renderProgram trivial { hwSkinningVersion trivialSkinningMatrix trivialHardSkinningMatrix instanceVersion trivial_instance program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialVtxColor { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; MOV result.color, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivial_instance { program vertex arb { <% TEMP _pos; DP4 _pos.x, vertex.texcoord[5], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.y, vertex.texcoord[6], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.z, vertex.texcoord[7], $positionAttrib; MOV _pos.w, $positionAttrib.w; PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], _pos; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], _pos; DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], _pos; DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], _pos; TEMP R0; MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0; useTemplate skinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0; useTemplate hardSkinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialRGB { hwSkinningVersion trivialRGBSkinningMatrix trivialRGBHardSkinningMatrix program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0.rgb, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MOV R0.a, 1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialRGBSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialRGB } renderProgram trivialRGBHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialHardSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialRGB } renderProgram trivialAlpha { hwSkinningVersion trivialAlphaSkinningMatrix trivialAlphaHardSkinningMatrix program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; MOV R0.rgb, 1; TEX R0.a, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialAlphaSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialAlpha } renderProgram trivialAlphaHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialHardSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialAlpha } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix { hwSkinningVersion trivialWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix trivialWithTextureMatrixHardSkinningMatrix instanceVersion trivialWithTextureMatrixInst depthVersion trivialWithTextureMatrix_depth earlyCullVersion trivialWithTextureMatrix_Early program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixTest { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; PARAM dp = { 0, 0, 1, 0 }; # Used to calculate masks TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MOV result.color, 0; DP3_SAT result.color.rgb, R0, dp; #35026918962576450914878050196; #MOV result.color, R0;#0.57735026918962576450914878050196; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixAlways { program vertex arb { <% TEMP R0; PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], $positionAttrib; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], $positionAttrib; TEMP zw; DP4 zw.z, mvp[2], $positionAttrib; DP4 zw.w, mvp[3], $positionAttrib; MOV oPos.w, zw; TEMP res; SLT res.x, zw.w, zw.z; SLT res.y, zw.z, -zw.w; MUL res.x, res.x, res.y; MUL oPos.z, res.x, zw.z; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_Early { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; SUB, $positionAttrib, $viewOrigin; DP3 R0.w, R0, R0; RSQ R0.w, R0.w; RCP R0.w, R0.w; SUB result.texcoord[1].x, R0.w, $foliageHackDistance; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; KIL fragment.texcoord[1].x; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixAT { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; SUB R1, R0, 0.5; KIL R1.a; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrix { hwSkinningVersion trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrixHardSkinningMatrix program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; DP3 R0.a, R0, 0.333; MOV R0.rgb, 1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixInst { program vertex arb { <% TEMP R0; TEMP _pos; DP4 _pos.x, vertex.texcoord[5], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.y, vertex.texcoord[6], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.z, vertex.texcoord[7], $positionAttrib; MOV _pos.w, $positionAttrib.w; PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], _pos; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], _pos; DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], _pos; DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], _pos; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0; useTemplate skinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0; useTemplate hardSkinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrix } renderProgram trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrixHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrixHardSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialMakeAlphaWithTextureMatrix } renderProgram trivialRGBWithTextureMatrix { //hwSkinningVersion trivialRGBSkinningMatrixWithTextureMatrix trivialRGBHardSkinningMatrixWithTextureMatrix program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix program fragment reference trivialRGB } renderProgram trivialRGBWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrixSkinningMatrix program fragment reference trivialRGB } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_BlendAddAtmosphere { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : POSITION; float4 tex : TEXCOORD0; float4 col : COLOR0; }; struct VsOutputs { float4 col : COLOR0; float2 tex : TEXCOORD0; }; $include "atmosphere.hg" float4 diffuse_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; float4 diffuse_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; = 1.f; $endif outdata.tex.x = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_s); outdata.tex.y = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_t ); outdata.col = indata.col; float2 r = Extinction(indata.pos); outdata.col *= r.x; return outdata; } %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_BlendBlendAtmosphere { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : POSITION; float4 tex : TEXCOORD0; float4 col : COLOR0; }; struct VsOutputs { float4 col : COLOR0; float2 tex : TEXCOORD0; }; $include "atmosphere.hg" float4 diffuse_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; float4 diffuse_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; = 1.f; $endif outdata.tex.x = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_s); outdata.tex.y = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_t ); outdata.col = indata.col; float2 r = Extinction(indata.pos); outdata.col.a *= r.x; return outdata; } %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_BlendFilterAtmosphere { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : POSITION; float4 tex : TEXCOORD0; float4 col : COLOR0; }; struct VsOutputs { float4 col : COLOR0; float2 tex : TEXCOORD0; }; $include "atmosphere.hg" float4 diffuse_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; float4 diffuse_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; = 1.f; $endif outdata.tex.x = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_s); outdata.tex.y = dot( indata.tex, diffuse_t ); outdata.col = indata.col; float2 r = Extinction(indata.pos); // this is trickier we want them to lerp to white outdata.col = lerp( indata.col, float4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), r.x ); return outdata; } %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialCinematic { //hwSkinningVersion trivialCinematicSkinningMatrix program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $cinematic, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialCinematicYUV { //hwSkinningVersion trivialCinematicYUVSkinningMatrix program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP YCbCr, R0; PARAM YUVtoRGB_R = { 1.1643, 0.0, 1.5958, 0.0 }; PARAM YUVtoRGB_G = { 1.1643, -0.39173, -0.81290, 0.0 }; PARAM YUVtoRGB_B = { 1.1643, 2.017, 0.0, 0.0 }; TEX YCbCr.x, fragment.texcoord, $cinematicY, 2D; TEX YCbCr.y, fragment.texcoord, $cinematicU, 2D; TEX YCbCr.z, fragment.texcoord, $cinematicV, 2D; ADD YCbCr.x, YCbCr.x, -0.0625; ADD YCbCr.y, YCbCr.y, -0.5; ADD YCbCr.z, YCbCr.z, -0.5; DP3 R0.r, YUVtoRGB_R, YCbCr; DP3 R0.g, YUVtoRGB_G, YCbCr; DP3 R0.b, YUVtoRGB_B, YCbCr; MOV R0.a, 1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } // // This is a version that has edge fading // renderProgram trivialEdgeFade { hwSkinningVersion trivialEdgeFadeSkinningMatrix trivialEdgeFadeHardSkinningMatrix program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0, R1; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; SUB R0, $viewOrigin, $positionAttrib; DP3 R1.x, R0, R0; RSQ R1.x, R1.x; MUL R0, R0, R1.x; DP3 R1, R0, $normalAttrib; MUL R1, 2, R1; MIN R1, R1, 1.0; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL R0, R0, R1; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialEdgeFadeSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0, R1; useTemplate skinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; SUB R0, $viewOrigin, position; DP3 R1.x, R0, R0; RSQ R1.x, R1.x; MUL R0, R0, R1.x; DP3 R1, R0, $normalAttrib; MUL R1, 2, R1; MIN R1, R1, 1.0; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL R0, R0, R1; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialEdgeFadeHardSkinningMatrix { program vertex arb { <% TEMP position; TEMP R0, R1; useTemplate hardSkinningMatrix_ARB< "position" > DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; SUB R0, $viewOrigin, position; DP3 R1.x, R0, R0; RSQ R1.x, R1.x; MUL R0, R0, R1.x; DP3 R1, R0, $normalAttrib; MUL R1, 2, R1; MIN R1, R1, 1.0; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL R0, R0, R1; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivial_depth { program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1, R2, R3, depth, SKY; TEX depth, fragment.position, $currentDepth, RECT; # convert to -1.0 to 1.0 NDC ADD R0, depth.x, depth.x; SUB R0, R0, 1; SGE SKY, depth, 1.0; # calculate the view space z by deriving w from depth. This will be negative. SUB R0.z, -R0.z, $proj2View.x; RCP R0.z, R0.z; MUL R0.z, R0.z, $proj2View.y; MAD R3.z, fragment.position.z, 2, -1; SUB R3.z, -R3.z, $proj2View.x; RCP R3.z, R3.z; MUL R3.z, R3.z, $proj2View.y; SUB R2.x, -R0.z, -R3.z; MAX R2.x, R2.x, 0; MUL R2.x, R2.x, 0.06; ADD R2.x, R2.x, SKY.x; MIN R2.x, R2.x, 1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL R0.w, R0.w, R2.x; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; # MOV result.color.rgb, R2.x; # MOV result.color.a, 1; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_depth { earlyCullVersion trivialWithTextureMatrix_depth_Early program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix program fragment reference trivial_depth } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_depth_Early { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix_Early program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1, R2, R3, depth, SKY; TEX depth, fragment.position, $currentDepth, RECT; KIL fragment.texcoord[1].x; # convert to -1.0 to 1.0 NDC ADD R0, depth.x, depth.x; SUB R0, R0, 1; SGE SKY, depth, 1.0; # calculate the view space z by deriving w from depth. This will be negative. SUB R0.z, -R0.z, $proj2View.x; RCP R0.z, R0.z; MUL R0.z, R0.z, $proj2View.y; MAD R3.z, fragment.position.z, 2, -1; SUB R3.z, -R3.z, $proj2View.x; RCP R3.z, R3.z; MUL R3.z, R3.z, $proj2View.y; SUB R2.x, -R0.z, -R3.z; MAX R2.x, R2.x, 0; MUL R2.x, R2.x, 0.06; ADD R2.x, R2.x, SKY.x; MIN R2.x, R2.x, 1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL R0.w, R0.w, R2.x; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; # MOV result.color.rgb, R2.x; # MOV result.color.a, 1; %> } } renderProgram trivial_distance { program vertex reference trivial program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1, R2, R3; MAD R3.z, fragment.position.z, 2, -1; SUB R3.z, -R3.z, $proj2View.x; RCP R3.z, R3.z; MUL R3.z, R3.z, $proj2View.y; SUB R2.xy, -R3.zzzz, $parameters.xyxx; KIL R2.x; MUL_SAT R2.y, R2.y, $parameters.z; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL R0, R0, R2.y; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrix_distance { program vertex reference trivialWithTextureMatrix program fragment reference trivial_distance } renderProgram trivialImgSequence { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $imgSequenceCur, 2D; TEX R1, fragment.texcoord, $imgSequenceNext, 2D; SUB R1, R1, R0; MAD R0, R1, $imgSequenceBlend, R0; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivial_billboard { instanceVersion trivial_billboard_instance program vertex arb { <% PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. TEMP _pos; TEMP R0; MUL R0, $texCoordAttrib, 100; MOV _pos, $positionAttrib; #ADD _pos, $positionAttrib, 0;#R0; DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], _pos; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], _pos; DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], _pos; DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], _pos; MOV result.texcoord, $texCoordAttrib; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivial_billboard_instance { program vertex arb { <% TEMP R0; TEMP _pos; DP4 _pos.x, vertex.texcoord[5], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.y, vertex.texcoord[6], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.z, vertex.texcoord[7], $positionAttrib; MOV _pos.w, $positionAttrib.w; MUL R0, $texCoordAttrib, 12; MAD result.texcoord[2], _pos, $worldPntToHeightMapMult, $worldPntToHeightMapAdd; MAD, R0.x, $viewRightWorld, _pos; MAD, R0.y, $viewUpWorld, _pos; PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], _pos; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], _pos; DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], _pos; DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], _pos; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; TEMP R1; MUL R1, $diffuseColor, vertex.texcoord[2]; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, R1, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R1, fragment.texcoord[2], $worldHeightMap, 2D; SUB R1.z, fragment.texcoord[2], R1; KIL R1.z; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixDisort { instanceVersion trivialWithTextureMatrixDistortInst program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; TEMP _pos; DP4 _pos.x, $transposedModelMatrix_x, $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.y, $transposedModelMatrix_y, $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.z, $transposedModelMatrix_z, $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.w, $transposedModelMatrix_w, $positionAttrib; MAD result.texcoord[2], _pos, $worldPntToHeightMapMult, $worldPntToHeightMapAdd; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; TEX R1, fragment.texcoord[2], $worldHeightMap, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; MOV result.color, R1; #MOV result.color, 1; %> } //program fragment reference trivial } renderProgram trivialWithTextureMatrixDistortInst { program vertex arb { <% TEMP R0; TEMP _pos; DP4 _pos.x, vertex.texcoord[5], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.y, vertex.texcoord[6], $positionAttrib; DP4 _pos.z, vertex.texcoord[7], $positionAttrib; MOV _pos.w, $positionAttrib.w; MUL R0, $texCoordAttrib, 0.005; MAD, $windWorld, R0.y, _pos; MAD result.texcoord[2], _pos, $worldPntToHeightMapMult, $worldPntToHeightMapAdd; PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp }; OUTPUT oPos = result.position; # Transform the vertex to clip coordinates. DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], _pos; DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], _pos; DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], _pos; DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], _pos; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R1, fragment.texcoord[2], $worldHeightMap, 2D; SUB R1.z, fragment.texcoord[2], R1; KIL R1.z; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialMaskImage { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float4 tex : $texCoordAttrib; float2 normal : $normalAttrib; float4 color : $colorAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 tex0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 tex1 : TEXCOORD1; float4 col : COLOR; }; uniform float4 diffuseMatrix_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; uniform float4 diffuseMatrix_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs outData; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; indata.normal.xy /= 1024.f; $endif outData.tex0.x = dot( indata.tex, diffuseMatrix_s ); outData.tex0.y = dot( indata.tex, diffuseMatrix_t ); outData.tex1 = indata.normal.xy; outData.col = indata.color; return outData; } %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord[0], $map, 2D; TEMP R1; TEX R1, fragment.texcoord[1], $mask, 2D; MUL R0, R0, R1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; #MOV result.color, R1; %> } } renderProgram trivialBlendy { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord[0].x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord[0].y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; DP4 result.texcoord[1].x, $texCoordAttrib, $bumpMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord[1].y, $texCoordAttrib, $bumpMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment reference trivialMaskImage } renderProgram trivialDetailmap { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord[0].x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord[0].y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; PARAM mv[4] = { state.matrix.modelview }; DP4 R0.w, -mv[2], $positionAttrib; SUB R0.w, R0.w, $detailFade.x; MAD result.texcoord[7].w, R0.w, $detailFade.y, 1; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; %> } program fragment arb { OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP DTLCOORD; MAD DTLCOORD.xy, fragment.texcoord[0], $detailMult, $detailMult.zwzw; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord[0], $map, 2D; TEMP weight; MOV_SAT weight, fragment.texcoord[7].w; TEMP detailDiff; TEX detailDiff, DTLCOORD, $mask, 2D; ADD detailDiff, detailDiff, -0.5; MAD R0.rgb, weight.x, detailDiff, R0; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; } } renderProgram trivialMaskImageScreen { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float4 tex : $texCoordAttrib; float2 normal : $normalAttrib; float4 color : $colorAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 tex0 : TEXCOORD0; float4 tex1 : TEXCOORD1; float4 col : COLOR; }; uniform float4 diffuseMatrix_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; uniform float4 diffuseMatrix_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; uniform float4 parameters : $parameters; uniform float4 currentRenderTexelSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; uniform float4 aspectSize : $aspectSize; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs outData; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif outData.tex0.x = dot( indata.tex, diffuseMatrix_s ); outData.tex0.y = dot( indata.tex, diffuseMatrix_t ); outData.tex1.x = parameters.x * 640.f / (currentRenderTexelSize.x * aspectSize.x); outData.tex1.z = parameters.z; outData.tex1.y = parameters.y * 480.f / currentRenderTexelSize.y; outData.tex1.w = parameters.w; outData.col = indata.color; return outData; } %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord[0], $map, 2D; TEMP maskcoords; TEMP fp; MOV fp, fragment.position; SUB fp.y, $currentRenderTexelSize.y, fp; MAD maskcoords.xy, fp, fragment.texcoord[1].xyxy, fragment.texcoord[1].zwzw; #SUB maskcoords.y, 1, maskcoords; MOV maskcoords.z, 0; MOV maskcoords.w, 1; TEMP R1; TEX R1, maskcoords, $mask, 2D; MUL R0, R0, R1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; %> } } renderProgram trivialFogged { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; DP4 result.texcoord.x, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_s; DP4 result.texcoord.y, $texCoordAttrib, $diffuseMatrix_t; MAD R0, $colorAttrib, $colorModulate, $colorAdd; MUL result.color, $diffuseColor, R0; TEMP _F1, _F2; SUB _F2, $positionAttrib, $viewOrigin; DP3 _F1.x, _F2, _F2; RSQ _F1.y, _F1.x; MUL _F1.x, _F1.y, _F1.x; MUL _F2.x, $fogDepths.z, 0.75; MAD result.color.secondary, _F1.x, _F2.x, $fogDepths.w; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; TEMP R0, R1; TEX R0, fragment.texcoord, $map, 2D; MUL R1, fragment.color.secondary.r, fragment.color.secondary.r; SUB R1, 1, R1; #LRP R0.rgb, $fogColor, R0, R1; MUL result.color, R0, fragment.color; MUL result.color.a, R0, R1; %> } } renderProgram trivialFogout { program vertex arb { <% OPTION ARB_position_invariant; TEMP R0; TEMP _F1, _F2; SUB _F2, $positionAttrib, $viewOrigin; DP3 _F1.x, _F2, _F2; RSQ _F1.y, _F1.x; MUL _F1.x, _F1.y, _F1.x; MUL _F2.x, $fogDepths.z, 0.75; MAD result.color.secondary, _F1.x, _F2.x, $fogDepths.w; %> } program fragment arb { <% OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest; MOV result.color, $fogColor; MOV result.color.a, fragment.color.secondary.r; %> } }