
567 lines
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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
template material/water_simple {
parameters <
BumpMapImage, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
CubeMapImage, // The enviroment cubemap to use for the reflections
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
program water/simple_cube
bumpMap BumpMapImage
map clamp highquality textures/penta/specular.tga
environmentCubeMap cubemap CubeMapImage
water_tint RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB
water_distortion DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
water_fresnel ReflectionPower
water_glare GlareParam
water_offset 0, 0, 0, 0
water_desat 0
translate TranslateX, TranslateY
template material/water_wake {
parameters <
BumpMapImage, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
MaskImage, // alpha channel to use
CubeMapImage, // The enviroment cubemap to use for the reflections
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
blend blend
program water/wake_cube
bumpMap BumpMapImage
mask MaskImage
map clamp highquality textures/penta/specular.tga
environmentCubeMap cubemap CubeMapImage
water_tint RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB
water_distortion DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
water_fresnel ReflectionPower
water_glare GlareParam
translate TranslateX, TranslateY
template material/water_simple_interpolate {
parameters <
BumpMapOne, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
BumpMapTwo, // The bumpmap to interpolate towards
Lerp, // Lerp factor ( 0.0 - 1.0 range )
CubeMapImage, // The enviroment cubemap to use for the reflections
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
program water/simple_cube_interpolate
bumpMap BumpMapOne
bumpMap2 BumpMapTwo
map clamp highquality textures/penta/specular.tga
environmentCubeMap cubemap CubeMapImage
water_tint RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB
water_distortion DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
water_fresnel ReflectionPower
water_glare GlareParam
water_lerp Lerp
translate TranslateX, TranslateY
template material/water_reflect {
parameters <
BumpMap, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
vertexProgram water/simple_reflect.vfp
fragmentProgram water/simple_reflect.vfp
vertexParmBinding 0 mvptMatrix_0
vertexParmBinding 1 mvptMatrix_1
vertexParmBinding 2 mvptMatrix_2
vertexParmBinding 3 mvptMatrix_3
vertexParmBinding 4 viewOrigin
vertexParmBinding 5 currentRenderPow2Correction
vertexParm 6 TranslateX, TranslateY, 0, 0
vertexParmBinding 7 transposedModelMatrix_0
vertexParmBinding 8 transposedModelMatrix_1
vertexParmBinding 9 transposedModelMatrix_2
vertexParmBinding 10 sunDirection
fragmentMap 0 mirrorRender
fragmentMap 4 highquality waternormal BumpMap
fragmentMap 2 _currentRender
//fragmentMap 3 _normalCubeMap
fragmentMap 5 clamp highquality textures/penta/specular.tga
fragmentParm 0 ReflectionPower
fragmentParm 1 RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB, Glare
fragmentParm 2 DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
fragmentParm 3 sun_r, sun_g, sun_b
template material/water_murky_reflect {
parameters <
BumpMap, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
WaterColorMap, // Gradient map to use for the water color
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
vertexProgram water/murky_reflect.vfp
fragmentProgram water/murky_reflect.vfp
vertexParmBinding 0 mvptMatrix_0
vertexParmBinding 1 mvptMatrix_1
vertexParmBinding 2 mvptMatrix_2
vertexParmBinding 3 mvptMatrix_3
vertexParmBinding 4 viewOrigin
vertexParmBinding 5 currentRenderPow2Correction
vertexParm 6 TranslateX, TranslateY, 0, 0
vertexParmBinding 7 transposedModelMatrix_0
vertexParmBinding 8 transposedModelMatrix_1
vertexParmBinding 9 transposedModelMatrix_2
fragmentMap 0 mirrorRender
fragmentMap 1 linearNearest BumpMap
fragmentMap 2 clamp WaterColorMap
fragmentParm 0 ReflectionPower
fragmentParm 1 RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB, Glare
fragmentParm 2 DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
template material/water_wave_reflect {
parameters <
BumpMap, // The bumpmap to use for the water surface
TranslateX="time * 0.05", // X-translation of the water bumpmap
TranslateY="0", // Y-translation of the water bumpmap
RefractionR="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionG="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
RefractionB="1", // Color of the refraction ( basically the "water color")
DistortStrength="0.05", // How much the bumpmap distorts the reflection/refraction
ReflectionPower="8", // Power of the reflection function (lower is more reflections, higher is more refractions)
BumpScale="1" > // How much the glare is affected by the water (murky water wants to stop glaring so make it lower)
text {
//blend blend
vertexProgram water/gerstner_reflect.vfp
fragmentProgram water/gerstner_reflect.vfp
vertexParmBinding 0 mvptMatrix_0
vertexParmBinding 1 mvptMatrix_1
vertexParmBinding 2 mvptMatrix_2
vertexParmBinding 3 mvptMatrix_3
vertexParmBinding 4 viewOrigin
vertexParmBinding 5 currentRenderPow2Correction
vertexParm 6 TranslateX, TranslateY, 0, 0
vertexParmBinding 7 waveDirX
vertexParmBinding 8 waveDirY
vertexParmBinding 9 wavePhase
vertexParmBinding 10 waveFrequency
vertexParmBinding 11 waveAmplitude
vertexParmBinding 12 waveDirXQ
vertexParmBinding 13 waveDirYQ
vertexParmBinding 14 waveDirXXQW
vertexParmBinding 15 waveDirYYQW
vertexParmBinding 16 waveDirXYQW
vertexParmBinding 17 waveDirXW
vertexParmBinding 18 waveDirYW
vertexParmBinding 19 waveQW
fragmentParm 0 ReflectionPower
fragmentParm 1 RefractionR, RefractionG, RefractionB, Glare
fragmentParm 2 DistortStrength, DistortStrength, BumpScale, 0
fragmentMap 0 mirrorRender
fragmentMap 1 BumpMap
fragmentMap 2 _currentRender
template material/water_optimize_reflections {
parameters <
CubeMap, // The cubemap to use for far away reflections
BoxExpand="1024", // Expand the box around the surface by this amount and only draw objects in this box
CameraFar="5000" > // Give the reflection camera a far plane at the given distance
text {
subviewInfo CubeMap BoxExpand CameraFar
// An abstract template that creates 32 stages for an animated texture effect
// The StageTemplate argument is a template name, this template needs the folowing rules
// The first argument of this template will be the frame number (others will be defualts)
// The text produces valid stage text (WITHOUT THE {} around the stage)
template animations/frames32 {
parameters <
text {
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 0 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<0>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 1 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<1>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 2 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<2>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 3 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<3>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 4 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<4>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 5 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<5>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 6 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<6>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 7 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<7>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 8 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<8>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 9 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<9>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 10 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<10>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 11 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<11>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 12 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<12>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 13 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<13>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 14 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<14>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 15 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<15>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 16 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<16>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 17 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<17>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 18 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<18>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 19 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<19>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 20 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<20>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 21 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<21>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 22 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<22>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 23 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<23>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 24 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<24>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 25 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<25>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 26 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<26>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 27 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<27>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 28 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<28>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 29 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<29>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 30 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<30>
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 31 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<31>
template animations/frames16 {
parameters <
text {
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 0 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"00">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 1 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"01">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 2 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"02">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 3 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"03">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 4 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"04">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 5 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"05">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 6 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"06">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 7 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"07">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 8 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"08">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 9 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"09">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 10 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"10">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 11 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"11">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 12 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"12">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 13 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"13">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 14 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"14">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 15 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"15">
template animations/frames16_interpolate {
parameters <
text {
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 0 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"00","01","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 0 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 1 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"01","02","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 1 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 2 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"02","03","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 2 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 3 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"03","04","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 3 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 4 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"04","05","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 4 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 5 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"05","06","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 5 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 6 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"06","07","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 6 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 7 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"07","08","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 7 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 8 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"08","09","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 8 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 9 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"09","10","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 9 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 10 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"10","11","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 10 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 11 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"11","12","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 11 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 12 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"12","13","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 12 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 13 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"13","14","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 13 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 14 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"14","15","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 14 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 15 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"15","00","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 15 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
template animations/frames10_interpolate {
parameters <
text {
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 0 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"00","01","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 0 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 1 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"01","02","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 1 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 2 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"02","03","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 2 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 3 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"03","04","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 3 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 4 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"04","05","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 4 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 5 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"05","06","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 5 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 6 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"06","07","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 6 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 7 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"07","08","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 7 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 8 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"08","09","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 8 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">
if ( ( time * TimeScale ) % NumFrames == 9 )
useTemplate StageTemplate<"09","00","( time - ( ( ( ( ( time * TimeScale ) / NumFrames ) % 100000000 ) * ( ( 1 / TimeScale ) * NumFrames ) ) + ( 9 * ( 1 / TimeScale ) ) ) ) * TimeScale">