
322 lines
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2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00
entityDef info_team_gdf_spawn {
"editor_color" "1 0 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
"require1" "team_gdf"
"editor_preview_model" "models/mapobjects/helpers/gdf_player.lwo"
entityDef info_team_strogg_spawn {
"editor_color" "0 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
"require1" "team_strogg"
"editor_preview_model" "models/mapobjects/helpers/strogg_player.lwo"
entityDef info_generic_spawn {
"editor_color" "1 1 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
entityDef info_spectator_spawn {
"editor_color" "1 1 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
"require1" "spectator"
entityDef info_spawn_master {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"spawnclass" "sdSpawnController"
"scriptobject" "spawn_master"
"require_spawn1" "same_team"
"mtr_icon_gdf" "hud/commandmap/spawn_edf"
"mtr_icon_strogg" "hud/commandmap/spawn_edf"
"mtr_icon_selected" "hud/commandmap/spawn_selected"
"mtr_icon_default" "hud/commandmap/spawn_default"
"mtr_commandmapicon_tracking" "guis/assets/icons/tracking"
"snd_selected" "sounds/ui/main/select_01"
"option_gui_interface" "1"
"icon_size_cm" "48"
"icon_sort_cm" "-200"
"editor_var homebase" "Sets this spawn as the main base - where the bots will spawn back at to grab vehicles. Set on only one spawn per map. 1 = homebase"
skin commandpost_neutral {
models/mapobjects/command_post/screen _black
skin commandpost_gdf {
skin commandpost_strogg {
models/mapobjects/command_post/screen _black
skin stroggpost_neutral {
models/structures/strogg/command_post/command_post_fx textures/common/invisible
models/structures/strogg/command_post/command_post_3 models/structures/strogg/command_post/command_post_3_neutral
skin stroggpost_strogg {
entityDef info_capturable_spawn {
"editor_color" "0 .5 .8"
"editor_mins" "-8 -8 -8"
"editor_maxs" "8 8 8"
"editor_var strogg_disabled" "Set this to 1 for GDF-only spawns"
"editor_var gdf_disabled" "Set this to 1 for Strogg-only spawns"
"editor_var screen_name" "This is the name of the location. Eg. Glass House Spawn"
"editor_var spawn_priority_gdf" "Set the spawn priority. Higher numbers take priority."
"editor_var spawn_priority_strogg" "Set the spawn priority. Higher numbers take priority."
"editor_var target_gdf1" "The first auto_deployable (vehicle) you want to spawn. There can be more than two."
"editor_var target_gdf2" "The second auto_deployable (vehicle) you want to spawn. There can be more than two."
"editor_var target_strogg1" "The first auto_deployable (vehicle) you want to spawn. There can be more than two."
"editor_var target_strogg2" "The second auto_deployable (vehicle) you want to spawn. There can be more than two."
"maxVisDist" "3072"
"require_spawn1" "same_team"
"mtr_icon_gdf" "hud/commandmap/spawn_edf"
"mtr_icon_strogg" "hud/commandmap/spawn_edf"
"mtr_icon_selected" "hud/commandmap/spawn_selected"
"mtr_icon_default" "hud/commandmap/spawn_default"
"mtr_unavailable_icon_gdf" "hud/commandmap/spawn_unavailable"
"mtr_unavailable_icon_strogg" "hud/commandmap/spawn_unavailable"
"mtr_commandmapicon_tracking" "guis/assets/icons/tracking"
"option_gui_interface" "1"
"option_crosshair_interface" "1"
"option_interactive_interface" "1"
"icon_size_cm" "32"
"icon_sort_cm" "-10"
"spawnclass" "sdSpawnController"
"scriptobject" "capturable_spawn"
"tt_intro_liberate_1" "capturable_spawn_intro_liberate_1"
"tt_intro_capture_1" "capturable_spawn_intro_capture_1"
"snd_capture_gdf" ""
"snd_capture_strogg" ""
"snd_enemycapture_gdf" ""
"snd_enemycapture_strogg" ""
"snd_liberate_gdf" ""
"snd_liberate_strogg" ""
"snd_enemyliberate_gdf" ""
"snd_enemyliberate_strogg" ""
"snd_capturing_gdf" "sounds/forwardspawn/gdf"
"snd_capturing_strogg" "sounds/forwardspawn/strogg"
"snd_capture_local" "sounds/forwardspawn/capture"
"snd_selected" "sounds/ui/main/select_01"
"qc_capture" "quickchat/commands/captureforwardspawn"
"qc_liberate" "quickchat/context/liberateforwardspawn"
"qc_defend" "quickchat/context/defendforwardspawn"
entityDef info_capturable_spawn_gdf {
"editor_color" "1 .25 .25"
"inherit" "info_capturable_spawn"
"model" "models/structures/edf/command_post/command_post.lwo"
"cm_model" "models/structures/edf/command_post/command_post.lwo"
"strogg_disabled" "1"
"prof_capture" "pro_battlesense_spawn_capture"
"prof_liberate" "pro_battlesense_spawn_liberate"
"skin_owner_neutral" "commandpost_neutral"
"skin_owner_strogg" "commandpost_strogg"
"skin_owner_gdf" "commandpost_gdf"
entityDef info_capturable_spawn_strogg {
"editor_color" ".25 .25 1"
"inherit" "info_capturable_spawn"
"model" "models/structures/strogg/command_post/command_post_2.lwo"
"cm_model" "models/structures/strogg/command_post/command_post_2_cm.lwo"
"gdf_disabled" "1"
"prof_capture" "pro_battlesense_spawn_capture"
"prof_liberate" "pro_battlesense_spawn_liberate"
"skin_owner_neutral" "stroggpost_neutral"
"skin_owner_strogg" "stroggpost_strogg"
"skin_owner_gdf" "stroggpost_gdf"
entityDef info_envmap {
"spawnclass" "sdEnvDefinitionEntity"
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-4 -4 -4"
"editor_maxs" "4 4 4"
"editor_usage" "Used to define an enviroment map render"
"editor_var env_name" "Name of this enviroment map (will have env/ appended in front of it). Refer to this name in your shaders (e.g. env/valley)."
"editor_var env_size" "Size in pixels of a single face of the cubemap (e.g. 256)."
entityDef info_envbound {
"spawnclass" "sdEnvBoundsEntity"
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "?"
"editor_maxs" "?"
// "editor_mins" "-4 -4 -4"
// "editor_maxs" "4 4 4"
"editor_usage" "Used to define an enviroment map render"
"editor_var env_name" "Name of this enviroment map (will have env/ appended in front of it). Refer to this name in your shaders (e.g. env/valley)."
// "editor_var size" "Size of bounds"
"editor_spawnclass" "sdEntityClass_EnvBounds"
entityDef info_objective {
"editor_color" "1 1 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_var objective_index" ""
"editor_var text_objective_gdf" "Description of the objective for display in the limbo menu"
"editor_var text_objective_strogg" "Description of the objective for display in the limbo menu"
"editor_var mtr_objective_gdf" "Material of the objective for display in the limbo menu"
"editor_var mtr_objective_strogg" "Material of the objective for display in the limbo menu"
"editor_preview_model" "models/editor/info_objective.lwo"
"collection_objective_markers" "objective_markers"
"collection_localteamwatch" "localteamwatch"
"spawnclass" "sdScriptEntity"
"scriptobject" "objective"
"icon_size_cm" "16"
entityDef info_location {
"editor_color" "0 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_var range_min" "Range within which you will only get location name"
"editor_var range_max" "Range within which this location is valid"
"editor_var commandmap" "Controls whether this will create commandmap text"
"editor_var commandmap_name" "Text to display on the commandmap"
"editor_var location_name" "Name of this location"
"editor_var interior" "If set, will limit this location to within the building it is placed in"
"editor_var waypoint" "If set, this location will have a waypoint"
"font" "fonts/micro"
"text_scale" "12"
"mtr_waypoint" "" // FIXME: Need something for this
"spawnclass" "sdLocationMarker"
toolTip capturable_spawn_intro_liberate_1 {
nextShowDelay 5
sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral"
text "game/tt/intro/capturable_spawn_liberate_1"
toolTip capturable_spawn_intro_capture_1 {
nextShowDelay 5
sound "sounds/ui/main/neutral"
text "game/tt/intro/capturable_spawn_capture_1"
// Gordon: To be removed
// ============================================
entityDef info_player_deathmatch {
"editor_color" "1 0 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
entityDef info_player_start {
"editor_color" "1 0 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"editor_showangle" "1"
"editor_camerastart" "1"
"editor_var target" "the entity that the player will spawn facing"
"spawnclass" "idPlayerStart"
// ============================================