#include "ui/menudef.h" { \\ Server Creation \\ menuDef { name "createserver" visible 0 fullscreen 1 rect 0 0 640 480 background "menuback_a" outOfBoundsClick focusColor 1 .75 0 1 style 1 border 1 onEsc { close createserver ; open main } onOpen { setitemcolor fadebox backcolor 0 0 0 1 ; playlooped "music/fla_mp03.wav" ; fadeout fadebox ; transition mappreview 7 127 190 1 7 57 190 141 20 10 ; uiScript loadArenas ; hide lightning ; hide accept_alt ; show accept ; hide back_alt ; show back ; hide grpmessage } itemDef { name window rect 2 50 200 370 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 204 50 227 98 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 204 150 227 270 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 433 50 200 183 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } decoration } itemDef { name window rect 433 235 200 185 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } decoration } itemDef { name window rect 433 50 200 370 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .25 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } decoration } // top bar // itemDef { name topbar style 2 rect 0 5 640 40 style 2 border 4 bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 bordersize 2 backcolor 0 0 .75 .5 visible 1 decoration mouseEnter { setcolor backcolor .75 0 0 .5 } mouseExit { setcolor backcolor 0 0 .75 .5 } } // GLOBAL SETTINGS itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_NETGAMETYPE text "Type:" textstyle 6 rect 0 10 320 31 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 20 textaligny 26 textscale .416 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_gametype } mouseExit { fadeout message_gametype } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_SKILL textstyle 6 text "Skill:" rect 320 10 320 31 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 90 textaligny 26 textscale .416 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_skill } mouseExit { fadeout message_skill } } // map selection itemDef { name mappreview style 0 ownerdraw UI_STARTMAPCINEMATIC rect 7 57 190 141 border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 visible 1 } itemDef { name mappreview style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED rect 6 56 192 143 border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 visible 1 } itemDef { name maplist rect 6 205 192 211 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED elementwidth 120 elementheight 20 textscale .25 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT feeder FEEDER_ALLMAPS textstyle 6 textalign 3 textaligny 14 border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 .5 .25 outlinecolor .1 .1 .7 .5 visible 1 columns 1 2 190 25 mouseEnter { fadein message_arena ; setitemcolor maplist bordercolor .7 0 0 1 } mouseExit { fadeout message_arena ; setitemcolor maplist bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 } } // SETTINGS // // NORMAL // itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Capture Limit:" cvar "capturelimit" ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_NETANYTEAMGAME rect 260 60 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 maxchars 4 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Frag Limit:" cvar "fraglimit" ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_NETANYNONTEAMGAME rect 260 60 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 maxchars 4 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Time Limit:" cvar "timelimit" rect 260 77 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 maxchars 4 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Friendly Fire:" cvar "g_friendlyfire" rect 260 94 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Pure Server:" cvar "sv_pure" rect 260 111 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name normal group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Dedicated:" // syntax for this is cvar name followed by a semicolan separated list of choices first choice equals 0 // dedicated is a special cvar in that as soon as it is set, the game goes to console only so the ui catches this one specifically cvar "ui_dedicated" cvarFloatList { "No" 0 "LAN" 1 "Internet" 2 } rect 260 128 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } // EXPERT // itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD text "Host Name:" cvar "sv_hostname" maxChars 32 maxPaintChars 10 rect 260 160 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Auto Download:" cvar "sv_allowdownload" rect 260 175 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Enable Voting:" cvar "g_allowvote" rect 260 190 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Maximum Players:" cvar "sv_maxclients" rect 260 205 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 maxchars 4 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Minimum Ping:" cvar "sv_minping" rect 260 220 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 maxchars 4 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Maximum Ping:" cvar "sv_maxping" rect 260 235 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 maxchars 4 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Force Join:" cvar "g_teamautojoin" rect 260 250 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Even Teams:" cvar "g_teamforcebalance" rect 260 265 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Do Warmup:" cvar "g_dowarmup" rect 260 280 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Warmup time:" cvar "g_warmup" rect 260 295 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 maxchars 4 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Synchronous Client:" cvar "g_synchronousclients" rect 260 310 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Max Rate:" cvar "sv_maxrate" rect 260 325 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 maxchars 4 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Zombie Time:" cvar "sv_zombietime" rect 260 340 128 12 maxchars 4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD text "Reconnect Limit:" cvar "sv_reconnectlimit" maxchars 4 rect 260 355 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Require Password:" cvar "g_needpassword" rect 260 370 128 12 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name expert group grpsettings type 4 text "Password:" cvar "g_password" rect 260 385 128 12 maxchars 10 maxPaintChars 10 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 65 textaligny 12 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } // BOT LIST FOR TEAM GAMES itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAMNAME rect 450 70 128 28 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 26 textscale .333 forecolor 0 0 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_clan } mouseExit { fadeout message_clan } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM1 rect 450 100 128 20 text "1." textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM2 rect 450 122 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 text "2." textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "3." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM3 rect 450 144 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "4." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM4 rect 450 166 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "5." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM5 rect 450 188 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_REDTEAMNAME rect 450 250 128 28 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 26 textscale .333 forecolor 1 0 0 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_clan } mouseExit { fadeout message_clan } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM1 text "1." rect 450 280 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "2." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM2 rect 450 302 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "3." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM3 rect 450 324 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "4." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM4 rect 450 346 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "5." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM5 rect 450 368 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } // BOT LIST FOR NONTEAMGAMES itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "1." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM1 rect 450 100 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "2." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM1 rect 450 125 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "3." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM2 rect 450 150 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "4." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM2 rect 450 175 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "5." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM3 rect 450 200 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "6." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM3 rect 450 225 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "7." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM4 rect 450 250 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "8." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM4 rect 450 275 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "9." ownerdraw UI_BLUETEAM5 rect 450 300 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } itemDef { name gametypefield style 0 text "10." ownerdraw UI_REDTEAM5 rect 443 325 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 0 textaligny 18 textscale .333 forecolor 1 1 1 1 border 0 bordercolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" showCvar { "0" ; "1" ; "2" } action { play "sound/misc/nomenu.wav" } mouseEnter { fadein message_slot } mouseExit { fadeout message_slot } } // BACK BAR // itemDef { name gotobar style 2 rect 0 430 640 30 textscale 0.4 textalign 0 // center textalignx 60 // x alignment point for text // use it to offset left/right text from the edge // or to center the text on a different point textaligny 21 style 2 border 4 bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 bordersize 2 backcolor 0 0 .75 0.5 visible 1 mouseEnter { setcolor backcolor .75 0 0 .5 } mouseExit { setcolor backcolor 0 0 .75 .5 } decoration } itemDef { name back style 3 background "ui/assets/backarrow.tga" rect 16 424 50 50 visible 1 action { close createserver ; open main } mouseEnter { hide back ; show back_alt ; fadein message_back } } itemDef { name back_alt style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "ui/assets/backarrow_alt.tga" rect 14 422 54 54 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON mouseExit { hide back_alt ; show back ; fadeout message_back } action { close createserver ; open main } } itemDef { name accept style 3 rect 574 424 50 50 background "ui/assets/forwardarrow.tga" backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 mouseEnter { playlooped "sound/misc/loop_electricity_05.wav" ; show lightning ; hide accept ; show accept_alt ; fadein message_accept } action { close fight ; uiScript StartServer } /* // demo_only cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" } */ } itemDef { name accept_alt style 3 rect 572 422 54 54 background "ui/assets/forwardarrow_alt.tga" backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON action { close fight ; uiScript StartServer } mouseExit { hide lightning ; hide accept_alt ; show accept ; fadeout message_accept ; playlooped "music/fla_mp03.wav" } /* // demo_only cvarTest "ui_actualNetGameType" hideCvar { "0" ; "1" } */ } itemDef { name lightning style 3 background lightningkc rect 46 385 236 128 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name lightning style 3 background lightningkc rect 355 385 236 128 visible 0 decoration } // MESSAGES // itemDef { name message_back group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Exit to Main Menu" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_accept group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textalignx 0 textstyle 1 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Start Server" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_gametype group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Set GameType" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_skill group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Set Skill Level" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_arena group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Choose Your Arena" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_clan group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Click to toggle through clan list" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_slot group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Click to toggle botnames, human, or closed slots" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_normal group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Select to Modify Normal Server Settings" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name message_expert group grpmessage style 0 rect 320 430 128 30 textalign 1 textstyle 1 textalignx 0 textaligny 25 textscale .416 text "Select to Modify Expert Server Settings" forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 0 } itemDef { name fadebox style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED background "ui/assets/fadebox.tga" forecolor 0 0 0 1 backcolor 0 0 0 1 rect 0 0 640 480 visible 1 decoration } } } }