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// $Id$
// $Log: ui_shared.h,v $
// Revision 1.22 2006/04/14 18:02:06 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.21 2005/09/07 20:24:33 makro
// Vector support for most item types
// Revision 1.20 2005/02/15 16:33:39 makro
// Tons of updates (entity tree attachment system, UI vectors)
// Revision 1.19 2003/04/06 21:46:56 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.18 2003/04/06 18:31:22 makro
// SSG crosshairs
// Revision 1.17 2003/03/31 00:23:18 makro
// Replacements and stuff
// Revision 1.16 2003/02/26 18:22:05 makro
// Added an option to change crosshair size in assetGlobalDef's
// Revision 1.15 2003/02/13 21:19:51 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.14 2002/06/22 19:20:57 makro
// Changed number of custom SSG crosshairs to 6
// Revision 1.13 2002/06/16 20:06:15 jbravo
// Reindented all the source files with "indent -kr -ut -i8 -l120 -lc120 -sob -bad -bap"
// Revision 1.12 2002/06/12 11:15:31 makro
// Support for changing the SSG crosshair. Some other stuff
// Revision 1.11 2002/04/11 20:57:19 makro
// Tweaked onShow script handling; added onFirstShow script
// Revision 1.10 2002/03/24 21:26:14 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.9 2002/03/14 21:52:08 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.8 2002/03/10 22:10:10 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.7 2002/03/03 21:22:58 makro
// no message
// Revision 1.5 2002/02/24 00:54:12 makro
// Even more fixes to the shortcut keys code.
// Added more info to the header, too :)
// Revision 1.4 2002/02/23 15:02:22 makro
// Improved the code that checks for shortcut keys, it runs a lot faster now
// Revision 1.3 2002/02/21 20:10:16 jbravo
// Converted files back from M$ format and added cvs headers again.
// Revision 1.2 makro
// Added support for shortcut keys, 3d model rotation, model origin offset,
// new command to bring up the weapon menu and a cvar to be used in the
// player options menu. Also improved the remapShader command.
#ifndef __UI_SHARED_H
#define __UI_SHARED_H
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_types.h"
#include "keycodes.h"
#include "menudef.h"
#define MAX_MENUNAME 32
#define MAX_ITEMTEXT 64
#define MAX_MENUDEFFILE 4096
#define MAX_MENUFILE 32768
#define MAX_MENUS 64
//Makro - changed max item count from 96 to 100
//Makro - changed to 192
#define MAX_MENUITEMS 192
#define MAX_OPEN_MENUS 32
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVER 0x00000001 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_HASFOCUS 0x00000002 // has cursor focus, exclusive
#define WINDOW_VISIBLE 0x00000004 // is visible
#define WINDOW_GREY 0x00000008 // is visible but grey ( non-active )
#define WINDOW_DECORATION 0x00000010 // for decoration only, no mouse, keyboard, etc..
#define WINDOW_FADINGOUT 0x00000020 // fading out, non-active
#define WINDOW_FADINGIN 0x00000040 // fading in
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT 0x00000080 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_INTRANSITION 0x00000100 // window is in transition
#define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET 0x00000200 // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
#define WINDOW_HORIZONTAL 0x00000400 // for list boxes and sliders, vertical is default this is set of horizontal
#define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW 0x00000800 // mouse is over left/up arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW 0x00001000 // mouse is over right/down arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_THUMB 0x00002000 // mouse is over thumb
#define WINDOW_LB_PGUP 0x00004000 // mouse is over page up
#define WINDOW_LB_PGDN 0x00008000 // mouse is over page down
#define WINDOW_ORBITING 0x00010000 // item is in orbit
#define WINDOW_OOB_CLICK 0x00020000 // close on out of bounds click
#define WINDOW_WRAPPED 0x00040000 // manually wrap text
#define WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED 0x00080000 // auto wrap text
#define WINDOW_FORCED 0x00100000 // forced open
#define WINDOW_POPUP 0x00200000 // popup
#define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET 0x00400000 // backcolor was explicitly set
#define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE 0x00800000 // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
//Makro - ugliest hack ever... by far
#define WINDOW_RENDERPOINT 0x01000000
//Makro - forced text color
#define WINDOW_FORCE_TEXT_COLOR 0x02000000
//Makro - randomizes texture co-ordinates (useful for simulating screen static)
#define WINDOW_RANDOM_TCGEN 0x04000000
//Makro - parent is moved around when this item is clicked
#define WINDOW_MENU_ANCHOR 0x08000000
//Makro - window is fullscreen
#define WINDOW_FULLSCREEN 0x10000000
// CGAME cursor type bits
#define CURSOR_NONE 0x00000001
#define CURSOR_ARROW 0x00000002
#define CURSOR_SIZER 0x00000004
#ifdef CGAME
#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 128*1024
#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 384*1024
#define MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS 12
#define MAX_EDITFIELD 256
#define ART_FX_BASE "menu/art/fx_base"
#define ART_FX_BLUE "menu/art/fx_blue"
#define ART_FX_CYAN "menu/art/fx_cyan"
#define ART_FX_GREEN "menu/art/fx_grn"
#define ART_FX_RED "menu/art/fx_red"
#define ART_FX_TEAL "menu/art/fx_teal"
#define ART_FX_WHITE "menu/art/fx_white"
#define ART_FX_YELLOW "menu/art/fx_yel"
//Makro - removed "ui/assets" from these defines
#define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR "gradientbar2.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_V "scrollbar_vert.tga"
//Makro - horizontal scrollbar
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_H "scrollbar_horz.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN "scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP "scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT "scrollbar_arrow_left_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT "scrollbar_arrow_right_a.tga"
//Makro - displayed when clicked
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN2 "scrollbar_arrow_dwn_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP2 "scrollbar_arrow_up_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT2 "scrollbar_arrow_left_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT2 "scrollbar_arrow_right_b.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB "scrollbar_thumb.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR0 "slider2_0.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR1 "slider2_1.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB "sliderbutt_1.tga"
#define SCROLLBAR_SIZE 16.0
#define SLIDER_WIDTH 96.0
#define SLIDER_HEIGHT 16.0
//note - duplicated in bg_public.h
//Makro - moved to bg_public.h
////Makro - for the SSG crosshair preview
typedef struct {
const char *command;
const char *args[MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS];
} scriptDef_t;
typedef struct {
float x; // horiz position
float y; // vert position
float w; // width
float h; // height;
qboolean hasVectors;
float u[2], v[2];
} rectDef_t;
typedef rectDef_t Rectangle;
//Makro - point
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
} pointDef_t;
typedef pointDef_t Point;
typedef enum
} colorType_t;
//Makro - for the new fading method
typedef struct {
vec4_t color1;
vec4_t color2;
qboolean active;
colorType_t colorType;
int startTime, endTime;
} timeFade_t;
// FIXME: do something to separate text vs window stuff
typedef struct {
Rectangle rect; // client coord rectangle
Rectangle rectClient; // screen coord rectangle
const char *name; //
//Makro - adding support for shortcut keys
//const char *shortcutKey;
int shortcutKey[MAX_SHORTCUT_KEYS];
//Makro - drop shadow effect
int shadowStyle;
const char *group; // if it belongs to a group
//Makro - added
const char *subgroup; // if it belongs to a subgroup
const char *cinematicName; // cinematic name
int cinematic; // cinematic handle
int style; //
int border; //
int ownerDraw; // ownerDraw style
int ownerDrawFlags; // show flags for ownerdraw items
float borderSize; //
int flags; // visible, focus, mouseover, cursor
Rectangle rectEffects; // for various effects
Rectangle rectEffects2; // for various effects
int offsetTime; // time based value for various effects
int nextTime; // time next effect should cycle
//Makro - for the new fading method
timeFade_t timeFade;
vec4_t foreColor; // text color
vec4_t backColor; // border color
vec4_t borderColor; // border color
vec4_t outlineColor; // border color
qhandle_t background; // background asset
} windowDef_t;
typedef windowDef_t Window;
typedef struct {
vec4_t color;
float low;
float high;
} colorRangeDef_t;
// FIXME: combine flags into bitfields to save space
// FIXME: consolidate all of the common stuff in one structure for menus and items
// THINKABOUTME: is there any compelling reason not to have items contain items
// and do away with a menu per say.. major issue is not being able to dynamically allocate
// and destroy stuff.. Another point to consider is adding an alloc free call for vm's and have
// the engine just allocate the pool for it based on a cvar
// many of the vars are re-used for different item types, as such they are not always named appropriately
// the benefits of c++ in DOOM will greatly help crap like this
// FIXME: need to put a type ptr that points to specific type info per type
#define MAX_LB_COLUMNS 16
typedef struct columnInfo_s {
int pos;
int width;
int maxChars;
} columnInfo_t;
typedef struct listBoxDef_s {
int startPos;
int endPos;
int drawPadding;
int cursorPos;
float elementWidth;
float elementHeight;
int elementStyle;
int numColumns;
columnInfo_t columnInfo[MAX_LB_COLUMNS];
const char *doubleClick;
qboolean notselectable;
} listBoxDef_t;
typedef struct editFieldDef_s {
float minVal; // edit field limits
float maxVal; //
float defVal; //
float range; //
int maxChars; // for edit fields
int maxPaintChars; // for edit fields
int paintOffset; //
} editFieldDef_t;
#define MAX_MULTI_CVARS 32
typedef struct multiDef_s {
const char *cvarList[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
const char *cvarStr[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
float cvarValue[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
int count;
qboolean strDef;
} multiDef_t;
typedef struct modelDef_s {
//Makro - adding full rotation
//int angle;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t origin;
float fov_x;
float fov_y;
int rotationSpeed;
} modelDef_t;
#define CVAR_ENABLE 0x00000001
#define CVAR_DISABLE 0x00000002
#define CVAR_SHOW 0x00000004
#define CVAR_HIDE 0x00000008
//Makro - added for YES/NO items
#define YESNO_TEXT 0
typedef struct yesnoDef_s
int groupIndex;
float activeCvarVal;
char activeCvarStr[128];
int kind; //text / icon_left / icon_right
qboolean strDef;
qboolean wasActive;
int lastChangeTime;
} yesnoDef_t;
typedef struct itemDef_s {
Window window; // common positional, border, style, layout info
Rectangle textRect; // rectangle the text ( if any ) consumes
int type; // text, button, radiobutton, checkbox, textfield, listbox, combo
int alignment; // left center right
int textalignment; // ( optional ) alignment for text within rect based on text width
float textalignx; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
float textaligny; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
float textscale; // scale percentage from 72pts
//Makro - fixed height for autowrapped text
float textHeight;
int textStyle; // ( optional ) style, normal and shadowed are it for now
const char *text; // display text
void *parent; // menu owner
qhandle_t asset; // handle to asset
const char *mouseEnterText; // mouse enter script
const char *mouseExitText; // mouse exit script
const char *mouseEnter; // mouse enter script
const char *mouseExit; // mouse exit script
const char *action; // select script
const char *onFocus; // select script
const char *leaveFocus; // select script
//Makro - action executed when the timer shows/hides this item
const char *onTimerShow, *onTimerHide;
const char *cvar; // associated cvar
const char *cvarTest; // associated cvar for enable actions
const char *enableCvar; // enable, disable, show, or hide based on value, this can contain a list
int cvarFlags; // what type of action to take on cvarenables
sfxHandle_t focusSound;
int numColors; // number of color ranges
colorRangeDef_t colorRanges[MAX_COLOR_RANGES];
float special; // used for feeder id's etc.. diff per type
int cursorPos; // cursor position in characters
void *typeData; // type specific data ptr's
//Makro - color to fade when
} itemDef_t;
typedef struct {
Window window;
const char *font; // font
qboolean fullScreen; // covers entire screen
int itemCount; // number of items;
int fontIndex; //
int cursorItem; // which item as the cursor
int fadeCycle; //
float fadeClamp; //
float fadeAmount; //
const char *onOpen; // run when the menu is first opened
const char *onClose; // run when the menu is closed
const char *onESC; // run when the menu is closed
//Makro - executed when all the items in a timed sequence have been shown
const char *onFinishTimer;
//Makro - extra action to be executed on shown/hidden timer items
const char *onTimerShow, *onTimerHide;
//Makro - executed when the menu is shown
const char *onShow;
const char *onFirstShow;
//Makro - executed when the user clicks outside the active area
const char *onOOBClick;
//Makro - special script to be executed when the menu is opened with "openspecial"
const char *onOpenSpecial;
qboolean shown;
int showCount;
const char *soundName; // background loop sound for menu
//Makro - music intro
const char *soundIntro;
vec4_t focusColor; // focus color for items
vec4_t disableColor; // focus color for items
itemDef_t *items[MAX_MENUITEMS]; // items this menu contains
//Makro - timer is on/off
qboolean timerEnabled;
int nextTimer, timerInterval, timedItems, timerPos, timerMaxDisplay;
} menuDef_t;
typedef struct {
const char *fontStr;
const char *cursorStr;
const char *gradientStr;
//Makro - this allows us to have more than one UI dir
const char *assetsPath;
fontInfo_t textFont;
fontInfo_t smallFont;
fontInfo_t bigFont;
qhandle_t cursor;
qhandle_t gradientBar;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight;
//Makro - shown when clicked
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft2;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight2;
//Makro - two separate backgrounds
qhandle_t scrollBarH;
qhandle_t scrollBarV;
qhandle_t scrollBarThumb;
qhandle_t buttonMiddle;
qhandle_t buttonInside;
qhandle_t solidBox;
qhandle_t sliderBar0, sliderBar1;
qhandle_t sliderThumb;
// Makro - precache this instead of loading it per frame
qhandle_t defaultLevelshot;
sfxHandle_t menuEnterSound;
sfxHandle_t menuExitSound;
sfxHandle_t menuBuzzSound;
sfxHandle_t itemFocusSound;
float fadeClamp;
int fadeCycle;
float fadeAmount;
float shadowX;
float shadowY;
vec4_t shadowColor;
float shadowFadeClamp;
qboolean fontRegistered;
// player settings
qhandle_t fxBasePic;
qhandle_t fxPic[7];
qhandle_t crosshairShader[NUM_CROSSHAIRS];
//Makro - for the SSG crosshair preview
qhandle_t SSGcrosshairShader;
//Makro - for drop shadow effects
qhandle_t dropShadowCorners[4];
qhandle_t dropShadowRight, dropShadowBottom;
//Makro - for grouped checkboxes
qhandle_t checkBox0, checkBox1;
} cachedAssets_t;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
void (*handler) (itemDef_t * item, char **args);
} commandDef_t;
//Makro - added for packing bits
#define GETBIT(intvec, pos) ( ( ((intvec)[(pos)>>5]) & (1<<((pos) & 31)) ) != 0 )
#define SETBIT(intvec, pos, bit) if (bit)\
(intvec)[(pos)>>5] |= (1 << ((pos) & 31));\
(intvec)[(pos)>>5] &= ~(1 << ((pos) & 31))\
typedef struct {
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
} resolution_t;
typedef struct {
qhandle_t(*registerShaderNoMip) (const char *p);
void (*setColor) (const vec4_t v);
void (*drawHandlePic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t asset);
//Makro - added "adjust"
void (*drawStretchPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,
qhandle_t hShader, qboolean adjust);
//Makro - angled pictures
void (*drawAngledPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const float *u, const float *v, const float *color, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2,
qhandle_t hShader);
//Makro - added forceColor and maxwidth
void (*drawText) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit,
float maxwidth, int style, qboolean forceColor);
//Makro - angled text
void (*drawAngledText) (float x, float y, const float *u, const float *v, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit,
float maxwidth, int style, qboolean forceColor);
int (*textWidth) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
int (*textHeight) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
qhandle_t(*registerModel) (const char *p);
void (*modelBounds) (qhandle_t model, vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
void (*fillRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color);
//Makro - added shader parm
void (*drawRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawSides) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawAngledRect) (float x, float y, float w, float h, const float *u, const float *v, float size, const float *color, unsigned char type, qhandle_t shader);
void (*drawTopBottom) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, qhandle_t shader);
void (*clearScene) ( void );
void (*addRefEntityToScene) (const refEntity_t * re);
void (*renderScene) (const refdef_t * fd);
void (*registerFont) (const char *pFontname, int pointSize, fontInfo_t * font);
//Makro - aded item
void (*ownerDrawItem) (itemDef_t *item, float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw,
int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, float scale, vec4_t color,
qhandle_t shader, int textStyle);
float (*getValue) (int ownerDraw);
qboolean(*ownerDrawVisible) (int flags);
void (*runScript) (char **p);
void (*getTeamColor) (vec4_t * color);
void (*getCVarString) (const char *cvar, char *buffer, int bufsize);
float (*getCVarValue) (const char *cvar);
void (*setCVar) (const char *cvar, const char *value);
void (*drawTextWithCursor) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos,
char cursor, int limit, int style);
//Makro - vector items
void (*drawAngledTextWithCursor) (float x, float y, const float *u, const float *v, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos,
char cursor, int limit, int style);
void (*setOverstrikeMode) (qboolean b);
qboolean(*getOverstrikeMode) ( void );
void (*startLocalSound) (sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum);
qboolean(*ownerDrawHandleKey) (int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key);
int (*feederCount) (float feederID);
const char *(*feederItemText) (float feederID, int index, int column, qhandle_t * handle);
qhandle_t(*feederItemImage) (float feederID, int index);
void (*feederSelection) (float feederID, int index);
void (*keynumToStringBuf) (int keynum, char *buf, int buflen);
void (*getBindingBuf) (int keynum, char *buf, int buflen);
void (*setBinding) (int keynum, const char *binding);
void (*executeText) (int exec_when, const char *text);
void (*Error)(int level, const char *error, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
void (*Print)(const char *msg, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void (*Pause) (qboolean b);
int (*ownerDrawWidth) (int ownerDraw, float scale);
sfxHandle_t(*registerSound) (const char *name, qboolean compressed);
void (*startBackgroundTrack) (const char *intro, const char *loop);
void (*stopBackgroundTrack) ( void );
int (*playCinematic) (const char *name, float x, float y, float w, float h);
void (*stopCinematic) (int handle);
void (*drawCinematic) (int handle, float x, float y, float w, float h);
void (*runCinematicFrame) (int handle);
float yscale;
float xscale;
float bias;
int realTime;
int frameTime;
int cursorx;
int cursory;
//Makro - added cursor size
int cursorSize;
//Makro - mouse down
qboolean mouseDown[3];
int mouseDownPos[2];
//Makro - last time the cursor was moved
int mouseMoveTime;
qboolean debug;
cachedAssets_t Assets;
glconfig_t glconfig;
qhandle_t whiteShader;
qhandle_t gradientImage;
qhandle_t cursor;
//Makro - added; almost useless
qhandle_t selectShader;
float FPS;
//Makro - added
int smoothFPS;
//Makro - vector items speed hack
int pendingPolys;
//and a z-order hack
float polyZ;
refdef_t scene2D;
//Makro - fade in/out
float overlayColor[4], overlayColor2[4];
int overlayFadeStart, overlayFadeEnd;
//Makro - keep track of key presses
int keysStatus[1024/(8*sizeof(int))];
//Makro - gl extensions
const char *glExtensions[MAX_NUM_GL_EXTENSIONS];
int numGlExtensions;
// Makro - total screen extents (which can go outside 0,0-640,480 for wide screens)
float min[2];
float max[2];
// Makro - supported resolutions
resolution_t supportedMode[MAX_NUM_SUPPORTED_MODES];
int numSupportedModes;
int selectedMode;
} displayContextDef_t;
const char *String_Alloc(const char *p);
void String_Init( void );
void String_Report( void );
void Init_Display(displayContextDef_t * dc);
void Display_ExpandMacros(char *buff);
void Menu_Init(menuDef_t * menu);
void Item_Init(itemDef_t * item);
void Menu_PostParse(menuDef_t * menu);
menuDef_t *Menu_GetFocused( void );
void Menu_HandleKey(menuDef_t * menu, int key, qboolean down);
void Menu_HandleMouseMove(menuDef_t * menu, float x, float y);
void Menu_ScrollFeeder(menuDef_t * menu, int feeder, qboolean down);
qboolean Float_Parse(char **p, float *f);
qboolean Color_Parse(char **p, vec4_t * c);
qboolean Int_Parse(char **p, int *i);
qboolean Rect_Parse(char **p, rectDef_t * r);
qboolean String_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
qboolean Script_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
qboolean PC_Float_Parse(int handle, float *f);
qboolean PC_Color_Parse(int handle, vec4_t * c);
qboolean PC_Int_Parse(int handle, int *i);
qboolean PC_Rect_Parse(int handle, rectDef_t * r);
qboolean PC_String_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
qboolean PC_Script_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
int Menu_Count( void );
void Menu_New(int handle);
void Menu_PaintAll( void );
//Makro - added second parameter
menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p, qboolean special);
void Menu_Reset( void );
qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible( void );
void Menus_Activate(menuDef_t * menu);
//Makro - select the right player model icon
void UI_RQ3_SelectPlayerIcon(menuDef_t *menu);
//Makro - added
int Text_maxPaintChars(char *text, float scale, float width);
displayContextDef_t *Display_GetContext( void );
void *Display_CaptureItem(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_MouseMove(void *p, int x, int y);
int Display_CursorType(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_KeyBindPending( void );
//Makro - added second parameter
void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p, qboolean special);
menuDef_t *Menus_FindByName(const char *p);
void Menus_ShowByName(const char *p);
void Menus_CloseByName(const char *p);
void Display_HandleKey(int key, qboolean down, int x, int y);
void LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t);
void Menus_CloseAll( void );
void Menu_Paint(menuDef_t * menu, qboolean forcePaint);
void Menu_SetFeederSelection(menuDef_t * menu, int feeder, int index, const char *name);
void Display_CacheAll( void );
void *UI_Alloc(int size);
void UI_InitMemory(void);
qboolean UI_OutOfMemory( void );
void Controls_GetConfig(void);
void Controls_SetConfig(qboolean restart);
void Controls_SetDefaults(void);
int trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine(char *define);
int trap_PC_LoadSource(const char *filename);
int trap_PC_FreeSource(int handle);
int trap_PC_ReadToken(int handle, pc_token_t * pc_token);
int trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine(int handle, char *filename, int *line);
//Makro - new rendering stuff
void UI_AddQuadToScene(qhandle_t hShader, const polyVert_t *verts);
void UI_Render2DScene( void );
void Rect_ToInnerCoords(rectDef_t *rect, float x, float y, float *resx, float *resy);
//#define UI_POLY_Z_OFFSET -0.00001f
#define UI_POLY_Z_OFFSET 0.f
//Makro - for all the lazy people
#define IsBetween(a, min, max) ( (a) >= (min) && (a) <= (max) )
#define PRINT_RECT(r) (r).x, (r).y, (r).w, (r).h
#define RECT_SIDES 1
#define RECT_FULL 3