/* Generated by the Articulated Figure Editor. Do not edit directly but launch the game and type 'editAFs' on the console. */ articulatedFigure etqw/edf { settings { model "etqw/edf.md5" skin "" // bouncyness 0 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006, 1 suspendSpeed 20, 30, 40, 60 noMoveTime 1 noMoveTranslation 10 noMoveRotation 10 minMoveTime -1 maxMoveTime 15 totalMass 200 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 } body "waist" { joint "origin" mod both model dodecahedron( ( -7, -8, -5 ), ( 7, 8, 5 ) ) origin ( -0.5, 0, 45 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*origin -*Spine -*RightUpLeg -*LeftUpLeg" } body "Chest" { joint "Spine" mod orientation model dodecahedron( ( -8.5, -8.5, -9 ), ( 8.5, 8.5, 9 ) ) origin ( -1, 0, 60 ) angles ( 62, 0, 0 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*Spine -*Neck -*RightShoulder -*LeftShoulder" } body "Thigh_Right" { joint "RightUpLeg" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -4.5, -4.5, -10.5 ), ( 4.5, 4.5, 10.5 ), 6 ) origin ( 0, -6, 31 ) angles ( 354, 328, 357 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "RightUpLeg" } body "Calf_Right" { joint "RightLeg" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -4.5, -3.5, -10 ), ( 4.5, 3.5, 10 ), 5 ) origin ( -1, -9, 9 ) angles ( 4, 0, 352 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*RightLeg" } body "Thigh_left" { joint "LeftUpLeg" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -4.5, -4.5, -10.5 ), ( 4.5, 4.5, 10.5 ), 6 ) origin ( 0, 6, 31 ) angles ( 354, -328, -357 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "LeftUpLeg" } body "Calf_Left" { joint "LeftLeg" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -4.5, -3.5, -10 ), ( 4.5, 3.5, 10 ), 5 ) origin ( -1, 9, 9 ) angles ( 4, 0, -352 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*LeftLeg" } body "Head" { joint "Neck" mod orientation model dodecahedron( ( -6, -5, -6 ), ( 6, 5, 6 ) ) origin ( 4, 0, 76 ) angles ( 50, 0, 0 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*Neck" } body "Clav_Right" { joint "RightShoulder" mod orientation model box( ( -4, -4, -1.5 ), ( 4, 4, 1.5 ) ) origin ( 0, -7, 66 ) angles ( 0, 0, 11 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*RightShoulder -*RightArm" } body "Clav_Left" { joint "LeftShoulder" mod orientation model box( ( -4, -4, -1.5 ), ( 4, 4, 1.5 ) ) origin ( 0, 7, 66 ) angles ( 0, 0, -11 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*LeftShoulder -*LeftArm" } body "Bicep_Right" { joint "RightArm" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -3.5, -3.5, -8 ), ( 3.5, 3.5, 8 ), 6 ) origin ( 0, -12.5, 59 ) angles ( 5, 0, 326 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*RightArm -*RightForeArm" } body "Bicep_Left" { joint "LeftArm" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -3.5, -3.5, -8 ), ( 3.5, 3.5, 8 ), 6 ) origin ( 0, 12.5, 59 ) angles ( 5, 0, -326 ) density 0.0049999999 friction 0.0099999998, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 0 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*LeftArm -*LeftForeArm" } body "Forarm_Right" { joint "RightForeArm" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -3, -3, -8.5 ), ( 3, 3, 8.5 ), 5 ) origin ( 2.5, -19, 46 ) angles ( 340, 0, 341 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*RightForeArm" } body "Forearm_Left" { joint "LeftForeArm" mod orientation model cylinder( ( -3, -3, -8.5 ), ( 3, 3, 8.5 ), 5 ) origin ( 2.5, 19, 46 ) angles ( 340, 0, -341 ) density 0.0050000004 friction 0.0100000007, 1, 0.400000006 contents corpse clipMask solid, corpse selfCollision 1 // bouncyness 0 containedJoints "*LeftForeArm" } universalJoint "Spine" { body1 "Chest" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "ROT" ) shafts ( 0.0000000437, 0, 1 ), ( -0.0000000119, 0, -1 ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.2756373882, 0, 0.9612616897 ), 54 } universalJoint "Hip_Right" { body1 "Thigh_Right" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "RightUpLeg" ) shafts bonedir( "RightUpLeg", "RightLeg" ), bonedir( "RightLeg", "RightUpLeg" ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.2868421972, -0.186277464, -0.9396926165 ), 90 } hinge "Knee_right" { body1 "Calf_Right" body2 "Thigh_Right" anchor joint( "RightLeg" ) axis ( -0.0000000437, 1, 0 ) friction 0 limit 23, 150, 90 } universalJoint "Chest_Head" { body1 "Head" body2 "Chest" anchor joint( "Neck" ) shafts bonedir( "Spine2", "Neck" ), bonedir( "Neck", "Spine2" ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.4067366123, 0, 0.9135454893 ), 90 } universalJoint "Hip_Left" { body1 "Thigh_left" body2 "waist" anchor joint( "LeftUpLeg" ) shafts bonedir( "LeftUpLeg", "LeftLeg" ), bonedir( "LeftLeg", "LeftUpLeg" ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.2868421674, 0.1862774938, -0.9396926165 ), 90 } hinge "Knee_Left" { body1 "Calf_Left" body2 "Thigh_left" anchor joint( "LeftLeg" ) axis ( -0.0000000437, 1, 0 ) friction 0 limit 23, 150, 90 } universalJoint "Clav_Right" { body1 "Clav_Right" body2 "Chest" anchor joint( "RightShoulder" ) shafts bonedir( "RightShoulder", "RightArm" ), bonedir( "RightArm", "RightShoulder" ) friction 1 pyramidLimit ( 0.0762281269, -0.8712915778, 0.4848096073 ), 40, 50, 0 } universalJoint "Clav_Left" { body1 "Clav_Left" body2 "Chest" anchor joint( "LeftShoulder" ) shafts bonedir( "LeftShoulder", "LeftArm" ), bonedir( "LeftArm", "LeftShoulder" ) friction 1 pyramidLimit ( 0.0762281865, 0.8712915778, 0.4848096073 ), 40, 50, 0 } universalJoint "Shoulder_Right" { body1 "Bicep_Right" body2 "Clav_Right" anchor joint( "RightArm" ) shafts bonedir( "RightArm", "RightArmRoll" ), bonedir( "RightArmRoll", "RightArm" ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.2857627869, -0.6732147336, -0.6819982529 ), 94 } universalJoint "Shoulder_Left" { body1 "Bicep_Left" body2 "Clav_Left" anchor joint( "LeftArm" ) shafts bonedir( "LeftArm", "LeftArmRoll" ), bonedir( "LeftArmRoll", "LeftArm" ) friction 1 coneLimit ( 0.2857627571, 0.6732147336, -0.6819982529 ), 94 } hinge "elbow_right" { body1 "Forarm_Right" body2 "Bicep_Right" anchor joint( "RightForeArm" ) axis ( 0.0000000107, -0.898794055, 0.4383711517 ) friction 0 limit 0, 115, 51 } hinge "elbow_left" { body1 "Forearm_Left" body2 "Bicep_Left" anchor joint( "LeftForeArm" ) axis ( -0.0000000393, -0.898794055, -0.4383711517 ) friction 0 limit 0, 115, 51 } }