#include "ui/menudef.h" #include "ui/controls_common.h" #include "ui/tabs.h" //////////////////////////////////// // // CONSTANTS // // #define OPTION_COLOR 0 0 .1 1 #define Tab_Color1 0 0 0 1 #define Tab_Color2 0 0 .5 1 #define VSPACE 16 #define VSIZE 16 #define ICON_ALPHA 0.5 #define LINE_ALPHA 0.2 #define FADEIN_TIME 125 #define HINT_COLOR .25 .25 .25 #define HINT_FADE_TIME 125 #define LINE_WIDTH 240 //////////////////////////////////// // // MENU DEFINITION // // { menuDef { name "system_menu" visible MENU_FALSE // Visible on open //fullScreen MENU_FALSE focusColor RQ3_MAIN_FOCUSCOLOR // Menu focus color for text and items rect 112 88 300 348 anglevectors 4 -86 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY popup onOOBClick { close _self } onOpen { play "sound/ui/whoosh3.wav" ; uiScript initSystemSettings ; setitemcolor hints forecolor HINT_COLOR 1 ; hide hints ; ACTIVATE_TAB(1) ; } onClose { uiScript saveControls ; open _prev } onEsc { close _self } onOpenSpecial { //normal items setItemColor "fade_alpha" forecolor 5 5 5 0 ; timeFade "fade_alpha" forecolor 5 5 5 1 0 FADEIN_TIME ; //icon - special alpha setItemColor "icon" forecolor 5 5 5 0 ; timeFade "icon" forecolor 5 5 5 ICON_ALPHA 0 FADEIN_TIME ; //line - special alpha; using backcolor setItemColor "line" backcolor 5 5 5 0 ; timeFade "line" backcolor 5 5 5 LINE_ALPHA 0 FADEIN_TIME ; } itemDef { renderpoint name "paper,fade_alpha" style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background UI_ASSETS"/paper_1" forecolor MENUCOLOR_SYSTEM 1 rect 0 -20 320 420 anglevectors 4 -86 visible 1 menuAnchor decoration } itemdef { renderpoint name "title,fade_alpha" text "System:" forecolor .6 .0 .0 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 4 textaligny 24 textscale RQ3_MAIN_TEXTSIZE alignrect paper ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 32 40 240 36 visible 1 autowrapped decoration } //Line itemDef { name "line,fade_alpha" style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED backcolor .25 .25 .25 LINE_ALPHA alignrect "title" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 48 LINE_WIDTH 2 visible 1 decoration } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Sub-options // // // Graphics ADD_TAB( "^_G^_raphics.", "G", 1, "group2,group3,group4", alignrect "title" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 2 28 52 16 ) ADD_HINT("hint_tab1", "Change rendering options", "group2,group3,group4") //--------------------------------------------------------- // Driver info ADD_TAB( "^_D^_river info.", "D", 2, "group1,group3,group4", alignrect "tab1" ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT -56 0 60 16 ) ADD_HINT("hint_tab2", "View OpenGL driver info", "group1,group3,group4") //--------------------------------------------------------- // Misc - Display/Sound/Net ADD_TAB( "^_M^_isc.", "M", 3, "group1,group2,group4", alignrect "tab2" ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT -30 0 32 16 ) ADD_HINT("hint_tab3", "Change display/sound/network options", "group1,group2,group4") //--------------------------------------------------------- // VoIP ADD_TAB( "^_V^_oIP.", "V", 4, ",group1,group2,group3", alignrect "tab3" ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT -28 0 32 16 ) ADD_HINT("hint_tab4", "Change VoIP settings", "group1,group2,group3") /* ========================================================== Group # 1 - Graphics ========================================================== */ //Icon ADD_TITLE_ICON(UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-graphics", "group1") // Pre-defined settings // BEGIN_OPTION("Quality", "ui_glCustom", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 1, 1) alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 56 32 112 VSIZE cvarFloatList { "Very Low" 2 "Low" 3 "Normal" 1 "High" 4 "Very High" 5 "Custom" 0 } action { uiScript update "ui_glCustom" ; uiScript update "ui_filteringMode" ; uiScript update "ui_shaderLevel" ; uiScript update "ui_shadowMaps" ; uiScript update "r_lodbias" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_predef") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_predef", "Choose pre-defined graphics settings", "group1") // GL Driver // // ioq3 doesn't recognize this cvar /* BEGIN_OPTION("GL Driver", "r_glDriver", ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD, 2, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl1") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_gldriver") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_gldriver", "Choose OpenGL driver (default: opengl32)", "group1") */ // GL Extensions // // required for the new renderer /* BEGIN_OPTION("GL Extensions", "r_allowExtensions", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 2, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl1") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_glext") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_glext", "Enable OpenGL extensions", "group1") */ // Resolution // BEGIN_SIMPLE_OPTION(2, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl1") text "Resolution:" ownerDraw UI_RESOLUTION ASSIGN_HINT("hint_res") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_res", "Choose rendering resolution", "group1") // Color depth // /* BEGIN_OPTION("Color Depth", "r_colorbits", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 3, 1) cvarFloatList { "Desktop Default" 0 "16-bit" 16 "32-bit" 32 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl2") action { uiScript glCustom ; uiScript update "r_colorbits" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_depth") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_depth", "Choose rendering color depth", "group1") */ // Fullscreen // BEGIN_OPTION("Fullscreen", "ui_RQ3_fullscreen", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 3, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl2") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_fullscreen") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_fullscreen", "Render in full-screen or windowed mode", "group1") // Anti-Aliasing Mode // BEGIN_OPTION("Anti-Aliasing", "r_ext_framebuffer_multisample", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 4, 1) cvarFloatList { "Off" 0 "2x MSAA" 2 "4x MSAA" 4 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl3") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_aa") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_aa", "Use anti-aliasing to reduce jaggedness", "group1") // Texture filtering mode // BEGIN_OPTION("Filtering Mode", "ui_filteringMode", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 5, 1) cvarFloatList { "Bilinear" 0 "Trilinear" 1 "2x Anisotropic" 2 "4x Anisotropic" 3 "8x Anisotropic" 4 "16x Anisotropic" 5 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl4") action { uiScript glCustom ; uiScript update "ui_filteringMode" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_texfilter") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_texfilter", "Choose texture filtering mode", "group1") // Screen-space ambient occlusion // BEGIN_OPTION("SSAO", "r_ssao", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 6, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl5") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_ssao") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_ssao", "Enable screen-space ambient occlusion", "group1") // Physically-based rendering // BEGIN_OPTION("PBR", "ui_shaderLevel", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 7, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl6") action { uiScript glCustom ; uiScript update "ui_shaderLevel" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_pbr") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_pbr", "Enable physically-based rendering", "group1") // Cascaded Shadow Maps // BEGIN_OPTION("CSM", "ui_shadowMaps", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 8, 1) cvarFloatList { "Off" 0 "Low" 1 "Medium" 2 "High" 3 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl7") action { uiScript glCustom ; uiScript update "ui_shadowMaps" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_csm") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_csm", "Enable cascaded shadow maps", "group1") // Lightmap/vertex // /* BEGIN_OPTION("Lighting", "r_vertexlight", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 9, 1) cvarFloatList { "Light Map (high)" 0 "Vertex (low)" 1 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl8") action { uiScript glCustom ; } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_lightmap") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_lightmap", "Choose map light rendering mode", "group1") */ // Geometric detail // BEGIN_OPTION("Geometric Detail", "r_lodbias", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 9, 1) cvarFloatList { "Low" 2 "Medium" 1 "High" 0 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl8") action { uiScript glCustom ; uiScript update "r_lodbias" } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_geodetail") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_geodetail", "Choose geometric detail level", "group1") // Texture detail // BEGIN_OPTION("Texture Detail", "r_picmip", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 10, 1) cvarFloatList { "Very Low" 3 "Low" 2 "Medium" 1 "High" 0 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl9") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_texdetail") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_texdetail", "Choose texture detail level", "group1") // Texture quality // /* BEGIN_OPTION("Texture Quality", "r_texturebits", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 8, 1) cvarFloatList { "Default" 0 "16 bit" 16 "32 bit" 32 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl7") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_texquality") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_texquality", "Choose texture quality", "group1") */ // Compressed textures // /* BEGIN_OPTION("Compress Textures", "r_ext_compressed_textures", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 11, 1) OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl10") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_compress") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_compress", "Enable texture compression", "group1") */ // Texture upsampling // BEGIN_OPTION("Texture Upsampling", "r_imageUpsample", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 11, 1) cvarFloatList { "No (default)" 0 "2x Size" 1 "4x Size" 2 "8x Size" 3 } OPTION_BELOW("gr1_ctrl10") action { uiScript glCustom } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_upsample") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_upsample", "Use interpolation to artificially increase the resolution of all textures (experimental)", "group1") // APPLY // itemdef { name "btn_apply,fade_alpha,allgroups,group1" style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY alignrect "gr1_ctrl11" ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 0 24 80 VSIZE type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "^_A^_pply >" shortcutKey "A" textscale .225 textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 64 textaligny 14 forecolor 0 0 0 1 action { uiScript applysystemSettings ; } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_apply") anglevectors 4 -83 visible 1 } ADD_HINT("hint_apply", "Apply graphics changes and return to main menu", "group1") /* ========================================================== Group # 2 - Driver info ========================================================== */ //Icon ADD_TITLE_ICON(UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-driverinfo", "group2") // DRIVER INFO // itemdef { name "allgroups,group2,fade_alpha,driver_info" ownerdraw UI_GLINFO alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 24 220 64 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textalignx 8 textaligny 12 textscale .15 forecolor OPTION_COLOR visible 0 decoration } itemdef { name "allgroups,group2,gr2_ctrl1,fade_alpha,extension_list" type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX alignRect driver_info ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 64 232 140 forcetextcolor LISTBOX_STYLE(.175, 4) feeder FEEDER_GLDRIVER_INFO columns 1 4 200 0 visible 1 onFocus { show list_hint ; timeFade list_hint forecolor .9 .9 .9 1 0 250 } leaveFocus { timeFade list_hint forecolor .9 .9 .9 0 0 250 } } itemdef { name "allgroups,group2,fade_alpha,col1_title" text "Supported OpenGL Extensions:" forecolor .25 .25 .25 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textscale .175 textalignx 4 textaligny 14 alignRect extension_list ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 4 -16 80 16 visible 1 decoration } /* ========================================================== Group # 3 - Misc ========================================================== */ //Icon ADD_TITLE_ICON(UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-menu-setup", "group3") //Icon itemdef { name "icon,allgroups,group3" background UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-display" forecolor 1 1 1 ICON_ALPHA alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 36 24 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER visible 1 decoration } // Brightness // BEGIN_SLIDER("Brightness", "r_gamma", 1, .5, 1.7, 1, 3) alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 56 40 112 VSIZE ASSIGN_HINT("hint_gamma") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_gamma", "Change image brightness", "group3") // Screen size // /* BEGIN_SLIDER("Screen Size", "cg_viewsize", 100, 30, 100, 2, 3) OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl1") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_screensize") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_screensize", "Change rendering window size", "group3") */ // Overbrightbits // BEGIN_OPTION("Overbright Bits", "r_overbrightbits", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 2, 3) OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl1") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_overbits") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_overbits", "Enable overbright bits (greater color range at the expense of precision)", "group3") // V-SYNC // BEGIN_OPTION("Sync Every Frame", "r_finish", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 3, 3) //kind YESNO_ICON_RIGHT OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl2") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_vsync") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_vsync", "Wait for vertical sync (recommended off)", "group3") // Sound // //Icon itemdef { name "icon,allgroups,group3" background UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-sound" forecolor 1 1 1 ICON_ALPHA alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 120 24 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER visible 1 decoration } // OpenAL // BEGIN_OPTION("OpenAL", "s_useOpenAL", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 5, 3) alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 56 120 112 VSIZE ASSIGN_HINT("hint_openal") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_openal", "Enable OpenAL sound rendering", "group3") // Sound volume // BEGIN_SLIDER("Sound Volume", "s_volume", 0.7, 0, 1, 6, 3) OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl5") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_sndvol") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_sndvol", "Change sound effects volume", "group3") // Music volume // BEGIN_SLIDER("Music Volume", "s_musicvolume", 0.25, 0, 1, 7, 3) OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl6") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_musicvol") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_musicvol", "Change background music volume", "group3") // Sound quality // BEGIN_OPTION("Sound Quality", "s_khz", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 8, 3) cvarFloatList { "22 khz (high)" 22 "11 khz (low)" 11 } OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl7") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_sndquality") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_sndquality", "Choose sound quality", "group3") // Doppler effect // BEGIN_OPTION("Doppler Effect", "s_doppler", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 9, 3) OPTION_BELOW("gr3_ctrl8") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_doppler") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_doppler", "Enable Doppler effect", "group3") // Net // //Icon itemdef { name "icon,allgroups,group3" background UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-network" forecolor 1 1 1 ICON_ALPHA alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 216 24 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER visible 1 decoration } // Net rate // BEGIN_OPTION("Net Rate", "rate", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 10, 3) alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 56 216 112 VSIZE cvarFloatList { "<=28.8k" 2500 "33.6k" 3000 "56k" 4000 "ISDN" 5000 "LAN/CABLE/xDSL" 25000 } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_netrate") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_netrate", "Choose network speed", "group3") /* ========================================================== Group # 4 - VoIP ========================================================== */ // Hints __CONTROLS_HINTS__ //Icon ADD_TITLE_ICON(UI_ASSETS"/icons/rq3-system-voip", "group4") BEGIN_OPTION("VoIP", "cl_voip", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 1, 4) alignrect "line" ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 56 44 112 VSIZE ASSIGN_HINT("hint_voip") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_voip", "Enable client-side VoIP support", "group4") BEGIN_OPTION("OpenAL Capture", "s_alCapture", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 2, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl1") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_alcapture") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_alcapture", "Disabling this means that you won't transmit, but you can still hear other people", "group4") BEGIN_OPTION("Voice Level Meter", "cl_voipShowMeter", ITEM_TYPE_YESNO, 3, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl2") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_voipmeter") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_voipmeter", "Enable a volume meter that shows how well the game can hear your voice", "group4") BEGIN_SLIDER("Gain", "cl_voipGainDuringCapture", 0.2, 0, 1, 4, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl3") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_gain") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_gain", "The volume of audio coming out of your speakers while you are recording sound for transmission.", "group4") BEGIN_OPTION("Transmit Mode", "cl_voipUseVAD", ITEM_TYPE_MULTI, 5, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl4") cvarFloatList { "Push-to-talk" 0 "Automatic" 1 } ASSIGN_HINT("hint_usevad") END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_usevad", "Select between holding down a key (the default) and automatic transmitting", "group4") BEGIN_SLIDER("Threshold", "cl_voipVADThreshold", 0.25, 0, 1, 6, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl5") ASSIGN_HINT("hint_thresh") cvarTest "cl_voipUseVAD" showCvar { "1" } END_OPTION ADD_HINT("hint_thresh", "Signifies the volume of recorded audio that the game considers to be speech", "group4") BEGIN_OPTION("Push-to-talk Key", "+voiprecord", ITEM_TYPE_BIND, 7, 4) OPTION_BELOW("gr4_ctrl5") ASSIGN_HINT("keyBindStatus") cvarTest "cl_voipUseVAD" showCvar { "0" } END_OPTION } }