vehicleDef icarus { antigrav { "joint" "r_engine" "fanJoint" "r_fan" "tailJoint" "r_tail" "effect" "fx_engine" "effect_boost" "fx_engine_boost" "frontAxis" "0" "rotAxis" "1" "tailUpAxis" "0" "tailSideAxis" "1" } cockpit main { "def_cockpit" "vehicle_icarus_cockpit" "scriptobject" "vehicle_icarus_cockpit" } antigrav { "joint" "l_engine" "fanJoint" "l_fan" "tailJoint" "l_tail" "effect" "fx_engine" "effect_boost" "fx_engine_boost" "frontAxis" "0" "rotAxis" "1" "tailUpAxis" "0" "tailSideAxis" "1" } scriptedPart { "name" "r_engine_fire" "joint" "r_engine" "surface1" "m_r_engine" "health" "50" "scriptObject" "vehicle_part_destructable" "noAutoHide" "1" // don't hide the surf when it gets destroyed } scriptedPart { "name" "l_engine_fire" "joint" "l_engine" "surface1" "m_l_engine" "health" "50" "scriptObject" "vehicle_part_destructable" "noAutoHide" "1" // don't hide the surf when it gets destroyed } simplePart { "name" "body" "joint" "origin" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_icarus_body" "health" "0" "flip_master" "1" "flip_power" "20" } simplePart { "name" "engine" "joint" "l_engine" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_icarus_engine" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "arm" "joint" "origin" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_icarus_arm" "health" "0" } positionDef { name "guis/vehicles/icarus_driver" hudname "guis/vehicles/icarus_driver" data { "joint_attach" "origin" "player_anim" "VehicleIcarus" "show_player" "1" "cockpit" "main" "damage_scale" "0.95" "stat_name" "icarus_driver" "joint_icon" "carrier_driver" "reset_view_on_enter" "0" "take_damage" "1" } // first-person + cockpit view { type "icarus" showcockpit hidevehicle noCockpitShadows clamp pitch { min -80 max 80 } } view { type "player" thirdperson playerShadow cameraDistance 100 cameraHeight 30 clamp pitch { min -80 max 80 } } weapon { weapon "vehicle_icarus_weapon1" type "sdVehicleWeaponLocked" } } exitDef { joint "exit_1" } exitDef { joint "exit_2" } exitDef { joint "exit_3" } exitDef { joint "exit_4" } exitDef { joint "exit_5" } exitDef { joint "exit_6" } } entityDef vehicle_icarus_cockpit { "model" "vehicle_icarus_cockpit" "base_anim" "idle" //"turn_left_anim" "turning_left" //"turn_right_anim" "turning_right" "offset" "2 3 65" //"largeFov" "-10 0 0" } entityDef part_vehicle_icarus_body { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_icarus/parts/body.lwo", "20 100 0", "100 50 0", > "priority" "3" } entityDef part_vehicle_icarus_engine { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_icarus/parts/engine.lwo", "-10 100 -400", "20 0 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_icarus_arm { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_icarus/parts/arm.lwo", "20 100 0", "30 0 40", > "priority" "0" } stringMap vehicle_icarus_weapon1 { "gunName" "game/weapons/stroybombs" "weapon_name" "stroybombs" "charge_max" "10" "charge_per_use" "47" "overheat_penalty" "0" "use_heat_bar" "1" "weapon1_muzzle" "r_lower_arm" "muzzle" "r_lower_arm" "muzzle_flash" "fx_stroybomb_flash" "exhaust_flash" "" "velocity" "800 0 -150" "fire_rate" "2" "spread" "2" "scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_stroybomb" "def_projectile" "projectile_stroybomb" "crosshair" "explosive" }