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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#ifndef __GAME_WAKES_H__
#define __GAME_WAKES_H__
#include "HardcodedParticleSystem.h"
struct sdWakeParms {
static const int MAX_POINTS = 4;
const idMaterial *centerMat;
const idMaterial *edgeMat;
idVec2 centerWidths;
idVec2 edgeWidths;
idVec2 centerScales;
idVec2 edgeScales;
idVec2 centerTexCoord;
idVec2 edgeTexCoord;
int maxVisDist;
int numPoints;
idVec3 points[MAX_POINTS];
idVec3 normals[MAX_POINTS];
bool noWake;
void ParseFromDict( const idDict &spawnArgs );
struct sdWakeNode {
int spawnTime;
bool breakWake;// Start a new subwake from here
float alpha;
class sdWakeLayer {
static const int MAX_NODES = 64;
idDrawVert *triangleVerts;
int firstVert; //Index of first vertex in the triangle list where this layer can write to
int numNodes;
int firstNode;
sdWakeNode nodes[MAX_NODES];
// Tweakables
float lifeTime; //Nodes die after this amount of time
float posWidth; //With of "positive side" of the curve normal
float negWidth; //With of "positive side" of the curve normal
float posCurScale; //Scale curvature by this value to modulate the width the positive side
float negCurScale; //Scale curvature by this value to modulate the width the negative side
float texNeg; //Texture coordinate to use on the negative side
float texPos; //Texture coordinate to use on the positive side
// These update on the go
float texOfs; // How far have we traveled "in curve parameter space"
float negScale;
float posScale;
idVec3 lastOrigin; // Origin of last "node" call
idVec3 lastDeriv; // First order derivative of last node
int AddToBack( sdWakeNode &node );
void PopFront();
int RemapIndex( int index );
sdWakeNode &GetNode( int index );
sdWakeLayer( void );
void Init( idDrawVert *triangleVerts, int firstVertex );
void AddNode( const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &emitLeft, float alpha );
void Update( struct srfTriangles_t *triangles );
void Break( void );
void SetWidths( float negWidth, float posWidth ) { this->posWidth = posWidth; this->negWidth = negWidth; }
void SetTexCoords( float texNeg, float texPos ) { this->texNeg = texNeg; this->texPos = texPos; }
void SetCurvatureScales( float negCurScale, float posCurScale ) { this->posCurScale = posCurScale; this->negCurScale = negCurScale; }
int NumNodes( void ) ;
class sdWake : public sdHardcodedParticleSystem {
static const int MAX_POINTS = 4;
idVec3 minPoint;
idVec3 maxPoint;
int nextNodeTime;
idList< idDrawVert > triangleVerts[2];
// srfTriangles_t * GetTriSurf( int index ) { return renderEntity.hModel->Surface( index )->geometry; }
// int NumSurfaces( void ) { return renderEntity.hModel->NumSurfaces(); }
sdWakeLayer layer[MAX_POINTS];
sdWakeLayer layer3;
int numPoints;
idVec3 points[MAX_POINTS];
idVec3 normals[MAX_POINTS];
bool stopped;
int ticket;
void AddPoint( const idVec3 &point );
void ClearPoints( void );
sdWake( void );
void Init( const sdWakeParms &params, int ticket );
void Update( const idVec3 &forward, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis );
void Update( void );
void Break( void );
bool HasStopped( void );
int GetTicket() { return ticket; }
#define MAX_WAKES 50
class sdWakeManagerLocal {
int numWakes;
int ticket;
sdWake *wakes;
sdWakeManagerLocal() : wakes(NULL), numWakes(0) {}
void Init( void );
void Deinit( void );
unsigned int AllocateWake( const sdWakeParms &params );
bool UpdateWake( unsigned int handle, const idVec3 &forward, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis );
void BreakWake( unsigned int wake );
void Think( void );
typedef sdSingleton< sdWakeManagerLocal > sdWakeManager;
#endif //__GAME_WAKES_H__