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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "../../sdnet/SDNetStatsManager.h"
class sdDeclProficiencyItem;
class sdUserInterfaceLocal;
class sdDeclItemPackage;
class idPlayer;
class sdDeclRank;
class sdPersistentRankInfo {
struct classValue_t {
float value;
float max;
class sdRankInstance {
class sdBadge {
idList< classValue_t > taskValues;
bool complete;
int completeTasks;
idList< sdBadge > badges;
class sdBadge {
sdBadge() : level( 0 ), alwaysAvailable( false ) {
class sdTask {
sdTask( void ) {
total = 0.f;
void Clear( void ) {
fields.SetNum( 0, false );
idStrList fields;
idStr text;
float total;
idList< sdTask > tasks;
idStr category;
idStr title;
int level;
bool alwaysAvailable;
bool Parse( idParser& src );
void Clear( void );
void CreateData( const idHashIndex& hash, const sdNetStatKeyValList& list, sdRankInstance& data );
const idList< sdBadge >& GetBadges() const { return badges; }
bool ParseBadge( idParser& src );
float FindData( const char* key, const idHashIndex& hash, const sdNetStatKeyValList& list );
idList< sdBadge > badges;
class sdProficiencyTable {
class sdNetworkData {
sdNetworkData( void );
void MakeDefault( void );
void Write( idFile* file ) const;
void Read( idFile* file );
idList< float > points;
idList< float > basePoints;
idList< int > spawnLevels;
bool fixedRank;
int fixedRankIndex;
sdProficiencyTable( void );
~sdProficiencyTable( void );
void Init( int _clientNum ) { clientNum = _clientNum; }
void SetProficiency( int index, float amount );
void AddProficiency( int index, float amount );
void Clear( bool all );
float GetXP( void ) const { return xp; }
float GetPoints( int index ) const { return points[ index ]; }
float GetPointsSinceBase( int index ) const { return points[ index ] - basePoints[ index ]; }
void ResetToBasePoints( void );
int GetLevel( int index ) const { return levels[ index ]; }
int GetSpawnLevel( int index ) const { return spawnLevels[ index ]; }
const sdDeclRank* GetRank( void ) const { return rank; }
float GetPercent( int index ) const;
void SetFixedRank( const sdDeclRank* _rank ) { rank = _rank; fixedRank = true; }
void StoreBasePoints( void );
void SetSpawnLevels( void );
void ApplyNetworkState( const sdNetworkData& newData );
void ReadNetworkState( const sdNetworkData& baseData, sdNetworkData& newData, const idBitMsg& msg ) const;
void WriteNetworkState( const sdNetworkData& baseData, sdNetworkData& newData, idBitMsg& msg ) const;
bool CheckNetworkStateChanges( const sdNetworkData& baseData ) const;
void UpdateXP( void );
void UpdateLevel( int index );
void UpdateLevels( void );
void UpdateRank( void );
int clientNum;
idList< float > points;
idList< float > basePoints; // points at start of map
idList< int > levels;
idList< int > spawnLevels; // levels when the player spawned
float xp;
const sdDeclRank* rank;
bool fixedRank;
class sdProficiencyManagerLocal {
static const int MAX_CACHED_PROFICIENCY = 128;
struct cachedProficiency_t {
int cachedTime;
sdNetClientId clientId;
int ip;
sdProficiencyTable table;
sdProficiencyManagerLocal( void );
~sdProficiencyManagerLocal( void );
void GiveMissionProficiency( sdPlayerTask* task, float count );
void GiveProficiency( const sdDeclProficiencyItem* item, idPlayer* player, float scale = 1.f, sdPlayerTask* task = NULL, const char* reason = NULL );
void GiveProficiency( int index, float count, idPlayer* player, float scale, const char* reason );
void CacheProficiency( idPlayer* player );
void RestoreProficiency( idPlayer* player );
void ClearProficiency( void );
void StoreBasePoints( void );
void ResetToBasePoints( void );
void Init( void );
void Shutdown( void );
void DumpProficiencyData( void );
void LogProficiency( const char* name, float count );
static bool ReadRankInfo( sdPersistentRankInfo& rankInfo );
cachedProficiency_t& FindFreeCacheSlot( void );
cachedProficiency_t* FindCachedProficiency( idPlayer* player );
void RemoveCacheEntry( cachedProficiency_t* entry );
struct proficiencyData_t {
idStr name;
int count;
float total;
idHashIndex loggedDataHash;
idList< proficiencyData_t > loggedDataList;
idStaticList< cachedProficiency_t, MAX_CACHED_PROFICIENCY > cachedTables;
typedef sdSingleton< sdProficiencyManagerLocal > sdProficiencyManager;