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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest;
TEMP R0, R1, color, localNormal, worldNormal, ambient, localAmbient, specLook, diffuse;
PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
$ifdef parallax
TEMP height;
TEMP viewofs;
TEMP _diffTC;
TEMP _bumpTC;
TEX height.x, fragment.texcoord[4], $heightMap, 2D;
# TEX height.x, fragment.texcoord[4], $diffuseMap, 2D;
MUL height.x, height.x, -0.0015;
MUL, fragment.texcoord[0], fragment.texcoord[0];
RSQ viewofs.w, viewofs.w;
MUL, viewofs.w, fragment.texcoord[0];
MAD _diffTC, viewofs, height.x, fragment.texcoord[4];
MAD _bumpTC, viewofs, height.x, fragment.texcoord[1];
ATTRIB _diffTC = fragment.texcoord[4];
ATTRIB _bumpTC = fragment.texcoord[1];
$ifdef enable_detail
MAD DTLCOORD.xy, _bumpTC, $detailMult, $detailMult.zwzw;
$ifdef enable_instdither
MUL R1.xy, fragment.position, 0.0625;
TEX R1, R1, $noiseMap, 2D;
SLT R1.w, fragment.texcoord[6].w, R1.w;
KIL -R1.w;
# coverage dither mask
$ifdef r_useDitherMask
MUL R1.xy, fragment.position, 0.0625;
TEX R1, R1, $noiseMap, 2D;
SLT R1.w, $coverage, R1.w;
KIL -R1.w;
#MUL R1.xy, fragment.position, 0.015625;
#MUL R1.xy, fragment.position, 0.0625;
#TEX R0.r, R1, $noiseMap, 2D;
#SUB R0.a, 0.5, R0.r;
#KIL R0.a;
# modulate by the diffuse map and constant diffuse factor
TEX diffuse, _diffTC, $diffuseMap, 2D;
$ifdef alphatest_kill
SUB diffuse.a, diffuse.a, $alphaThresh;
KIL diffuse.a;
$ifdef alphatest_alphatocoverage
SUB R0.a, diffuse.a, 0.1;
KIL R0.a;
$ifdef enable_detailweight_const
TEMP weight;
MOV weight, 1;
$ifdef enable_detailweight_vtxalpha
TEMP weight;
MOV weight, fragment.color.a;
$ifdef enable_detailweight_diffalpha
TEMP weight;
MOV weight, diffuse.a;
$ifdef enable_detailweight_tex
TEMP weight;
TEX weight, _diffTC, $detailWeightMap, 2D;
$ifdef enable_detail
MUL_SAT weight, weight, fragment.texcoord[1].w;
TEX localNormal, _bumpTC, $bumpMap, 2D;
$if !r_dxnNormalMaps
MOV localNormal.x, localNormal.a;
MAD localNormal.xy, localNormal, scaleTwo, subOne;
$ifdef enable_bumpdetail
TEMP localDetailNormal;
TEX localDetailNormal, DTLCOORD, $bumpDetailMap, 2D;
MOV localDetailNormal.x, localDetailNormal.a;
MAD localDetailNormal.xy, localDetailNormal, scaleTwo, subOne;
MAD localNormal.xy, weight.x, localDetailNormal, localNormal;
$if r_normalizeNormalMaps
MOV localNormal.z, 0;
DP3 R1.x, localNormal,localNormal;
ADD R1.x, 1, -R1.x;
RSQ R1.x, R1.x;
RCP localNormal.z, R1.x;
# put normal into world space
DP3 worldNormal.x, fragment.texcoord[5], localNormal;
DP3 worldNormal.y, fragment.texcoord[6], localNormal;
DP3 worldNormal.z, fragment.texcoord[7], localNormal;
# get diffuse lighting from cubemap
TEX ambient, worldNormal, $ambientCubeMap, CUBE;
MUL ambient, ambient, $ambientBrightness;
$ifdef enable_diffdetail
TEMP detailDiff;
TEX detailDiff, DTLCOORD, $diffuseDetailMap, 2D;
ADD detailDiff, detailDiff, -0.5;
MAD diffuse, weight.x, detailDiff, diffuse;
MUL color, diffuse, $diffuseColor;
# kill if we need this
# modulate by ambient
MUL color, ambient, color;
$if !r_shaderSkipSpecCubeMaps
# calc reflection vector: i - 2 * dot(i, n) * n
DP3 R1, fragment.texcoord[2], worldNormal;
ADD R1, R1, R1;
MAD R0, -worldNormal, R1.x, fragment.texcoord[2];
#DP3 ambient.a, fragment.texcoord[2], fragment.texcoord[2];
#RSQ ambient.a, ambient.a;
#MUL ambient, fragment.texcoord[2], ambient.a;
#MAD ambient, ambient, 0.5, 0.5;
# get specular from cubemap
TEX ambient, R0, $specularCubeMap, CUBE;
# modulate by the specular map * 2
TEX specLook, _diffTC, $specularMap, 2D;
$ifdef enable_specdetail
TEMP dtlspecLook;
TEX dtlspecLook, DTLCOORD, $specDetailMap, 2D;
ADD dtlspecLook, dtlspecLook, -0.5;
MAD_SAT specLook, weight.x, dtlspecLook, specLook;
ADD R0, specLook, specLook;
MAD color, R0, ambient, color;
# multiply with ambient brightness
MUL color, $ambientScale.x, color;
# do some special effects if we're compiling certain shaders
# we could move this to a separate file but this saves us from
# duplicating the shader
$ifdef self_illum
# Simple self illumination
TEX R0, _diffTC, $selfIllumMap, 2D;
$ifdef self_illum_glow
MAD_SAT R0.rgb, R0.a, $parameters2, R0;
$ifdef self_illum_modulate
MAD color, $parameters, R0, color;
ADD color, color, R0;
$ifdef strogg_effects
# "Beetle shell" empirical shader
DP3 R1, fragment.texcoord[2], worldNormal;
TEX R0, R1, $stroggShellMap, 2D;
MAD R1, specLook, 1.8, 0.05;
MUL R0, R1, R0;
MUL R0, $sunColor, R0; #so it goes dimmer at night
ADD color, color, R0;
# modify by the vertex color
$if ( r_megaDrawMethod != 0 )
LRP color.rgb, fragment.color.secondary.x, $fogColor, color;
MUL result.color, color, fragment.color;
$ifdef alphatest_alphatocoverage
MUL result.color.a, diffuse.a, 1.5;
MOV result.color.a, $ambientScale.y;
$ifdef enable_detail
#MOV result.color.rgb, fragment.texcoord[7].w;
#MAD result.color.rgb, worldNormal, 0.5, 0.5;