table hog_gear_speedtable { clamp { 20, 40, 60, 82 } } table hog_gear_forcetable { clamp { 1200000, 800000, 400000, 300000 } } template templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_behavior { parameters< FrontBackParm, LeftRightParm > text { "name" "FrontBackParm LeftRightParm Wheel" "joint" "FrontBackParm_LeftRightParm_wheel" "suspension" "vehicle_hog_FrontBackParm_LeftRightParm_suspension" "surface1" "mesh_hog_FrontBackParm_LeftRightParm_wheel" "surface2" "s_FrontBackParm_LeftRightParm_wheel" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_FrontBackParm_LeftRightParm_wheel" "drive" "1" "health" "100" "slowonLeftRightParm" "1" "wheelSpinForceThreshhold" "700000" "wheelSpinForceMultiplier" "0.5" "radius" "20" "suspensionKCompress" "50000" "suspensionDamping" "0.08" "suspensionVelocityScale" "200" "suspensionBase" "150000" "suspensionRange" "15" "brakingForce" "500000" "maxSlip" "400" "contactFriction" "0 0.8 0" useTemplate templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_FrontBackParm< "LeftRightParm" > } } template templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_front { parameters< LeftRightParm > text { "turn" "1" "footprint" "10" "suspensionUpTrace" "15" "suspensionDownTrace" "31" } } template templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_rear { parameters< LeftRightParm > text { "footprint" "20" "suspensionUpTrace" "20" "suspensionDownTrace" "26" "hasHandbrake" "1" "handBrakeSlipScale" "10" } } vehicleDef hog { engineSoundDef { sound "snd_engine_idle" low -2000 high -1 volumeMin -10 volumeMax -3 fadeIn 0 fadeOut 100 lowFrequency 3 highFrequency 1 frequencyChangeStart 0 frequencyChangeStop 2000 } engineSoundDef { sound "snd_engine_idle" // sound shader low -10 // starting speed of mover units/sec high 3000 // end speed of mover units/sec volumeMin -10 // volume @ FadeIn in dB (default -25) volumeMax -3 fadeIn 0 // fade in @ speed (low + fadeIn) fadeOut 0 // fade out @ speed (high - fadeOut) lowFrequency 1 // freq multiplier @ low + frequencyChangeStart highFrequency 5 // freq multiplier @ high + frequencyChangeStop frequencyChangeStart 0 // pitch change starts @ low + frequencyChangeStart frequencyChangeStop 3000 // pitch change ends @ high + frequencyChangeStop } part { "cm_model" "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/collision.lwo" "offset" "0 0 0" "mass" "0.1" "contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4" "health" "-1" "buoyancy" "0.1" } part { "cm_model" "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/collision2.lwo" "offset" "0 0 0" "mass" "0.1" "contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4" "health" "-1" "buoyancy" "0.1" } part { "cm_model" "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/collision3.lwo" "offset" "0 0 0" "mass" "0.1" "contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4" "health" "-1" "buoyancy" "0.1" } part { "cm_model" "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/collision4.lwo" "offset" "-5 0 4" "mass" "0.1" "contactFriction" "0.4 0.4 0.4" "health" "-1" "buoyancy" "0.1" } hurtZone { "mins" "-128 -70 -4" "maxs" "96 70 36" } mass { "origin" "-14.32 0 10.8" "mass" "5000" } // front left wheel wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_behavior< "front", "left" > "control_steering" "1" "base_org_offset" "0 19 0" } // front right wheel wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_behavior< "front", "right" > "base_org_offset" "0 -19 0" } // back left wheel wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_behavior< "rear", "left" > "base_org_offset" "15 -16 0" } // back right wheel wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/hog/wheel_behavior< "rear", "right" > "base_org_offset" "15 16 0" } positionDef { name "guis/vehicles/hog_driver" hudname "guis/vehicles/hog_driver" data { "max_view_offset" "0" "view_offset_rate" "15" "show_player" "0" "cockpit" "driver" "stat_name" "hog_driver" "joint_icon" "carrier_driver" "ability1" "transport_player" } // first-person + cockpit view { eyeJoint "pilot_cam" autoCenter hidevehicle showCockpit foliageDepthHack 150 sensitivityPitchScale "m_lightVehiclePitchScale" sensitivityYawScale "m_lightVehicleYawScale" clamp pitch { min -20 max 20 } clamp yaw { min -60 max 60 } } view { eyeJoint "gun_root" type "smooth_locked" cameraDistance 300 cameraHeight 75 dampSpeed 0.15 thirdPerson sensitivityPitchScale "m_lightVehiclePitchScale" sensitivityYawScale "m_lightVehicleYawScale" } } positionDef { name "guis/vehicles/hog_gunner" hudname "guis/vehicles/hog_gunner" data { "cockpit" "gunner" "stat_name" "hog_gunner" "joint_icon" "carrier_gunner1" } view { eyeJoint "gun_cam" eyeJointPivot "gun_root" type "freepivot" followYaw followPitch hidevehicle //showCockpit hideDecoyInfo showTargetingInfo clamp pitch { min -50 max 10 } } view { eyeJoint "gun_root" type "smooth_free" cameraHeight 100 cameraDistance 300 thirdPerson hideDecoyInfo clamp pitch { min -50 max 10 } } weapon { weapon "vehicle_hog_weapon1" type "sdVehicleWeaponFixedMinigun" clamp pitch { min -50 max 10 } } } exitDef { joint "exit_point_01" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_02" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_03" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_04" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_06" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_07" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_05" } exitDef { joint "exit_point_08" } simplePart { "name" "Hog Gun" "surface1" "mesh_hog_gun" "joint" "gun" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_gun" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Hog Gun Root" "surface1" "mesh_hog_gun_root" "joint" "gun_root" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_mesh_gun_root" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Hog Hull" "surface1" "mesh_hog_hull" "joint" "hull" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_hull" "health" "0" "flip_power" "20" "flip_master" "1" } simplePart { "name" "Front Left Elbow" "surface1" "mesh_hog_front_left_elbow" "joint" "front_left_elbow" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_front_left_elbow" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Front Left Shoulder" "surface1" "mesh_hog_front_left_shoulder" "joint" "front_left_shoulder" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_front_left_shoulder" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Front Right Elbow" "surface1" "mesh_hog_front_right_elbow" "joint" "hull" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_front_right_elbow" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Front Right Shoulder" "surface1" "mesh_hog_front_right_shoulder" "joint" "front_right_shoulder" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_front_right_shoulder" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Rear Left Knee" "surface1" "mesh_hog_rear_left_knee" "joint" "left_hip" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_rear_left_knee" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Rear Right Knee" "surface1" "mesh_hog_rear_right_knee" "joint" "right_hip" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_rear_right_knee" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Left Hip" "surface1" "mesh_hog_left_hip" "joint" "left_hip" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_left_hip" "health" "0" } simplePart { "name" "Right Hip" "surface1" "mesh_hog_right_hip" "joint" "right_hip" "def_brokenPart" "part_vehicle_hog_right_hip" "health" "0" } cockpit driver { "def_cockpit" "vehicle_hog_cockpit_driver" "scriptobject" "vehicle_hog_cockpit" } cockpit gunner { "def_cockpit" "vehicle_desecrator_cockpit_gunner" "scriptobject" "vehicle_strogg_cockpit" } lightDef { joint "pilot_gun" lightType "standard" color ( 3 0 0 ) group 0 noSelfShadow shader "lights/headlights1" right ( 0 960 0 ) up ( 0 0 640 ) } } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_gun { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/hog_gun.lwo", "0 0 2000", "10 20 30", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "priority" "1" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_mesh_gun_root { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/mesh_gun_root.lwo", "0 0 1500", "5 10 15", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_hull { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/hull.lwo", "0 0 10000", "0 50 20", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_large" > "priority" "3" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_left_wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/front_left_wheel.lwo", "800 -500 500", "200 10 0", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "fx_explode" "effects/vehicles/wheel_explode" "priority" "2" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_right_wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/front_right_wheel.lwo", "800 500 500", "200 10 0", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "fx_explode" "effects/vehicles/wheel_explode" "priority" "1" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_rear_left_wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/rear_left_wheel.lwo", "-800 -500 500", "200 10 0", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "fx_explode" "effects/vehicles/wheel_explode" "priority" "1" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_rear_right_wheel { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/rear_right_wheel.lwo", "-800 500 500", "200 10 0", "vehicles/misc/debris/metal_med" > "fx_explode" "effects/vehicles/wheel_explode" "priority" "2" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_left_elbow { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_left_elbow.lwo" "600 -500 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_left_shoulder { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_left_shoulder.lwo" "500 -100 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "1" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_right_elbow { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_right_elbow.lwo" "600 500 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_front_right_shoulder { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_right_shoulder.lwo" "500 100 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_rear_left_knee { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_rear_left_knee.lwo" "-800 -300 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "2" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_rear_right_knee { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_rear_right_knee.lwo" "-800 300 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "1" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_left_hip { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_left_elbow.lwo" "0 -500 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_right_hip { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/leg_front_left_elbow.lwo" "0 500 500", "200 10 0", > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_left_blade { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/left_blade.lwo", "200 -1500 500", "10 10 0" > "priority" "0" } entityDef part_vehicle_hog_right_blade { useTemplate templates/vehicles/destroyedParts < "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/parts/right_blade.lwo", "200 1500 500", "10 10 0" > "priority" "0" } stringMap vehicle_hog_front_right_suspension { "type" "pivot" "joint" "front_right_elbow" "lerp_scale" "1" } stringMap vehicle_hog_front_left_suspension { "type" "pivot" "joint" "front_left_elbow" "lerp_scale" "1" } stringMap vehicle_hog_rear_right_suspension { "type" "2jointleg" "joint_knee" "rear_right_knee" "joint_hip" "right_hip" "lerp_scale" "0.5" "reverse" "1" } stringMap vehicle_hog_rear_left_suspension { "type" "2jointleg" "joint_knee" "rear_left_knee" "joint_hip" "left_hip" "lerp_scale" "0.5" "reverse" "1" } stringMap vehicle_hog_weapon1 { "gunName" "game/weapons/hyperblaster" // "HyperBlaster" "weapon_name" "hyperblaster" "charge_max" "10" "charge_per_use" "2" "overheat_penalty" "1" "use_heat_bar" "1" "weapon1_muzzle" "gun_muzzle" "gunJointYaw" "gun_root" "gunJointPitch" "gun" "muzzle" "gun_muzzle" "muzzle_tracer" "fx_hyperblaster_tracer" "muzzle_flash" "fx_hyperblaster_muzzle" "muzzle_sound" "fx_hyperblaster_fire" "muzzle_sound_local" "fx_hyperblaster_fire" "velocity" "1 0 0" "fire_rate" "0.08" "spread" "1" "scriptobject" "vehicle_weapon_gpmg" "def_projectile" "projectile_hyperblaster_hog" "client_projectile" "projectile_hyperblaster_hog" "crosshair" "nospread" } entityDef vehicle_hog_cockpit_gunner { "model" "vehicle_hog_cockpit_gunner" "joint_attach" "camera" } entityDef vehicle_hog_cockpit_driver { "model" "models/vehicles/strogg_hog/cockpit.lwo" "joint_attach" "pilot_cam" "weaponDepthHack" "1" "gui" "guis/models/vehicles/hog/cockpit" "gui2" "guis/models/vehicles/hog/cockpit_center" "offset" "-12.5 0 0" "largeFov" "-7 0 0" "ambientCubemap" "strogg_cockpit01" }