skin deployEffect { * textures/effects/deployEffect } material textures/effects/deployEffect { noshadows sort nearest twoSided { program sfx/deploy map "_gray" maskcolor maskalpha writeDepth } { program sfx/deploy map "_white" //"textures/effects/gridlines.tga" color parm0, parm1, parm2, 0 blend add writeDepth } { //if cvar ( r_glDriverVendor != "ATI" ) program sfx/displace parameters 0.5, 0 , 0, 0 blend add cullFace front fillMode lines 1 map _white red parm0 green parm1 blue parm2 maskAlpha } translucent } material textures/effects/mininglaser_core { twoSided { map clamp textures/effects/mininglaser_core.tga blend add vertexColor colored } } material textures/effects/mininglaser_spark { twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/mininglaser_spark.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } translucent } material textures/effects/desecrator_spark { twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/desecrator_spark.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } translucent } material textures/effects/desecrator_bolt { twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/desecrator_bolts.tga scale 1, 0.125 translate time, 0 vertexColor maskAlpha } translucent } material textures/effects/repairdrone_bolt { twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/desecrator_bolts.tga scale 1, 0.125 translate time * -1, 0 vertexColor maskAlpha } translucent } material textures/effects/weapons/lgun { translucent twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/weapons/lgun.tga vertexColor rgb 0.5 scroll -5 * time, 0 scale 1,1 } { blend add map textures/effects/weapons/lgun.tga vertexColor rgb 0.5 scroll -7.2 * time, 0 scale -1,1 } } material textures/effects/weapons/lgun2 { translucent twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/weapons/lgun.tga vertexColor } } material textures/effects/weapons/lgun_smallbolt { translucent twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/weapons/lgun_smallbolt.tga vertexColor } } material textures/effects/vehicleDust { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact sort 10 { blend blend map makealpha(textures/particles/barrelpoof.tga) vertexColor red desat_sun_r * lightscale * 0.4 green desat_sun_g * lightscale * 0.4 blue desat_sun_b * lightscale * 0.4 // red 0.5 + sun_r * lightscale * 0.1 // green 0.5 + sun_g * lightscale * 0.1 // blue 0.5 + sun_b * lightscale * 0.1 // green sun_g * lightscale // blue sun_b * lightscale } } material textures/sfx/binoculars { sort postprocess translucent useTemplate postprocess/blur<> // sniper scope { program game/scope parameters -0.1, 0.76, 1.08, 14 red 0.81 green 0.98 blue 1 map _postProcessBuffer_1 // depthFunc always // ATI workaround maskdepth } } material textures/sfx/binoculars_old { /*{ program tiles_binoculars.vfp //vertexParm 0 48, 400 vertexParm 0 8, 40, 48, 400 vertexParm 1 0.65 fragmentMap 0 _currentRender }*/ { map guis/assets/common/gui_scanlines blend add translate 0, time * -0.1 } } material textures/sfx/sniperScope { sort postprocess translucent useTemplate postprocess/blur<> // sniper scope { program game/scope parameters -0.15, 1, 1, 0 /*red 1 green 0.75 blue 0.55*/ red 0.81 green 0.98 blue 1 map _postProcessBuffer_1 // depthFunc always // ATI workaround maskdepth } } table signalStrength { clamp { 1.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 } } material textures/sfx/sniperScopeThirdEye { sort postprocess translucent useTemplate postprocess/blur<> // sniper scope { program game/scopeStatix parameters -0.15, 1, 1, 0 parameters2 time, signalStrength[parm5] /*red 1 green 0.75 blue 0.55*/ red 0.81 green 0.98 blue 1 mask textures/sfx/statix.tga map _postProcessBuffer_1 // depthFunc always // ATI workaround maskdepth } } material textures/sfx/railgunScope { sort postprocess translucent useTemplate postprocess/blur<> // scope { program game/railgunScope parameters 8, 40, 48, 400 parameters2 0.65 red 1 green 0.9 blue 0.8 map _postProcessBuffer_1 // depthFunc always // ATI workaround maskdepth } { map guis/assets/common/gui_scanlines blend add translate 0, time * -0.1 } } material textures/effects/dust2bits_heavy { noSelfShadow noshadows translucent discrete twosided nonsolid noimpact qer_editorimage textures/effects/dustbits_heavy.tga { blend blend map textures/effects/dustbits_heavy.tga vertexcolor colored } } material textures/particles/smokecloud01 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/smokecloud01 nonsolid noshadows { blend blend map textures/particles/smokecloud01 vertexColor } } material textures/particles/sand_heavy { noshadows nonsolid { blend blend map clamp textures/particles/sand_heavy vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/sand_heavy2 { noshadows nonsolid { blend blend map clamp textures/particles/sand_heavy2 vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/motionblur { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/effects/motionblur.tga vertexColor } } material textures/effects/motionblur_nobloom { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/effects/motionblur.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/spark { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/effects/spark.tga vertexColor } } material textures/effects/spark_nobloom { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/effects/spark.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/beam { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/particles/beam.tga vertexColor } } material textures/effects/beam_nobloom { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/particles/beam.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/fire_cannon { translucent noShadows twoSided { blend add map clamp textures/effects/fire_cannon.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/rocket_trail_opaque { nonsolid twoSided translucent noshadows { blend blend map textures/particles/dustcloud_opaque vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/circle { nonsolid { blend add map clamp textures/effects/circle.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/ground_bullet_impact { nonsolid DECAL_MACRO decalInfo 3 0.5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 1 1 1 0 ) { blend blend map clamp textures/effects/ground_impact.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/explosion_decal { nonsolid DECAL_MACRO decalInfo 4 0.5 ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 1 1 1 0 ) { blend blend map clamp textures/decals/expmark1.tga rgb decalFade[(time - Parm3)/(parm4 - parm3)] vertexColor // oblique projections will be slightly faded down maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/dirtchunk { translucent noShadows { blend blend map clamp textures/effects/dirtchunk vertexColor } } material textures/effects/ninja { translucent noShadows { blend add map clamp textures/effects/ninja.tga rotate time * 2 vertexColor } } material textures/particles/rocketflame { nonsolid noshadows { blend add map textures/particles/barrelexpsmall vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/explosion_test1 { nonsolid noshadows { blend add map textures/effects/explosion_test1 vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/smoke_test1 { noshadows translucent nonsolid noatmosphere { blend blend program sfx/cheap_litsmoke map textures/effects/smoke_test1 vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/smoke_test2 { noshadows translucent nonsolid noatmosphere { blend blend program sfx/cheap_litsmoke map textures/effects/smoke_test2 vertexcolor } } material textures/particles/smoke_test1x { nonsolid noshadows { //color sun_r, sun_g, sun_b, 1 // adds a sun colour tint to the smoke blend blend map textures/effects/smoke_test1 vertexColor //maskAlpha } } material textures/particles/trail_test { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/smoke_test1 vertexColor maskAlpha useTemplate templates/materials/outdoor_light<> } } material textures/particles/emp_test { nonsolid noshadows { blend add map textures/effects/emp.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/anansi_thruster_glow { nonsolid noshadows { blend add map textures/effects/anansi_thruster_glow vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/square { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/square.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/square_blend { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/square.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/thruster_glow { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/anansi_thruster_glow.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/weapons/smoke_trail { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/weapons/smoke_trail.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/weapons/tracer_trail { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/weapons/tracer_trail.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/smoke1 { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/smoke1.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/bloodsplat { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend blend map textures/effects/bloodsplat.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/ssm_shockwave { qer_editorimage textures/particles/vpring2.tga sort postprocess nonsolid translucent { program heatHazeWithMask deformScroll 0 deformMagnitude 600 bumpMap textures/particles/vpring2 mask textures/particles/vpring1_alpha.tga } } material textures/effects/ssm_shockwave2 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/vpring2.tga sort postprocess nonsolid translucent twosided { vertexcolor program heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex deformScroll 0 deformMagnitude 15 bumpMap textures/particles/vpring1.tga mask textures/particles/vpring1_alpha.tga } } material textures/effects/ssm_shockwave3 { qer_editorimage textures/particles/vpring2.tga sort postprocess nonsolid translucent twosided { vertexcolor program heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex deformScroll 0 deformMagnitude 50 bumpMap textures/particles/vpring2.tga mask textures/particles/vpring1_alpha.tga } } material textures/effects/spawn_base { qer_editorimage textures/particles/vpring2.tga sort postprocess nonsolid translucent { program heatHazeWithMask deformScroll 0 deformMagnitude 6 bumpMap textures/particles/vpring2 mask textures/particles/vpring1_alpha.tga maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/ring { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend add map textures/effects/ring.tga vertexColor maskAlpha } } material textures/effects/large_explosion_shockwave { qer_editorimage textures/particles/vpring2.tga sort postprocess nonsolid translucent { program heatHazeWithMask deformScroll 0 deformMagnitude 18 bumpMap textures/particles/vpring2 mask textures/particles/vpring1_alpha.tga maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/forceshield { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" forcefieldclip noplant translucent { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/sfx/shieldmask.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga alpha 16 - parm4 * 16 parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.03, 0.03 red parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 green parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 blue parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 1, 1 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate -0.0075, -0.0075 } } } skin sfx/forceshield_mega { textures/sfx/forceshield textures/sfx/forceshield_mega } material textures/sfx/forceshield_mega { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" forcefieldclip noplant translucent { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/sfx/shieldmask.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient3.tga alpha 16 - parm4 * 16 parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.03, 0.03 red parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 green parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 blue parm5 / 4 + 0.75 - 0.125 * parm4 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 1, 1 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate -0.0075, -0.0075 } } } material textures/sfx/forceshield_view { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" forcefieldclip noplant { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/sfx/shieldmask.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.03, 0.03 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 1, 1 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate -0.0075, -0.0075 } //maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/forceshield_TEST { qer_editorimage textures/sfx/forcefield.tga nonsolid twosided water surfaceType "forcefield" sort refraction translucent forceAtmosphere backSide textures/sfx/forceshield { program water/simple_cube_alpha diffuseMap textures/sfx/forceshield_d.tga bumpMap textures/sfx/forceshield_local.tga map clamp highquality textures/sfx/forceshield_s.tga //map clamp highquality textures/penta/specular.tga environmentCubeMap cubemap env/valley water_tint 1, 1, 1 water_distortion 2, 3, 1, 0 water_fresnel 2 water_glare 2 water_offset 0, 0, 0, 0 water_desat 0 } } material textures/sfx/jumppad_forcefield { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask textures/sfx/refresh.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga parameters time * 0.05 //parameters2 sinTable[ time * 0.5 ] * 0.1, cosTable[ time * 0.25 ] * 0.1 parameters2 0, 0 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { translate time * -0.1, 0 scale 0.3, 0.3 rotate 0.25 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate time * -0.3, 0 scale 0.3, 0.3 rotate 0.25 } //maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/basewallshield { qer_editorimage "textures/sfx/basewallmask.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" nonsolid twosided explosionclip forcefieldclip noplant { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/sfx/basewallmask.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.2, 0.2 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 0.5, 0.5 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate 0, 0 } //maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/basewallshield2 { qer_editorimage "textures/sfx/basewallmask.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" nonsolid twosided explosionclip forcefieldclip noplant { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask clamp textures/sfx/basewallmask.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient2.tga parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.2, 0.2 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 0.5, 0.5 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate 0, 0 } //maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/forceripple { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" twosided { blend add vertexcolor program sfx/stroggForceField map highquality textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask highquality clamp textures/sfx/forceripple.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga parameters time * 0.02 parameters2 0.2, 0.2 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { scale 0.1, 0.1 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate 0, 0 } colorModulate 1,1,1,1 colorAdd 0,0,0,0 maskAlpha } } material textures/sfx/forcebolt { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" twosided { blend add map textures/sfx/forcebolt.tga } } material textures/sfx/forcebolt_sparktrail { noshadows translucent nonsolid twosided { blend add maskalpha map textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga vertexcolor rotate 0.25 } } material textures/sfx/teleportcloud { noshadows translucent nonsolid twosided { blend filter program sfx/blendFilterFade maskDepth maskalpha map textures/particles/teleportcloud.tga vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/teleportmodel { qer_editorimage "textures/editor/flare.tga" //This needs to be a square texture for the normalize coords feature to work properly surfacetype "forcefield" { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield.tga mask textures/common/gray.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient.tga parameters time * 0.05 //parameters2 sinTable[ time * 0.5 ] * 0.1, cosTable[ time * 0.25 ] * 0.1 parameters2 0, 0 /*textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { translate time * -0.1, 0 scale 0.3, 0.3 rotate 0.25 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate time * -0.3, 0 scale 0.3, 0.3 rotate 0.25 } */ vertexcolor } } material textures/sfx/forceshield_spawn { nonsolid noshadows twoSided { blend add program sfx/stroggForceField map textures/sfx/forcefield_spawn.tga mask textures/sfx/shieldmask_spawn.tga diffuseMap clamp textures/sfx/forcegradient_spawn.tga parameters time * 0.05 parameters2 0.2, 0.2 textureMatrix diffuseMatrix { translate 0, time * -0.5 scale 1, 2.5 } textureMatrix maskMatrix { translate wavtable[ time * 0.025 ], time * -0.25 scale 0.75, 0.75 } vertexcolor } }