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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
table caustics { snap { 0.0, 1.0 } }
table gratetable01 { snap { 1, .1, 1, 0, .7, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 0, 1, 0, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, 0, 1, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, 0, .7, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0 } }
table treatmentbuilding01 { snap { 1, .1, 1, 0, .7, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 0, 1, 0, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, 0, 1, 1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 1, 0, .7, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }
table davepulse01 { { 1.000000, 0.999699, 0.998795, 0.997290, 0.914210, 0.903989, 0.893224, 1, 0.470087, 0.357729, 0.844854, 0.831470, 0.817585, 0.803208, 0.788346, 0.773010, 0.757209, 0.740951, 0.724247, 0.707107, 0.689541, 0.671559, 0.653173, 0.634393, 0, 0, 0,0,0 , 0.471397, 0.449611, 0.927555, 0.405241, 0.982683, 0.859895, 0.336890, 0.313682, 0.290285, 0.266713, 0.242980, 0.219101, 0.195090, 0.170962, 0.146730, 0.122411, 0.098017, 0.073565, 0.049068, 0.024541 } }
table cc_panels01 { snap { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, .9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} }
table subtle_slow_pulse { snap { .4, .4, .45, .45, .5, .5, .5, .4, .4, .45, .45, .5, .5, .55, .55, .6, .6, .65, .65, .7, .7, .65, .65, .6, .6, .55, .55, .5, .5, .55, .55, .6, .6, .65, .65, .7, .7, .75, .75, .6, .6, .55, .55, .5, .5, .5, .45, .45, .4, .4, .45, .45, .5, .5, .55, .55, .6, .6, .55, .55, .5, .5, .5, .45, .45, .4, .4, .45, .45, .5, .5, .55, .55, .6, .6, .6, .65, .65, .7, .7, .75, .75, .8, .8, .75, .75, .7, .7, .65, .65, .6, .6, .55, .55, .5, .5} }
material lights/crosslight
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/crosslight.tga
material lights/squarelight1
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/squarelight1.tga
material lights/biground1
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/biground1.tga
material lights/defaultPointLight
lightFalloffImage makeintensity( lights/squarelight1a.tga ) // this will also be the falloff for any
// point light shaders that don't specify one
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/squarelight1.tga
material lights/defaultPointLight/shadowsCastOnlyFromStaticObjects
lightFalloffImage makeintensity( lights/squarelight1a.tga ) // this will also be the falloff for any
// point light shaders that don't specify one
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/squarelight1.tga
material lights/defaultProjectedLight
lightFalloffImage _noFalloff // by default, stay bright almost all the way to the end
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/squarelight1.tga
material textures/base_light/small_blue_light
qer_editorimage textures/base_light/small_blue_light_add.tga
bumpmap heightmap (textures/base_light/smrdltbmp.tga, 6)
diffusemap textures/base_light/smrdltdif.tga
blend add
lightProjectionMap textures/base_light/small_blue_light_add.tga
red parm0 * 2
green parm1 * 2
blue parm2 * 2
material lights/round_flicker2
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/round.tga
red ( treatmentbuilding01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( treatmentbuilding01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( treatmentbuilding01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round_flicker3
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/round.tga
red ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round_flicker4
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/round.tga
red ( slowstart_one_zero [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( slowstart_one_zero [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( slowstart_one_zero [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round_flicker_davepulse01
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/round.tga
red ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/warning_light_cc
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroClamp lights/squareishlight.tga
red 1 * guiLightTable[ time * 2]
green 0 * guiLightTable[ time ]
blue 0 * guiLightTable[ time ]
material lights/warning_light_decomchamber
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroClamp lights/squareishlight.tga
red 0.87 * guiLightTable[ time ]
green 0.6 * guiLightTable[ time ]
blue 0.31 * guiLightTable[ time ]
material lights/ambientocclusion
ambientOcclusionLight // works identical to a blendlight but draws at a different time
lightFalloffImage lights/squarelight1a
lightProjectionMap lights/squarelight1
red 1
green 1
blue 1
material lights/round_shortfade
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/round_shortfade.tga
material lights/squarelight_shortfade
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/squarelight_shortfade.tga
material lights/squarelight_shortfade_grate
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/squarelight_shortfade_grate.tga
material lights/flashlight
lightFalloffImage lights/flashlightfalloff.tga
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/flashlight5.tga
material lights/grate6
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/grate6.tga
material lights/grate6_flicker01
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/grate6.tga
red ((.25 * gratetable01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm0
green ((.25 * gratetable01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm1
blue ((.25 * gratetable01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm2
material lights/highlights
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/highlight.tga
material lights/fangrate_nonmoving
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/fangrate.tga
material lights/fanlightgrate_slow
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/fanblade.tga
rotate time * -0.2
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/fangrate.tga
material lights/fanlightgrate_fast
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/fanblade.tga
rotate time * -1
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/fangrate.tga
// used on the light poles in Slipgate
material lights/strogg_light_pole
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/strogg_light_pole.tga
material lights/triangle1
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/triangle1.tga
material lights/triangle2
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/triangle2.tga
material lights/triangle2_davepulse01
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/triangle2.tga
red ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( davepulse01 [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/double_light
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/double_light.tga
material lights/double_light_neon
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/double_light.tga
red neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm0
green neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm1
blue neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm2
material lights/squareishlight_neon
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/squareishlight.tga
red neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm0
green neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm1
blue neon_sign02[ time * 0.1 ] * Parm2
material lights/double_light2
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/double_light2.tga
material lights/double_light3
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/double_light3.tga
material lights/double_light_grilled
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/double_light_grilled.tga
material lights/round_fire
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/round.tga
red ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round_fire2
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/round.tga
red ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round2_fire
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/round2.tga
red ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( firetable2 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/round2_fire2
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/round2.tga
red ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( firetable3 [Parm4 + (time * (0.2 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/cc_grill2
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp picmip -1 lights/cc_grill2.tga
material lights/cc_grill
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/cc_grill.tga
material lights/cc_panels
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/cc_panels.tga
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/cc_panels.tga
red ((.25 * cc_panels01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm0
green ((.25 * cc_panels01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm1
blue ((.25 * cc_panels01 [Parm4 + (time * (25 * Parm3)) ]) +.25) * Parm2
material lights/keycard_light
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/keycard_light.tga
material lights/enercell_light
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroClamp lights/squareishlight.tga
red 1 * guiLightTable[ time *0.5 ]
green .5 * guiLightTable[ time *0.5 ]
blue 0 * guiLightTable[ time ]
material lights/caustics
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/caustics.tga
useTemplate templates/materials/animate <16,1.0>
//scale 1 / 16, 1
//scroll caustics [ (time + parm4 ) * ( 1 / 1.0 ) ], 0
material lights/squarelight1_flicker
lightProjectionMap forceHighQuality zeroClamp lights/squarelight1.tga
rgb flickerblink[ time * 1 ]
material lights/squareishlight_flicker1
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/squareishlight.tga
red ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm0
green ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm1
blue ( subtle_slow_pulse [Parm4 + (time * (0.1 * Parm3)) ]) * Parm2
material lights/square_grill
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/bump1.tga
material lights/newalphagrate3b
lightProjectionMap highQuality zeroclamp lights/newalphagrate3b.tga