material rr2do2/liquidPuddleTest { /* diffusemap _black { blend blend cubeMap env/guitest texgen reflect }*/ discrete noshadows //twosided diffusemap _black { blend bumpmap map heightmap( textures/rock/rock04_h.tga, 120 ) scroll time*0.015, time*0.001 centerScale (1+0.1*sintable[time*0.02]), 1+0.1*(sintable[time*0.02]) linear } { refractWaterRenderMap 512 256 // size of the texture to draw the mirror view in //mirrorRenderMap 512 256 // size of the texture to draw the mirror view in // fix up the projection translate .5f, .5f scale .5f, .5f } { mirrorWaterRenderMap 512 256 // size of the texture to draw the mirror view in blend blend vertexcolor // fix up the projection translate .5f, .5f scale .5f, .5f } } material rr2do2/liquidLakeTest { discrete noshadows //twosided diffusemap _black { blend bumpmap map heightmap( textures/rock/rock04_h.tga, 120 ) scroll time*-0.015, time*0.001 // centerScale (5+0.001*sintable[time*0.02]), 5+0.001*(sintable[time*0.02]) centerScale (0.05+0.0001*sintable[time*0.02]), 0.05+0.0001*(sintable[time*0.02]) } /*{ refractWaterRenderMap 512 256 // size of the texture to draw the mirror view in // fix up the projection translate .5f, .5f scale .5f, .5f }*/ { mirrorWaterRenderMap 512 256 // size of the texture to draw the mirror view in //blend blend //vertexcolor // fix up the projection translate .5f, .5f scale .5f, .5f } } material lights/headlights1_colored { { map zeroClamp lights/headlights1b.tga red parm0 green parm1 blue parm2 } } material models/particles/energyblast/energyblast { qer_editorimage models/particles/energyblast/energyblast.tga noShadows deform sprite noselfShadow translucent twosided { blend add map models/particles/energyblast/energyblast.tga zeroclamp rotate time * 0.7 //centerscale mgscaleTable[time* .9], mgscaleTable[time*. 9] rgb fireballtable[ time * .7 ] } //{ // Blend add // Map models/weapons/bruiserfireball/bruiserfireball2.tga // zeroclamp // rotate time * -0.6 // //centerscale mgscaleTable[time* .9], mgscaleTable[time* .9] // rgb fireballtable[ time * 1 ] // //} } material shaderDemos/rr2AmbientTest { { cubeMap env/nade texgen normal } } material shaderDemos/tiles { { program tiles.vfp vertexParm 0 10 + ( 0.5 + 0.5 * sinTable[ time * 0.25 ] ) * 1000 vertexParm 1 0.5 + 0.5 * sinTable[ time * 0.25 ] * 3.5 //vertexParm 0 12000 //vertexParm 1 -0.5 //vertexParm 0 160 //vertexParm 1 0.3 + ( sinTable[ time * 0.25 ] * cosTable[ time * 0.5 ] ) * 0.35 fragmentMap 0 _currentRender } } material rr2do2/hwskinning { diffusemap textures/roler/rusty_panel_d.tga bumpmap textures/roler/rusty_panel_local.tga specularmap textures/roler/rusty_panel_s.tga } material rr2do2/megastamp_mesh { noShadows { blend blend program tools/megastamp/editmesh.vfp } } material rr2do2/megastamp_mesh_editarea { //polygonOffset /*sort decal noShadows { blend blend maskAlpha program tools/megastamp/editarea.vfp fragmentmap 0 _stampedit_base fragmentmap 1 _borderClamp }*/ /*interaction { program tools/megastamp/editareainteraction.vfp fragmentmap 11 _borderClamp } { //maskAlpha blend diffuseMap map _stampedit_base alphaTest 0.5 }*/ //sort decal noShadows /*{ map _borderClamp blend blend red 0 green 0.2 blue 0 alpha 0.5 }*/ /*{ blend blend program tools/megastamp/editarea.vfp }*/ diffusemap _stampedit_previewdiffuse //bumpmap _stampedit_previewlocal /*{ blend blend maskAlpha program tools/megastamp/editarea.vfp fragmentmap 0 _stampedit_previewdiffuse fragmentmap 1 _borderClamp }*/ } material rr2do2/megastamp_mesh_stamp { noShadows { blend diffuseMap map _stampedit_stamp_diffuse alphaTest 0.5 //centerscale 12, 12 } bumpMap _stampedit_stamp_local /*{ program tools/megastamp/stampuv.vfp }*/ /*{ blend blend program tools/megastamp/stamprot.vfp fragmentmap 0 _stampedit_stamp_diffuse }*/ }