renderProgram postprocess/downsample { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float2 tex : $texCoordAttrib; float4 col : $colorAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 texCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float4 col : COLOR0; }; float2 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif float2 coord = indata.tex.xy * screenSize; coord.y = screenSize.y - coord.y; outdata.texCoord0 = coord; outdata.texCoord1 = coord + float2(2, 0); outdata.texCoord2 = coord + float2(2, 2); outdata.texCoord3 = coord + float2(0, 2); outdata.col = indata.col; return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 texCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float4 col : COLOR0; }; samplerRECT framebuffer : $currentRender; uniform float4 glareParameters : $postGlareParameters; float4 fragment( VsOutputs indata ) : COLOR { float4 c; c = texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord0 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord1 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord2 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord3 ) * 0.25; return c; } %> } } /** This one does some extra stuff based on the post process parameters */ renderProgram postprocess/downsample_glare { program vertex reference postprocess/downsample program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 texCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float4 col : COLOR0; }; samplerRECT framebuffer : $currentRender; float luminance( float3 c ){ return dot( c, float3( 0.33, 0.33, 0.33 ) ); } uniform float4 glareParameters : $postGlareParameters; float4 fragment( VsOutputs indata ) : COLOR { float4 c; c = texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord0 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord1 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord2 ) * 0.25; c += texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord3 ) * 0.25; float scale = lerp( 1, smoothstep( glareParameters.z, 1.0, luminance (c.rgb ) ), glareParameters.w )*( c.a ); return c * float4( scale, scale, scale, 1 ); } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/blur_bilinear { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float2 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 texCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float2 texCoord4 : TEXCOORD4; float2 texCoord5 : TEXCOORD5; float2 texCoord6 : TEXCOORD6; float2 texCoord7 : TEXCOORD7; }; float2 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; float2 blurSize : $parameters; //Offset texture coords by half a texel so we can use bilinear interpolation on them //This gives the same filter factor for two neighbouring texels but who cares it looks good... VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; screenSize *= 0.25;// Blurring happens at 1/4 of the screen size $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif float2 coord = indata.tex.xy * screenSize; coord.y = screenSize.y - coord.y; outdata.texCoord0 = coord + 6.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord1 = coord + 4.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord2 = coord + 2.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord3 = coord + 0.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord4 = coord - 0.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord5 = coord - 2.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord6 = coord - 4.5 * blurSize; outdata.texCoord7 = coord - 6.5 * blurSize; return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float2 texCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; float2 texCoord4 : TEXCOORD4; float2 texCoord5 : TEXCOORD5; float2 texCoord6 : TEXCOORD6; float2 texCoord7 : TEXCOORD7; }; samplerRECT sourceBuffer : $map; #define WT9_0 1.0 #define WT9_1 0.8 #define WT9_2 0.6 #define WT9_3 0.4 //the compiler precalculates all the normalization factors... #define WT9_NORMALIZE (2.0*(WT9_0+WT9_1+WT9_2+WT9_3)) float4 fragment(VsOutputs indata) : COLOR { float4 result = 0; result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord0) * (WT9_3/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord1) * (WT9_2/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord2) * (WT9_1/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord3) * (WT9_0/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord4) * (WT9_0/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord5) * (WT9_1/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord6) * (WT9_2/WT9_NORMALIZE); result += texRECT(sourceBuffer, indata.texCoord7) * (WT9_3/WT9_NORMALIZE); return result; } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/glow { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float2 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; }; float2 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; //float2 blurSize : $parameters; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif float2 coord = indata.tex.xy; coord.y = 1 - coord.y; float2 blurSize = screenSize * 0.25; outdata.texCoord0 = coord * screenSize; outdata.texCoord1 = coord * blurSize; return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; }; samplerRECT blurbuffer : $map; samplerRECT framebuffer : $currentRender; uniform float4 glareParameters : $postGlareParameters; uniform float4 postSaturationContrast : $postSaturationContrast; uniform float4 postTint : $postTint; float4 fragment( VsOutputs indata ) : COLOR { //float4 rain = tex2D( rainmask, indata.texCoord1 ); //indata.texCoord0 += ( rain.xy * 2.0 - 1.0 ) * -0.0; float4 clean = texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord0 ); float4 blur = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.texCoord1 ); float4 final = clean * glareParameters.x + blur * glareParameters.y; float4 grayscale = dot( final.rgb, float3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ) ); return lerp( float4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ), lerp( grayscale, final, postSaturationContrast.x ) , postSaturationContrast.y ) * postTint; } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/glowStrogg { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float2 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; }; float2 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; float4 parameters : $parameters; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif float2 coord = indata.tex.xy; coord.y = 1 - coord.y; float2 blurSize = screenSize * 0.25; outdata.texCoord0 = coord * screenSize; outdata.texCoord1 = coord * blurSize; outdata.texCoord2 = coord; outdata.texCoord2.y = ( outdata.texCoord2.y + parameters.z ) * 2; return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float2 texCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; }; samplerRECT blurbuffer : $map; sampler2D dsdtNoise : $mask; samplerRECT framebuffer : $currentRender; uniform float4 glareParameters : $postGlareParameters; uniform float4 postSaturationContrast : $postSaturationContrast; uniform float4 postTint : $postTint; float4 parameters : $parameters; float4 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; float4 fragment( VsOutputs indata ) : COLOR { float4 dstd = tex2D( dsdtNoise, indata.texCoord2 ); //float angle = parameters.x; float scale = parameters.y; // dsdt offset float2 texcoord; float a1 = ( /*cos( angle ) * */scale / 16 ) * screenSize.x; float a2 = ( /*-sin( angle ) * */scale / 16 ) * screenSize.y; float a3 = -a2; float a4 = a1; texcoord.x = indata.texCoord0.x + ( a1 * dstd.x + a3 * dstd.y ) * 1; texcoord.y = indata.texCoord0.y + ( a2 * dstd.x + a4 * dstd.y ) * 0.4; float4 color; float4 clean; clean = texRECT( framebuffer, texcoord ); color = clean; float4 blur = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.texCoord1 ); float4 final = clean * glareParameters.x + blur * glareParameters.y; float4 grayscale = dot( final.rgb, float3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ) ); return lerp( float4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ), lerp( grayscale, final, postSaturationContrast.x ) , postSaturationContrast.y ) * postTint; } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/showrect { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float4 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; float4 mat_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; float4 mat_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; = 1.f; $endif outdata.texCoord0.x = dot( indata.tex, mat_s ); outdata.texCoord0.y = dot( indata.tex, mat_t ); return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; samplerRECT blurbuffer : $map; float4 fragment(VsOutputs indata) : COLOR { return texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.texCoord0 ); } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/heatsight { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float2 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; }; float2 screenSize : $currentRenderTexelSize; //float2 blurSize : $parameters; VsOutputs vertex( VsInputs indata ) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex *= 1.f/4096.f; $endif float2 coord = indata.tex.xy; coord.y = 1 - coord.y; float2 blurSize = screenSize * 0.25; outdata.texCoord0 = coord * screenSize; outdata.texCoord1 = coord * blurSize; return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% $include "noise.hg" struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 texCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; }; samplerRECT blurbuffer : $map; samplerRECT framebuffer : $currentRender; sampler2D gradient : $mask; uniform float4 glareParameters : $postGlareParameters; uniform float4 postSaturationContrast : $postSaturationContrast; uniform float4 postTint : $postTint; uniform float time : $parameters; float4 fragment( VsOutputs indata ) : COLOR { //float4 rain = tex2D( rainmask, indata.texCoord1 ); //indata.texCoord0 += ( rain.xy * 2.0 - 1.0 ) * -0.0; //float4 clean = texRECT( framebuffer, indata.texCoord0 ); float4 blur = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.texCoord1 ); //float4 final = clean * glareParameters.x + blur * glareParameters.y; //float4 grayscale = dot( final.rgb, float3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ) ); //return lerp( float4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ), lerp( grayscale, final, postSaturationContrast.x ) , postSaturationContrast.y ) * postTint; //float noise = bandLimitedNoise( float3( indata.texCoord1 * 0.05, time * 0.1 ) ) * 0.3 + 0.7; return tex2D( gradient, float2( blur.x, 0 ) ) /** noise*/; } %> } } renderProgram postprocess/motionblur { program vertex cg { <% struct VsInputs { float3 pos : $positionAttrib; float4 tex : $texCoordAttrib; }; struct VsOutputs { float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; float4 mat_s : $diffuseMatrix_s; float4 mat_t : $diffuseMatrix_t; VsOutputs vertex(VsInputs indata) { VsOutputs outdata; $if r_32ByteVtx indata.tex.xy *= 1.f/4096.f; = 1.f; $endif outdata.texCoord0.x = dot( indata.tex, mat_s ); outdata.texCoord0.y = dot( indata.tex, mat_t ); return outdata; } %> } program fragment cg { <% struct VsOutputs { float2 wpos : WPOS; float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; }; samplerRECT blurbuffer : $currentRender; float2 screenMovement : $viewMovement; float4 fragment(VsOutputs indata) : COLOR { float4 accum = 0.f; for (float i=0; i<4; i+=1) { float4 previous2 = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.wpos - screenMovement * i * 5); accum += previous2; } return accum / 4; //float4 previous1 = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.wpos - screenMovement * 25); //float4 current = texRECT( blurbuffer, indata.wpos); //return (previous2*0.6 + previous1*0.3 + current*0.1); } %> } }