#include "ui/menudef.h" #define LINE_ALPHA 0.2 #define FADEIN_TIME 125 #define ANGLES -4 -94 #define RADIOPRESET(PRESET_ID, PRESET_KEY, PRESET_TEXT, BELOW)\ itemDef { \ name "preset"#PRESET_ID \ shortcutKey PRESET_KEY \ alignrect BELOW ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 18 192 16 \ style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY \ type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON \ text PRESET_TEXT \ ownerdraw UI_RQ3_RADIOPRESET##PRESET_ID \ textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT \ textalignx 8 \ textaligny 12 \ textscale .225 \ forecolor 0 0 .1 1 \ visible 1 \ action { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; uiScript closeingame ; uiScript "runPreset" PRESET_ID } \ } { menuDef { name "ingame_presets" visible 0 fullscreen 0 rect 40 36 288 264 anglevectors ANGLES focusColor RQ3_MAIN_FOCUSCOLOR popup style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY //style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED //backcolor 0 0 0 1 onOpen { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; ALPHA_FADE_FORE(fade_fore_alpha, 1) ; } onESC { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; close _self } onOOBClick { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; close _self } itemDef { name "paper" menuAnchor subgroup "fade_fore_alpha" style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background UI_ASSETS"/paper_1" forecolor MENUCOLOR_DEMO 1 rect -8 -16 320 320 anglevectors ANGLES visible 1 decoration } //Title itemdef { renderpoint name "title" subgroup "fade_fore_alpha" text "Radio commands:" forecolor .0 .0 .1 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 12 textscale RQ3_MAIN_TEXTSIZE alignrect paper ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 36 36 240 36 visible 1 autowrapped decoration } // order by: preset number, shortcut key, description, previous element RADIOPRESET(1, "1", "^_1^_.", "title") RADIOPRESET(2, "2", "^_2^_.", "preset1") RADIOPRESET(3, "3", "^_3^_.", "preset2") RADIOPRESET(4, "4", "^_4^_.", "preset3") RADIOPRESET(5, "5", "^_5^_.", "preset4") RADIOPRESET(6, "6", "^_6^_.", "preset5") RADIOPRESET(7, "7", "^_7^_.", "preset6") RADIOPRESET(8, "8", "^_8^_.", "preset7") RADIOPRESET(9, "9", "^_9^_.", "preset8") RADIOPRESET(10, "0", "^_0^_.", "preset9") itemDef { name "edit" alignrect "preset10" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 144 20 44 14 //text "> ^_E^_dit <" text "> Edit <" /* TTI: Might be a good idea to disable this shortcut -- it's annoying if you push it accidentally during gameplay */ //shortcutKey "E" style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY forecolor .5 0 0 1 textalignx 2 textaligny 12 textscale .225 visible 1 type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON action { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; open ingame_presets_edit } } } }