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Raw Normal View History

2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#if !defined( __SYS_RENDER__ )
#define __SYS_RENDER__
#if defined ( _WIN32 )
typedef HDC dcHandle_t;
typedef HWND wndHandle_t;
typedef void* dcHandle_t;
typedef void* wndHandle_t;
struct multiSampleParms {
int multi;
int coverage;
explicit multiSampleParms() : multi(0), coverage(0) {
explicit multiSampleParms( int ms ) : multi(ms), coverage(0) {
explicit multiSampleParms( int ms, int cv ) : multi(ms), coverage(cv) {
bool operator==( multiSampleParms const &other ) const {
return multi == other.multi && coverage == other.coverage;
bool operator!=( multiSampleParms const &other ) const {
return !(*this == other);
struct glimpParms_t {
int width;
int height;
bool fullScreen;
bool stereo;
int displayHz;
multiSampleParms multiSamples;
float pixelAspect; // pixel width / height, should be 1.0 in most cases
bool fullscreenAvail;
bool operator ==( const glimpParms_t& rhs ) const {
return (
width == rhs.width &&
height == rhs.height &&
fullScreen == rhs.fullScreen &&
displayHz == rhs.displayHz &&
multiSamples == rhs.multiSamples &&
pixelAspect == rhs.pixelAspect &&
fullscreenAvail == rhs.fullscreenAvail
class idRenderContextParms {
int width;
int height;
int redBits;
int greenBits;
int blueBits;
int alphaBits;
int depthBits;
int stencilBits;
multiSampleParms multiSamples;
bool forceUnique;
bool offscreen;
bool doubleBuffer;
bool floatingPoint;
bool bindToTexture;
bool generateMipMaps;
dcHandle_t windowDC; // if offscreen is true, this is ignored, otherwise it must be set to an existing window's device context.
bool isGameContext; // true if this is the main game rendering context
idRenderContextParms( void )
: width( 512 ),
height( 512 ),
redBits( 8 ),
greenBits( 8 ),
blueBits( 8 ),
alphaBits( 8 ),
depthBits( 24 ),
stencilBits( 8 ),
multiSamples( 1 ),
forceUnique( false ),
offscreen( true ),
doubleBuffer( false ),
floatingPoint( false ),
bindToTexture( false ),
generateMipMaps( false ),
windowDC( NULL ),
isGameContext( false ) {
idRenderContextParms( int width, int height,
int redBits, int greenBits, int blueBits,
int alphaBits, int depthBits, int stencilBits,
int multiSamples, bool forceUnique,
bool offscreen, bool doubleBuffer,
bool floatingPoint, bool bindToTexture,
bool generateMipMaps, bool isGameContext )
: width( width ),
height( height ),
redBits( redBits ),
greenBits( greenBits ),
blueBits( blueBits ),
alphaBits( alphaBits ),
depthBits( depthBits ),
stencilBits( stencilBits ),
multiSamples( multiSamples ),
forceUnique( forceUnique ),
offscreen( offscreen ),
doubleBuffer( doubleBuffer ),
floatingPoint( floatingPoint ),
bindToTexture( bindToTexture ),
generateMipMaps( generateMipMaps ),
windowDC( NULL ),
isGameContext( isGameContext ) {
idRenderContextParms( int width, int height,
int redBits, int greenBits, int blueBits,
int alphaBits, int depthBits, int stencilBits,
multiSampleParms multiSamples, bool forceUnique,
bool offscreen, bool doubleBuffer,
bool floatingPoint, bool bindToTexture,
bool generateMipMaps, bool isGameContext )
: width( width ),
height( height ),
redBits( redBits ),
greenBits( greenBits ),
blueBits( blueBits ),
alphaBits( alphaBits ),
depthBits( depthBits ),
stencilBits( stencilBits ),
multiSamples( multiSamples ),
forceUnique( forceUnique ),
offscreen( offscreen ),
doubleBuffer( doubleBuffer ),
floatingPoint( floatingPoint ),
bindToTexture( bindToTexture ),
generateMipMaps( generateMipMaps ),
windowDC( NULL ),
isGameContext( isGameContext ) {
struct rect_t {
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
struct monitorInfo_t {
rect_t monitor;
rect_t workArea;
bool primary;
// idRenderContext
class idRenderContext {
idRenderContext( void ) {}
virtual ~idRenderContext( void ) {}
// create a suitable rendering context.
virtual bool Create( const idRenderContextParms &parms ) = 0;
// destroy this context.
virtual void Destroy( void ) = 0;
// make this rendering context the current context for this thread.
// if dc != NULL, the current device context for this rendering context will be overridden
virtual bool MakeCurrent( dcHandle_t handle = NULL ) = 0;
// returns true if the context is valid.
virtual bool IsValid( void ) const = 0;
// sets any default states specific to a render context type.
virtual void SetAdditionalDefaultState( void ) = 0;
virtual void ShowContext( void ) const = 0;
// returns the parms used to create the rendering context.
const idRenderContextParms& GetParms( void ) const { return parms; }
// true if this render context is associated with a pbuffer.
bool IsOffscreen( void ) const { return parms.offscreen; }
idRenderContextParms parms; // parameters used to create this context
// id3DContext
typedef void (*GLExtension_t)( void );
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#undef IsMinimized
#endif // _WIN32
class id3DContext {
virtual ~id3DContext( ) { }
// initializing the context will not automatically display a window
virtual void InitContext( const glimpParms_t& parms ) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// allow for recreating a context at runtime
virtual void RecreateContext( const glimpParms_t& parms ) = 0;
// OS specific, for switching back to the game window after
// using a tool window
virtual dcHandle_t GetGameWindow( void ) = 0;
// OS specific, for using as parent window, focus checks, etc
virtual wndHandle_t GetGameWindowHandle( void ) = 0;
// returns the render context used for game rendering.
virtual idRenderContext* GetGameRenderContext( void ) = 0;
virtual bool SetGameWindowParms( const glimpParms_t& parms ) = 0;
// returns the current render context (which may be a tool context or the game context).
virtual idRenderContext* GetCurrentRenderContext( void ) = 0;
// these could change each frame if the window is being
// drag-resized
virtual const glimpParms_t& GetGameWindowParms() const = 0;
// any tool windows that are going to be rendered into
// must set this pixelformat during their creation
virtual void SetPixelFormat( dcHandle_t windowDC ) = 0;
virtual GLExtension_t ExtensionPointer( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void ShowGameWindow( void ) = 0;
virtual void HideGameWindow( void ) = 0;
// convenience function for getting just the fullscreen flag
virtual bool IsFullscreen( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsMinimized( void ) = 0;
// adjust the game window glimpParms_t as a result of window size dragging
virtual void WindowSizeDragged( int width, int height ) = 0;
// associates the rendering context with the device context.
// NULL can be passed to disable the context for performance testing
virtual bool MakeCurrent( dcHandle_t windowDC ) = 0;
virtual bool ReleaseCurrent( dcHandle_t windowDC ) = 0;
// disassociates the rendering context from the specified device context if
// the rendering context is currently associated with it. Windows that call
// MakeCurrent should call ReleaseContext before they are destroyed.
virtual void ReleaseContext( dcHandle_t windowDC ) = 0;
// swapbuffers always swaps the window last passed to MakeCurrent
virtual void SwapBuffers( void ) = 0;
// Sets the hardware gamma ramps for gamma and brightness adjustment.
// These are now taken as 16 bit values, so we can take full advantage
// of dacs with >8 bits of precision
virtual void SetGamma( unsigned short red[256], unsigned short green[256], unsigned short blue[256] ) = 0;
virtual bool IsDisplayModeAvailable( int width, int height ) = 0;
virtual int GetNumMSAAModes( void ) const = 0;
virtual const char * GetMSAAMode( int idx, int &val ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsMSAACountAvailable( int msaa ) const = 0;
// returns the number of available monitors
virtual int GetNumMonitors() const = 0;
// returns the number of available monitors
virtual const monitorInfo_t& GetMonitor( int index ) const = 0;
// returns the system's primary monitor
virtual const monitorInfo_t& GetPrimaryMonitor() const = 0;
// fit the dimensions to the primary monitor, maintaining the original aspect
// ratio between width and height
virtual void ConstrainToPrimaryMonitor( int& width, int& height ) = 0;
// find all monitors on the system
virtual void EnumerateMonitors() = 0;
extern id3DContext* sys3D;
#endif /* !__SYS_RENDER__ */