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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "PropertyTraits.h"
#ifndef __PROPERTIES_H__
#define __PROPERTIES_H__
namespace sdProperties {
class sdPropertyValueBase {
sdPropertyValueBase() {
flags.callbackEnabled = true;
flags.validationEnabled = true;
flags.readOnly = false;
sdPropertyValueBase( const sdPropertyValueBase& rhs ) {
flags.callbackEnabled = rhs.flags.callbackEnabled;
flags.validationEnabled = rhs.flags.validationEnabled ;
flags.readOnly = rhs.flags.readOnly;
virtual ~sdPropertyValueBase() {}
void SetValidationEnabled( bool validationEnabled ) { flags.validationEnabled = validationEnabled; }
void SetCallbackEnabled( bool callbackEnabled ) { flags.callbackEnabled = callbackEnabled; }
void SetReadOnly( bool readOnly ) { flags.readOnly = readOnly; }
bool IsValidationEnabled() const { return flags.validationEnabled; }
bool IsCallbackEnabled() const { return flags.callbackEnabled; }
bool IsReadOnly() const { return flags.readOnly; }
struct flags_t {
bool callbackEnabled : 1;
bool validationEnabled : 1;
bool readOnly : 1;
} flags;
class sdPropertyValue
typedef sdUtility::sdHandle< int, -1 > CallbackHandle;
template< class T >
class sdPropertyValue :
public sdPropertyValueBase {
typedef sdPropertyTraits< T > Traits;
typedef T ValueType;
typedef sdFunctions::sdCallable< void( typename Traits::ConstParameter, typename Traits::ConstParameter ) > CallbackTarget;
typedef sdFunctions::sdCallable< bool( typename Traits::ConstParameter ) > ValidatorCallbackTarget;
typedef sdFunctions::sdCallable< void( typename Traits::ConstParameter ) > Setter;
typedef sdFunctions::sdCallable< typename Traits::Reference() > Getter;
ValueType value;
sdPropertyValue() {}
sdPropertyValue( typename Traits::ConstParameter ref ) :
value( ref ), onChange( 1 ), onValidate( 1 ) {}
sdPropertyValue( const sdPropertyValue< T >& rhs ) :
value( rhs.value ),
onChange( 1 ),
onValidate( 1 ),
sdPropertyValueBase( rhs ) {
bool operator==( const sdPropertyValue< T >& rhs ) const;
bool operator==( const T& rhs ) const;
bool operator!=( const sdPropertyValue< T >& rhs ) const;
bool operator!=( const T& rhs ) const;
void Set( const char* rhs );
sdPropertyValue< T >& operator=( const sdPropertyValue< T >& rhs );
sdPropertyValue< T >& operator=( typename Traits::ConstParameter rhs );
bool Validate( typename Traits::ConstParameter rhs ) const;
template< class ST > void SetIndex( int index, ST value );
operator typename sdPropertyValue< T >::Traits::ConstReference() const;
typename sdPropertyValue< T >::Traits::ConstReference GetValue() const;
CallbackHandle AddOnChangeHandler( CallbackTarget newCallback );
void RemoveOnChangeHandler( CallbackHandle& handle );
CallbackHandle AddValidator( ValidatorCallbackTarget newCallback );
void RemoveValidator( CallbackHandle& handle );
void SetGranularity( int onChange, int onValidate ) {
this->onChange.SetGranularity( onChange );
this->onValidate.SetGranularity( onValidate );
void NumAttached( int& onChange, int& onValidate ) {
onChange = this->onChange.Num();
onValidate = this->onValidate.Num();
idList< CallbackTarget > onChange; // these should always be checked, since they can be freed, but still left in the list
idList< ValidatorCallbackTarget > onValidate; // these should always be checked, since they can be freed, but still left in the list
class sdProperty
class sdProperty {
sdProperty() : valueType( PT_INVALID ) {
value.baseValue = NULL;
sdProperty( sdPropertyValueBase& value, const ePropertyType& t ) :
valueType( t ) {
this->value.baseValue = static_cast< sdPropertyValueBase* >( &value );
~sdProperty() {}
union propertyValues_t {
sdPropertyValueBase* baseValue;
sdPropertyValue< idStr >* stringValue;
sdPropertyValue< idWStr >* wstringValue;
sdPropertyValue< int >* intValue;
sdPropertyValue< float >* floatValue;
sdPropertyValue< bool >* boolValue;
sdPropertyValue< idVec2 >* vec2Value;
sdPropertyValue< idVec3 >* vec3Value;
sdPropertyValue< idVec4 >* vec4Value;
sdPropertyValue< sdColor3 >* color3Value;
sdPropertyValue< sdColor4 >* color4Value;
sdPropertyValue< idAngles >* anglesValue;
} value;
bool IsValid() const { return value.baseValue != NULL; }
bool IsReadOnly() const { return value.baseValue->IsReadOnly(); }
const char* TypeToString() const { return TypeToString( valueType ); }
ePropertyType GetValueType() const { return valueType; }
static const char* TypeToString( int type ) {
if( type < 0 || type >= PT_NUM ) {
return "<<INVALID TYPE>>";
return propertyTypeStrings[ type ];
void NumAttached( int& onChange, int& onValidate ) const {
switch( valueType ) {
case PT_INT: value.intValue-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_FLOAT: value.floatValue-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_BOOL: value.boolValue-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_STRING: value.stringValue-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_WSTRING: value.wstringValue->NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_VEC2: value.vec2Value-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_VEC3: value.vec3Value-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_VEC4: value.vec4Value-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_COLOR3: value.color3Value-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_COLOR4: value.color4Value-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
case PT_ANGLES: value.anglesValue-> NumAttached( onChange, onValidate ); break;
void RemoveOnChangeHandler( CallbackHandle handle ) {
switch( valueType ) {
case PT_INT: value.intValue-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_FLOAT: value.floatValue-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_BOOL: value.boolValue-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_STRING: value.stringValue-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_WSTRING: value.wstringValue->RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_VEC2: value.vec2Value-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_VEC3: value.vec3Value-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_VEC4: value.vec4Value-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_COLOR3: value.color3Value-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_COLOR4: value.color4Value-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
case PT_ANGLES: value.anglesValue-> RemoveOnChangeHandler( handle ); break;
friend class sdPropertyHandler;
void Init( sdPropertyValueBase& value, const ePropertyType& t ) {
valueType = t;
this->value.baseValue = static_cast< sdPropertyValueBase* >( &value );
ePropertyType valueType;
class sdPropertyHandler
class sdPropertyHandler {
sdPropertyHandler() {
properties.InitHash( 16, 16 );
properties.SetGranularity( 16 );
~sdPropertyHandler() {
typedef sdHashMapGeneric< idStr, sdProperty*, sdHashCompareStrIcmp > propertyHashMap_t;
typedef propertyHashMap_t::Pair propertyPair_t;
template< class T >
sdProperty* RegisterProperty( const char* name, sdPropertyValue< T >& value ) {
typedef sdPropertyTypeTraits< T > typeTraits;
if( sdProperty* prop = GetProperty( name, static_cast< ePropertyType >( typeTraits::tag ), false )) {
return prop;
const char* canonicalName = MakeCanonical( name );
sdProperty* ret = propertyAllocator.Alloc();
ret->Init( value, static_cast< ePropertyType >( typeTraits::tag ) );
properties.Set( canonicalName, ret );
if ( GetProperty( canonicalName, sdProperties::PT_INVALID, true ) != ret ) {
assert( false );
return ret;
void Remove( const char* name );
const char* NameForProperty( sdProperty* property ) {
propertyHashMap_t::Iterator iter = properties.Begin();
for ( iter; iter != properties.End(); ++iter ) {
if ( ( *iter ).second == property ) {
return ( *iter ).first.c_str();
return NULL;
void Clear() {
propertyHashMap_t::Iterator iter = properties.Begin();
for ( iter; iter != properties.End(); ++iter ) {
propertyAllocator.Free( iter->second );
int Num() const;
propertyPair_t GetProperty( int index ) const;
sdProperty* GetProperty( const char* name, ePropertyType type, bool warnIfNotFound = true ) const;
void SetCallbacksEnabled( bool callbacksEnabled );
void SetReadOnly( bool readOnly );
static void Init() {}
static void Shutdown() { propertyAllocator.Shutdown(); }
sdPropertyHandler( const sdPropertyHandler& rhs );
sdPropertyHandler& operator=( const sdPropertyHandler& rhs );
const char* MakeCanonical( const char* name ) const;
sdHashMapGeneric< idStr, sdProperty*, sdHashCompareStrIcmp > properties;
mutable idStr canonicalName;
static idBlockAlloc< sdProperty, 64 > propertyAllocator;
template< class T >
class sdDisablePropertyCallbacks {
sdDisablePropertyCallbacks( sdPropertyValue< T >& property_ ) : property( property_ ) {
oldState = property.IsCallbackEnabled();
property.SetCallbackEnabled( false );
~sdDisablePropertyCallbacks() {
property.SetCallbackEnabled( oldState );
bool oldState;
sdPropertyValue< T >& property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< bool > sdBoolProperty;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< float > sdFloatProperty;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< int > sdIntProperty;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idVec2 > sdVec2Property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idVec3 > sdVec3Property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idVec4 > sdVec4Property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< sdColor3 > sdColor3Property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< sdColor4 > sdColor4Property;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idStr > sdStringProperty;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idWStr > sdWStringProperty;
typedef sdProperties::sdPropertyValue< idAngles > sdAnglesProperty;
#endif /* ! __PROPERTIES_H__ */