//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id$ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Log$ // Revision 1.19 2004/01/26 21:26:08 makro // no message // // Revision 1.18 2003/04/26 22:33:06 jbravo // Wratted all calls to G_FreeEnt() to avoid crashing and provide debugging // // Revision 1.17 2003/03/28 10:36:02 jbravo // Tweaking the replacement system a bit. Reactionmale now the default model // // Revision 1.16 2002/09/29 16:06:45 jbravo // Work done at the HPWorld expo // // Revision 1.15 2002/09/08 19:46:27 niceass // newb ctb message added // // Revision 1.14 2002/07/27 22:15:16 niceass // special weapon cheat w/ flag fixed // // Revision 1.13 2002/07/24 02:48:10 niceass // CTB first time spawning fix // // Revision 1.12 2002/07/19 04:29:02 niceass // can return case with any weapon in hand // // Revision 1.11 2002/06/29 04:15:15 jbravo // CTF is now CTB. no weapons while the case is in hand other than pistol or knife // // Revision 1.10 2002/06/24 05:51:51 jbravo // CTF mode is now semi working // // Revision 1.9 2002/06/16 20:06:14 jbravo // Reindented all the source files with "indent -kr -ut -i8 -l120 -lc120 -sob -bad -bap" // // Revision 1.8 2002/06/16 17:38:00 jbravo // Removed the MISSIONPACK ifdefs and missionpack only code. // // Revision 1.7 2002/02/26 03:32:02 jbravo // Fixed teamsay spilling over to members of the other team // // Revision 1.6 2002/01/11 19:48:30 jbravo // Formatted the source in non DOS format. // // Revision 1.5 2001/12/31 16:28:42 jbravo // I made a Booboo with the Log tag. // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc. // #include "g_local.h" typedef struct teamgame_s { float last_flag_capture; int last_capture_team; flagStatus_t redStatus; // CTF flagStatus_t blueStatus; // CTF flagStatus_t flagStatus; // One Flag CTF int redTakenTime; int blueTakenTime; int redObeliskAttackedTime; int blueObeliskAttackedTime; } teamgame_t; teamgame_t teamgame; gentity_t *neutralObelisk; void Team_SetFlagStatus(int team, flagStatus_t status); void Team_InitGame(void) { memset(&teamgame, 0, sizeof teamgame); switch (g_gametype.integer) { case GT_CTF: teamgame.redStatus = -1; // Invalid to force update Team_SetFlagStatus(TEAM_RED, FLAG_ATBASE); teamgame.blueStatus = -1; // Invalid to force update Team_SetFlagStatus(TEAM_BLUE, FLAG_ATBASE); break; default: break; } } int OtherTeam(int team) { if (team == TEAM_RED) return TEAM_BLUE; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) return TEAM_RED; return team; } const char *TeamName(int team) { if (team == TEAM_RED) return "SILVER"; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) return "BLACK"; else if (team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return "SPECTATOR"; return "FREE"; } const char *OtherTeamName(int team) { if (team == TEAM_RED) return "BLACK"; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) return "SILVER"; else if (team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return "SPECTATOR"; return "FREE"; } const char *TeamColorString(int team) { if (team == TEAM_RED) return S_COLOR_RED; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) return S_COLOR_BLUE; else if (team == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return S_COLOR_YELLOW; return S_COLOR_WHITE; } // NULL for everyone static __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) void QDECL PrintMsg( gentity_t *ent, const char *fmt, ... ) { char msg[1024]; va_list argptr; char *p; va_start(argptr, fmt); if (Q_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, argptr) >= sizeof(msg)) { G_Error("PrintMsg overrun"); } va_end(argptr); // double quotes are bad while ((p = strchr(msg, '"')) != NULL) *p = '\''; trap_SendServerCommand(((ent == NULL) ? -1 : ent - g_entities), va("print \"%s\"", msg)); } /* ============== AddTeamScore used for gametype > GT_TEAM for gametype GT_TEAM the level.teamScores is updated in AddScore in g_combat.c ============== */ void AddTeamScore(vec3_t origin, int team, int score) { gentity_t *te; te = G_TempEntity(origin, EV_GLOBAL_TEAM_SOUND); te->r.svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST; if (team == TEAM_RED) { if (level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] + score == level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE]) { //teams are tied sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_TEAMS_ARE_TIED; } else if (level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] <= level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] && level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] + score > level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE]) { // red took the lead sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_REDTEAM_TOOK_LEAD; } else { // red scored sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_REDTEAM_SCORED; } } else { if (level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] + score == level.teamScores[TEAM_RED]) { //teams are tied sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_TEAMS_ARE_TIED; } else if (level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] <= level.teamScores[TEAM_RED] && level.teamScores[TEAM_BLUE] + score > level.teamScores[TEAM_RED]) { // blue took the lead sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_BLUETEAM_TOOK_LEAD; } else { // blue scored sound te->s.eventParm = GTS_BLUETEAM_SCORED; } } level.teamScores[team] += score; } /* ============== OnSameTeam ============== */ qboolean OnSameTeam(gentity_t * ent1, gentity_t * ent2) { if (!ent1->client || !ent2->client) { return qfalse; } if (g_gametype.integer < GT_TEAM) { return qfalse; } // JBravo: fixing for TP and other team based games if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM) { if (ent1->client->sess.savedTeam == ent2->client->sess.savedTeam) { return qtrue; } } else { if (ent1->client->sess.sessionTeam == ent2->client->sess.sessionTeam) { return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } static char ctfFlagStatusRemap[] = { '0', '1', '*', '*', '2' }; static char oneFlagStatusRemap[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4' }; void Team_SetFlagStatus(int team, flagStatus_t status) { qboolean modified = qfalse; switch (team) { case TEAM_RED: // CTF if (teamgame.redStatus != status) { teamgame.redStatus = status; modified = qtrue; } break; case TEAM_BLUE: // CTF if (teamgame.blueStatus != status) { teamgame.blueStatus = status; modified = qtrue; } break; case TEAM_FREE: // One Flag CTF if (teamgame.flagStatus != status) { teamgame.flagStatus = status; modified = qtrue; } break; } if (modified) { char st[4]; if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF) { st[0] = ctfFlagStatusRemap[teamgame.redStatus]; st[1] = ctfFlagStatusRemap[teamgame.blueStatus]; st[2] = 0; } else { // GT_1FCTF st[0] = oneFlagStatusRemap[teamgame.flagStatus]; st[1] = 0; } trap_SetConfigstring(CS_FLAGSTATUS, st); } } void Team_CheckDroppedItem(gentity_t * dropped) { if (dropped->item->giTag == PW_REDFLAG) { Team_SetFlagStatus(TEAM_RED, FLAG_DROPPED); } else if (dropped->item->giTag == PW_BLUEFLAG) { Team_SetFlagStatus(TEAM_BLUE, FLAG_DROPPED); } else if (dropped->item->giTag == PW_NEUTRALFLAG) { Team_SetFlagStatus(TEAM_FREE, FLAG_DROPPED); } } /* ================ Team_ForceGesture ================ */ void Team_ForceGesture(int team) { int i; gentity_t *ent; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (!ent->inuse) continue; if (!ent->client) continue; if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != team) continue; // ent->flags |= FL_FORCE_GESTURE; } } /* ================ Team_FragBonuses Calculate the bonuses for flag defense, flag carrier defense, etc. Note that bonuses are not cumulative. You get one, they are in importance order. ================ */ void Team_FragBonuses(gentity_t * targ, gentity_t * inflictor, gentity_t * attacker) { int i; gentity_t *ent; int flag_pw, enemy_flag_pw; int otherteam; int tokens; gentity_t *flag, *carrier = NULL; char *c; vec3_t v1, v2; int team; // no bonus for fragging yourself or team mates if (!targ->client || !attacker->client || targ == attacker || OnSameTeam(targ, attacker)) return; team = targ->client->sess.sessionTeam; otherteam = OtherTeam(targ->client->sess.sessionTeam); if (otherteam < 0) return; // whoever died isn't on a team // same team, if the flag at base, check to he has the enemy flag if (team == TEAM_RED) { flag_pw = PW_REDFLAG; enemy_flag_pw = PW_BLUEFLAG; } else { flag_pw = PW_BLUEFLAG; enemy_flag_pw = PW_REDFLAG; } if (g_gametype.integer == GT_1FCTF) { flag_pw = PW_NEUTRALFLAG; enemy_flag_pw = PW_NEUTRALFLAG; } // did the attacker frag the flag carrier? tokens = 0; if (targ->client->ps.powerups[enemy_flag_pw]) { attacker->client->pers.teamState.lastfraggedcarrier = level.time; AddScore(attacker, targ->r.currentOrigin, CTF_FRAG_CARRIER_BONUS); attacker->client->pers.teamState.fragcarrier++; PrintMsg(NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " fragged %s's courier!\n", attacker->client->pers.netname, TeamName(team)); // the target had the flag, clear the hurt carrier // field on the other team for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { ent = g_entities + i; if (ent->inuse && ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == otherteam) ent->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = 0; } return; } // did the attacker frag a head carrier? other->client->ps.generic1 if (tokens) { attacker->client->pers.teamState.lastfraggedcarrier = level.time; AddScore(attacker, targ->r.currentOrigin, CTF_FRAG_CARRIER_BONUS * tokens * tokens); attacker->client->pers.teamState.fragcarrier++; PrintMsg(NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " fragged %s's skull carrier!\n", attacker->client->pers.netname, TeamName(team)); // the target had the flag, clear the hurt carrier // field on the other team for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { ent = g_entities + i; if (ent->inuse && ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == otherteam) ent->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = 0; } return; } if (targ->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier && level.time - targ->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier < CTF_CARRIER_DANGER_PROTECT_TIMEOUT && !attacker->client->ps.powerups[flag_pw]) { // attacker is on the same team as the flag carrier and // fragged a guy who hurt our flag carrier AddScore(attacker, targ->r.currentOrigin, CTF_CARRIER_DANGER_PROTECT_BONUS); attacker->client->pers.teamState.carrierdefense++; targ->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = 0; //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //attacker->client->ps.persistant[PERS_DEFEND_COUNT]++; team = attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam; // add the sprite over the player's head /* attacker->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); attacker->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_DEFEND; attacker->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ return; } // flag and flag carrier area defense bonuses // we have to find the flag and carrier entities // find the flag switch (attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam) { case TEAM_RED: c = "team_CTF_redflag"; break; case TEAM_BLUE: c = "team_CTF_blueflag"; break; default: return; } // find attacker's team's flag carrier for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { carrier = g_entities + i; if (carrier->inuse && carrier->client->ps.powerups[flag_pw]) break; carrier = NULL; } flag = NULL; while ((flag = G_Find(flag, FOFS(classname), c)) != NULL) { if (!(flag->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM)) break; } if (!flag) return; // can't find attacker's flag // ok we have the attackers flag and a pointer to the carrier // check to see if we are defending the base's flag VectorSubtract(targ->r.currentOrigin, flag->r.currentOrigin, v1); VectorSubtract(attacker->r.currentOrigin, flag->r.currentOrigin, v2); if (((VectorLength(v1) < CTF_TARGET_PROTECT_RADIUS && trap_InPVS(flag->r.currentOrigin, targ->r.currentOrigin)) || (VectorLength(v2) < CTF_TARGET_PROTECT_RADIUS && trap_InPVS(flag->r.currentOrigin, attacker->r.currentOrigin))) && attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam != targ->client->sess.sessionTeam) { // we defended the base flag AddScore(attacker, targ->r.currentOrigin, CTF_FLAG_DEFENSE_BONUS); attacker->client->pers.teamState.basedefense++; //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //attacker->client->ps.persistant[PERS_DEFEND_COUNT]++; // add the sprite over the player's head /* attacker->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); attacker->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_DEFEND; attacker->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ return; } if (carrier && carrier != attacker) { VectorSubtract(targ->r.currentOrigin, carrier->r.currentOrigin, v1); VectorSubtract(attacker->r.currentOrigin, carrier->r.currentOrigin, v2); if (((VectorLength(v1) < CTF_ATTACKER_PROTECT_RADIUS && trap_InPVS(carrier->r.currentOrigin, targ->r.currentOrigin)) || (VectorLength(v2) < CTF_ATTACKER_PROTECT_RADIUS && trap_InPVS(carrier->r.currentOrigin, attacker->r.currentOrigin))) && attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam != targ->client->sess.sessionTeam) { AddScore(attacker, targ->r.currentOrigin, CTF_CARRIER_PROTECT_BONUS); attacker->client->pers.teamState.carrierdefense++; //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //attacker->client->ps.persistant[PERS_DEFEND_COUNT]++; // add the sprite over the player's head /* attacker->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); attacker->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_DEFEND; attacker->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ return; } } } /* ================ Team_CheckHurtCarrier Check to see if attacker hurt the flag carrier. Needed when handing out bonuses for assistance to flag carrier defense. ================ */ void Team_CheckHurtCarrier(gentity_t * targ, gentity_t * attacker) { int flag_pw; if (!targ->client || !attacker->client) return; if (targ->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) flag_pw = PW_BLUEFLAG; else flag_pw = PW_REDFLAG; if (g_gametype.integer == GT_1FCTF) { flag_pw = PW_NEUTRALFLAG; } // flags if (targ->client->ps.powerups[flag_pw] && targ->client->sess.sessionTeam != attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam) attacker->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = level.time; // skulls if (targ->client->ps.generic1 && targ->client->sess.sessionTeam != attacker->client->sess.sessionTeam) attacker->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = level.time; } gentity_t *Team_ResetFlag(int team) { char *c; gentity_t *ent, *rent = NULL; switch (team) { case TEAM_RED: c = "team_CTF_redflag"; break; case TEAM_BLUE: c = "team_CTF_blueflag"; break; case TEAM_FREE: c = "team_CTF_neutralflag"; break; default: return NULL; } ent = NULL; while ((ent = G_Find(ent, FOFS(classname), c)) != NULL) { if (ent->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM) G_FreeEntity(ent); else { rent = ent; RespawnItem(ent); } } Team_SetFlagStatus(team, FLAG_ATBASE); return rent; } void Team_ResetFlags(void) { if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF) { Team_ResetFlag(TEAM_RED); Team_ResetFlag(TEAM_BLUE); } } void Team_ReturnFlagSound(gentity_t * ent, int team) { gentity_t *te; if (ent == NULL) { G_Printf("Warning: NULL passed to Team_ReturnFlagSound\n"); return; } te = G_TempEntity(ent->s.pos.trBase, EV_GLOBAL_TEAM_SOUND); if (team == TEAM_BLUE) { te->s.eventParm = GTS_RED_RETURN; } else { te->s.eventParm = GTS_BLUE_RETURN; } te->r.svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST; } void Team_TakeFlagSound(gentity_t * ent, int team) { gentity_t *te; if (ent == NULL) { G_Printf("Warning: NULL passed to Team_TakeFlagSound\n"); return; } // only play sound when the flag was at the base // or not picked up the last 10 seconds switch (team) { case TEAM_RED: if (teamgame.blueStatus != FLAG_ATBASE) { if (teamgame.blueTakenTime > level.time - 10000) return; } teamgame.blueTakenTime = level.time; break; case TEAM_BLUE: // CTF if (teamgame.redStatus != FLAG_ATBASE) { if (teamgame.redTakenTime > level.time - 10000) return; } teamgame.redTakenTime = level.time; break; } te = G_TempEntity(ent->s.pos.trBase, EV_GLOBAL_TEAM_SOUND); if (team == TEAM_BLUE) { te->s.eventParm = GTS_RED_TAKEN; } else { te->s.eventParm = GTS_BLUE_TAKEN; } te->r.svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST; } void Team_CaptureFlagSound(gentity_t * ent, int team) { gentity_t *te; if (ent == NULL) { G_Printf("Warning: NULL passed to Team_CaptureFlagSound\n"); return; } te = G_TempEntity(ent->s.pos.trBase, EV_GLOBAL_TEAM_SOUND); if (team == TEAM_BLUE) { te->s.eventParm = GTS_BLUE_CAPTURE; } else { te->s.eventParm = GTS_RED_CAPTURE; } te->r.svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST; } void Team_ReturnFlag(int team) { Team_ReturnFlagSound(Team_ResetFlag(team), team); if (team == TEAM_FREE) { PrintMsg(NULL, "The case has returned!\n"); } else { PrintMsg(NULL, "The %s case has returned!\n", TeamName(team)); } } void Team_FreeEntity(gentity_t * ent) { if (ent->item->giTag == PW_REDFLAG) { Team_ReturnFlag(TEAM_RED); } else if (ent->item->giTag == PW_BLUEFLAG) { Team_ReturnFlag(TEAM_BLUE); } else if (ent->item->giTag == PW_NEUTRALFLAG) { Team_ReturnFlag(TEAM_FREE); } } /* ============== Team_DroppedFlagThink Automatically set in Launch_Item if the item is one of the flags Flags are unique in that if they are dropped, the base flag must be respawned when they time out ============== */ void Team_DroppedFlagThink(gentity_t * ent) { int team = TEAM_FREE; if (ent->item->giTag == PW_REDFLAG) { team = TEAM_RED; } else if (ent->item->giTag == PW_BLUEFLAG) { team = TEAM_BLUE; } else if (ent->item->giTag == PW_NEUTRALFLAG) { team = TEAM_FREE; } Team_ReturnFlagSound(Team_ResetFlag(team), team); // Reset Flag will delete this entity } /* ============== Team_DroppedFlagThink ============== */ int Team_TouchOurFlag(gentity_t * ent, gentity_t * other, int team) { int i; gentity_t *player; gclient_t *cl = other->client; int enemy_flag; if (cl->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED) { enemy_flag = PW_BLUEFLAG; } else { enemy_flag = PW_REDFLAG; } if (ent->flags & FL_DROPPED_ITEM) { // hey, its not home. return it by teleporting it back PrintMsg(NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " returned the %s case!\n", cl->pers.netname, TeamName(team)); AddScore(other, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_RECOVERY_BONUS); other->client->pers.teamState.flagrecovery++; other->client->pers.teamState.lastreturnedflag = level.time; //ResetFlag will remove this entity! We must return zero Team_ReturnFlagSound(Team_ResetFlag(team), team); return 0; } // the flag is at home base. if the player has the enemy // flag, he's just won! if (!cl->ps.powerups[enemy_flag]) return 0; // We don't have the flag PrintMsg(NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " captured the %s case!\n", cl->pers.netname, TeamName(OtherTeam(team))); cl->ps.powerups[enemy_flag] = 0; teamgame.last_flag_capture = level.time; teamgame.last_capture_team = team; // Increase the team's score AddTeamScore(ent->s.pos.trBase, other->client->sess.sessionTeam, 1); Team_ForceGesture(other->client->sess.sessionTeam); other->client->pers.teamState.captures++; // add the sprite over the player's head /* other->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); other->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_CAP; other->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //other->client->ps.persistant[PERS_CAPTURES]++; // other gets another 10 frag bonus AddScore(other, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_CAPTURE_BONUS); Team_CaptureFlagSound(ent, team); // Ok, let's do the player loop, hand out the bonuses for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { player = &g_entities[i]; if (!player->inuse || player == other) continue; if (player->client->sess.sessionTeam != cl->sess.sessionTeam) { player->client->pers.teamState.lasthurtcarrier = -5; } else if (player->client->sess.sessionTeam == cl->sess.sessionTeam) { if (player != other) AddScore(player, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_TEAM_BONUS); // award extra points for capture assists if (player->client->pers.teamState.lastreturnedflag + CTF_RETURN_FLAG_ASSIST_TIMEOUT > level.time) { AddScore(player, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_RETURN_FLAG_ASSIST_BONUS); other->client->pers.teamState.assists++; //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_ASSIST_COUNT]++; // add the sprite over the player's head /* player->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); player->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_ASSIST; player->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ } if (player->client->pers.teamState.lastfraggedcarrier + CTF_FRAG_CARRIER_ASSIST_TIMEOUT > level.time) { AddScore(player, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_FRAG_CARRIER_ASSIST_BONUS); other->client->pers.teamState.assists++; //Blaze: Removed because it uses the persistant stats stuff //player->client->ps.persistant[PERS_ASSIST_COUNT]++; // add the sprite over the player's head /* player->client->ps.eFlags &= ~(EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE | EF_AWARD_EXCELLENT | EF_AWARD_GAUNTLET | EF_AWARD_ASSIST | EF_AWARD_DEFEND | EF_AWARD_CAP); player->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_AWARD_ASSIST; player->client->rewardTime = level.time + REWARD_SPRITE_TIME; */ } } } Team_ResetFlags(); CalculateRanks(); return 0; // Do not respawn this automatically } int Team_TouchEnemyFlag(gentity_t * ent, gentity_t * other, int team) { gclient_t *cl = other->client; PrintMsg(NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " got the %s case!\n", other->client->pers.netname, TeamName(team)); if (team == TEAM_RED) cl->ps.powerups[PW_REDFLAG] = INT_MAX; // flags never expire else cl->ps.powerups[PW_BLUEFLAG] = INT_MAX; // flags never expire Team_SetFlagStatus(team, FLAG_TAKEN); AddScore(other, ent->r.currentOrigin, CTF_FLAG_BONUS); cl->pers.teamState.flagsince = level.time; Team_TakeFlagSound(ent, team); return -1; // Do not respawn this automatically, but do delete it if it was FL_DROPPED } int Pickup_Team(gentity_t * ent, gentity_t * other) { int team; gclient_t *cl = other->client; // figure out what team this flag is if (strcmp(ent->classname, "team_CTF_redflag") == 0) { team = TEAM_RED; } else if (strcmp(ent->classname, "team_CTF_blueflag") == 0) { team = TEAM_BLUE; } else { PrintMsg(other, "Don't know what team the flag is on.\n"); return 0; } //Makro - adding "target" field if (ent->target) { G_UseEntities(ent, ent->target, other); } // JBravo: no picking up [the enemy case-NiceAss] case if you have a two handed weapon. if (other->client->ps.weapon != WP_PISTOL && other->client->ps.weapon != WP_KNIFE && team != cl->sess.sessionTeam && level.time - cl->flagMessageTime > 10000 ) { cl->flagMessageTime = level.time; trap_SendServerCommand(cl->ps.clientNum, va("print \"^1Your active weapon must be the pistol or knife in order to pick up the enemy case!^7\n\"")); return 0; } // NiceAss: If you are switching weapons as you go over a flag, cmd.weapon will have the weapon // you are switching to. Otherwise it should be the same as ps.weapon. Fix for a cheat if (other->client->pers.cmd.weapon != WP_PISTOL && other->client->pers.cmd.weapon != WP_KNIFE && team != cl->sess.sessionTeam) { return 0; } // GT_CTF if (team == cl->sess.sessionTeam) { return Team_TouchOurFlag(ent, other, team); } return Team_TouchEnemyFlag(ent, other, team); } /* =========== Team_GetLocation Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities ============ */ gentity_t *Team_GetLocation(gentity_t * ent) { gentity_t *eloc, *best; float bestlen, len; vec3_t origin; best = NULL; bestlen = 3 * 8192.0 * 8192.0; VectorCopy(ent->r.currentOrigin, origin); for (eloc = level.locationHead; eloc; eloc = eloc->nextTrain) { len = (origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0]) * (origin[0] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[0]) + (origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1]) * (origin[1] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[1]) + (origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2]) * (origin[2] - eloc->r.currentOrigin[2]); if (len > bestlen) { continue; } if (!trap_InPVS(origin, eloc->r.currentOrigin)) { continue; } bestlen = len; best = eloc; } return best; } /* =========== Team_GetLocation Report a location for the player. Uses placed nearby target_location entities ============ */ qboolean Team_GetLocationMsg(gentity_t * ent, char *loc, int loclen) { gentity_t *best; best = Team_GetLocation(ent); if (!best) return qfalse; if (best->count) { if (best->count < 0) best->count = 0; if (best->count > 7) best->count = 7; Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%c%c%s" S_COLOR_WHITE, Q_COLOR_ESCAPE, best->count + '0', best->message); } else Com_sprintf(loc, loclen, "%s", best->message); return qtrue; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ================ SelectRandomDeathmatchSpawnPoint go to a random point that doesn't telefrag ================ */ #define MAX_TEAM_SPAWN_POINTS 32 gentity_t *SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint(int teamstate, team_t team) { gentity_t *spot; int count; int selection; gentity_t *spots[MAX_TEAM_SPAWN_POINTS]; char *classname; if (teamstate == TEAM_BEGIN) { if (team == TEAM_RED) classname = "team_CTF_redplayer"; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) classname = "team_CTF_blueplayer"; else return NULL; } else { if (team == TEAM_RED) classname = "team_CTF_redspawn"; else if (team == TEAM_BLUE) classname = "team_CTF_bluespawn"; else return NULL; } count = 0; spot = NULL; while ((spot = G_Find(spot, FOFS(classname), classname)) != NULL) { if (SpotWouldTelefrag(spot)) { continue; } spots[count] = spot; if (++count == MAX_TEAM_SPAWN_POINTS) break; } // NiceAss: If no spawn was found for redplayer/blueplayer, use redspawn/bluespawn if (!count && teamstate == TEAM_BEGIN) { // REECURRRSSSION1!! sorta return SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint(TEAM_ACTIVE, team); } if (!count && teamstate == TEAM_ACTIVE) { return G_Find(NULL, FOFS(classname), classname); } selection = rand() % count; return spots[selection]; } /* =========== SelectCTFSpawnPoint ============ */ gentity_t *SelectCTFSpawnPoint (team_t team, int teamstate, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles) { gentity_t *spot; spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint(teamstate, team); if (!spot) { return SelectSpawnPoint(vec3_origin, origin, angles); } VectorCopy(spot->s.origin, origin); origin[2] += 9; VectorCopy(spot->s.angles, angles); return spot; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int QDECL SortClients(const void *a, const void *b) { return *(int *) a - *(int *) b; } /* ================== TeamplayLocationsMessage Format: clientNum location health armor weapon powerups ================== */ void TeamplayInfoMessage(gentity_t * ent) { char entry[1024]; char string[8192]; int stringlength; int i, j; gentity_t *player; int cnt; int h, a; int clients[TEAM_MAXOVERLAY]; if (!ent->client->pers.teamInfo) return; // figure out what client should be on the display // we are limited to 8, but we want to use the top eight players // but in client order (so they don't keep changing position on the overlay) for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) { player = g_entities + level.sortedClients[i]; if (player->inuse && player->client->sess.sessionTeam == ent->client->sess.sessionTeam) { clients[cnt++] = level.sortedClients[i]; } } // We have the top eight players, sort them by clientNum qsort(clients, cnt, sizeof(clients[0]), SortClients); // send the latest information on all clients string[0] = 0; stringlength = 0; for (i = 0, cnt = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer && cnt < TEAM_MAXOVERLAY; i++) { player = g_entities + i; if (player->inuse && player->client->sess.sessionTeam == ent->client->sess.sessionTeam) { h = player->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH]; a = player->client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR]; if (h < 0) h = 0; if (a < 0) a = 0; Com_sprintf(entry, sizeof(entry), " %i %i %i %i %i %i", // level.sortedClients[i], player->client->pers.teamState.location, h, a, i, player->client->pers.teamState.location, h, a, player->client->ps.weapon, player->s.powerups); j = strlen(entry); if (stringlength + j >= sizeof(string)) break; strcpy(string + stringlength, entry); stringlength += j; cnt++; } } trap_SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, va("tinfo %i%s", cnt, string)); } void CheckTeamStatus(void) { int i; gentity_t *loc, *ent; if (level.time - level.lastTeamLocationTime > TEAM_LOCATION_UPDATE_TIME) { level.lastTeamLocationTime = level.time; for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { ent = g_entities + i; if (ent->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED) { continue; } if (ent->inuse && (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED || ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE)) { loc = Team_GetLocation(ent); if (loc) ent->client->pers.teamState.location = loc->health; else ent->client->pers.teamState.location = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++) { ent = g_entities + i; if (ent->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED) { continue; } if (ent->inuse && (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED || ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE)) { TeamplayInfoMessage(ent); } } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*QUAKED team_CTF_redplayer (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 32) Only in CTF games. Red players spawn here at game start. */ void SP_team_CTF_redplayer(gentity_t * ent) { } /*QUAKED team_CTF_blueplayer (0 0 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 32) Only in CTF games. Blue players spawn here at game start. */ void SP_team_CTF_blueplayer(gentity_t * ent) { } /*QUAKED team_CTF_redspawn (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) potential spawning position for red team in CTF games. Targets will be fired when someone spawns in on them. */ void SP_team_CTF_redspawn(gentity_t * ent) { } /*QUAKED team_CTF_bluespawn (0 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) potential spawning position for blue team in CTF games. Targets will be fired when someone spawns in on them. */ void SP_team_CTF_bluespawn(gentity_t * ent) { }