jointList[ i ] ] )->GetName().c_str() ); } jointBody[ jointList[ i ] ] = id; } return true; } /* ================ idAF::LoadConstraint ================ */ bool idAF::LoadConstraint( const idDeclAF_Constraint *fc ) { idAFBody *body1, *body2; body1 = physicsObj.GetBody( fc->body1 ); body2 = physicsObj.GetBody( fc->body2 ); switch( fc->type ) { case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_FIXED: { idAFConstraint_Fixed *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_Fixed( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } break; } case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_BALLANDSOCKETJOINT: { idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } c->SetAnchor( fc->anchor.ToVec3() ); c->SetFriction( fc->friction ); switch( fc->limit ) { case idDeclAF_Constraint::LIMIT_CONE: { c->SetConeLimit( fc->limitAxis.ToVec3(), fc->limitAngles[0], fc->shaft[0].ToVec3() ); break; } case idDeclAF_Constraint::LIMIT_PYRAMID: { idAngles angles = fc->limitAxis.ToVec3().ToAngles(); angles.roll = fc->limitAngles[2]; idMat3 axis = angles.ToMat3(); c->SetPyramidLimit( axis[0], axis[1], fc->limitAngles[0], fc->limitAngles[1], fc->shaft[0].ToVec3() ); break; } default: { c->SetNoLimit(); break; } } break; } case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_UNIVERSALJOINT: { idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } c->SetAnchor( fc->anchor.ToVec3() ); c->SetShafts( fc->shaft[0].ToVec3(), fc->shaft[1].ToVec3() ); c->SetFriction( fc->friction ); switch( fc->limit ) { case idDeclAF_Constraint::LIMIT_CONE: { c->SetConeLimit( fc->limitAxis.ToVec3(), fc->limitAngles[0] ); break; } case idDeclAF_Constraint::LIMIT_PYRAMID: { idAngles angles = fc->limitAxis.ToVec3().ToAngles(); angles.roll = fc->limitAngles[2]; idMat3 axis = angles.ToMat3(); c->SetPyramidLimit( axis[0], axis[1], fc->limitAngles[0], fc->limitAngles[1] ); break; } default: { c->SetNoLimit(); break; } } break; } case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_HINGE: { idAFConstraint_Hinge *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_Hinge( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } c->SetAnchor( fc->anchor.ToVec3() ); c->SetAxis( fc->axis.ToVec3() ); c->SetFriction( fc->friction ); switch( fc->limit ) { case idDeclAF_Constraint::LIMIT_CONE: { idVec3 left, up, axis, shaft; fc->axis.ToVec3().OrthogonalBasis( left, up ); axis = left * idRotation( vec3_origin, fc->axis.ToVec3(), fc->limitAngles[0] ); shaft = left * idRotation( vec3_origin, fc->axis.ToVec3(), fc->limitAngles[2] ); c->SetLimit( axis, fc->limitAngles[1], shaft ); break; } default: { c->SetNoLimit(); break; } } break; } case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_SLIDER: { idAFConstraint_Slider *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_Slider( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } c->SetAxis( fc->axis.ToVec3() ); break; } case DECLAF_CONSTRAINT_SPRING: { idAFConstraint_Spring *c; c = static_cast(physicsObj.GetConstraint( fc->name )); if ( c ) { c->SetBody1( body1 ); c->SetBody2( body2 ); } else { c = new idAFConstraint_Spring( fc->name, body1, body2 ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } c->SetAnchor( fc->anchor.ToVec3(), fc->anchor2.ToVec3() ); c->SetSpring( fc->stretch, fc->compress, fc->damping, fc->restLength ); c->SetLimit( fc->minLength, fc->maxLength ); break; } } return true; } /* ================ GetJointTransform ================ */ static bool GetJointTransform( void *model, const idJointMat *frame, const char *jointName, idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) { jointHandle_t joint; joint = reinterpret_cast(model)->GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( ( joint >= 0 ) && ( joint < reinterpret_cast(model)->NumJoints() ) ) { origin = frame[ joint ].ToVec3(); axis = frame[ joint ].ToMat3(); return true; } else { return false; } } /* ================ idAF::Load ================ */ bool idAF::Load( idEntity* ent, const char* fileName ) { isLoaded = false; assert( ent ); self = ent; physicsObj.SetSelf( self ); if ( !*fileName ) { return false; } if ( animator == NULL ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Couldn't load af '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s): NULL animator", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0) ); return false; } name = fileName; name.StripFileExtension(); const idDeclAF* file = declHolder.declAFType.LocalFind( name, false ); if ( !file ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Couldn't load af '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s)", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0) ); return false; } if ( file->bodies.Num() == 0 || file->bodies[0]->jointName != "origin" ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::Load: articulated figure '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s) has no body which modifies the origin joint.", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0) ); return false; } const idDeclModelDef* modelDef = animator->ModelDef(); if ( modelDef == NULL || modelDef->GetState() == DS_DEFAULTED ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::Load: articulated figure '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s) has no or defaulted modelDef '%s'", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), modelDef ? modelDef->GetName() : "" ); return false; } idRenderModel* model = animator->ModelHandle(); if ( model == NULL || model->IsDefaultModel() ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::Load: articulated figure '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s) has no or defaulted model '%s'", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), model ? model->Name() : "" ); return false; } // get the modified animation modifiedAnim = animator->GetAnim( ARTICULATED_FIGURE_ANIM ); if ( !modifiedAnim ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::Load: articulated figure '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s) has no modified animation '%s'", name.c_str(), ent->name.c_str(), ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), ARTICULATED_FIGURE_ANIM ); return false; } // create the animation frame used to setup the articulated figure int numJoints = animator->NumJoints(); idJointMat* joints = ( idJointMat* )_alloca16( numJoints * sizeof( joints[ 0 ] ) ); gameEdit->ANIM_CreateAnimFrame( model, animator->GetAnim( modifiedAnim )->MD5Anim( 0 ), numJoints, joints, 1, animator->ModelDef()->GetVisualOffset(), animator->RemoveOrigin() ); // set all vector positions from model joints file->Finish( GetJointTransform, joints, animator ); // initialize articulated figure physics physicsObj.SetGravity( gameLocal.GetGravity() ); physicsObj.SetClipMask( file->clipMask ); physicsObj.SetDefaultFriction( file->defaultLinearFriction, file->defaultAngularFriction, file->defaultContactFriction ); physicsObj.SetSuspendSpeed( file->suspendVelocity, file->suspendAcceleration ); physicsObj.SetSuspendTolerance( file->noMoveTime, file->noMoveTranslation, file->noMoveRotation ); physicsObj.SetSuspendTime( file->minMoveTime, file->maxMoveTime ); physicsObj.SetSelfCollision( file->selfCollision ); // clear the list with transforms from joints to bodies jointMods.SetNum( 0, false ); // clear the joint to body conversion list jointBody.AssureSize( animator->NumJoints() ); for ( int i = 0; i < jointBody.Num(); i++ ) { jointBody[ i ] = -1; } // delete any bodies in the physicsObj that are no longer in the idDeclAF for ( int i = 0; i < physicsObj.GetNumBodies(); i++ ) { idAFBody *body = physicsObj.GetBody( i ); int j; for ( j = 0; j < file->bodies.Num(); j++ ) { if ( file->bodies[ j ]->name.Icmp( body->GetName() ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( j >= file->bodies.Num() ) { physicsObj.DeleteBody( i ); i--; } } // delete any constraints in the physicsObj that are no longer in the idDeclAF for ( int i = 0; i < physicsObj.GetNumConstraints(); i++ ) { idAFConstraint *constraint = physicsObj.GetConstraint( i ); int j; for ( j = 0; j < file->constraints.Num(); j++ ) { if ( file->constraints[ j ]->name.Icmp( constraint->GetName() ) == 0 && file->constraints[ j ]->type == constraint->GetType() ) { break; } } if ( j >= file->constraints.Num() ) { physicsObj.DeleteConstraint( i ); i--; } } // load bodies from the file for ( int i = 0; i < file->bodies.Num(); i++ ) { LoadBody( file->bodies[ i ], joints ); } // load constraints from the file for ( int i = 0; i < file->constraints.Num(); i++ ) { LoadConstraint( file->constraints[ i ] ); } physicsObj.UpdateClipModels(); // check if each joint is contained by a body for( int i = 0; i < animator->NumJoints(); i++ ) { if ( jointBody[ i ] == -1 ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::Load: articulated figure '%s' for entity '%s' at (%s) joint '%s' is not contained by a body", name.c_str(), self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString(0), animator->GetJointName( (jointHandle_t)i ) ); } } physicsObj.SetMass( file->totalMass ); physicsObj.SetChanged(); // disable the articulated figure for collision detection until activated physicsObj.UnlinkClip(); physicsObj.CalculateCenterOfMass(); isLoaded = true; return true; } /* ================ idAF::Start ================ */ void idAF::Start( void ) { if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return; } // clear all animations animator->ClearAllAnims( gameLocal.time, 0 ); animator->ClearAllJoints(); // switch to articulated figure physics self->SetPhysics( &physicsObj ); // start the articulated figure physics simulation physicsObj.LinkClip(); physicsObj.Activate(); isActive = true; } /* ================ idAF::TestSolid ================ */ bool idAF::TestSolid( void ) const { int i; idAFBody *body; trace_t trace; idStr str; bool solid; if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return false; } if ( !af_testSolid.GetBool() ) { return false; } solid = false; for ( i = 0; i < physicsObj.GetNumBodies(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( i ); if ( gameLocal.clip.Translation( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS trace, body->GetWorldOrigin(), body->GetWorldOrigin(), body->GetClipModel(), body->GetWorldAxis(), body->GetClipMask(), self ) ) { float depth = idMath::Fabs( trace.c.point * trace.c.normal - trace.c.dist ); body->SetWorldOrigin( body->GetWorldOrigin() + trace.c.normal * ( depth + 8.0f ) ); gameLocal.DWarning( "%s: body '%s' stuck in %d (normal = %.2f %.2f %.2f, depth = %.2f)", self->name.c_str(), body->GetName().c_str(), trace.c.contents, trace.c.normal.x, trace.c.normal.y, trace.c.normal.z, depth ); solid = true; } } return solid; } /* ================ idAF::StartFromCurrentPose ================ */ void idAF::StartFromCurrentPose( int inheritVelocityTime ) { if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return; } // if the ragdoll should inherit velocity from the animation if ( inheritVelocityTime > 0 ) { // make sure the ragdoll is at rest physicsObj.PutToRest(); // set the pose for some time back SetupPose( self, gameLocal.time - inheritVelocityTime ); // change the pose for the current time and set velocities ChangePose( self, gameLocal.time ); } else { // transform the articulated figure to reflect the current animation pose SetupPose( self, gameLocal.time ); } physicsObj.UpdateClipModels(); TestSolid(); Start(); UpdateAnimation(); // update the render entity origin and axis self->UpdateModel(); // make sure the renderer gets the updated origin and axis self->Present(); } /* ================ idAF::Stop ================ */ void idAF::Stop( void ) { // disable the articulated figure for collision detection physicsObj.UnlinkClip(); isActive = false; } /* ================ idAF::Rest ================ */ void idAF::Rest( void ) { physicsObj.PutToRest(); } /* ================ idAF::SetConstraintPosition Only moves constraints that bind the entity to another entity. ================ */ void idAF::SetConstraintPosition( const char *name, const idVec3 &pos ) { idAFConstraint *constraint; constraint = GetPhysics()->GetConstraint( name ); if ( !constraint ) { gameLocal.Warning( "can't find a constraint with the name '%s'", name ); return; } if ( constraint->GetBody2() != NULL ) { gameLocal.Warning( "constraint '%s' does not bind to another entity", name ); return; } switch( constraint->GetType() ) { case CONSTRAINT_BALLANDSOCKETJOINT: { idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *bs = static_cast(constraint); bs->Translate( pos - bs->GetAnchor() ); break; } case CONSTRAINT_UNIVERSALJOINT: { idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *uj = static_cast(constraint); uj->Translate( pos - uj->GetAnchor() ); break; } case CONSTRAINT_HINGE: { idAFConstraint_Hinge *hinge = static_cast(constraint); hinge->Translate( pos - hinge->GetAnchor() ); break; } default: { gameLocal.Warning( "cannot set the constraint position for '%s'", name ); break; } } } /* ================ idAF::SaveState ================ */ void idAF::SaveState( idDict &args ) const { int i; idAFBody *body; idStr key, value; for ( i = 0; i < jointMods.Num(); i++ ) { body = physicsObj.GetBody( jointMods[i].bodyId ); key = "body " + body->GetName(); value = body->GetWorldOrigin().ToString( 8 ); value += " "; value += body->GetWorldAxis().ToAngles().ToString( 8 ); args.Set( key, value ); } } /* ================ idAF::LoadState ================ */ void idAF::LoadState( const idDict &args ) { const idKeyValue *kv; idStr name; idAFBody *body; idVec3 origin; idAngles angles; kv = args.MatchPrefix( "body ", NULL ); while ( kv ) { name = kv->GetKey(); name.Strip( "body " ); body = physicsObj.GetBody( name ); if ( body ) { sscanf( kv->GetValue(), "%f %f %f %f %f %f", &origin.x, &origin.y, &origin.z, &angles.pitch, &angles.yaw, &angles.roll ); body->SetWorldOrigin( origin ); body->SetWorldAxis( angles.ToMat3() ); } else { gameLocal.Warning("Unknown body part %s in articulated figure %s", name.c_str(), this->name.c_str()); } kv = args.MatchPrefix( "body ", kv ); } physicsObj.UpdateClipModels(); } /* ================ idAF::AddBindConstraints ================ */ void idAF::AddBindConstraints( void ) { const idKeyValue *kv; idStr name; idAFBody *body; idLexer lexer; idToken type, bodyName, jointName; idVec3 origin, renderOrigin; idMat3 axis, renderAxis; if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return; } const idDict &args = self->spawnArgs; // get the render position origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin( 0 ); axis = physicsObj.GetAxis( 0 ); renderAxis = baseAxis.Transpose() * axis; renderOrigin = origin - baseOrigin * renderAxis; // parse all the bind constraints for ( kv = args.MatchPrefix( "bindConstraint ", NULL ); kv; kv = args.MatchPrefix( "bindConstraint ", kv ) ) { name = kv->GetKey(); name.Strip( "bindConstraint " ); lexer.LoadMemory( kv->GetValue(), kv->GetValue().Length(), kv->GetKey() ); lexer.ReadToken( &type ); lexer.ReadToken( &bodyName ); body = physicsObj.GetBody( bodyName ); if ( !body ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::AddBindConstraints: body '%s' not found on entity '%s'", bodyName.c_str(), self->name.c_str() ); lexer.FreeSource(); continue; } if ( type.Icmp( "fixed" ) == 0 ) { idAFConstraint_Fixed *c; c = new idAFConstraint_Fixed( name, body, NULL ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); } else if ( type.Icmp( "ballAndSocket" ) == 0 ) { idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint *c; c = new idAFConstraint_BallAndSocketJoint( name, body, NULL ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); lexer.ReadToken( &jointName ); jointHandle_t joint = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::AddBindConstraints: joint '%s' not found", jointName.c_str() ); } animator->GetJointTransform( joint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); c->SetAnchor( renderOrigin + origin * renderAxis ); } else if ( type.Icmp( "universal" ) == 0 ) { idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint *c; c = new idAFConstraint_UniversalJoint( name, body, NULL ); physicsObj.AddConstraint( c ); lexer.ReadToken( &jointName ); jointHandle_t joint = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::AddBindConstraints: joint '%s' not found", jointName.c_str() ); } animator->GetJointTransform( joint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); c->SetAnchor( renderOrigin + origin * renderAxis ); c->SetShafts( idVec3( 0, 0, 1 ), idVec3( 0, 0, -1 ) ); } else { gameLocal.Warning( "idAF::AddBindConstraints: unknown constraint type '%s' on entity '%s'", type.c_str(), self->name.c_str() ); } lexer.FreeSource(); } hasBindConstraints = true; } /* ================ idAF::RemoveBindConstraints ================ */ void idAF::RemoveBindConstraints( void ) { const idKeyValue *kv; if ( !IsLoaded() ) { return; } const idDict &args = self->spawnArgs; idStr name; kv = args.MatchPrefix( "bindConstraint ", NULL ); while ( kv ) { name = kv->GetKey(); name.Strip( "bindConstraint " ); if ( physicsObj.GetConstraint( name ) ) { physicsObj.DeleteConstraint( name ); } kv = args.MatchPrefix( "bindConstraint ", kv ); } hasBindConstraints = false; }