#include "ui/menudef.h"

  assetGlobalDef {
    font "fonts/impact.ttf" 16				// font
    smallFont "fonts/impact.ttf" 12				// font
    bigFont "fonts/impact.ttf" 20				// font
	cursor "menu/art/3_cursor3"			// cursor	
	gradientBar "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga"	// gradient bar
	//menuEnterSound "sound/misc/menu1.wav"		// sound for menu loading
	//menuExitSound "sound/misc/menu3.wav"		// sound for menu exiting 
	itemFocusSound "sound/misc/menu2.wav"		// sound for item getting focus (via keyboard or mouse )
	//menuBuzzSound "sound/misc/menu4.wav"		// sound for menu buzzing

    fadeClamp 1.0					// sets the fadeup alpha
	fadeCycle 1					// how often fade happens in milliseconds
	fadeAmount 0.1					// amount to adjust alpha per cycle

	//shadowX  5					// x amount for shadow offset
	//shadowY  5					// y amount for shadow offset
	shadowColor 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25			// shadow color

menuDef {
    	name "main"
	background "menuback_a"
    	fullScreen MENU_TRUE
	rect 0 0 640 480
    	visible MENU_TRUE
	focusColor 1 .75 0 1
	soundLoop "music/fla_mp03.wav" 
	onESC { open quit_popmenu }

itemDef {
      	name menuback_e
      	rect 0 163 640 155
     	background "menuback_e"
      	visible 1


itemDef {
      	name menuback_b
     	rect 0 163 640 155
     	visible 1
     	background "menuback_b"
     	bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 .7

itemDef {
	name cinematic
      	style 5
	cinematic "mpintro.roq"
	rect 390 163 250 155
	backcolor 1 1 1 .25
	visible 1

itemDef {
      	name menuback_d
      	rect 0 163 255 155
     	background "menuback_d"
      	visible 1

itemDef {
      	name menuback_c
      	rect 205 123 235 235
     	background "menuback_c"
      	visible 1

itemDef {
      	name selection
      	rect 205 123 235 235
     	background "ui/assets/mainpop.tga"
	forecolor 1 1 1 .75
      	visible 0

itemDef {
	name selection
	rect 252 170 144 144 
	style 3
	background "centerconsole2"
	visible 0

itemDef {
      	name gametypebar
      	style 2
      	rect 80 40 520 30 
      	backcolor 0 0 .75 .25
      	border 4
      	bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
      	bordersize 1
      	visible 1 
      	mouseEnter { hide gametype ; show teamarena ; setcolor backcolor .75 0 0 .25 ; show selection }
      	mouseExit { show gametype ; hide teamarena ; setcolor backcolor 0 0 .75 .25 ; hide selection ; hide grpMessage }	

itemDef {
      	name gametype
	type 1
      	text "TEAM ARENA"
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
      	rect 0 40 640 30
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	textalignx 320
	textaligny 23 
      	textalign 1
	textscale .416		
      	visible 1 		  

itemDef {
      	name teamarena
	type 1
      	text "Quake3"
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
      	rect 200 40 60 30 
	textscale .333
     	textalign 1
	textalignx 30
	textaligny 22		
      	backcolor 0 0 0 0
      	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_quake }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_quake }
	action { open quake3_popmenu }

itemDef {
      	name teamarena
      	text "Rules"
	type 1
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
     	rect 260 40 60 30
	textscale .333
	textalignx 30
	textaligny 22	 
      	textalign 1		
      	backcolor 0 0 0 0
      	forecolor 1 1 1 1 
	visible 0
	mouseenter { fadein message_help }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_help }
	action { close main ; open help_menu } 

itemDef {
      	name teamarena
      	text "Credits"
	type 1
	textstyle 6
	textscale .333
      	style 0	
     	rect 320 40 60 30
	textalignx 30
	textaligny 22	 
      	textalign 1		
      	backcolor 0 0 0 0
      	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
	mouseenter { fadein message_credits }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_credits }
	action { close main ; open credit } 

itemDef {
     	name teamarena
     	text "Mods"
	type 1
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
	textscale .333
      	rect 380 40 60 30 
	textalignx 30
	textaligny 22
     	textalign 1		
      	backcolor 0 0 0 0
      	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_mods }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_mods }
	action { close main ; open mod }


itemDef {
      	name singlebar
      	style 2
      	rect 0 80 640 30 
      	backcolor 0 0 .75 .25
      	border 4
      	bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
      	bordersize 1
      	visible 1 
      	mouseEnter { setcolor backcolor .75 0 0 .25 ; hide play ; show playselection ; show selection  }
      	mouseExit { setcolor backcolor 0 0 .75 .25 ; show play ; hide playselection ; hide selection ; hide grpMessage  }

itemDef {
      	name play
      	text "PLAY"
	type 1
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
      	rect 0 80 640 30 
      	textalign 1
	textscale .416		
	textalignx 320
	textaligny 23
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 1 

itemDef {
      	name playselection
      	text "SinglePlayer"
	type 1
      	textstyle 6	
      	rect 170 80 100 30
	textalignx 50
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
      	textalign 1		
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_singleplayer }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_singleplayer }
      	action { close main ; open Skirmish }

itemDef {
      	name playselection
      	text "MultiPlayer"
	type 1
      	style 0
	textstyle 6	
      	rect 270 80 100 30 
      	textalign 1		// center
	textalignx 50
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1 
	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_multiplayer }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_multiplayer }
	action { close main ; open joinserver }


itemDef {
      	name playselection
      	text "StartServer"
	type 1
      	style 0	
	textstyle 6
      	rect 370 80 100 30 
      	textalign 1		// center
	textalignx 50
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1  
	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_startserver }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_startserver }
      	action { close main ; open createserver }

//	OPTIONS		// 
itemDef {
      	name optionbar
      	style 2
      	rect 0 360 640 30 
      	backcolor 0 0 1 .25
      	border 4
      	bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
      	bordersize 1
      	visible 1 
      	mouseEnter { setcolor backcolor .75 0 0 .25 ; hide options ; show optionselection ; show selection }
      	mouseExit { setcolor backcolor 0 0 .75 .25 ; show options ; hide optionselection ; hide selection ; hide grpMessage }

itemDef {
      	name options
      	text "OPTIONS"
      	style 0	
	type 1
	textstyle 6
      	rect 0 360 640 30
	textalignx 320
	textaligny 23 
	textscale .416
      	textalign 1	   
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 1 
	mouseenter { fadein message_options }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_options }

itemDef {
      	name optionselection
      	text "Player"
      	style 0	
	type 1
	textstyle 6
      	rect 170 360 100 30 
	textalignx 50
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
      	textalign 1		
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_player }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_player }
      	action { close main ; open player_menu }

itemDef {
	name optionselection
	text "Setup"
	type 1
	style 0
	textstyle 6	
	rect 270 360 100 30 
	textalignx 50
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
      	textalign 1		
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_setup }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_setup }
      	action { close main ; open setup_menu ; open control_menu }

itemDef {
      	name optionselection
      	text "Demos"
	type 1
      	style 0
	textstyle 6	
      	rect 370 360 100 30 
	textalignx 50 
	textaligny 22
	textscale .333
     	textalign 1	
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 0 
	mouseenter { fadein message_demos }
	mouseexit { fadeout message_demos }
      	action { close main ; open demo }

//	QUIT	//

itemDef {
      	name quitbar
      	style 2
      	rect 0 404 640 30 
      	backcolor 0 0 1 .25
      	border 4
      	bordercolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
      	bordersize 1
      	visible 1 

itemDef {
      	name quit
      	text "QUIT"
      	style 0	
	type 1
	textstyle 6
      	rect 0 404 640 30
	textalignx 320
	textaligny 23 
	textscale .416
      	textalign 1	   
   	forecolor 1 1 1 1
      	visible 1 
  	action { open quit_popmenu }
	mouseEnter { setitemcolor quitbar backcolor .75 0 0 .25 ; show selection ; show message_quit }
      	mouseExit { setitemcolor quitbar backcolor 0 0 .75 .25 ; hide selection ; fadeout message_quit ; hide grpMessage  }

itemDef {
      	name copyright
      	text "Quake III Copyright 2000 id software, inc. All rights reserved"
      	style 0
      	textscale .25
      	rect 0 440 640 40
      	textalign 1	
      	textaligny 32
      	textalignx 320 
      	forecolor .75 0 0 .75
      	visible 1 


itemDef {
	name message_quake
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 265 210 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "Play the Original \r"
	"Quake III Game."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_help
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 261 195 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "       Rules for \r"
	"New Gametytpes,\r"
	"  Powerups, and\r"
	"    Team Orders."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_credits
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 272 220 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "    About Us."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0

itemDef {
	name message_mods
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 256 210 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "  Modifications of\r"
	"Quake III by other \r"
	"      Developers."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_singleplayer
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 260 205 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "  Challenge Your\r"
	"Skills Against the\r"
	"       Computer."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_multiplayer
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 265 205 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "Join other Team \r"
	"Arena Games on\r"
	" LAN or Internet."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_startserver
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 272 205 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text " Start a Game\r"
	"  Server for\r"
	"Others to Join."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_player
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 275 205 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "  Select Your\r"
	"Player Model\r"
	"    and Clan."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_setup
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 257 205 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "     Set Controls,\r"
	"Game Options, and \r"
	"  System Settings."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_demos
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 258 210 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "   View Recorded\r"
	"Team Arena Game."
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0
itemDef {
	name message_quit
	group grpMessage
	style 0 
	rect 258 225 235 20
	textalign 0
	textstyle 1
	textalignx 0
	textaligny 25
	textscale .333
	text "     Get to Work!"
	forecolor 1 1 1 1
	visible 0





