
273 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../framework/declManager.h"
#include "declAmbientCubeMap.h"
class idRenderModel;
const int MAX_CLOUD_LAYERS = 10;
struct sdCloudLayer {
sdCloudLayer() :
material( NULL ),
style( 0 ) {
memset( parms, 0, sizeof( parms ) );
const idMaterial* material;
int style;
// jRAD - if you modify this structure, ensure that you update the atmosphere editor as well
struct sdPrecipitationParameters {
enum precipitationType_e {
PT_SPLASH, // Ground impacts
precipitationType_e preType;
// Shared parameters
int maxParticles; // Maximum number of particles
float heightMin; // Size of a single particle
float heightMax;
float weightMin; // Used to control tumbling speed with snow
float weightMax;
float windScale; // Scales the atmosphere's wind direction
float gustWindScale; // Scales the atmosphere's wind direction during gusts
float fallMin; // Z-axis velocity
float fallMax;
float timeMin;
float timeMax;
float tumbleStrength; // Used to control tumbling strength with snow
float precipitationDistance;
const idMaterial* material;
idRenderModel* model;
const rvDeclEffect* effect;
void Default();
bool Parse( idParser& src );
void Save( idFile_Memory& f ) const;
class sdDeclAtmosphere : public idDecl {
struct postProcessParms_t {
idVec3 tint;
float saturation;
float contrast;
idVec4 glareParms; // source brightness, blur brightness, brightness threshold, threshold dependency
idVec4 glareBases; // general glare strength, landscape glare strength
static const int NUM_PRECIP_LAYERS = 2;
virtual ~sdDeclAtmosphere() {}
// Override from idDecl
virtual const char* DefaultDefinition( void ) const;
virtual bool Parse( const char* text, const int textLength );
virtual size_t Size( void ) const { return sizeof( sdDeclAtmosphere ); }
virtual void FreeData();
static void CacheFromDict( const idDict& dict );
// Sun
const idMaterial* GetSunMaterial() const { return sunMaterial; }
const idVec3& GetSunDirection() const { return sunDir; }
const float GetSunAzimuth() const { return sunAzimuth; }
const float GetSunZenith() const { return sunZenith; }
const idVec3& GetSunColor() const { return sunColor; }
const float GetSunHaloScale() const { return sunHaloScale; }
const float GetSunHaloBias() const { return sunHaloBias; }
// Sun sprite
const idMaterial* GetSunSpriteMaterial() const { return sunSpriteMaterial; }
const float GetSunSpriteSize() const { return sunSpriteSize; }
// Sun flare
const idMaterial* GetSunFlareMaterial() const { return sunFlareMaterial; }
const float GetSunFlareSize() const { return sunFlareSize; }
const float GetSunFlareTime() const { return sunFlareTime; }
const bool EnableSunFlareAziZen() const { return enableSunFlareAziZen; }
const float GetSunFlareAzi() const { return sunFlareAzi; }
const float GetSunFlareZen() const { return sunFlareZen; }
// Post processing
const postProcessParms_t& GetDefaultPostProcessParms() const { return defaultPostProcessParms; }
postProcessParms_t& GetPostProcessParms() const { return postProcessParms; }
// Fog
const float GetFogDistHalf() const { return fogDistHalf; }
const float GetFogHeightHalf() const { return fogHeightHalf; }
const float GetFogHeightOffset() const { return fogHeightOffset; }
const idVec3& GetFogColor() const { return fogColor; }
const float GetFogStart() const { return fogStart; }
const float GetFogEnd() const { return fogEnd; }
// Misc
const idMaterial* GetAtmosphereMaterial() const { return atmosphereMaterial; }
const sdDeclAmbientCubeMap* GetAmbientCubeMap() const { return ambientCubeMap; }
idImage* GetSkyGradientImage() const { return const_cast< idImage* >( skyGradientImage ); }
const float GetFarClip() const { return farClip; }
const bool IsNight() const { return isNight; }
const bool DrawAtmosphereLast() const { return drawAtmosphereLast; }
const idVec3& GetMinSpecShadowColor() const { return minSpecShadowColor; }
// Clouds
const idList< sdCloudLayer >& GetCloudLayers() const { return cloudLayers; }
// Precipitation
const sdPrecipitationParameters& GetPrecipitation( const int layer ) const { return precipitation[ layer ]; }
// Wind
float GetWindAngle() const { return windAngle; }
float GetWindAngleDev() const { return windAngleDev; }
float GetWindStrength() const { return windStrength; }
float GetWindStrengthDev() const { return windStrengthDev; }
// Needed for editor
const bool IsModified() const { return modified; }
void Save();
void Save( idFile_Memory& f ) const;
// Sun
void SetSunMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { sunMaterial = material; modified = true; }
void SetSunDirection( const idVec3& dir ) { sunDir = dir; modified = true; }
void SetSunAzimuth( const float azi ) { sunAzimuth = azi; UpdateSunDirFromAziZen(); modified = true; }
void SetSunZenith( const float zen ) { sunZenith = zen; UpdateSunDirFromAziZen(); modified = true; }
void SetSunColor( const idVec3& color ) { sunColor = color; modified = true; }
void SetSunHaloScale( const float scale ) { sunHaloScale = scale; modified = true; }
void SetSunHaloBias( const float bias ) { sunHaloBias = bias; modified = true; }
// Sun sprite
void SetSunSpriteMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { sunSpriteMaterial = material; modified = true; }
void SetSunSpriteSize( const float size ) { sunSpriteSize = size; modified = true; }
// Sun flare
void SetSunFlareMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { sunFlareMaterial = material; modified = true; }
void SetSunFlareSize( const float size ) { sunFlareSize = size; modified = true; }
void SetSunFlareTime( const float time ) { sunFlareTime = time; modified = true; }
void SetEnableSunFlareAziZen( const bool enabled ) { enableSunFlareAziZen = enabled; modified = true; }
void SetSunFlareAzi( const float azi ) { sunFlareAzi = azi; modified = true; }
void SetSunFlareZen( const float zen ) { sunFlareZen = zen; modified = true; }
// Post processing
void SetPostProcessParms( const postProcessParms_t& parms ) { postProcessParms = defaultPostProcessParms = parms; modified = true; }
// Fog
void SetFogDistHalf( const float distHalf ) { fogDistHalf = distHalf; modified = true; }
void SetFogHeightHalf( const float heightHalf ) { fogHeightHalf = heightHalf; modified = true; }
void SetFogHeightOffset( const float heightOffset ) { fogHeightOffset = heightOffset; modified = true; }
void SetFogColor( const idVec3& color ) { fogColor = color; modified = true; }
void SetFogStart( const float start ) { fogStart = start; modified = true; }
void SetFogEnd( const float end ) { fogEnd = end; modified = true; }
// Misc
void SetAtmosphereMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { atmosphereMaterial = material; modified = true; }
void SetAmbientCubeMap( const sdDeclAmbientCubeMap* ambientCubeMap ) { this->ambientCubeMap = ambientCubeMap; modified = true; }
bool SetSkyGradientImage( const char* imageName );
void SetFarClip( const float farClip ) { this->farClip = farClip; modified = true; }
void SetIsNight( const bool isNight ) { this->isNight = isNight; modified = true; }
void SetDrawAtmosphereLast( const bool drawAtmosphereLast ) { this->drawAtmosphereLast = drawAtmosphereLast; modified = true; }
void SetMinSpecShadowColor( const idVec3& color ) { minSpecShadowColor = color; modified = true; }
// Clouds
const int AddCloudLayer( const sdCloudLayer& cloudLayer ) { modified = true; return cloudLayers.Append( cloudLayer ); }
void UpdateCloudLayer( const int layer, const sdCloudLayer& cloudLayer ) { cloudLayers[ layer ] = cloudLayer; modified = true; }
void RemoveCloudLayer( const int layer ) { cloudLayers.RemoveIndex( layer ); modified = true; }
// Precipitation
sdPrecipitationParameters GetPrecipitation( const int layer ) { return precipitation[ layer ]; }
void SetPrecipitation( const int layer, const sdPrecipitationParameters& parms ) { precipitation[ layer ] = parms; modified = true; }
// Wind
void SetWindAngle( const float angle ) { windAngle = angle; modified = true; }
void SetWindAngleDev( const float angleDev ) { windAngleDev = angleDev; modified = true; }
void SetWindStrength( const float strength ) { windStrength = strength; modified = true; }
void SetWindStrengthDev( const float strengthDev ) { windStrengthDev = strengthDev; modified = true; }
bool ParsePostProcessParms( idParser& src );
bool ParseCloudLayer( idParser& src );
bool ParsePrecipitationLayer( idParser& src );
void RebuildTextSource( idFile_Memory& f ) const;
void UpdateSunDirFromAziZen();
bool modified;
const idMaterial* sunMaterial;
idVec3 sunDir;
float sunAzimuth;
float sunZenith;
idVec3 sunColor;
float sunHaloScale;
float sunHaloBias;
const idMaterial* sunSpriteMaterial;
float sunSpriteSize;
const idMaterial* sunFlareMaterial;
float sunFlareSize;
float sunFlareTime;
bool enableSunFlareAziZen;
float sunFlareAzi;
float sunFlareZen;
postProcessParms_t defaultPostProcessParms;
mutable postProcessParms_t postProcessParms;
float fogDistHalf;
float fogHeightHalf;
float fogHeightOffset;
idVec3 fogColor;
float fogStart;
float fogEnd;
const idMaterial* atmosphereMaterial;
const sdDeclAmbientCubeMap* ambientCubeMap;
idImage* skyGradientImage;
float farClip;
bool isNight;
bool drawAtmosphereLast;
idVec3 minSpecShadowColor;
float windAngle;
float windAngleDev;
float windStrength;
float windStrengthDev;
// cloud layers
idList< sdCloudLayer > cloudLayers;
// precepitation
int numPrecipLayers;
sdPrecipitationParameters precipitation[ NUM_PRECIP_LAYERS ];
#endif // __DECLATMOSPHERE_H__