#include "ui/menudef.h" #define FADEIN_TIME 125 #define BACK_COLOR1 .85 .9 .85 1 #define BACK_COLOR2 .95 .95 .98 1 #define ANGLES -3 -93 { // FORGIVE TEAMKILL // menuDef { name "ingame_tkok" visible 0 fullscreen 0 rect 248 2 224 116 anglevectors ANGLES focusColor .25 .25 .5 1 popup style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY onOpen { //setrandomitemcolor postit forecolor 2 BACK_COLOR1 BACK_COLOR2 ; setitemcolor window forecolor 5 5 5 0 ; timefade window forecolor 5 5 5 1 0 FADEIN_TIME ; play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; //setfocus addressEntry } onESC { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; close _self } onOOBClick { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; close _self } itemDef { renderpoint name "postit" menuAnchor group window style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background UI_ASSETS"/paper_1" forecolor 1 1 .92 1 //backcolor .94 .94 .82 1 rect -8 -4 248 136 anglevectors ANGLES visible 1 decoration } // TITLE // itemdef { renderpoint name "title" text "Forgive the last teammate who killed you?" forecolor .6 .0 .0 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 4 textaligny 24 textscale RQ3_MAIN_TEXTSIZE alignrect postit ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 24 16 192 36 visible 1 autowrapped decoration } // YES // itemDef { name yes group window text "^_Y^_ES" shortcutKey "Y" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY backcolor 0 0 0 .1 textscale .25 alignrect "title" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 20 56 32 16 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 16 textaligny 12 forecolor 0 0 .15 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; exec "tkok" ; uiScript closeingame } } // NO // itemDef { name no group window text "^_N^_O" shortcutKey "N" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY backcolor 0 0 0 .1 textscale .25 alignrect "title" ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 20 56 32 16 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 16 textaligny 12 forecolor 0 0 .15 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; uiScript closeingame } } } } #if 0 #include "ui/menudef.h" { menudef { name "ingame_tkok" visible 0 fullscreen 0 //outOfBoundsClick // this closes the window if it gets a click out of the rectangle onOOBClick { close _self } rect 200 64 180 120 disableColor .5 .5 .5 1 focusColor 1 .75 0 1 // Menu focus color for text and items style 1 shadowStyle 1 onOpen { play "sound/misc/menu1.wav" ; show grpMenu ; hide grpConfirm } //Window itemdef { rect 0 0 180 120 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED backcolor Ig_Window_Color visible 1 border 1 bordersize 1 bordercolor Ig_Window_BorderColor decoration } itemdef { rect 61 1 120 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "ui/assets/rq3-ingame-title" visible 1 decoration } itemdef { rect 61 1 120 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY forecolor Ig_Window_TitleColor textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL textscale .225 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 24 textaligny 16 text "Team kill OK ?" visible 1 decoration } // Text // itemdef { text "Forgive the last\n" "teammate who killed you ?" style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textscale .25 rect 8 40 164 32 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 82 textaligny 12 autowrapped forecolor Ig_Sub_TextColor visible 1 decoration } //Buttons // YES // itemdef { name yes text "Yes" shortcutKey "Y" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textscale .25 rect 48 88 40 16 textalign 1 textalignx 20 textaligny 12 forecolor Ig_Sub_TextColor visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/menu1.wav" ; exec "tkok" ; uiScript closeingame } } // NO // itemdef { name no text "No" shortcutKey "N" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textscale .25 rect 92 88 40 16 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 20 textaligny 12 forecolor Ig_Sub_TextColor visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/menu1.wav" ; uiScript closeingame } } // SEPARATOR // itemdef { text "/" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textscale .25 rect 74 88 32 16 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 16 textaligny 12 forecolor Ig_Sub_TextColor visible 1 decoration } } } #endif