Version 1.0 ================================= New features: * Alternative cell shading algorithm (white texture). You can try using the supplied shortcut or by running "quake3.cs +set r_celshadalgo 2". * Rocket smoke trail and sprites like fonts do not have the cel shading contourn. That should make things easy to read and multiple rockets in a game won't bug the players. * Sprites (such as buttons, and most text) are not been cel shaded. That should make text and buttons easier to read. Bug fixes: * Mirrors weren't working as expected, now it's fixed. * Sky/depth bug fixed. This was very noticeable ;-) * New Makefile. Should be easier to make under Linux. New variables: * r_celshadalgo Disable(0), Enable Kuwahara Filtering(1), Enable White Texture(2) for Cel Shading. * r_celoutline Disable(0) or Enable(1) cell shading contourn.