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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define HONEYMAN_INIT_VALUE 0x00000000L
#define HONEYMAN_XOR_VALUE 0x00000000L
static unsigned long crctable[256];
Create the CRC table for the simplified version of the pathalias hashing function.
Thanks to Steve Belovin and Peter Honeyman
This fast table calculation works only if POLY is a prime polynomial
in the field of integers modulo 2. Since the coefficients of a
32-bit polynomial won't fit in a 32-bit word, the high-order bit is
implicit. IT MUST ALSO BE THE CASE that the coefficients of orders
31 down to 25 are zero. Happily, we have candidates, from
E. J. Watson, "Primitive Polynomials (Mod 2)", Math. Comp. 16 (1962):
x^32 + x^7 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x^1 + x^0
x^31 + x^3 + x^0
We reverse the bits to get:
111101010000000000000000000000001 but drop the last 1
f 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
010010000000000000000000000000001 ditto, for 31-bit crc
4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
void make_crc_table( void ) {
#define POLY 0x48000000L /* 31-bit polynomial (avoids sign problems) */
for ( int i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) {
int sum = 0;
for ( int j = 7 - 1; j >= 0; --j ) {
if ( i & ( 1 << j ) ) {
sum ^= POLY >> j;
crctable[i] = sum;
static unsigned long crctable[256] = {
0x00000000L, 0x48000000L, 0x24000000L, 0x6c000000L,
0x12000000L, 0x5a000000L, 0x36000000L, 0x7e000000L,
0x09000000L, 0x41000000L, 0x2d000000L, 0x65000000L,
0x1b000000L, 0x53000000L, 0x3f000000L, 0x77000000L,
0x04800000L, 0x4c800000L, 0x20800000L, 0x68800000L,
0x16800000L, 0x5e800000L, 0x32800000L, 0x7a800000L,
0x0d800000L, 0x45800000L, 0x29800000L, 0x61800000L,
0x1f800000L, 0x57800000L, 0x3b800000L, 0x73800000L,
0x02400000L, 0x4a400000L, 0x26400000L, 0x6e400000L,
0x10400000L, 0x58400000L, 0x34400000L, 0x7c400000L,
0x0b400000L, 0x43400000L, 0x2f400000L, 0x67400000L,
0x19400000L, 0x51400000L, 0x3d400000L, 0x75400000L,
0x06c00000L, 0x4ec00000L, 0x22c00000L, 0x6ac00000L,
0x14c00000L, 0x5cc00000L, 0x30c00000L, 0x78c00000L,
0x0fc00000L, 0x47c00000L, 0x2bc00000L, 0x63c00000L,
0x1dc00000L, 0x55c00000L, 0x39c00000L, 0x71c00000L,
0x01200000L, 0x49200000L, 0x25200000L, 0x6d200000L,
0x13200000L, 0x5b200000L, 0x37200000L, 0x7f200000L,
0x08200000L, 0x40200000L, 0x2c200000L, 0x64200000L,
0x1a200000L, 0x52200000L, 0x3e200000L, 0x76200000L,
0x05a00000L, 0x4da00000L, 0x21a00000L, 0x69a00000L,
0x17a00000L, 0x5fa00000L, 0x33a00000L, 0x7ba00000L,
0x0ca00000L, 0x44a00000L, 0x28a00000L, 0x60a00000L,
0x1ea00000L, 0x56a00000L, 0x3aa00000L, 0x72a00000L,
0x03600000L, 0x4b600000L, 0x27600000L, 0x6f600000L,
0x11600000L, 0x59600000L, 0x35600000L, 0x7d600000L,
0x0a600000L, 0x42600000L, 0x2e600000L, 0x66600000L,
0x18600000L, 0x50600000L, 0x3c600000L, 0x74600000L,
0x07e00000L, 0x4fe00000L, 0x23e00000L, 0x6be00000L,
0x15e00000L, 0x5de00000L, 0x31e00000L, 0x79e00000L,
0x0ee00000L, 0x46e00000L, 0x2ae00000L, 0x62e00000L,
0x1ce00000L, 0x54e00000L, 0x38e00000L, 0x70e00000L
void Honeyman_InitChecksum( unsigned long &crcvalue ) {
void Honeyman_UpdateChecksum( unsigned long &crcvalue, const byte data ) {
crcvalue = ( ( crcvalue >> 7 ) ^ crctable[ ( crcvalue ^ data ) & 0x7f ] );
void Honeyman_UpdateChecksum( unsigned long &crcvalue, const void *data, int length ) {
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char *buf = (const unsigned char *) data;
crc = crcvalue;
while( length-- ) {
crc = ( ( crc >> 7 ) ^ crctable[ ( crc ^ *buf++ ) & 0x7f ] );
crcvalue = crc;
void Honeyman_FinishChecksum( unsigned long &crcvalue ) {
unsigned long Honeyman_BlockChecksum( const void *data, int length ) {
unsigned long crc;
Honeyman_InitChecksum( crc );
Honeyman_UpdateChecksum( crc, data, length );
Honeyman_FinishChecksum( crc );
return crc;