material textures/particles/boomboom3 { noselfShadow noshadows translucent discrete nonsolid noimpact { blend add map textures/particles/boomboom3 vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/boomboom { noselfShadow noshadows translucent discrete nonsolid noimpact { blend add map textures/particles/boomboom vertexcolor maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/dim_disk { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/particles/dim_disk.tga { blend add map lights/spot01.tga red Parm0 green Parm1 blue Parm2 } } material textures/particles/dust2 { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/particles/dust2.tga { blend blend map highquality textures/particles/dust2.tga vertexcolor colored } } material textures/particles/dust2bits { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/particles/dust2bits.tga { blend blend map textures/particles/dust2bits.tga vertexcolor colored //highquality } } material textures/particles/dust2bits_gray { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/particles/dust2bits_gray.tga { blend blend map textures/particles/dust2bits_gray.tga vertexcolor colored } } material textures/particles/fbeam { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp textures/particles/fbeam.tga vertexcolor maskalpha } } material textures/particles/fbeam2 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp lights/flashlight5.tga vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/pfiresmall2 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp textures/particles/pfiresmall2.tga vertexcolor maskalpha } } material textures/particles/fireline1 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add maskalpha map clamp textures/particles/fire/fireline1.tga vertexcolor } } // Fliped along X axis material textures/particles/fireline1_mirror_x { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp textures/particles/fire/fireline1.tga vertexcolor scale -1, 1 translate -1, 0 } } material textures/particles/flash_half { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flash/flash_half.tga vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/flash { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flash/flash.tga vertexcolor maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/pfiresmall2_burn { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform sprite { blend GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR maskalpha map clamp textures/particles/pfiresmall2.tga vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/dust { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/particles/dust.tga { blend blend map textures/particles/dust2.tga vertexcolor colored } } material textures/particles/flame1 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .6 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/flame2 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame2_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame2_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .8 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/flame3 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .8 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/lostflame1 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map textures/particles/flame_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .7 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/lostflame2 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame2_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .6 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/lostflame1b { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .6 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/lostflame3 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .8 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/lostflame3b { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .9 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/teststrip32 { noSelfShadow translucent noShadows twosided //deform tube { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame_strip.tga scale 1 / 32 , 1 scroll table32[ time * .8 ] , 0 } } material textures/particles/flame3_strip { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows sort 10 // sort very late, so no translucent objects in the world draws over it { blend clamp add map textures/particles/flame3_strip.tga vertexColor } } material textures/particles/flame2_strip { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame2_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows sort 10 // sort very late, so no translucent objects in the world draws over it { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame2_strip.tga vertexColor } } material textures/particles/flame_strip { qer_editorimage textures/particles/flame_strip.tga noSelfShadow translucent noShadows sort 10 // sort very late, so no translucent objects in the world draws over it { blend add map clamp textures/particles/flame_strip.tga vertexColor } } material textures/particles/spark3 { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete nonsolid noimpact //deform tube qer_editorimage textures/particles/spark3.tga { blend add map textures/particles/spark3.tga vertexcolor colored //clamp } } material textures/sfx/redglass { translucent twoSided noshadows qer_editorimage textures/sfx/redglass.tga { blend add program sfx/cubemap } { diffuseMap textures/sfx/redglass.tga //scale 16 , 16 } } material textures/sfx/blueglass { translucent twoSided noshadows surfaceType "glass" qer_editorimage textures/sfx/blueglass.tga { blend add program sfx/cubemap } { diffuseMap textures/sfx/blueglass.tga } /* { blend add map guis/assets/test/gui_scanlines5 colored scroll 0, time * -.02 alpha .1 } */ } material textures/sfx/blueshard { translucent twoSided noshadows qer_editorimage textures/sfx/blueglass.tga { blend diffuseMap map textures/sfx/blueglass.tga //scale 16 , 16 colored } } /* this flare dissapears when SHADERPARM_MODE (parm7) is set, indicating a broken light */ material textures/sfx/flare { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 16 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_8 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 8 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_2 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 2 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_1 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 1 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } /* this flare uses parm4 to modify the size */ material textures/sfx/flareSizeable { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare ( 16 + parm4 ) qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_cv { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flarevcol 16 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_cv2 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flarevcol 16 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/flare_davepulse01 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 8//slowstart_one_zero [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ] qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic red ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0 green ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1 blue ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2 vertexcolor //maskAlpha } } //duplicate of flare needed for models material textures/sfx/flare2 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare ( 16 + parm4 ) qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } //duplicate of flare needed for models material textures/sfx/flare3 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare ( 16 + parm4 ) qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } //duplicate of flare needed for models material textures/sfx/flare4 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare ( 16 + parm4 ) qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } //duplicate of flare needed for models material textures/sfx/flare5 { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare ( 16 + parm4 ) qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare.tga { blend add map _quadratic colored vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/lens_flare02 { qer_editorimage textures/sfx/lens_flare02.tga noShadows deform sprite discrete nonsolid noimpact { blend add map textures/sfx/lens_flare02.tga } } material textures/sfx/lens_flare01 { qer_editorimage textures/sfx/lens_flare01.tga noShadows deform sprite discrete nonsolid noimpact { blend add map textures/sfx/lens_flare01.tga } } material textures/sfx/shard00 { translucent twoSided noshadows qer_editorimage textures/sfx/shard00.tga { blend add //diffuseMap map textures/sfx/shard00.tga } } material textures/sfx/techglass1 { translucent //nonsolid //noimpact twosided noshadows //polygonOffset qer_editorimage textures/sfx/techglass1.tga { blend add program sfx/cubemap } { blend add map textures/sfx/techglass1_d.tga scale 8 , 8 } } material textures/sfx/black { description "used for big boxes no light no shadows" noSelfShadow noshadows forceOpaque // will still seal levels //twosided qer_editorimage textures/sfx/black.tga { map textures/sfx/black_2.tga } } /* this flare uses global parms to affect the color of all using this shader */ material textures/sfx/flare_global { noshadows translucent nonsolid discrete deform flare 16 qer_editorimage textures/editor/flare_global.tga { if ( parm7 == 0 ) blend add map _quadratic red parm0 * global0 green parm1 * global0 blue parm2 * global0 vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/tracer { noshadows translucent nonsolid { blend add map textures/sfx/tracer2.jpg vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/dust_storm { { blend blend vertexcolor map makealpha(textures/particles/dustcloud_02.tga) //map textures/particles/smokecloud01.tga red desat_sun_r * lightscale * 0.4 green desat_sun_g * lightscale * 0.4 blue desat_sun_b * lightscale * 0.4 //color sun_r, sun_g, sun_b, 1 } } material textures/sfx/laser_old { noshadows translucent nonsolid { blend add map _white vertexcolor maskalpha } } material textures/sfx/laser { noshadows translucent nonsolid { blend blend map maxLod 2 makealpha(textures/particles/smoke/laser_smoke_drift2.tga) vertexcolor maskalpha useTemplate templates/materials/animate<16, .333> } { blend add map maxLod 2 textures/particles/smoke/laser_smoke_drift2.tga vertexcolor maskalpha useTemplate templates/materials/animate<16, .666> } } material textures/sfx/railguntrail { twosided { blend gl_src_alpha, gl_one maskalpha map textures/particles/fire/fire5a.tga vertexcolor //red 2 //green 2 //blue 2 } } material textures/sfx/sniper_trail { noshadows translucent nonsolid twosided { blend blend maskalpha map makealpha( textures/particles/smoke/smokepuff_alpha.tga ) vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/railguntrail_heat { noshadows translucent nonsolid sort postprocess { program heatHazeWithVertex deformScroll 0, 0 deformMagnitude 1 bumpMap textures/particles/muzzleflash_haze.tga maskAlpha } }