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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __CALLABLE_H__
#define __CALLABLE_H__
namespace sdFunctions {
class sdEmptyType {};
extern const char sdBinderMember0_Identifier[];
template< class RetType, class T, class Func, class T1 = sdEmptyType, class T2 = sdEmptyType, class T3 = sdEmptyType >
class sdBinderMember0 /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdBinderMember0, sdBinderMember0_Identifier > */{
sdBinderMember0() : obj( NULL ) {}
sdBinderMember0( Func func_, T* obj_ ) : obj( obj_ ) { function = func_; }
RetType operator()() { return ((*obj).*function)(); }
RetType operator()( T1 arg1) { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1 ); }
RetType operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 ) { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1, arg2 ); }
RetType operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3 ) { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); }
Func function;
T* obj;
template< class RetType, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T, class Func >
ID_INLINE sdBinderMember0< RetType, T, Func, T1, T2, T3 > sdBindMem0( Func func, T* obj ) { return sdBinderMember0< RetType, T, Func, T1, T2, T3 >( func, obj ); }
extern const char sdBinderMember1_Identifier[];
template< class RetType, class T, class Func, class T1 = sdEmptyType, class T2 = sdEmptyType, class T3 = sdEmptyType >
class sdBinderMember1 /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdBinderMember1, sdBinderMember1_Identifier > */ {
sdBinderMember1() : obj( NULL ) {}
sdBinderMember1( Func func_, T* obj_, T1 arg1_ ) : arg1( arg1_ ), obj( obj_ ) { function = func_; }
RetType operator()() { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1 ); }
RetType operator()( T2 arg2 ) { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1, arg2 ); }
RetType operator()( T2 arg2, T3 arg3 ) { return ((*obj).*function)( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); }
T1 arg1;
Func function;
T* obj;
template< class RetType, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T, class Func >
ID_INLINE sdBinderMember1< RetType, T, Func, T1, T2, T3 > sdBindMem1( Func func, T* obj, T1 arg1 ) { return sdBinderMember1< RetType, T, Func, T1, T2, T3 >( func, obj, arg1 ); }
template< class Ret >
class sdCallableBase0 {
virtual ~sdCallableBase0() {}
virtual Ret operator()() const = 0;
virtual sdCallableBase0< Ret >* Clone() const = 0;
template< class Ret, class T1 >
class sdCallableBase1 {
virtual ~sdCallableBase1() {}
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1 ) const = 0;
virtual sdCallableBase1< Ret, T1 >* Clone() const = 0;
template< class Ret, class T1, class T2 >
class sdCallableBase2 {
virtual ~sdCallableBase2() {}
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 ) const = 0;
virtual sdCallableBase2< Ret, T1, T2 >* Clone() const = 0;
template< class Ret, class T1, class T2, class T3 >
class sdCallableBase3 {
virtual ~sdCallableBase3() {}
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3 ) const = 0;
virtual sdCallableBase3< Ret, T1, T2, T3 >* Clone() const = 0;
extern const char sdCallableCaller0_Identifier[];
template< class Func, class Ret >
class sdCallableCaller0 :
public sdCallableBase0< Ret >/*,
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallableCaller0< Func, Ret >, sdCallableCaller0_Identifier > */{
sdCallableCaller0( Func f ) : function( f ) {}
virtual ~sdCallableCaller0() {}
mutable Func function;
virtual Ret operator()() const { return function(); }
virtual sdCallableBase0< Ret >* Clone() const { return new sdCallableCaller0( function ); }
template< class Func = sdEmptyType, class R = sdEmptyType, class T1 = sdEmptyType >
class sdCallableCaller1;
extern const char sdCallableCaller1_Identifier[];
template< class Func, class Ret, class T1 >
class sdCallableCaller1 :
public sdCallableBase1< Ret, T1 >/*,
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallableCaller1< Func, Ret, T1 >, sdCallableCaller1_Identifier > */{
sdCallableCaller1( Func f ) : function( f ) {}
virtual ~sdCallableCaller1() {}
mutable Func function;
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1 ) const { return function( arg1 ); }
virtual sdCallableBase1< Ret, T1 >* Clone() const { return new sdCallableCaller1( function ); }
template< class Func = sdEmptyType, class R = sdEmptyType, class T1 = sdEmptyType, class T2 = sdEmptyType >
class sdCallableCaller2;
extern const char sdCallableCaller2_Identifier[];
template< class Func, class Ret, class T1, class T2 >
class sdCallableCaller2 :
public sdCallableBase2< Ret, T1, T2 >/*,
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallableCaller2< Func, Ret, T1, T2 >, sdCallableCaller2_Identifier >*/ {
sdCallableCaller2( Func f ) : function( f ) {}
virtual ~sdCallableCaller2() {}
mutable Func function;
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 ) const { return function( arg1, arg2 ); }
virtual sdCallableBase2< Ret, T1, T2 >* Clone() const { return new sdCallableCaller2( function ); }
template< class Func = sdEmptyType, class R = sdEmptyType, class T1 = sdEmptyType, class T2 = sdEmptyType , class T3 = sdEmptyType >
class sdCallableCaller3;
extern const char sdCallableCaller3_Identifier[];
template< class Func, class Ret, class T1, class T2, class T3 >
class sdCallableCaller3 :
public sdCallableBase3< Ret, T1, T2, T3 >/*,
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallableCaller3< Func, Ret, T1, T2, T3 >, sdCallableCaller3_Identifier > */{
sdCallableCaller3( Func f ) : function( f ) {}
virtual ~sdCallableCaller3() {}
mutable Func function;
virtual Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3 ) const { return function( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); }
virtual sdCallableBase3< Ret, T1, T2, T3 >* Clone() const { return new sdCallableCaller3( function ); }
template< class Ret, class T1 = sdEmptyType, class T2 = sdEmptyType, class T3 = sdEmptyType >
class sdCallable {};
extern const char sdCallableNoParms_Identifier[];
template< class Ret >
class sdCallable< Ret() > /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallable< Ret() >, sdCallableNoParms_Identifier > */{
sdCallable() : function( NULL ) {}
~sdCallable() { Release(); }
template< class Func >
sdCallable( Func f ) : function( NULL ) {
function = new sdCallableCaller0< Func, Ret >( f );
sdCallable& operator=( const sdCallable& f ) {
if( f.function ) {
function = f.function->Clone();
return *this;
sdCallable( const sdCallable& rhs ) : function( NULL ) {
*this = rhs;
Ret operator()() const {
return (*function)();
void Release() {
delete function;
function = NULL;
bool IsValid() const { return function != NULL; }
mutable sdCallableBase0< Ret >* function;
sdCallable< Ret( T1 ) >
extern const char sdCallableOneParm_Identifier[];
template< class Ret, class T1 >
class sdCallable< Ret( T1 ) > /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallable< Ret( T1 ) >, sdCallableOneParm_Identifier > */{
sdCallable() : function( NULL ) {}
~sdCallable() { Release(); }
template< class Func >
sdCallable( Func f ) : function( NULL ) {
function = new sdCallableCaller1< Func, Ret, T1 >( f );
sdCallable& operator=( const sdCallable& f ) {
if( f.function ) {
function = f.function->Clone();
return *this;
sdCallable( const sdCallable& rhs ) : function( NULL ) {
*this = rhs;
Ret operator()( T1 arg1 ) const {
return (*function)( arg1 );
void Release() {
delete function;
function = NULL;
bool IsValid() const { return function != NULL; }
mutable sdCallableBase1< Ret, T1 >* function;
sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2 ) >
extern const char sdCallableTwoParms_Identifier[];
template< class Ret, class T1, class T2 >
class sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2 ) > /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2 ) >, sdCallableTwoParms_Identifier > */{
sdCallable() : function( NULL ) {}
~sdCallable() { Release(); }
template< class Func >
sdCallable( Func f ) : function( NULL ) {
function = new sdCallableCaller2< Func, Ret, T1, T2 >( f );
sdCallable& operator=( const sdCallable& f ) {
if( f.function ) {
function = f.function->Clone();
return *this;
sdCallable( const sdCallable& rhs ) : function( NULL ) {
*this = rhs;
Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2 ) const {
return (*function)( arg1, arg2 );
void Release() {
delete function;
function = NULL;
bool IsValid() const { return function != NULL; }
mutable sdCallableBase2< Ret, T1, T2 >* function;
sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2, T3 ) >
extern const char sdCallableThreeParms_Identifier[];
template< class Ret, class T1, class T2, class T3 >
class sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2, T3 ) > /*:
public sdPoolAllocator< sdCallable< Ret( T1, T2, T3 ) >, sdCallableThreeParms_Identifier > */{
sdCallable() : function( NULL ) {}
~sdCallable() { Release(); }
template< class Func >
sdCallable( Func f ) : function( NULL ) {
function = new sdCallableCaller3< Func, Ret, T1, T2, T3 >( f );
sdCallable& operator=( const sdCallable& f ) {
if( f.function ) {
function = f.function->Clone();
return *this;
sdCallable( const sdCallable& rhs ) : function( NULL ) {
*this = rhs;
Ret operator()( T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3 ) const {
return (*function)( arg1, arg2, arg3 );
void Release() {
delete function;
function = NULL;
bool IsValid() const { return function != NULL; }
mutable sdCallableBase3< Ret, T1, T2, T3 >* function;
// jrad - from boost...keep msvc from stripping const by indirecting like mad
// we don't seem to need this unless we want to extract the type back out...which we don't :)
// if we ever do, we need to change the &t in the sdReferenceWrapper constructor to addressof( t )
template< typename T > struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer
typedef typename remove_reference< T >::type no_ref_type;
typedef no_ref_type* type;
template <typename T> typename
add_pointer< T >::type addressof( T& t ) {
return reinterpret_cast< T* >( &const_cast< char& >( reinterpret_cast< const volatile char & >( t )));
template< class T >
class sdReferenceWrapper {
explicit sdReferenceWrapper( T& t) : _t( &t /* addressof( t ) */ ) {}
operator T&() const { return *_t; }
T* _t;
template< class T >
ID_INLINE sdReferenceWrapper< T > sdRef( T& t ) { return sdReferenceWrapper< T >( t ); }
template< class T >
ID_INLINE sdReferenceWrapper< T const > const sdCRef( T const & t ) { return sdReferenceWrapper< T const >( t ); }
}// namespace sdCallable
#endif // __CALLABLE_H__