/* Generated by the Articulated Figure Editor. Do not edit directly but launch the game and type 'editAFs' on the console. */ articulatedFigure player_npcs { settings { model "model_mp_marine" skin "" friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5, 0.400000006 suspendSpeed 20, 30, 40, 60 noMoveTime 1 noMoveTranslation 10 noMoveRotation 10 minMoveTime -1 maxMoveTime 15 totalMass -1 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 } body "waist" { joint "origin" mod orientation model box( ( -5.5, -7.5, -6 ), ( 5.5, 7.5, 6 ) ) origin ( 0, 0, 44 ) density 0.0099999998 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*origin -*Waist -*Rupleg -*Lupleg" } body "chest" { joint "Waist" mod orientation model box( ( -5.5, -8, -8.5 ), ( 5.5, 8, 8.5 ) ) origin ( 0, 0, 58 ) density 0.0070000002 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Waist -*Ruparm -*Luparm -*Loneck" } body "head" { joint "Loneck" mod orientation model box( ( -4, -3.5, -4.5 ), ( 4, 3.5, 4.5 ) ) origin ( 2, 0, 71 ) density 0.0199999996 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Loneck" } body "ruparm" { joint "Ruparm" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Ruparm" ), joint( "Rloarm" ), 9 ) origin bonecenter( "Ruparm", "Rloarm" ) density 0.1199999973 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 containedJoints "*Ruparm -*Rloarm" } body "rloarm" { joint "Rloarm" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Rloarm" ), joint( "Rfings3" ), 7 ) origin bonecenter( "Rloarm", "Rfings3" ) density 0.1000000015 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Rloarm" } body "luparm" { joint "Luparm" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Luparm" ), joint( "Lloarm" ), 9 ) origin bonecenter( "Luparm", "Lloarm" ) density 0.1199999973 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 containedJoints "*Luparm -*Lloarm" } body "lloarm" { joint "Lloarm" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Lloarm" ), joint( "Lfings3" ), 7 ) origin bonecenter( "Lloarm", "Lfings3" ) density 0.1000000015 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Lloarm" } body "rupleg" { joint "Rupleg" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Rupleg" ), joint( "Rloleg" ), 8 ) origin bonecenter( "Rupleg", "Rloleg" ) density 0.1199999973 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Rupleg -*Rloleg" } body "rloleg" { joint "Rloleg" mod orientation model cone( ( -7.5, -4, -10.5 ), ( 7.5, 4, 10.5 ), 3 ) origin joint( "Rloleg" ) angles ( 0, 180, 0 ) density 0.0599999987 friction 0.0199999996, 0.0199999996, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Rloleg" } body "lupleg" { joint "Lupleg" mod orientation model bone( joint( "Lupleg" ), joint( "Lloleg" ), 8 ) origin bonecenter( "Lupleg", "Lloleg" ) density 0.1199999973 friction 0.0099999998, 0.0099999998, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Lupleg -*Lloleg" } body "lloleg" { joint "Lloleg" mod orientation model cone( ( -7.5, -4, -10.5 ), ( 7.5, 4, 10.5 ), 3 ) origin joint( "Lloleg" ) angles ( 0, 180, 0 ) density 0.0599999987 friction 0.0199999996, 0.0199999996, 0.5 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 containedJoints "*Lloleg" } universalJoint "waist" { body1 "chest" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "Waist" ) shafts ( 0, 0, 1 ), ( 0, 0, -1 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, 0, 1 ), 90 } universalJoint "head" { body1 "head" body2 "chest" anchor joint( "Loneck" ) shafts ( 0, 0, 1 ), ( 0, 0, -1 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, 0, 1 ), 60 } universalJoint "ruparm" { body1 "ruparm" body2 "chest" anchor joint( "ruparm" ) shafts ( 0, -1, 0 ), ( 0, 1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, -1, -0.75 ), 95 } universalJoint "rloarm" { body1 "rloarm" body2 "ruparm" anchor joint( "rloarm" ) shafts ( 0, -1, 0 ), ( 0, 1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, -1, 0 ), 60 } universalJoint "luparm" { body1 "luparm" body2 "chest" anchor joint( "luparm" ) shafts ( 0, 1, 0 ), ( 0, -1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, 1, -0.75 ), 95 } universalJoint "lloarm" { body1 "lloarm" body2 "luparm" anchor joint( "lloarm" ) shafts ( 0, 1, 0 ), ( 0, -1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 coneLimit ( 0, 1, 0 ), 60 } universalJoint "rupleg" { body1 "rupleg" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "rupleg" ) shafts ( 0, 0, -1 ), ( 0, 0, 1 ) friction 0.400000006 pyramidLimit ( 0.400000006, -0.200000003, -0.8999999762 ), 75, 30, 61 } hinge "rloleg" { body1 "rloleg" body2 "rupleg" anchor joint( "Rloleg" ) axis ( 0, -1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 limit 130, 70, 90 } universalJoint "lupleg" { body1 "lupleg" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "lupleg" ) shafts ( 0, 0, -1 ), ( 0, 0, 1 ) friction 0.400000006 pyramidLimit ( 0.400000006, 0.200000003, -0.8999999762 ), 75, 30, 119 } hinge "lloleg" { body1 "lloleg" body2 "lupleg" anchor joint( "Lloleg" ) axis ( 0, -1, 0 ) friction 0.400000006 limit 130, 70, 90 } }