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// Default Reaction Server Configuration File
// Double slashes are used for comments and to keep commands from running.
// Remove the slashes before a specific to run that command.
// Non-standard cvars for server ping tools
//sets Website "http://www.rq3.com/"
//sets Location "YourTown, USA"
//sets Admin "cf@rq3.com"
//sets Connection "T-1"
// set host name that shows up in server list.
seta sv_hostname "Reaction Betatestserver"
// set message of the day that players see while connecting to the server. Must be set before
// level loads.
seta g_motd "Reaction Betatestserver"
// Toggle Unlagged on/off server side (0 - off/1 - on)
seta g_delagHitscan 1
// Toggles Unlagged Server-side trueping - More accurate than hardware ping
seta g_truePing 1
// 0 = FFA, 4 = TP, 5 = CTB
seta g_gametype 4
// Toggles TP/DM Style weapon/item selection in TeamDM (0 - TP style/1 - DM style)
seta g_RQ3_tdmMode 0
// set voting. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)
seta g_allowvote 1
// set how many times a client can vote each map rotation (default: 3)
seta g_RQ3_maxClientVotes 2
// set time to wait after maxClientvotes is hit to issue another vote
seta g_RQ3_vote_waittime 30
// set friendly fire mode. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 0)
seta g_friendlyfire 0
seta g_logsync "0"
// turn on banning by ip
seta g_filterban 1
// name your logging file
seta g_log "Reaction_server.log"
// turn on/off pak cheat check. 1=on, 0=off (Default: 1)
seta sv_pure 1
// set fraglimit. Set to 0 for no limit.
seta fraglimit 0
// set timelimit. Set to 0 for no limit.
seta timelimit 20
// set the spawn farthest dmflag
seta dmflags 512
// set Maximum number of clients
seta sv_maxclients 16
// change this to 1 to allow clients to download paks from your server
seta sv_allowdownloads 0
// here you can set the server rcon password (DO THIS!)
seta rconpassword "rq3"
// this is for private games. only clients with this password can connect (blank means no password)
//seta g_password "changeme"
// set max allowable rate for a client. 8000 to 10000 recommended. Max: 25000 (Default: 0)
seta sv_maxRate 10000
// set requirement for client password. 1=require password, 0=no password required (Default: 0)
seta sv_privateClients 0
// set password for private server "" for no password
seta sv_privatePassword ""
// Enables message flood checking. (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default))
seta sv_RQ3_messageProtect 1
// Time interval in seconds for message flood check after a
// client's first message is sent. If sv_RQ3_messageMaxCount
// is exceeded in this interval, the player is given a warning
// or banned from messaging for a period of time.
seta sv_RQ3_messageInterval 1
// Max number of messages allowed in sv_RQ3_messageInterval
// seconds. If this is exceeded, the player is given a warning
// or banned from messaging for a period of time.
seta sv_RQ3_messageMaxCount 4
// Maximum number of warnings before a ban is initiated.
seta sv_RQ3_messageMaxWarnings 1
// Timeout period for warning in seconds.
seta sv_RQ3_messageWarnTime 15
// Timeout period for bans in seconds. Typically, this should
// be longer than the warning time. If set to zero,
// clients are disconnected from the server. Warnings
// are reset after a ban is committed.
seta sv_RQ3_messageBanTime 60
// RQ3 teamkill settings
seta g_RQ3_maxteamkills 3
seta g_RQ3_twbanrounds 1
seta g_RQ3_tkbanrounds 1
// set this to 1 to activate MatchMode. g_gametype must be 4 for MatchMode
seta g_RQ3_matchmode 0
// allow a referee in matchmode
seta g_RQ3_AllowRef 1
// the number of allowed referees
seta g_RQ3_maxRefs 1
// the referee's password
//seta g_RQ3_RefPassword "changeme"
// Max players per team. Additional people will be forced to be subs or spectators. 0 = disabled
seta g_RQ3_maxplayers 0
// Matchmode setting, gives or takes away abilities from Captains. Use it like DMFLAGS.
seta g_RQ3_mmflags 31
// Toggles blood splats being dropped from bleeding players. (0 - disabled (default), 1 - enabled)
seta g_RQ3_bloodEject 0
// Maximum number of unique weapons a player can hold.
seta g_RQ3_maxWeapons 2
// Maximum number of unique items a player can hold
seta g_RQ3_maxItems 1
// Toggle for "All Weapons" mode (0 - off/1 - on)
seta g_RQ3_allWeapons 0
// Toggle for "All Items" mode (0 - off/1 - on)
seta g_RQ3_allItems 0
// Toggle for individual Weapon Banning - works like dmflags
// g_RQ3_weaponban values:
// MK23 1
// MP5 2
// M4 4
// M3 8
// HC 16
// SNIPER 32
// AKIMBO 64
// KNIFE 128
// GRENADE 256
// 256+128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1 = 511 means all weapons allowed
// Say I want to ban the sniper:
// Sniper = 32, so I just leave "32" out and get:
// 256+128+64+16+8+4+2+1 = 479
seta g_RQ3_weaponban 511
// Toggle for individual Item Banning - works like dmflags
// g_RQ3_itemban values:
// LASER 16
// HELMET 32
seta g_RQ3_itemban 63
// Toggle for using Kevlar Helmet on the server or not
seta g_RQ3_haveHelmet 1
// Time in seconds for a player to be invulnerable after respawning.
seta g_RQ3_respawnProtectTime 2
// Determines how long a player can remain idle before action is taken. 0 = disabled
seta g_RQ3_ppl_idletime 0
// Determines what action will be taken against an idle player.
// 0 = Play insane sound from Idle players location.
// 1 = Team none the idle player.
// 2 = Kick the idle player.
seta g_RQ3_idleaction 0
// sniper control. set this to 1 to make players with sniper spawn with it
// in stead of the pistol
seta g_RQ3_sniperup 0
// team game countdown. set this to 1 to enable
seta g_RQ3_tpcountdown 1
// gib settings. 0 = no gibs, 1 = sniper headshot gibs only. removes heads.
// 2 = 1 + really hard HC hits gib players. 3 = players explode.
seta g_RQ3_gib 3
// here you need to put the name of the .ini file you want to use if you are
// running a dedicated server.
seta g_RQ3_IniFile "example-reaction.ini"
// Enable dedicated server-side logging of player statistics at the
// end of each game session. Tracks a variety of statistics that can
// be parsed for whatever needs.
// 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled (default)
// sv_RQ3_statLog [0/1] : (default: 1)
set sv_RQ3_statlog 1
// enable grenades by setting this to 1
seta g_RQ3_tgren 2
// limit chasecam for the dead. (0 = off, 1 = team only, 2 = team eyes only)
seta g_RQ3_limchasecam 0
// rotate the map when one of the teams wins this many rounds
seta g_RQ3_roundlimit 0
// end the round after this many minutes
seta g_RQ3_roundtimelimit 2
// use this
seta g_RQ3_cvarfile "cvar.cfg"
// show your own kill messages, 0 is like AQ2 1.5x and 1.0c, 1 is like TNG/Edition
seta g_RQ3_showOwnKills 1
// force your team to talk in messagemode2 only
seta g_RQ3_forceteamtalk 0
// add up to 4 additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master2 "master.ioquake3.org"
seta sv_master1 "master.rq3.com"
// And finally a map command to jumpstart the server. This map will be
// loaded and after it ends, the rotation begins.
map urban