vehicleDef platypus { part { "cm_model" "models/vehicles/gdf_platypus/gdf_platypus_physics.lwo" "offset" "-72 -77.5 0" "mass" "2000" "contactFriction" "0.7 0.7 0.7" "health" "-1" "buoyancy" "0.7" "waterDrag" "0.4" } // the fishing rod holder part { "mins" "-238 -50 40" "maxs" "-185 50 118" "mass" "1" "contactFriction" "0.7 0.7 0.7" "health" "-1" } // mass to balance out the centre of mass and get the thing floating like it should mass { "origin" "-150 0 50" "mass" "2000" } antiroll { "angle_start" "0.1" "angle_end" "30" "strength" "2" } antipitch { "angle_start" "0.1" "angle_end" "5" "strength" "0.8" } thruster { "direction" "1 0 0" "origin" "-280 60 0" "force" "2000000" "need_water" "1" "name" "left_thruster" } thruster { "direction" "1 0 0" "origin" "-280 -60 0" "force" "2000000" "need_water" "1" "name" "right_thruster" } dragPlane { "name" "hull_front" "origin" "0 0 0" "normal" "0.3 0 -1" "coefficient" "120" "max_force" "1150000" "use_angle_scale" "1" } rudder { "name" "rudder" "origin" "0 0 0" "normal" "0 1 0" "coefficient" "150" "max_force" "500000" "double_sided" "1" } exitDef { joint "player_exit_front" } exitDef { joint "player_exit_rear" } simplePart { "name" "main_body" "joint" "origin" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_platypus_main_body" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "console" "joint" "origin" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_platypus_console" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "jet" "joint" "origin" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_platypus_jet" "health" "0" } cockpit main { "def_cockpit" "vehicle_platypus_cockpit" "scriptobject" "vehicle_platypus_cockpit" } cockpit gpmg { "def_cockpit" "vehicle_platypus_gpmg_cockpit" "scriptobject" "vehicle_gpmg_cockpit" } positionDef { name "guis/vehicles/platypus_driver" hudname "guis/vehicles/platypus_driver" data { "joint_attach" "player_pos_rear" "player_anim" "VehiclePlatypusDriver" "show_player" "1" "take_damage" "1" "cockpit" "main" "stat_name" "platypus_driver" "joint_icon" "carrier_driver" "ability1" "transport_player" } ik { type "sdVehicleIK_Steering" parms { "joint_left" "left_hand_ik" "joint_right" "right_hand_ik" } } // first-person + cockpit view { eyeJoint "player_rear_camera" autocenter // hidevehicle showCockpit zoomTable "vehicle_default_zoom" sensitivityPitchScale "m_lightVehiclePitchScale" sensitivityYawScale "m_lightVehicleYawScale" clamp pitch { min -60 max 10 } clamp yaw { min -135 max 135 } } view { eyeJoint "player_rear_camera" type "smooth_locked" cameraDistance 300 cameraHeight 75 dampSpeed 0.5 thirdPerson sensitivityPitchScale "m_lightVehiclePitchScale" sensitivityYawScale "m_lightVehicleYawScale" } } positionDef { name "guis/vehicles/platypus_gunner" hudname "guis/vehicles/platypus_gunner" data { "joint_attach" "player_pos_front" "player_anim" "VehicleBadgerGunner" "show_player" "1" "take_damage" "1" "cockpit" "gpmg" "stat_name" "platypus_gunner" "joint_icon" "carrier_gunner1" } ik { type "sdVehicleIK_Steering" parms { "joint_left" "gunner_left_hand_ik" "joint_right" "gunner_right_hand_ik" } } view { eyeJoint "player_front_gunner_camera" type "freepivot" followYaw followPitch showcockpit hideDecoyInfo zoomTable "vehicle_default_zoom" clamp pitch { min -60 max 15 } clamp yaw { min -155 max 155 } } view { eyeJoint "player_front_gunner_camera" type "smooth_free" cameraDistance 400 cameraHeight 70 thirdPerson hideDecoyInfo clamp pitch { min -60 max 15 } clamp yaw { min -155 max 155 } } ik { type "sdVehicleIKArms" parms { "jointWrist" "gun_pivot_updown_joint" "jointElbow" "gun_pivot_around_joint" "jointMuzzle" "muzzle" } } weapon { weapon "vehicle_platypus_weapon1" type "sdVehicleWeaponFixedMinigun" clamp yaw { min -155 max 155 } clamp pitch { min -60 max 15 } } } } stringMap vehicle_platypus_weapon1 { "gunName" "game/weapons/mg" "weapon_name" "gpmg" "charge_max" "10" "charge_per_use" "2" "overheat_penalty" "1" "use_heat_bar" "1" "weapon1_muzzle" "muzzle" "gunJointYaw" "gun_pivot_around_joint" "gunJointPitch" "gun_pivot_updown_joint" "muzzle" "muzzle" "muzzle_tracer" "fx_gpmg_tracer" "muzzle_flash" "fx_gpmg_muzzle" "muzzle_sound" "fx_gpmg_fire" "muzzle_sound_local" "fx_gpmg_fire_local" "velocity" "1 0 0" "fire_rate" "0.10" "spread" "1" "scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_gpmg" "def_projectile" "projectile_gpmg_platypus" "client_projectile" "projectile_gpmg_platypus" "surface_name" "GPMG1" "crosshair" "nospread" } entityDef part_vehicle_platypus_main_body { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/gdf_platypus/parts/hull.lwo", "0 100 1000", "10 10 45", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_large" "0.1" > "priority" "3" } entityDef part_vehicle_platypus_console { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/gdf_platypus/parts/console.lwo", "0 100 1000", "10 10 45", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_large" "0.1" > "priority" "2" } entityDef part_vehicle_platypus_jet { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/gdf_platypus/parts/jet.lwo", "0 100 1000", "10 10 45", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_large" "0.1" > "priority" "0" } entityDef vehicle_platypus_cockpit { "model" "vehicle_platypus_cockpit" "joint_attach" "origin" "offset" "15 1 2" "depthHack" "0" "weaponDepthHack" "1" "climate_skin_key" "weapon_gdf" "surface_name0" "console" "surface_name1" "steering_wheel" "surface_name2" "throttle_control" "gui" "guis/models/vehicles/gdf/cockpit_cm" "gui2" "guis/models/vehicles/platypus/cockpit" "gui3" "guis/models/vehicles/trojan/cockpit_info" } entityDef vehicle_platypus_gpmg_cockpit { "model" "viewmodel_mounted_gpmg_1stperson" "passenger_id" "2" "climate_skin_key" "weapon_gdf" "fx_muzzle" "effects/weapons/gpmg_muzzleflash_vehicle2" "joint_muzzle" "muzzle" "offset" "-5.3 5.31 1.57" "surface_name" "GPMG1" }