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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2007 Id Software, Inc.
#include "AnimatedEntity.h"
#include "interfaces/RadarInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/ResupplyInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/GuiInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/NetworkInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/CrosshairInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/CommandmapInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/DeployControl.h"
#include "interfaces/TaskInterface.h"
#include "interfaces/UsableInterface.h"
#include "Weapon.h"
#include "structures/TeamManager.h"
#include "botai/Bot_Common.h"
#include "effects/WaterEffects.h"
const static int MAX_SCRIPTENTITY_PATHPOINTS = 128;
class sdScriptedEntityHelper;
class sdScriptEntity;
class sdPredictionErrorDecay_Origin;
class sdPredictionErrorDecay_Angles;
class sdMotorSound {
void Init( gameSoundChannel_t _channel, idEntity* _entity );
void Start( const idSoundShader* shader );
void Update( float desiredValue );
idEntity* entity;
gameSoundChannel_t channel;
float value;
float inrate;
float outrate;
float low;
float high;
float volume;
bool active;
const idSoundShader*shader;
class sdMotorSoundGroup {
void Init( idEntity* _entity ) { entity = _entity; }
~sdMotorSoundGroup( void );
sdMotorSound* Alloc( void );
idEntity* entity;
idList< sdMotorSound* > sounds;
static idBlockAlloc< sdMotorSound, 64 > s_allocator;
class sdScriptedRadarInterface {
typedef sdPair< sdTeamInfo*, sdTeamInfo::sdRadarLayer* > sdLayer;
sdScriptedRadarInterface( void ) { ; }
~sdScriptedRadarInterface( void ) { FreeLayers(); }
int AllocRadarLayer( sdTeamInfo* team );
int AllocJammerLayer( sdTeamInfo* team );
void FreeLayer( int index );
void FreeLayers( void );
void UpdatePosition( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axes );
sdTeamInfo::sdRadarLayer* GetLayer( int index ) { return index >= 0 && index < layers.Num() ? layers[ index ].second : NULL; }
idList< sdLayer > layers;
class sdScriptedNetworkInterface : public sdNetworkInterface {
sdScriptedNetworkInterface( void ) { owner = NULL; }
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual void HandleNetworkMessage( idPlayer* player, const char* message );
virtual void HandleNetworkEvent( const char* message );
idEntity* owner;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* messageFunction;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* eventFunction;
class sdScriptedGuiInterface : public sdGuiInterface {
sdScriptedGuiInterface( void ) { owner = NULL; }
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual void UpdateGui( void );
virtual void HandleGuiScriptMessage( idPlayer* player, const char* message );
bool WantsToThink( void ) const;
sdScriptEntity* owner;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* function;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* messageFunction;
class sdScriptedCrosshairInterface : public sdCrosshairInterface {
sdScriptedCrosshairInterface( void ) { owner = NULL; }
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual bool UpdateCrosshairInfo( idPlayer* player ) const;
sdScriptEntity* owner;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* function;
idLinkList< idEntity > targetNode;
class sdScriptedUsableInterface : public sdUsableInterface {
class sdPosition {
sdPosition( void );
void Init( const idDict& info, sdScriptEntity* owner );
idPlayer* GetPlayer( void ) const;
void SetPlayer( idPlayer* player );
bool IsThirdperson( void ) const { return flags.thirdperson; }
bool GetShowPlayer( void ) const { return flags.showPlayer; }
bool GetHideHud( void ) const { return flags.hideHud; }
bool GetHideDecoyInfo( void ) const { return flags.hideDecoyInfo; }
bool GetShowTargetingInfo( void ) const { return flags.showTargetingInfo; }
const idVec3& GetFirstPersonViewOffset( void ) const { return firstPersonCameraOffset; }
const idMat3& GetFirstPersonViewAxis( void ) const { return firstPersonCameraAxis; }
float GetThirdpersonDistance( void ) const { return thirdpersonDistance; }
float GetThirdpersonHeight( void ) const { return thirdpersonHeight; }
const char* GetPlayerAnim( void ) const { return playerAnim; }
float GetFov( void ) const { return fov; }
const sdWeaponLockInfo* GetWeaponLockInfo( void ) const { return &lockInfo; }
jointHandle_t GetAttachJoint( void ) const { return attachJoint; }
bool GetAllowPlayerDamage( void ) const { return flags.takesDamage; }
bool GetShowCockpit( void ) const { return cockpitInfo != NULL; }
const sdDeclStringMap* GetCockpit( void ) const { return cockpitInfo; }
const angleClamp_t& GetClampYaw( void ) const { return clampYaw; }
const angleClamp_t& GetClampPitch( void ) const { return clampPitch; }
virtual const sdDeclLocStr* GetWeaponName( void ) const { return weaponName; }
virtual const char* GetWeaponLookupName( void ) const { return weaponLookupName.c_str(); }
idEntityPtr< idPlayer > boundPlayer;
typedef struct usableFlags_s {
bool thirdperson : 1;
bool showPlayer : 1;
bool hideHud : 1;
bool allowMovement : 1;
bool takesDamage : 1;
bool hideDecoyInfo : 1;
bool showTargetingInfo : 1;
} usableFlags_t;
float thirdpersonDistance;
float thirdpersonHeight;
idVec3 firstPersonCameraOffset;
idMat3 firstPersonCameraAxis;
float fov;
idStr playerAnim;
angleClamp_t clampYaw;
angleClamp_t clampPitch;
usableFlags_t flags;
jointHandle_t attachJoint;
const sdDeclStringMap* cockpitInfo;
const sdDeclLocStr* weaponName;
idStr weaponLookupName;
sdWeaponLockInfo lockInfo;
sdScriptedUsableInterface( void ) { owner = NULL; }
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual void ForcePlacement( idPlayer* other, int index, int oldIndex, bool keepCamera );
virtual void FindPositionForPlayer( idPlayer* other );
virtual bool OnExit( idPlayer* player, bool force );
virtual int GetNumPositions() const;
virtual idPlayer* GetPlayerAtPosition( int i ) const;
virtual void BecomeActiveViewProxy( idPlayer* viewPlayer );
virtual void StopActiveViewProxy( void );
virtual void UpdateProxyView( idPlayer* viewPlayer );
virtual void SwapPosition( idPlayer* player );
virtual void SwapViewMode( idPlayer* player );
virtual void SelectWeapon( idPlayer* player, int index );
virtual bool GetHideHud( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual bool GetSensitivity( idPlayer* player, float& sensX, float& sensY ) const;
virtual bool GetShowPlayer( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual bool GetShowPlayerShadow( idPlayer* player ) const { return false; }
virtual float GetFov( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual float GetDamageScale( idPlayer* player ) const { return 1.f; }
virtual bool GetShowCrosshair( idPlayer* player ) const { return true; }
virtual bool GetHideDecoyInfo( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual bool GetShowTargetingInfo( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual playerStance_t GetPlayerStance( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual jointHandle_t GetPlayerIconJoint( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual idPlayer* GetXPSharer( float& shareFactor );
virtual void UpdateHud( idPlayer* player, guiHandle_t handle );
virtual void UpdateViewAngles( idPlayer* player );
virtual void UpdateViewPos( idPlayer* player, idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis, bool fullUpdate );
virtual const idAngles GetRequiredViewAngles( idPlayer* player, idVec3& target );
virtual void CalculateRenderView( idPlayer* player, renderView_t& renderView );
virtual const sdWeaponLockInfo* GetWeaponLockInfo( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual void ClampViewAngles( idPlayer* player, const idAngles& oldViewAngles ) const;
virtual void NextWeapon( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual void PrevWeapon( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual int GetDestructionEndTime( void ) const { return 0; }
virtual bool GetDirectionWarning( void ) const { return false; }
virtual int GetRouteKickDistance( void ) const { return -1; }
virtual const sdDeclGUI* GetOverlayGUI( void ) const;
virtual bool HasAbility( qhandle_t handle, const idPlayer* player ) const;
void UpdatePlayerViews( void ) const;
void PresentPlayers( void ) const;
idPlayer* GetBoundPlayer( int index ) const;
void SetPositionPlayer( idPlayer* player, int index );
int NumFreePositions( void ) const;
bool IsEmpty( void ) const;
void SetXPShareInfo( idPlayer* player, float factor );
void SetupCockpit( idPlayer* viewPlayer );
sdPosition& PositionForPlayer( const idPlayer* player );
const sdPosition& PositionForPlayer( const idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual bool GetAllowPlayerMove( idPlayer* player ) const { return false; }
virtual bool GetAllowPlayerDamage( idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual bool GetAllowPlayerWeapon( idPlayer* player ) const { return false; }
virtual bool GetAllowAdjustBodyAngles( idPlayer* player ) const { return false; }
void ForceExitForAllPlayers( void );
virtual const sdDeclLocStr* GetWeaponName( const idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual const char* GetWeaponLookupName( const idPlayer* player ) const;
virtual const sdDeclLocStr* GetPositionTitle( int i ) const;
virtual void OnPostThink( void ) {}
idEntityPtr< idPlayer > xpSharer;
float xpShareFactor;
sdScriptEntity* owner;
idList< sdPosition > positions;
const sdDeclGUI* overlay;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onEnter;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onExit;
idVec3 originalPos; // TODO: remove me -- use joints like vehicles
class sdScriptedInteractiveInterface : public sdInteractiveInterface {
sdScriptedInteractiveInterface( void ) { owner = NULL; }
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual bool OnActivate( idPlayer* player, float distance );
virtual bool OnActivateHeld( idPlayer* player, float distance );
virtual bool OnUsed( idPlayer* player, float distance );
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onActivate;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onActivateHeld;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onUsed;
sdScriptEntity* owner;
// TODO: This isn't the best place to keep this around.
// Finding a better place for it would be good.
class sdEntityDisplayIconInfo {
static int SortByDistance( const sdEntityDisplayIconInfo* a, const sdEntityDisplayIconInfo* b ) {
return ( b->distance - a->distance ) > 0.0f ? 1 : -1;
idVec2 size;
const idMaterial* material;
idVec4 color;
idVec2 origin;
float distance;
class sdScriptEntityDisplayIconInterface : public sdEntityDisplayIconInterface {
void Init( sdScriptEntity* _owner );
virtual bool HasIcon( idPlayer* viewer, sdWorldToScreenConverter& converter );
virtual bool GetEntityDisplayIconInfo( idPlayer* viewer, sdWorldToScreenConverter& converter, sdEntityDisplayIconInfo& iconInfo );
typedef enum {
} iconPosition_t;
typedef enum {
EI_NONE = 0,
} iconColorMode_t;
void SetIconMaterial( const idMaterial* material ) { storedInfo.material = material; }
void SetIconSize( const idVec2& size ) { storedInfo.size = size; }
void SetIconColorMode( iconColorMode_t mode ) { colorMode = mode; }
void SetIconPosition( iconPosition_t pos ) { position = pos; }
void SetIconEnabled( bool _enabled ) { enabled = _enabled; }
void SetIconCutoff( float dist ) { cutoffDistance = dist; }
void SetIconAlphaScale( float scale ) { alphaScale = scale; }
sdScriptEntity* owner;
bool enabled;
float cutoffDistance;
iconPosition_t position;
iconColorMode_t colorMode;
float alphaScale;
bool hasIconResult;
sdEntityDisplayIconInfo storedInfo;
class sdScriptEntityNetworkData : public sdEntityStateNetworkData {
sdScriptEntityNetworkData( void ) : physicsData( NULL ) { ; }
virtual ~sdScriptEntityNetworkData( void );
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual void Write( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void Read( idFile* file );
sdScriptObjectNetworkData scriptData;
sdEntityStateNetworkData* physicsData;
idAngles deltaViewAngles;
class sdScriptEntityBroadcastData : public sdEntityStateNetworkData {
sdScriptEntityBroadcastData( void ) : physicsData( NULL ), team( NULL ) { ; }
virtual ~sdScriptEntityBroadcastData( void );
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual void Write( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void Read( idFile* file );
sdScriptObjectNetworkData scriptData;
sdEntityStateNetworkData* physicsData;
sdTeamInfo* team;
int health;
sdBindNetworkData bindData;
bool frozen;
class idPhysics_RigidBody;
class sdPhysics_SimpleRigidBody;
class sdScriptEntity : public idAnimatedEntity {
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( sdScriptEntity );
enum {
sdScriptEntity( void );
virtual ~sdScriptEntity( void );
void Spawn( void );
virtual void PostMapSpawn( void );
void UpdateScript( void );
bool SetState( const sdProgram::sdFunction* newState );
virtual sdTeamInfo* GetGameTeam( void ) const { return team; }
virtual void SetGameTeam( sdTeamInfo* _team );
virtual bool WantsTouch( void ) const { return touchFunc != NULL; }
virtual bool ShouldConstructScriptObjectAtSpawn( void ) const { return false; }
virtual bool StartSynced( void ) const { return spawnArgs.GetBool( "option_no_sync" ) == 0; }
virtual void OnTouch( idEntity *other, const trace_t& trace );
int GetTeamIndex( void );
bool GetIsDisabled( void );
idEntity* GetOwner( void );
bool GetIsDeployed( void );
int GetDeployableType( void ) { return deployableType; }
float GetDeployableRange( void ) { return deployableRange; }
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void PostThink( void );
virtual idLinkList<idEntity>* GetPostThinkNode( void );
virtual void Killed( idEntity* inflictor, idEntity* attacker, int damage, const idVec3& dir, int location, const sdDeclDamage* damageDecl );
virtual void Damage( idEntity* inflictor, idEntity* attacker, const idVec3& dir, const sdDeclDamage* damage, const float damageScale, const trace_t* collision, bool forceKill = false );
virtual void UpdateKillStats( idPlayer* player, const sdDeclDamage* damageDecl, bool headshot );
virtual bool WantsToThink( void ) const;
virtual void OnGuiActivated( void );
virtual bool HasAbility( qhandle_t handle ) const;
virtual bool SupportsAbilities( void ) const { return scriptEntityFlags.allowAbilities; }
void UpdateRadar( void );
bool IsFrozen( void ) const { return scriptEntityFlags.frozen; }
sdProgramThread* ConstructScriptObject( void );
sdProgramThread* CreateScriptThread( const sdProgram::sdFunction* state );
void Event_SetState( const char* stateName );
void Event_AddHelper( int stringMapIndex );
void Event_GetBoundPlayer( int index );
void Event_RemoveBoundPlayer( idEntity* other );
void Event_RadarSetNumLayers( int count );
void Event_RadarFreeLayers( void );
void Event_AllocRadarLayer( void );
void Event_AllocJammerLayer( void );
void Event_RadarSetLayerRange( int index, float range );
void Event_RadarSetMaxAngle( int index, float maxAngle );
void Event_RadarSetJammer( int index, float value );
void Event_RadarSetMask( int index, int mask );
void Event_Freeze( bool freeze );
void Event_SetRemoteViewAngles( const idVec3& angles, idEntity* refPlayer );
void Event_GetRemoteViewAngles( idEntity* refPlayer );
// path manipulation
int PathGetNumPoints( void ) { return pathPoints.Num(); }
const idVec3& PathGetPoint( int index );
float PathGetLength( void );
void PathGetPosition( float position, idVec3& result );
void PathGetDirection( float position, idVec3& result );
void PathGetAxes( float position, idMat3& result );
void Event_PathFind( const char* pathName, const idVec3& target, float startTime, float direction, float cornerX, float cornerY, float heightOffset, bool append );
void Event_PathFindVampire( const idVec3& runStart, const idVec3& runEnd, float runHeightOffset );
void Event_PathLevel( float maxSlopeAngle, int startIndex, int endIndex );
void Event_PathStraighten();
void Event_PathGetNumPoints( void );
void Event_PathGetPoint( int index );
void Event_PathGetLength( void );
void Event_PathGetPosition( float position );
void Event_PathGetDirection( float position );
void Event_PathGetAngles( float position );
void Event_GetVampireBombPosition( const idVec3& targetPos, float gravity, float pathSpeed, float stepDist, float pathLength );
void Event_GetVampireBombAcceleration( void );
void Event_GetVampireBombFallTime( void );
void Event_SetGroundPosition( const idVec3& position );
void Event_SetXPShareInfo( idEntity* entity, float scale );
void Event_SetBoxClipModel( const idVec3& mins, const idVec3& maxs, float mass );
void Event_GetTeamDamageDone( void );
void Event_SetTeamDamageDone( int value );
void Event_ForceAnimUpdate( bool value );
void Event_SetIKTarget( idEntity* other, int index );
void Event_HideInLocalView( void );
void Event_ShowInLocalView( void );
void Event_SetClipOriented( bool oriented );
virtual bool UpdateCrosshairInfo( idPlayer* player, sdCrosshairInfo& info );
virtual void DisableClip( bool activateContacting = true );
virtual void EnableClip( void );
virtual bool ClientReceiveEvent( int event, int time, const idBitMsg& msg );
virtual void WriteDemoBaseData( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void ReadDemoBaseData( idFile* file );
virtual void ApplyNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState );
virtual void ReadNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, const idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual void WriteNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual bool CheckNetworkStateChanges( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState ) const;
virtual sdEntityStateNetworkData* CreateNetworkStructure( networkStateMode_t mode ) const;
virtual void ResetNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState );
virtual void OnSnapshotHitch();
virtual sdGuiInterface* GetGuiInterface( void ) { return guiInterface; }
virtual sdNetworkInterface* GetNetworkInterface( void ) { return networkInterface; }
virtual sdTaskInterface* GetTaskInterface( void ) { return taskInterface; }
virtual sdUsableInterface* GetUsableInterface( void ) { return usableInterface; }
virtual sdInteractiveInterface* GetInteractiveInterface( void ) { return interactiveInterface; }
idLinkList< sdScriptedEntityHelper >& GetHelpers( void ) { return helpers; }
virtual const idVec3& GetRadarOrigin( void ) const;
virtual const idMat3& GetRadarAxes( void ) const;
virtual bool Collide( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3& velocity, int bodyId );
virtual void Hit( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity, idEntity *other );
virtual bool NeedsRepair();
virtual void SetHealth( int count );
virtual void SetHealthDamaged( int count, teamAllegiance_t allegiance );
virtual void SetMaxHealth( int count ) { maxHealth = count; }
virtual int GetHealth( void ) const { return health; }
virtual int GetMaxHealth( void ) const { return maxHealth; }
void SetRemoteViewAngles( const idAngles& angles, const idPlayer* refPlayer );
idAngles GetRemoteViewAngles( const idPlayer* refPlayer );
idAngles GetDeltaViewAngles( void ) const { return deltaViewAngles; }
virtual float GetRadiusPushScale( void ) const { return radiusPushScale; }
virtual void OnPlayerEntered( idPlayer* player, int index ) { ; }
virtual void OnPlayerExited( idPlayer* player, int index ) { ; }
virtual bool OverridePreventDeployment( idPlayer* p );
virtual cheapDecalUsage_t GetDecalUsage( void );
virtual void GetImpactInfo( idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, impactInfo_s* info );
virtual bool IsCollisionPushable( void );
void Event_EnableCollisionPush( void );
void Event_DisableCollisionPush( void );
sdMotorSoundGroup& GetMotorSounds( void ) { return motorSounds; }
virtual void UpdateModelTransform( void );
void IncForcedAnimUpdate( void ) { forcedAnimCounter++; }
void DecForcedAnimUpdate( void ) { forcedAnimCounter--; }
virtual void UpdatePredictionErrorDecay( void );
virtual void DoPredictionErrorDecay( void );
virtual void OnNewOriginRead( const idVec3& newOrigin );
virtual void OnNewAxesRead( const idMat3& newAxes );
virtual void ResetPredictionErrorDecay( const idVec3* origin = NULL, const idMat3* axes = NULL );
virtual bool IsPhysicsInhibited( void ) const { return idEntity::IsPhysicsInhibited() && !scriptEntityFlags.noInhibitPhysics; }
virtual void CheckWater( const idVec3& waterBodyOrg, const idMat3& waterBodyAxis, idCollisionModel* waterBodyModel );
virtual void CheckWaterEffectsOnly( void ) { if ( waterEffects != NULL ) { waterEffects->CheckWaterEffectsOnly(); } }
virtual bool AllowAnimationInhibit( void ) { return forcedAnimCounter == 0; }
virtual void OnMouseMove( idPlayer* player, const idAngles& baseAngles, idAngles& angleDelta );
virtual bool DisableClipOnRemove( void ) const { return true; }
virtual sdEntityDisplayIconInterface* GetDisplayIconInterface( void ) { return &displayIconInterface; }
void Event_SetIconMaterial( const char* materialName );
void Event_SetIconSize( float width, float height );
void Event_SetIconColorMode( int mode );
void Event_SetIconPosition( int pos );
void Event_SetIconEnabled( bool _enabled );
void Event_SetIconCutoff( float distance );
void Event_SetIconAlphaScale( float scale );
virtual bool OnApplyPain( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location, const sdDeclDamage* damageDecl );
virtual void UpdatePlayZoneInfo( void );
sdMotorSoundGroup motorSounds;
sdTeamInfo* team;
sdScriptedRadarInterface radarInterface;
sdScriptedGuiInterface* guiInterface;
sdScriptedCrosshairInterface* crosshairInterface;
sdScriptedNetworkInterface* networkInterface;
sdTaskInterface* taskInterface;
sdScriptedUsableInterface* usableInterface;
sdScriptedInteractiveInterface* interactiveInterface;
sdScriptEntityDisplayIconInterface displayIconInterface;
int health;
int maxHealth;
float armor;
int forcedAnimCounter;
sdPredictionErrorDecay_Origin* predictionErrorDecay_Origin;
sdPredictionErrorDecay_Angles* predictionErrorDecay_Angles;
struct scriptEntityFlags_t {
bool writeBind : 1;
bool frozen : 1;
bool inhibitDecals : 1;
bool noCollisionPush : 1;
bool takesOobDamage : 1;
bool hasNewBoxClip : 1;
bool writeViewAngles : 1;
bool noInhibitPhysics : 1;
bool allowAbilities : 1;
scriptEntityFlags_t scriptEntityFlags;
idPhysics* physicsObj;
// state variables
sdProgramThread* baseScriptThread;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* scriptState;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* scriptIdealState;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* preDamageFunc;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* postDamageFunc;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onCollideFunc; // I hit target
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onHitFunc; // Target hit me
const sdProgram::sdFunction* overrideFunc;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* onPostThink;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* isDeployedFunc;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* isDisabledFunc;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* getOwnerFunc;
int deployableType;
float deployableRange;
int teamDamageDone;
const sdProgram::sdFunction* needsRepairFunc; // need repair callback
// Gordon: not sure what this is for?
const sdProgram::sdFunction* touchFunc;
const sdDeclDeployableObject* deployObject;
idLinkList< idEntity > postThinkEntNode;
idLinkList< idEntity > iconNode;
idLinkList< sdScriptedEntityHelper > helpers;
sdAbilityProvider abilities;
idAngles deltaViewAngles;
idStr killStatSuffix;
// pathfinding request data
void LevelPathSegment( float maxSlope, int startPoint, int endPoint, bool reverse );
void FindPathCircle( const idVec3& a, const idVec3& b, const idVec3& c, idVec3& center, float& radius );
struct pathPoint_t {
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
idList< pathPoint_t > pathPoints;
float lastPathPosition;
float lastPathLength;
int lastPathPoint;
idVec3 cachedBombAccel;
float cachedBombFallTime;
float radiusPushScale;
int lastTimeInPlayZone;
int oobDamageInterval;
sdWaterEffects *waterEffects;
class sdScriptEntity_ProjectileBroadcastData : public sdScriptEntityBroadcastData {
sdScriptEntity_ProjectileBroadcastData( void ) : launchTime( 0 ), owner( 0 ) { ; }
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual void Write( idFile* file ) const;
virtual void Read( idFile* file );
int launchTime;
int owner;
class sdScriptEntity_Projectile : public sdScriptEntity {
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( sdScriptEntity_Projectile );
virtual ~sdScriptEntity_Projectile( void ) {}
virtual void Create( idEntity* owner, const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir );
idEntity* GetOwner( void ) const { return owner; }
virtual bool IsOwner( idEntity* other ) { return owner == other; }
virtual bool CanCollide( const idEntity* other, int traceId ) const;
virtual void ApplyNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState );
virtual void ReadNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, const idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual void WriteNetworkState( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState, sdEntityStateNetworkData& newState, idBitMsg& msg ) const;
virtual bool CheckNetworkStateChanges( networkStateMode_t mode, const sdEntityStateNetworkData& baseState ) const;
virtual sdEntityStateNetworkData* CreateNetworkStructure( networkStateMode_t mode ) const;
void Event_GetLaunchTime( void );
void Event_GetOwner( void );
int launchTime;
idEntityPtr< idEntity > owner;