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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
#define TIMED_MISSION_THREAD_NAME "mapObject_Default_TimedMissionThread"
object mapObject_Default : mapObject_Base {
void preinit();
void destroy();
void InitObjectives();
void StopTimedMission();
void StopTimedMissionThread();
void CreateInitialTimedMission( entity obj );
void CreateTimedMission( entity obj, float type );
void ClearTimedMission();
void TimedMissionThread( entity obj, float type );
void FinishTimedMission();
void CreateRespawnTimeThread( team_base attackingTeam );
void ResetRespawnTimeThread();
void ClearRespawnTimeThread();
void RespawnTimeThread( team_base _attackingTeam );
task AllocWorldTask( string name );
void FreeWorldTask( task t );
void CreateDeployTasks();
void IntroductoryThreadWarmup();
void IntroductoryThreadGameOn();
entity worldspawn;
task timedMission;
float timedMissionXP;
float timedMissionThread;
float respawnTimeThread;
team_base attackingTeam;
float mapToolTip;
task engineerDeployTask;
task engineerMineTask;
task constructorDeployTask;
task constructorMineTask;
task fieldopsDeployTask;
task oppressorDeployTask;
task covertopsDeployTask;
task infiltratorDeployTask;
task medicDeployTask;
void mapObject_Default::preinit() {
worldspawn = sys.getEntity( "worldspawn" );
if ( worldspawn == $null_entity ) {
sys.error( "mapObject_Default::preinit - worldspawn is null!" );
timedMissionThread = -1;
respawnTimeThread = -1;
mapToolTip = GetToolTip( worldspawn.getKey( "tt_map" ) );
if ( sys.getLocalPlayer() != $null_entity && sys.isServer() ) {
thread IntroductoryThreadWarmup();
thread IntroductoryThreadGameOn();
void mapObject_Default::destroy() {
FreeWorldTask( engineerDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( engineerMineTask );
FreeWorldTask( constructorDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( constructorMineTask );
FreeWorldTask( fieldopsDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( oppressorDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( covertopsDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( infiltratorDeployTask );
FreeWorldTask( medicDeployTask );
fieldopsDeployTask = $null;
oppressorDeployTask = $null;
engineerDeployTask = $null;
engineerMineTask = $null;
constructorDeployTask = $null;
constructorMineTask = $null;
covertopsDeployTask = $null;
infiltratorDeployTask = $null;
medicDeployTask = $null;
void mapObject_Default::ClearTimedMission() {
if ( timedMission != $null ) {;
timedMission = $null;
void mapObject_Default::InitObjectives() {
// jrad - non-game maps don't need spawn waves
CreateRespawnTimeThread( gdfTeam );
void mapObject_Default::CreateInitialTimedMission( entity obj ) {
CreateTimedMission( obj, TIMED_MISSION_SHORT );
void mapObject_Default::StopTimedMissionThread() {
if ( timedMissionThread != -1 ) {
sys.terminate( timedMissionThread );
timedMissionThread = -1;
void mapObject_Default::StopTimedMission() {
void mapObject_Default::CreateTimedMission( entity obj, float type ) {
if ( timedMissionThread != -1 ) {
sys.warning( "Timed Mission Thread Already Running" );
timedMissionThread = thread TimedMissionThread( obj, type );
void mapObject_Default::TimedMissionThread( entity obj, float type ) {
if ( obj == $null_entity ) {
sys.assert( false );
sys.warning( "mapObject_Default::TimedMissionThread Entity was null" );
timedMissionThread = -1;
float timelimit = -1;
string taskName = "task_defend_long";
timedMissionXP = 30;
if ( type == TIMED_MISSION_SHORT ) {
timelimit = 4.f; // FIXME: get this from the task
taskName = "task_defend_short";
timedMissionXP = 10; // FIXME: get this from the task
} else if ( type == TIMED_MISSION_MEDIUM ) {
timelimit = 8.f;
taskName = "task_defend_medium";
timedMissionXP = 20;
timedMission = taskManager.allocEntityTask( GetPlayerTask( obj.getKey( taskName ) ), obj );
if ( timedMission == $null ) {
sys.warning( "mapObject_Default::TimedMissionThread Failed to create a Timed mission" );
timedMissionThread = -1;
obj.vInitDefendMission( timedMission );
if ( timelimit != -1 ) {
sys.wait( timelimit * 60.f );
timedMissionThread = -1;
// MCP might have been removed
if ( obj != $null_entity ) {
CreateTimedMission( obj, type + 1 );
timedMissionThread = -1;
void mapObject_Default::FinishTimedMission() {
if ( timedMission != $null ) {
timedMission.giveObjectiveProficiency( timedMissionXP, "defend task" );
timedMission = $null;
void mapObject_Default::CreateRespawnTimeThread( team_base attackingTeam ) {
sys.assert( respawnTimeThread == -1 );
respawnTimeThread = thread RespawnTimeThread( attackingTeam );
void mapObject_Default::ResetRespawnTimeThread() {
// map should have called CreateRespawnTimeThread before calls to this function is valid.
CreateRespawnTimeThread( attackingTeam );
void mapObject_Default::ClearRespawnTimeThread() {
if ( respawnTimeThread != -1 ) {
sys.terminate( respawnTimeThread );
respawnTimeThread = -1;
void mapObject_Default::RespawnTimeThread( team_base _attackingTeam ) {
attackingTeam = _attackingTeam;
if ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON ) {
respawnTimeThread = -1;
if ( !g_fasterSpawn.getBoolValue() ) {
respawnTimeThread = -1;
float respawnTimeChange = attackingTeam.GetRespawnTimeChange();
sys.wait( respawnTimeChange );
float respawnTimeReduction = attackingTeam.getFloatKey( "spawnTimeReduction" );
float respawnWait = attackingTeam.GetRespawnWait();
attackingTeam.SetRespawnWait( respawnWait - respawnTimeReduction );
respawnTimeThread = -1;
task mapObject_Default::AllocWorldTask( string name ) {
sys.assert( worldspawn != $null_entity );
return taskManager.allocEntityTask( GetPlayerTask( worldspawn.getKey( name ) ), worldspawn );
void mapObject_Default::FreeWorldTask( task t ) {
if ( t != $null ) {;
void mapObject_Default::CreateDeployTasks() {
engineerDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_engineer_deploy" );
engineerMineTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_engineer_plant_mines" );
constructorDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_constructor_deploy" );
constructorMineTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_constructor_plant_mines" );
fieldopsDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_fieldops_deploy" );
oppressorDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_oppressor_deploy" );
covertopsDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_covertops_deploy" );
infiltratorDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_infiltrator_deploy" );
medicDeployTask = AllocWorldTask( "task_medic_deploy" );
void mapObject_Default::IntroductoryThreadWarmup() {
float toolTip;
boolean tutorialMode;
player localPlayer;
localPlayer = sys.getLocalPlayer();
sys.assert( localPlayer != $null_entity );
team_base team = localPlayer.getGameTeam();
while ( objManager.gameState != GS_WARMUP || team == $null_entity || localPlayer.isInLimbo() ) {
team = localPlayer.getGameTeam();
sys.wait( 0.4f );
// check if in tutorial mode
if ( sys.isServer() ) {
object trainingCVar = sys.getCVar( "g_trainingMode", 0 );
if ( trainingCVar.getIntValue() == 1 ) {
tutorialMode = true;
if ( tutorialMode ) {
sys.wait( 0.5f );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_introductory1" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_introductory2" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_introductory3" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_WARMUP ) {
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_new_mission" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_WARMUP ) {
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
while( objManager.gameState == GS_WARMUP ) {
boolean notReady = sys.getGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "player.isReady" ) == 0.0f;
boolean needsReady = sys.getGUIFloat( GUI_GLOBALS_HANDLE, "player.needsReady" ) != 0.0f;
boolean spectating = localPlayer.getGameTeam() == $null_entity;
if ( notReady && needsReady && !spectating ) {
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_warmup_not_ready" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );
} else if ( !spectating ) {
sys.wait( 20.0f );
void mapObject_Default::IntroductoryThreadGameOn() {
float toolTip;
player localPlayer = sys.getLocalPlayer();
sys.assert( localPlayer != $null_entity );
team_base team = localPlayer.getGameTeam();
while ( objManager.gameState != GS_GAMEON || team == $null_entity || localPlayer.isInLimbo() ) {
team = localPlayer.getGameTeam();
sys.wait( 0.4f );
sys.wait( 1.0f );
if ( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() ) {
if ( mapToolTip != -1 ) {
localPlayer.sendToolTip( mapToolTip );
if ( objManager.gameState == GS_GAMEON ) {
sys.wait( 3.0f );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() );
sys.wait( 3.0f );
/*sys.wait( 2.0f );
waitUntil( !localPlayer.isSinglePlayerToolTipPlaying() && localPlayer.getHealth() > 0 );
toolTip = GetToolTip( localPlayer.getKey( "tt_explain_objectives" ) );
localPlayer.sendToolTip( toolTip );*/