template material/imposter_material { parameters < ImageName //The name of the model this imposter material is for WITHOUT any file extensions (like .lwo) > text { sort decal { alphatocoverage alphaTest 0.05 //blend blend program imposters/lit diffuseMap nopicmip ImageName maskAlpha writeDepth } translucent sort decal } } template material/imposter_material_nobump { parameters < ImageName //The name of the model this imposter material is for WITHOUT any file extensions (like .lwo) > text { sort decal { alphatocoverage alphaTest 0.05 //blend blend program imposters/lit diffuseMap nopicmip ImageName maskAlpha writeDepth } translucent sort decal } } // This is a special hack for the foliage shader template material/imposter_vertexcolor_material { parameters < ImageName //The name of the model this imposter material is for WITHOUT any file extensions (like .lwo) > text { sort decal { alphatocoverage alphaTest 0.75 //blend blend program imposters/lit_foliage diffuseMap nopicmip maxlod 0 ImageName //maskAlpha alphatocoverage writeDepth } translucent sort decal } } // This is a special hack for the foliage shader template material/imposter_vertexcolor_material_nobump { parameters < ImageName //The name of the model this imposter material is for WITHOUT any file extensions (like .lwo) > text { sort decal { alphatocoverage alphaTest 0.05 //blend blend program imposters/lit_foliage diffuseMap nopicmip ImageName maskAlpha writeDepth } translucent sort decal } }