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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "Script_Program.h"
#define MAX_STACK_DEPTH 32
#define LOCALSTACK_SIZE 6144
class idThread;
class idVarDef;
typedef struct prstack_s {
int s;
const function_t* f;
int stackbase;
} prstack_t;
class idInterpreter {
prstack_t callStack[ MAX_STACK_DEPTH ];
int callStackDepth;
byte* localstack;
int localstackSize;
int localstackUsed;
int localstackBase;
const function_t* currentFunction;
int instructionPointer;
int popParms;
int expectedReturnType;
idThread* thread;
idProgram* program;
void AssureStack( int size );
void PopParms( int numParms );
void PushString( const char *string );
void PushWString( const wchar_t *string );
void Push( int value );
const char *FloatToString( float value );
const wchar_t *FloatToWString( float value );
void AppendString( idVarDef *def, const char *from );
void SetString( idVarDef *def, const char *from );
const char *GetString( idVarDef *def );
void SetWString( idVarDef *def, const wchar_t *from );
const wchar_t *GetWString( idVarDef *def );
varEval_t GetVariable( idVarDef *def );
idScriptObject *GetScriptObject( int entnum ) const;
void NextInstruction( int position );
void LeaveFunction( idVarDef *returnDef );
void CallSysEvent( const function_t *func, int argsize );
void SetExpectedReturn( int type ) { expectedReturnType = type; }
int GetExpectedReturn( void ) { return expectedReturnType; }
void CallEvent( const function_t *func, int argsize );
int GetStackSize( void ) const { return localstackSize; }
bool doneProcessing;
bool threadDying;
bool terminateOnExit;
~idInterpreter( void );
void Init( idProgram* _program ) { program = _program; }
void SetThread( idThread *pThread );
void StackTrace( void ) const;
int CurrentLine( void ) const;
const char *CurrentFile( void ) const;
void Error( const char *fmt, ... ) const;
void Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) const;
void DisplayInfo( void ) const;
void ThreadCall( idInterpreter *source, const function_t *func, int args );
void EnterFunction( const function_t *func, bool clearStack );
void EnterObjectFunction( idScriptObject* object, const function_t *func, bool clearStack );
bool Execute( void );
void Reset( void );
int GetCallstackDepth( void ) const;
const prstack_t *GetCallstack( void ) const;
const function_t *GetCurrentFunction( void ) const;
idThread *GetThread( void ) const;
void PushParm( int value );
void PushParm( const char* string );
static int s_stackHigh;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::PopParms( int numParms ) {
// pop our parms off the stack
if ( localstackUsed < numParms ) {
Error( "locals stack underflow" );
localstackUsed -= numParms;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::AssureStack( int size ) {
const int STACK_SIZE_GROW = 1024;
if ( size <= localstackSize ) {
int newStackSize = localstackSize + STACK_SIZE_GROW;
assert( size <= newStackSize );
byte* newStack = program->AllocStack( newStackSize );
if ( localstack != NULL ) {
memcpy( newStack, localstack, localstackSize );
memset( &newStack[ localstackSize ], 0, STACK_SIZE_GROW );
program->FreeStack( localstack, localstackSize );
localstack = newStack;
localstackSize = newStackSize;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::Push( int value ) {
AssureStack( localstackUsed + sizeof( int ) );
*( int * )&localstack[ localstackUsed ] = value;
localstackUsed += sizeof( int );
if ( localstackUsed > s_stackHigh ) {
s_stackHigh = localstackUsed;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::PushParm( int value ) {
Push( value );
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::PushParm( const char* string ) {
PushString( string );
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::PushString( const char *string ) {
AssureStack( localstackUsed + MAX_STRING_LEN );
idStr::Copynz( ( char * )&localstack[ localstackUsed ], string, MAX_STRING_LEN );
localstackUsed += MAX_STRING_LEN;
if ( localstackUsed > s_stackHigh ) {
s_stackHigh = localstackUsed;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::PushWString( const wchar_t *string ) {
AssureStack( localstackUsed + ( MAX_STRING_LEN * sizeof( wchar_t ) ) );
idWStr::Copynz( ( wchar_t * )&localstack[ localstackUsed ], string, MAX_STRING_LEN );
localstackUsed += MAX_STRING_LEN * sizeof( wchar_t );
if ( localstackUsed > s_stackHigh ) {
s_stackHigh = localstackUsed;
ID_INLINE const char *idInterpreter::FloatToString( float value ) {
static char text[ 32 ];
if ( value == ( float )( int )value ) {
idStr::snPrintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%d", ( int )value );
} else {
idStr::snPrintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%f", value );
return text;
ID_INLINE const wchar_t *idInterpreter::FloatToWString( float value ) {
static wchar_t text[ 32 ];
if ( value == ( float )( int )value ) {
idWStr::snPrintf( text, sizeof( text ) / sizeof( wchar_t ), L"%d", ( int )value );
} else {
idWStr::snPrintf( text, sizeof( text ) / sizeof( wchar_t ), L"%f", value );
return text;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::AppendString( idVarDef *def, const char *from ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
idStr::Append( ( char * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ], MAX_STRING_LEN, from );
} else {
idStr::Append( def->value.stringPtr, MAX_STRING_LEN, from );
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::SetString( idVarDef *def, const char *from ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
idStr::Copynz( ( char * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ], from, MAX_STRING_LEN );
} else {
idStr::Copynz( def->value.stringPtr, from, MAX_STRING_LEN );
ID_INLINE const char *idInterpreter::GetString( idVarDef *def ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
return ( char * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ];
} else {
return def->value.stringPtr;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::SetWString( idVarDef *def, const wchar_t *from ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
idWStr::Copynz( ( wchar_t * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ], from, MAX_STRING_LEN );
} else {
idWStr::Copynz( def->value.wstringPtr, from, MAX_STRING_LEN );
ID_INLINE const wchar_t *idInterpreter::GetWString( idVarDef *def ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
return ( wchar_t * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ];
} else {
return def->value.wstringPtr;
ID_INLINE varEval_t idInterpreter::GetVariable( idVarDef *def ) {
if ( def->settings.initialized == idVarDef::stackVariable ) {
varEval_t val;
val.intPtr = ( int * )&localstack[ localstackBase + def->value.stackOffset ];
return val;
} else {
return def->value;
ID_INLINE void idInterpreter::NextInstruction( int position ) {
// Before we execute an instruction, we increment instructionPointer,
// therefore we need to compensate for that here.
instructionPointer = position - 1;
#endif /* !__SCRIPT_INTERPRETER_H__ */