template templates/materials/effect_sprite { parameters < TextureParm, BlendMode = "add" > text { nonsolid noshadows { blend BlendMode map TextureParm vertexColor maskAlpha } } } template templates/materials/animate_clamp { parameters< NumFrames, DurationInSec > text { scale 1 / NumFrames , 1 scroll tableClampNumFrames[ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / DurationInSec ) ] , 0 } } template templates/materials/animate { parameters< NumFrames, DurationInSec > text { scale 1 / NumFrames , 1 scroll tableNumFrames[ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / DurationInSec ) ] , 0 } } // This one doesn't have an "NumFrames" option, the number of frames should be set in the particle editor using the // "select random frame" option. template templates/materials/animate_randomstart { parameters< NumFrames, DurationInSec > text { scroll tableNumFrames[ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / DurationInSec ) ] * ( 1 / NumFrames ) , 0 } } template templates/materials/animate_rows { parameters< NumColumns, NumRows, DurationInSec > text { scale 1 / NumColumns , 1 / NumRows scroll tableNumColumnsxNumRows_column[ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / DurationInSec ) ] , tableNumColumnsxNumRows_row[ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / DurationInSec ) ] } } template templates/materials/outdoor_light { parameters< > text { red sun_r green sun_g blue sun_b } } template templates/materials/smoke_lit { parameters < diffuseMapIN, normalMapIN, numLights > // Shared between all lit smokes text { diffuseMap diffuseMapIN bumpMap normalMapIN parameters 0, 0, 0, 0 } // Depends on the number of lights used // Pretty syntax! commands { if( numLights == "0" ) { append { program sfx/litsmoke }} if( numLights == "1" ) { append { program sfx/litsmoke_1 }} if( numLights == "2" ) { append { program sfx/litsmoke_2 }} if( numLights == "3" ) { append { program sfx/litsmoke_2 }} if( numLights == "4" ) { append { program sfx/litsmoke_3 }} } } template templates/materials/smoketrail_lit { parameters < diffuseMapIN, normalMapIN, numLights, scrollFactor > // Shared between all lit smokes text { diffuseMap diffuseMapIN bumpMap highquality normalMapIN parameters scrollFactor, -1 } // Depends on the number of lights used // Pretty syntax! commands { if( numLights == "0" ) { append { program sfx/littrail }} if( numLights == "1" ) { append { program sfx/littrail_1 }} if( numLights == "2" ) { append { program sfx/littrail_2 }} if( numLights == "3" ) { append { program sfx/littrail_3 }} if( numLights == "4" ) { append { program sfx/littrail_4 }} } } template spawnHostPass { parameters< > text { { //blend add blend GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/common/gray.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/spawnhostgradient.tga parameters time * 0.005 parameters2 0.2, 0.2 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 0.5, 0.5 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate 0, 0 } //maskAlpha } } }